232 resultados para Intraepithelial lesion


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Objectives: To evaluate if the prevalence of cervical smear results varies between pregnant and nonpregnant women stratified by age group.Study design: Observational analytical study with a total sample of 1,336,180 pregnant and nonpregnant women, aged between 20 and 34 years, who underwent cervical cancer screening in the Primary Health Care of the national health system in the area of Campinas in Brazil during the period of 2005-2009. The source is the information system for cervical cancer screening. Data collected on abnormal cervical smears were analyzed using the Chi-square test and Fisher's exact test and the magnitude of the association between pregnancy and high-grade squamous epithelial lesions was analyzed by odds ratio (OR) and estimated values with confidence intervals (CI) of 95%.Results: 15,190 pregnant women and 395,961 non-pregnant women were analyzed and fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Regardless of age, no statistical differences were observed for high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion prevalence (OR 0.90; CI 0.66-1.23). Taking into account the five-year age groups, however, low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion was less prevalent in pregnant women aged 20-24 (OR 0.71; 0.54-0.95) and 25-29 years (OR 0.56; 0.35-0.89); also, atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance was more prevalent in non-pregnant women aged 25-29 years (OR 0.72; 0.54-0.97).Conclusion: The study showed that the cytological prevalence of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion was similar in pregnant and non-pregnant women, regardless of age. The results indicate that there are no reasons for specific approaches to cervical cancer screening for pregnant women. The examination should be carried out only on pregnant women who have not been tested according to current recommendations. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Objective. To assess the value of vaginal screening cytology after hysterectomy for benign disease.Methods. This cross-sectional study used cytology audit data from 2,512,039 screening tests in the metropolitan region of Campinas from 2000 to 2012; the object was to compare the prevalence of abnormal tests in women who had undergone a hysterectomy for benign diseases (n = 53,891) to that of women who had had no hysterectomy. Prevalence ratios (95% confidence intervals, 95% Cl) were determined, and chi-square analysis, modified by the Cochrane-Armitage test for trend, was used to investigate the effects of age.Results. The prevalence of atypical squamous cells (ASC), low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion or squamous-cell carcinoma (HSIL/SCC) was 0.13%, 0.04% and 0.03%, respectively, in women who had undergone hysterectomy, and 0.93%, 0.51% and 0.26% in women who had not undergone hysterectomy. The prevalence ratios for ASC, LSIL and HSIL/SCC were 0.14(0.11-0.17), 0.08 (0.06-0.13) and 0.13 (0.08-020), respectively, in women with a hysterectomy versus those without. For HSIL/SCC, the prevalence ratios were 0.09 and 029, respectively, for women <50 or >= 50 years. The prevalence rates in women with a previous hysterectomy showed no significant variation with age.Conclusion. The prevalence rates of ASC, LSIL and HSIL/SCC were significantly lower in women with a previous hysterectomy for benign disease compared with those observed in women with an intact uterine cervix. This study reinforces the view that there is no evidence that cytological screening is beneficial for women who have had a hysterectomy for benign disease. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Genital bleeding may be a common symptom among women with cervical cancer. Cross-sectional study evaluating whether the prevalence of cervical smear results is different in women with and without clinical information about concurrent genital bleeding. The sample consisted of 2 324 836 smears; of these, 0.4% had clinical information on genital bleeding. When stratified by age group, women with genital bleeding had a higher chance of a cytological result of a high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion [30-49 years odds ratio (OR) 2.38; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.60-3.53 and ≥50 years OR 6.30; 95%CI 3.72-10.67), of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) (30-49 years OR 24.70; 95%CI 11.96-51.03 and ≥50 years OR 48.91; 95%CI 31.28-76.47) and of atypical glandular cells (30-49 years OR 5.72; 95%CI 3.30-9.93 and ≥50 years OR 11.56; 95%CI 5.96-22.45); there was also a higher chance of adenocarcinoma for women ≥50 years (OR 53.13; 95%CI 28.08-100.51). The sensitivity of genital bleeding for women aged 18-29 years was 0.4% for high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL); for women 30-49 years old the rate was 0.9% for HSIL, 8.6% for SCC and 2.1% for atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance (AGUS), while for women aged from 50 years or more the rates were 2.0% for HSIL, 13.7% for SCC, 3.6% for AGUS and 14.7% for adenocarcinoma. Women ≥30 years old with genital bleeding should be referred for colposcopy to rule out the possibility of cervical cancer.


