84 resultados para Máquinas de vapor
With the purpose of provide students with the practical contact with the operation of a thermoelectric plant, the steam plant Laboratory College of Engineering Guaratinguetá was restored, this work was undertaken so that the necessary equipment was specified for this steam plant had their instrumented processes, enabling greater precision of the measurements performed in the tests and also storing your information. The instrumentation of the plant is to approximate the practices carried out in the laboratory with real situations encountered in industrial steam plant, thus collaborating with the most comprehensive training of students and ensuring the safety of operations performed in the laboratory
Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar o impacto do tráfego de máquinas na qualidade física do solo e produtividade de milho em Argissolo. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos e oito repetições representadas por parcelas de 14 m². Os tratamentos foram: T0) sem tráfego; T1*) uma passada de trator de 3,0 t, uma ao lado da outra; T1) uma passada; T2) duas passadas; T4) quatro passadas; T8) oito passadas de um trator de 8,0 t. Utilizou-se o milho (Zea mays L.) híbrido master, que foi avaliado quanto à produtividade de grãos. No solo, foram avaliados a porosidade, a densidade do solo, a resistência à penetração, o intervalo hídrico ótimo e a densidade do solo relativa. O tráfego de máquinas compactou o solo até 0,25 m de profundidade e reduziu a produtividade de milho em até 22%. O intervalo hídrico ótimo diminuiu com o aumento do tráfego de máquinas indicando decréscimo da qualidade física do solo para o milho. A densidade do solo relativa limitante à produtividade de milho é de 0,89.
Forage sorghum can be grown in areas presenting dry and hot environmental situations where the yield of other grasses can often be uneconomical. The objective of this study was to analyze the operating performance of agricultural machines in the deployment of sorghum forage in four tillage systems, as follows: no-tillage system, disk harrow + seeding, disk harrow + two light disking + seeding, minimum tillage + seeding and four seeding different speeds, as follows: 3, 5, 6 and 9 km h(-1). The study was performed under field conditions in FCA/UNESP, Botucatu County, SP, Brazil. The data were subjected to variance analysis in a simple factorial 4 x 4, and a random block design with split plots. Operational performance of the agricultural machinery, physical characteristics the soil, its water content and the yield of dry matter and green sorghum were determined. The operational performance of agricultural machines in the deployment of sorghum forage is influenced by the sowing speed and the soil tillage system used. Chisel plow was the equipment that required the highest mean traction force, mean traction and slip, as well as the lowest mean speed for the studied tillage system. Forage sorghum showed higher yields in no-tillage systems at a seeding speed of 5 km h(-1).
Este artigo avalia os resultados do processo de reestruturação da indústria brasileira de máquinas têxteis, originado pelas reformas econômicas liberalizantes iniciadas no final dos anos 1980 e início dos 1990 e pelas medidas macroeconômicas que deram sustentação ao Plano Real, a partir de julho de 1994. Inicialmente, fazemos uma avaliação teórica das fontes do conhecimento e das formas de capacitação tecnológica nessa indústria. A seguir, expomos brevemente as principais características da indústria de máquinas têxteis em âmbito global. Posteriormente, direcionando a discussão para o caso brasileiro, apresentamos as especificidades da indústria têxtil, usuária daqueles bens, e do próprio setor de máquinas nacional. Através dos fluxos de comércio exterior do Brasil entre 1990 e 2004 e da variação do valor médio (US$ FOB/KG) desses fluxos, o artigo examina as mudanças estruturais, tecnológicas e, por conseguinte, na competitividade, que culminaram na transformação da indústria brasileira de máquinas têxteis, em termos de dimensão (escala) e escopo, e em uma nova inserção internacional, agora mais especializada e subordinada.
Water vapor is an atmospheric component of major interest in atmospheric science because it affects the energy budget and plays a key role in several atmospheric processes. The Amazonian region is one of the most humid on the planet, and land use change is able to affect the hydrologic cycle in several areas and consequently to generate severe modifications in the global climate. Within this context, accessing the error associated with atmospheric humidity measurement and the validation of the integrated water vapor (IWV) quantification from different techniques is very important in this region. Using data collected during the Radiation, Cloud, and Climate Interactions in Amazonia during the Dry-to-Wet Transition Season (RACCI/DRY-TO-WET), an experiment carried out in southwestern Amazonia in 2002, this paper presents quality analysis of IWV measurements from RS80 radiosondes, a suite of GPS receivers, an Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) solar radiometer, and humidity sounding from the Humidity Sounder for Brazil (HSB) aboard the Aqua satellite. When compared to RS80 IWV values, the root-mean-square (RMS) from the AERONET and GPS results are of the order of 2.7 and 3.8 kg m(-2), respectively. The difference generated between IWV from the GPS receiver and RS80 during the daytime was larger than that of the nighttime period because of the combination of the influence of high ionospheric activity during the RACCI experiment and a daytime drier bias from the RS80.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to compare the micromorphology of CVD diamond tips coupled to ultrasound with conventional high speed diamond tips after cavity preparations, and to measure the width and depth of the cavities obtained. Two hundred bovine teeth were divided into 20 subgroups. Each of the diamond tips (10 CVD and 10 conventional) were used to prepare 10 standardized cavities, using an apparatus that controlled the time (t: 27 s), speed (5.3 mm/s) and load (0.012 KGF) of the tip against the teeth during preparation. The unused and the used (after one, five and 10 preparations) tips were analyzed by scanning electronic microscopy. The images were randomly assessed by 3 examiners with regard to the presence or absence of micromorphologic alterations. Cavity measurements were made after visualization under a stereoscopic microscope. Cavity widths and depths were analyzed by the ANOVA Factorial test (p < 0.05). The CVD diamond tips presented less wear than the conventional tips after all the cavity preparations performed, but produced shallower cavities that were equivalent in width to those made by conventional tips after the fifth preparation. CVD diamond tips may be suggested as an alternative to conventional diamond tips due to their conservative preparation and greater longevity.
