26 resultados para Intermaxillary elastics


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study aimed to evaluate the force degradation of synthetic elastics over time using dynamic biomechanical tests in order to find clinical parameters of what size of elastic and frequency of exchange should be used in orthodontic therapy. It was used 240 elastics of Dental Morelli, sizes 1/8", 3/16", 1/4 "and 5/16", medium force, divided in four groups. In each group was measured forces at different times, from immediate to 72 hours after immersion in water at 37°C and incubated stretched to 600% of its initial inner diameter. Tensile tests were performed on a universal testing machine EMIC DL2000 submerged in distilled water maintained at 37°C. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 16.0, by the Analysis of Variance (One-Way) with Tukey´s post test. There was a greater increase in pattern of force decay of immediate measurement until 24 hours in all sizes of synthetic elastics, from which it was observed a decrease in force progressively smaller, with the exception of 5/16´´ elastic with a maximum force decay occurred at 12h. It was concluded that: the elastic synthetic Dental Morelli suffered significant force degradation over time, with reduction of approximately 70% of the initial force during 24 hours of stretching, followed by a progressively smaller decrease; the amount of stretch for a ideal force in intermaxillary therapies depends on the distance between the points of attachment of elastic, being necessary to consult the tables to choose the size, force and frequency of replacement.


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This study presents a new treatment technique, that uses TMA archwires with standardized curvatures, associated to intermaxillary elastics, that can do both offer satisfactory results in short period of the treatment time in the open bites cases and in the finishing procedures of the orthodontic treatment.


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The synthetic intermaxillary elastic emerged as an alternative for clinical use in patients with latex sensitivity. However, there are disagreements about this elastic protocol use according to the force degradation. The aim of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, the forces generated by latex and synthetic elastics over time. Material and methods: Sample size of 840 elastics were used (420 latex and 420 synthetic), delivering medium strength (Dental Morelli®) with internal diameter of 1/8", 3/16", 1/4" and 5/16". The elastics were randomly divided into 7 groups according to the time of the force measuring and immersed into distilled water at 37°C. To measure the force in each group, the elastics were stretched in six progressive increases of 100% of its internal diameter with the aid of a testing machine Emic and measured up to 72 hours. Data were analyzed with SPSS 16.0, using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: Immediate force level of synthetic elastics was statistically higher than latex elastics in all strains, for the same size. However, the latex elastics mean forceslightly decreased over time, while the synthetic elastics presented an abrupt decrease. Conclusion: In view of these findings, Sudanese homemade alcoholic beverages cause oral epithelial atypical changes, which lead to oral precancerous and cancerous lesions. OEFC is a useful procedure for detection and assessment of oral ET.


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Background: the effective long-term treatments for morbid obesity is bariatric surgery. However, the associated surgical and anesthetic risks led the authors to evaluate intermaxillary fixation, a less aggressive procedure, as a preoperative treatment in selected patients with morid obesity.Methods: 22 patients (5 male, 17 female, ages 16-53 years, with BMI 44.9 +/- 5.4 kg/m(2)) underwent intermaxillary fixation. The procedure consisted of fitting brackets on the front face of the teeth and posterior application of elastic bands to impede mouth opening.Results: At the end of 6 weeks, weight loss was 7.4 +/- 2.6% there was general improvement in lipid profile, glycemia, and blood pressure. There was no recorded discomfort, pain, or any other difficulty during this treatment.Conclusion: Intermaxillary fixation can be used as a pre-surgical solution for weight reduction in preparation for bariatric surgery, improving co-morbid aspects such as blood pressure, glycemia, and lipid profile.


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Purpose: This study was conducted to comparatively evaluate, in a prospective and randomized manner, 2 techniques for providing double-gloving protection during arch bar placement for intermaxillary fixation. Materials and Methods: A total of 42 consecutive patients in whom application of an Erich bar was indicated for intermaxillary fixation were equally divided into 2 groups. In group 1, 2 sterile surgical gloves were used; in group 2, a nonsterile disposable inner glove was used under a sterile surgical glove. Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, and binomial statistical tests were used to analyze the findings. Results: A total of 103 perforations were found in the outer gloves (47 in group 1 and 56 in group 2), along with 5 perforations in inner gloves in both groups (α = .01). No significant statistical difference was found between groups in terms of inner glove perforations (α = .05). The nondominant hand presented with 70.9% of the perforations, statistically significant to 1%. Conclusions: Both double-gloving techniques were found to provide effective clinician protection. The use of a nonsterile disposable glove under the surgical glove is possible for less-invasive procedures, offering the same safety as using 2 sterile surgical gloves while decreasing operational costs. This method does not eliminate the need to change gloves when a perforation is suspected or noted during the surgery, however. © 2007 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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Introduction and Objective: The synthetic intermaxillary elastic emerged as an alternative for clinical use in patients with latex sensitivity. However, there are disagreements about this elastic protocol use according to the force degradation. The aim of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, the forces generated by latex and synthetic elastics over time. Material and methods: Sample size of 840 elastics were used (420 latex and 420 synthetic), delivering medium strength (Dental Morelli®) with internal diameter of 1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4” and 5/16”. The elastics were randomly divided into 7 groups according to the time of the force measuring and immersed into distilled water at 37°C. To measure the force in each group, the elastics were stretched in six progressive increases of 100% of its internal diameter with the aid of a testing machine Emic and measured up to 72 hours. Data were analyzed with SPSS 16.0, using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: Immediate force level of synthetic elastics was statistically higher than latex elastics in all strains, for the same size. However, the latex elastics mean force slightly decreased over time, while the synthetic elastics presented an abrupt decrease. Conclusion: The synthetic elastic presented severe force degradation, jeopardizing the cost-benefit ratio, which indicates a higher replacement frequency. The latex elastic showed better mechanical performance in comparison to synthetic ones.


