27 resultados para LAGRANGIANS


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Effective chiral Lagrangians involving constituent quarks, Goldstone bosons and long-distance gluons are believed to describe the strong interactions in an intermediate energy region between the confinement scale and the chiral symmetry breaking scale. Baryons and mesons in such a description are bound states of constituent quarks. We discuss the combined use of the techniques of effective chiral field theory and of the field theoretic method known as Fock-Tani representation to derive effective hadron interactions. The Fock-Tani method is based on a change of representation by means of a unitary transformation such that the composite hadrons are redescribed by elementary-particle field operators. Application of the unitary transformation on the microscopic quark-quark interaction derived from a chiral effective Lagrangian leads to chiral effective interactions describing all possible processes involving hadrons and their constituents. The formalism is illustrated by deriving the one-pion-exchange potential between two nucleons using the quark-gluon effective chiral Lagrangian of Manohar and Georgi. We also present the results of a study of the saturation properties of nuclear matter using this formalism.


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Conservation laws in gravitational theories with diffeomorphism and local Lorentz symmetry are studied. Main attention is paid to the construction of conserved currents and charges associated with an arbitrary vector field that generates a diffeomorphism on the spacetime. We further generalize previous results for the case of gravitational models described by quasi-invariant Lagrangians, that is, Lagrangians that change by a total derivative under the action of the local Lorentz group. The general formalism is then applied to the teleparallel models, for which the energy and the angular momentum of a Kerr black hole are calculated. The subsequent analysis of the results obtained demonstrates the importance of the choice of the frame.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Recently, the Hamilton-Jacobi formulation for first-order constrained systems has been developed. In such formalism the equations of motion are written as total differential equations in many variables. We generalize the Hamilton-Jacobi formulation for singular systems with second-order Lagrangians and apply this new formulation to Podolsky electrodynamics, comparing with the results obtained through Dirac's method.


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The Yang-Mills equations only admit a Lagrangian for gauge groups which are either semisimple or Abelian, or a direct product of groups of both kinds. © 1988.


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In this work we propose two Lagrange multipliers with distinct coefficients for the light-front gauge that leads to the complete (non-reduced) propagator. This is accomplished via (n · A)2 + (∂ · A) 2 terms in the Lagrangian density. These lead to a well-defined and exact though Lorentz non invariant light-front propagator.


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In two dimensions the simple addition of two chiral bosons of opposite chiralities does not lead to a full massless scalar field. Similarly, in three dimensions the addition of two Maxwell-Chern-Simons fields of opposite helicities +/- 1 will not produce a parity invariant Maxwell-Proca theory. An interference term between the opposite chiralities (helicities) states is required in order to obtain the expected result. The so-called soldering procedure provides the missing interference Lagrangian in both 2D and 3D cases. In two dimensions such interference term allows to fuse two chiral fermionic determinants into, a non-chiral one. In a recent work we have generalized this procedure by allowing the appearance of an extra parameter which takes two possible values and leads to two different soldered Lagrangians. Here we apply this generalized soldering in a bosonic theory which has appeared in a partial bosonization of the 3D gauged Thirring model with N flavors. The multiplicity of flavors allow new types of solderings and help us to understand the connection between different perturbative approaches to bosonization in 3D. In particular, we obtain an interference term which takes us from a multiflavor Niaxwell-Chern-Simons theory to a pair of self-dual and anti-self-dual theories when we combine together both fermionic determinants of +1/2 and -1/2 helicity fermions. An important role is played by a set of pure non-interacting Chern-Simons fields which amount to a normalization factor in the fermionic determinants and act like spectators in the original theory but play an active role in the soldering procedure. Our results suggest that the generalized soldering could be used to provide dual theories in both 2D and 3D cases. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We analyze the potential of the Fermilab Tevatron and CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to study anomalous quartic vector-boson interactions gamma gamma ZZ and gammaW(+)W(-). Working in the framework of SU(2)(L) circle times U(1)(Y) chiral Lagrangians, we study the production of photon pairs accompanied by l(+) l(-), l(+/-) v, and jet pairs to impose bounds on these new couplings, taking into account the unitarity constraints. We compare our findings with the indirect limits coming from precision electroweak measurements as well as with presently available direct searches at CERN LEPII. We show that the Tevatron run II can provide limits on these quartic limits which are of the same order of magnitude as the existing bounds from LEPII searches. LHC will be able to tighten considerably the direct constraints on these possible new interactions, leading to more stringent limits than the presently available indirect ones.