Net photosynthesis (A) and transpiration rates (E), stomatal conductance (g), water use efficiency (WUE), intrinsic water use efficiency (IWUE) and internal leaf CO2 concentration (C) in response to different vapor pressure deficit (1.2 and 2.5 kPa) were investigated in 'Pera' sweet orange plants affected by citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC), a disease caused by Xylella fastidiosa. All plants were well watered and leaf water potential (Pw) was also measured by the psychrometric technique. Results showed that healthy plants responded to higher vapor pressure deficit (VPD), lowering its net photosynthesis and transpiration rates, and stomatal conductance. However, diseased plants presented no clear response to VPD, showing lower A, E and g for both VPDs studied and very similar values to these variables in healthy plants at the highest VPD. Internal leaf CO2 concentration also decreased for healthy plants when under the highest VPD, and surprisingly, the same pattern of response was found in plants with CVC. These results, the lower Psi(w) and higher WUE values for diseased plants, indicated that this disease may cause stomatal dysfunction and affect the water resistance through xylem vessels, which ultimately may play some role in photosynthetic metabolism. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
No Brasil, o tráfego contínuo e inadequado de rodados de máquinas e a ação da soleira dos implementos sobre áreas agrícolas na região dos Cerrados têm provocado alterações dos atributos físicos e mecânicos dos solos. Com este entendimento, este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a influência do rodado traseiro e da soleira de implementos agrícolas, usualmente utilizados na região dos Cerrados, sobre a compressibilidade de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico. Os ensaios foram realizados em parcelas preparadas com arado de discos, arado de aivecas, grade aradora e semeadora/adubadora, que, desde novembro de 1994 até à data da amostragem, novembro de 1999, estiveram sob o sistema plantio direto. As alterações na compressibilidade foram avaliadas pela quantificação das pressões de preconsolidação, assim como por algumas propriedades físicas e hídricas (densidade do solo, porosidade e condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado) no momento do preparo e depois da colheita. No momento do preparo, logo depois da passada do rodado e antes que o implemento mobilizasse o solo, o solo foi avaliado em superfície (SP - 0,00 a 0,05 m) e na profundidade média de trabalho (PMT - 0,24 a 0,27 m). A influência da soleira dos implementos foi avaliada logo depois do corte, na profundidade de trabalho abaixo da soleira de cada implemento (PT-SI). Depois da colheita, as amostragens foram repetidas, o que permitiu verificar a influência dos tráfegos subseqüentes. A intensidade de tráfego do rodado e a ação da soleira dos implementos alteraram a compressibilidade, a densidade do solo, a porosidade e condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado do Latossolo Vermelho distrófico nas profundidades: superficial (SP), profundidade média de trabalho (PMT) e profundidade de corte dos implementos (PT-SI). de maneira geral, a passada do rodado traseiro aumentou os valores de pressão de preconsolidação (sigmap) do solo na superfície (SP), enquanto o tráfego subseqüente, necessário ao cultivo, elevou esses valores em subsuperfície, tanto na PMP como em PT-SI. A passada do rodado elevou e reduziu a densidade do solo (Ds) e a macroporosidade, respectivamente, tendo sido o arado de aivecas o implemento que mais modificou essas propriedades. As soleiras dos órgãos ativos do arado de discos e da grade aradora foram as que mais elevaram a pressão de preconsolidação (sigmap), consolidando, portanto, a estrutura do solo na profundidade PT-SI. Com exceção da semeadora/adubadora, a soleira dos órgãos ativos dos demais implementos avaliados reduziram significativamente a condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado (Ks) na profundidade PT-SI, tendo o arado de aivecas se mostrado o implemento mais impactante, seguido da grade aradora e arado de discos.
An experiment with 400 laying hens Hy Line with 26 weeks of age was conducted to compare the performance of laying hens fed during four cycles of 28 days with diets containing soybean meal (SM) plus soybean oil (SBM+oil), whole extruded soybean (ESB) and whole steam toasted soybean (TSB). A completely design randomized blocks was used, with 10 treatments and five replicates and eight laying hens in each experimental unit. The treatments consisted on the replacement of SBM per ESB and TSB at the levels 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%; and as control the SBM with or without addition of oil. The results obtained showed that the hens were able to regulate the feed intake to maintain the energy intake only at lower energetic levels, however they tended to over intake energy with the increase of energy levels of the diets. The addition of oil or soybeans in the diets improved feed: gain ratio, however worsened the energy efficiency in relation to the diet without oil. The processing of soybean provided differences on the performance of laying hens and the ESB showed to be superior to TSB. The hens had higher use of the oil added to the soybean meal (SBM + oil) and ESB in relation to TSB. However, the values of AMEn obtained for the ESB were 12% higher, in average, to those determined for the SBM + oil and for the TSB.
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) were produced by chemical vapor deposition using yttria-stabilized zirconia/nickel (YSZ/Ni) catalysts. The catalysts were obtained by a liquid mixture technique that resulted in fine dispersed nanoparticles of NiO supported in the YSZ matrix. High quality MWNT having smooth walls, few defects, and low amounts of by-products such as amorphous carbon were obtained, even from catalysts with large Ni concentrations (> 50 wt.%). By adjusting the experimental parameters, such as flux of the carbon precursor (ethylene) and Ni concentration, both the MWNT morphology and the process yield could be controlled. The resulting YSZ/Ni/MWNT composites can be interesting due to their mixed ionic-electronic transport properties, which could be useful in electrochemical applications.