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Background: In this study we evaluated the rehabilitation profile of Brazilian soccer players which underwent lower limb muscle lesions.Methods: This is a descriptive investigation. We evaluated 139 professional soccer players (1724 years old). We evaluated the following variables: muscle lesion diagnosis, symptoms, non steroidal anti-inflammatory used, physiotherapy treatment, which physiotherapy recourses was used if treated and train adaptation.Results: In great part of the athletes muscle lesion remained between 2 weeks and 1 month. Around 54% were diagnosed by a physician; the other part was diagnosed by a physical therapist. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory were prescribed by physicians in 42% of the cases; in 7% the physical therapist prescribed the medication while in 49% of the cases the masseur prescribed the drug. More than 1/4 of the athletes received physiotherapy treatement between 48 hours and 5 days. Isometric exercise therapy was applied in 15% of the cases. 63% were not accompanied by the physiotherapist on their return to the field. 48% received massages immediately after injury.Conclusion: We presented discrepancy between the recommended theory described by several researches and the practice. We indicate the necessity of recycling in a general context the rehabilitation of muscle injuries.


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No presente estudo, investigamos o papel da resposta imune na morfologia do granuloma leishmaniótico induzido na bolsa jugal do hamster, um local imunologicamente privilegiado, após inoculação de 3x10(5) Leishmania mexicana. Os animais foram avaliados histológica e imunologicamente até os 120 dias da inoculação. Independente da época do sacrifício, os animais foram sempre não reatores ao teste do coxim plantar. Histologicamente, a inoculação de Leishmania mexicana na bolsa jugal resultou na formação de abcesso que evoluiu para reação granulomatosa rica em formas amastigotas e, posteriormente, para resolução. Esses resultados sugerem que o desenvolvimento da resposta imune não é preponderante no controle da infecção induzida pela Leishmania mexicana inoculada subcutaneamente na bolsa jugal do hamster. Sugerem ainda que os macrófagos que compõe os granulomas leishmanióticos são capazes de eliminar esse parasita, independente da presença de resposta imune avaliável pelo teste do coxim plantar.


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Leprosy affects the larynx, damaging its mucosa and sensory nerves and loss of sensation may result in aspiration of food and secretions. The laryngeal lesion may be insidious. Post-mortem studies showed bronchopneumonia that could have originated from aspiration. In patients with laryngeal symptoms, dysphagia or aspiration pneumonia loss of laryngeal sensation should be looked for.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The inflammatory response is an active process in cervical cancer and may act in the progression and/or regression of the lesion. At the site of inflammation, macrophages and neutrophils are present as well as cytokines such as TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma. This study aims to evaluate the inflammatory response levels in women with cervical intraepithelial lesions (CIN) and with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the cervix. Serum samples obtained from women without evidence of disease (n = 30), with CIN (n = 30) and with SCC of the cervix (n = 30) were analyzed for the activities of N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) by enzymatic assay and the serum levels of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma by ELISA assay. The activities of NAG and MPO and the level of TNF-alpha were higher in women with CIN compared to the women with SCC. The levels of IFN-gamma were lower in the group of women with CIN compared to the group with SCC. There was not a significant association between the degree of the CIN and the staging of the SCC of the cervix and the degree of inflammation as assessed by the levels of inflammatory markers. The inflammatory response was inversely correlated with the progression of the carcinogenic process. In the three groups, the control group, women with CIN and women with invasive SCC, there was no association between the degree of preinvasive lesions and staging of the SCC of the cervix. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The objectives of this study were to evaluate morphologic alterations and precancerous lesions in Reinke's edema. Patients included were 54 smokers with bilateral Reinke's edema submitted to surgery in the Otolaryngology Department, Botucatu Medical School, São Paulo State University, Brazil, between 2002 and 2006. All specimens were evaluated by light microscopy and five contralateral lesions were also evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The main histological alterations were edema (100%), inflammation (81.48%), basal membrane (bm) thickening (77.77%), and vessel proliferation (75.92%). Epithelium alterations were classified as grade 0 (11.11%), grade 1 (70.37%), grade 2 (14.81%), and grade 3 (3.70%). In the case included in grade 3 classification, microinvasive carcinoma was detected. SEM showed epithelial surface with some cellular desquamation, few microridges, and a polished and impermeable surface aspect. TEM showed epithelial hyperplasia, basal cells with different sizes, widening of the intercellular spaces, abnormal desmosome architecture, thickening of the bm, some electron-dense vesicles, and points of interruption. The morphological alterations presented in this study are not specific to Reinke's edema but this lesion can be the site of different grades of dysplasia and carcinoma, justifying the importance of periodic laryngeal endoscopic exams and meticulous histological analysis.