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We construct non-relativistic Lagrangian field models by enforcing Galilean covariance with a (4, 1) Minkowski manifold followed by a projection onto the (3, 1) Newtonian spacetime. We discuss scalar, Fermi and gauge fields, as well as interactions between these fields, preparing the stage for their quantization. We show that the Galilean covariant formalism provides an elegant construction of the Lagrangians which describe the electric and magnetic limits of Galilean electromagnetism. Similarly we obtain non-relativistic limits for the Proca field. Then we study Dirac Lagrangians and retrieve the Levy-Leblond wave equations when the Fermi field interacts with an Abelian gauge field.


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The study of charmonium dissociation in heavy ion collisions is generally performed in the framework of effective Lagrangians with meson exchange. Some studies are also developed with the intention of calculate form factors and coupling constants related with charmed and light mesons. These quantifies are important in the evaluation of charmonium cross sections. In this Letter we present a calculation of the omega DD vertex that is a possible interaction vertex in some meson-exchange models spread in the literature. We used the standard method of QCD sum rules in order to obtain the vertex form factor as a function of the transferred momentum. Our results are compatible with the value of this vertex form factor (at zero momentum transfer) obtained in the vector-meson dominance model. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Improving previous calculations, we compute the D + (D) over bar J/psi + pi cross section using the most complete effective Lagrangians available. The new crucial ingredients are the form factors on the charm meson vertices, which are determined from QCD sum rules calculations. Some of them became available only very recently, and the last one, needed for our present purpose, is calculated in this work.


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Two problems relative to the electromagnetic coupling of Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau (DKP) theory are discussed: the presence of an anomalous term in the Hamiltonian form of the theory and the apparent difference between the interaction terms in DKP and Klein-Gordon (KG) Lagrangians. For this, we first discuss the behavior of DKP field and its physical components under gauge transformations. From this analysis, we can show that these problems simply do not exist if one correctly analyses the physical components of DKP field. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work we present a formal generalization of the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism, recently developed For singular systems, to include the case of Lagrangians containing variables which are elements of Berezin algebra. We derive the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for such systems, analyzing the singular case in order to obtain the equations of motion as total differential equations and study the integrability conditions for such equations. An example is solved using both Hamilton-Jacobi and Dirac's Hamiltonian formalisms and the results are compared. (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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This work is an application of the second order gauge theory for the Lorentz group, where a description of the gravitational interaction is obtained that includes derivatives of the curvature. We analyze the form of the second field strength, G=partial derivative F+fAF, in terms of geometrical variables. All possible independent Lagrangians constructed with quadratic contractions of F and quadratic contractions of G are analyzed. The equations of motion for a particular Lagrangian, which is analogous to Podolsky's term of his generalized electrodynamics, are calculated. The static isotropic solution in the linear approximation was found, exhibiting the regular Newtonian behavior at short distances as well as a meso-large distance modification.


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In this work, we analyze systems described by Lagrangians with higher order derivatives in the context of the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism for first order actions. Two different approaches are studied here: the first one is analogous to the description of theories with higher derivatives in the hamiltonian formalism according to [D.M. Gitman, S.L. Lyakhovich, I.V. Tyutin, Soviet Phys. J. 26 (1983) 730; D.M. Gitman, I.V. Tyutin, Quantization of Fields with Constraints, Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin, 1990] the second treats the case where degenerate coordinate are present, in an analogy to reference [D.M. Gitman, I.V. Tyutin, Nucl. Phys. B 630 (2002) 509]. Several examples are analyzed where a comparison between both approaches is made. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.