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INTRODUÇÃO: o problema transversal em Ortodontia pode ser de origem dentária, esquelética ou uma combinação de ambas e pode ser tratado de várias maneiras de acordo com o tipo de tecido envolvido e o arco dentário acometido. em se tratando de um problema esquelético e maxilar, o ortodontista poderá lançar mão da disjunção ortopédica, dependendo da idade óssea, obtendo uma correção da atresia, um alinhamento dentário espontâneo resultante do aumento no perímetro do arco e um sorriso mais amplo, beneficiando esteticamente o paciente. Porém, este tratamento de disjunção mandibular se torna inviável, já que este osso tem sua sutura fusionada precocemente. A expansão neste caso é alveolar e sua estabilidade é questionada. OBJETIVO: relatar um caso clínico, apresentando uma nova alternativa de tratamento para o apinhamento inferior: a Distração Osteogênica da Sínfise Mandibular (DOSM). Neste procedimento, é feita uma osteotomia sagital na sínfise, criando-se uma sutura artificial para que uma separação óssea seja conseguida, utilizando uma mecânica com aparelho disjuntor de Hyrax modificado. RESULTADOS: os resultados do tratamento apresentado mostram uma melhora na forma do arco, diminuição do corredor bucal, correção do apinhamento dentário e também uma estabilidade do tratamento, sem dano aos tecidos adjacentes. Neste caso clínico, a DOSM se mostrou uma excelente opção de tratamento.


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OBJETIVO: analisar separada e comparativamente cinco marcas comerciais de elásticos sintéticos (Morelli, Ormco, GAC, TP e Unitek) quanto à degradação da força gerada por estes em função do tempo, quando mantidos continuamente estirados em uma distância de 20mm. METODOLOGIA: as leituras das quantidades de força gerada pelos elásticos foram feitas nos intervalos 1/2, 1, 6, 12, 24, 48 horas; 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias. Construiu-se um gráfico de força versus tempo, onde se pôde observar significativa redução na quantidade de força liberada pelos elásticos na primeira hora de ativação. RESULTADOS: verificou-se uma redução na quantidade de força gerada pelos elásticos de 20,31 a 38,47% na primeira hora de testes e de 47,7 a 75,95% em 28 dias de estiramento constante. CONCLUSÕES: concluiu-se que todas as amostras das marcas comerciais estudadas sofreram significativa redução na quantidade de força liberada na primeira hora de ativação e que a média de força gerada em 21 e 28 dias de testes foi semelhante para todas as amostras pesquisadas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Swallowing is used as a clinical method in prosthodontics to determine and record jaw relationships. The aim of this study was to perform a quantitative evaluation, in naturally dentate subjects and complete denture wearers, of three measurements associated with the mandibular position during the act of swallowing water: 1. intermaxillary distance on vertical axis; 2. anteroposterior deviation; and 3. lateral deviation. Two groups were selected: Group I (GI) included 40 subjects with complete dentition (mean age 45.27 yrs) and Group II (GII) included 40 bimaxillary edentate subjects, complete denture wearers (mean age 63.92 yrs). A kinesiographic instrument was used for analysis. Three records were taken for each measurement and a mean value obtained. It was concluded that: 1. intermaxillary distance on vertical axis and horizontal deviation were similar for both groups; 2. there was a significant intermaxillary distance on the vertical axis; and 3. for anteroposterior and lateral axis, results showed moderate deviation in relation to maximal intercuspation (MI).


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Aim: To evaluate the influence of construction bite in the dentoskeletal changes induced by Klammt Appliance. Methods: The sample consisted of 17 children, with Class II malocclusion and initial mean age of 8.5 years. The construction bite was obtained using an Exactobite on edge-toedge anteroposterior relationship with 3 mm interincisal clearance. The height of the acrylic was determined by initial overbite associated to interincisal clearance and measured with digital caliper. The amount of advancement was obtained and measured by initial overjet in the lateral radiography. Pearson's correlation, linear regression and ANOVA were used to determine the relationship between dentoskeletal and construction bite variables. Results: The increase in the height of the acrylic promotes a greater inhibition of the forward displacement of the nasal spine and reduction in the facial growth index. The increase in the mandibular advancement induces more downward displacement of nasal spine and pogonion; a counter-clockwise rotation of palatine plane; an increase in mandibular length, maxillary alveolar height and interincisal angle; a decrease in mandibular alveolar height, the intermaxillary discrepancy and overjet; and palatal tipping of upper incisors. Conclusions: The different dimensions of the construction bite influence the dentoskeletal changes induced by the appliance in Class II treatment.


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Introduction: Elastomeric materials are considered important sources of orthodontic forces. Objective: To assess force degradation over time of four commercially available orthodontic elastomeric chains (Morelli, Ormco, TP and Unitek). Methods: The synthetic elastics were submerged in 37 oC synthetic saliva and stretched by a force of 150 g (15 mm - Morelli and TP; 16mm - Unitek and Ormco). With a dynamometer, the delivered force was evaluated at different intervals: 30 minutes, 7 days, 14 days and 21 days. The results were subjected to ANOVA and Tukey's test. Results: There was a force decay between 19% to 26.67% after 30 minutes, and 36.67% to 57% after 21 days of activation. Conclusions: TP elastomeric chains exhibited the smallest percentage of force decay, with greater stability at all time intervals tested. Meanwhile, the Unitek chains displayed the highest percentage of force degradation, and no statically significant difference was found in force decay between Ormco and Morelli elastomeric chains during the study period.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)