24 resultados para Human diet


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The polyculture among vegetables is an activity that to have good results, needs a proper planning. Although it often requires more labor, has several advantages over monoculture, among them is that polycultures are generally are more productive, provide with productivity of various plant constituents and a more balanced human diet, contribute to economic return, economic and yield stability, social benefits and farmer's direct participation in decision-making. The objective of this study was to evaluate agroeconomic indices of polycultures derived from the combination of two cultivars of lettuce with two cultivars of rocket in two cultures strip-intercropped with carrot cultivar 'Brasilia' through uni-multivariate approaches in semi-arid Brazil. The experimental design used was of randomized complete blocks with five replications and the treatments arranged in a factorial scheme of 2 x 2. The treatments consisted of the combination of two lettuce cultivars (Baba de Verao and Taina) with two rocket cultivars (Cultivada and Folha Larga) in two cultures associated with carrot cv. Brasilia. hi each block were grown plots with two lettuce cultivars and two rocket cultivars, and carrot in sole crop. In each system was determined the lettuce leaf yield, rocket green mass yield and carrot commercial yield. Agrieconomic indices such as operational cost, gross and net income, monetary advantage, rate of return, profit margin, land equivalent ratio and yield efficiency for DEA were used to measure the efficiency of intercropping systems. In the bicropping of lettuce and rocket associated with carrot cv. 'Brasilia', suggests the use of lettuce cultivar 'Taina' combined with rocket cultivars 'Cultivada' or 'Folha Larga'. It was observed significant effect of lettuce cultivars in the evaluation of polycultures of lettuce, carrot and rocket, with strong expression for the lettuce cultivar 'Taina'. Both uni- and multivariate approaches were effective in the discrimination of the best polycultures. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Phenolic compounds are numerous and ubiquitous in the plant kingdom, being particularly present in health-promoting foods. Epidemiological evidences suggest that the consumption of polyphenol-rich foods reduces the incidence of cancer, coronary heart disease and inflammation. Chlorogenic acid (CGA) is one of the most abundant polyphenol compounds in human diet. Data obtained from in vivo and in vitro experiments show that CGA mostly presents antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic activities. However, the effects of CGA on the inflammatory reaction and on the related pain and fever processes have been explored less so far. Therefore, this study was designed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive and antipyretic activities of CGA in rats. In comparison to control, CGA at doses 50 and 100 mg/kg inhibited carrageenin-induced paw edema beginning at the 2nd hour of the experimental procedure. Furthermore, at doses 50 and 100 mg/kg CGA also inhibited the number of flinches in the late phase of formalin-induced pain test. Such activities may be derived from the inhibitory action of CGA in the peripheral synthesis/release of inflammatory mediators involved in these responses. On the other hand, even at the highest tested dose (200 mg/kg), CGA did not inhibit the febrile response induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in rats. Additional experiments are necessary in order to clarify the true target for the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of CGA. © 2006 Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.


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This study aimed to characterize the pulp and kernel of guariroba (Syagrus oleracea), jerivá (Syagrus romanzoffiana) and macaúba (Acrocomia aculeata) palm fruits, through their proximate composition, carotenoids contents and tocopherol composition. The three kernels showed to be composed mainly of lipids and proteins, as the three pulps, of carbohydrate and fiber. In the kernels the levels of lipids ranged from 45.17 to 56.37% and proteins from 15.46 to 28.61%. In the pulps the total fiber content ranged from 20.26 to 26.98%. The pulps also presented a significant amount of ash, which represents a significant mineral content, especially in the guariroba (5.16%). Moreover, the pulp oils showed higher carotenoids and tocopherol contents. The jerivá pulp oil contained carotenoid and tocopherol on average 1219 μg/g and 323.50. mg/kg, respectively. The consumption of the whole fruit, pulp, and kernel supplies important quantities of many necessary nutrients for human diet, including vitamins A and E. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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The incidence of colorectal cancer is growing worldwide. The characterization of compounds present in the human diet that can prevent the occurrence of colorectal tumors is vital. The oligosaccharide inulin is such a compound. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antigenotoxic, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic effects of inulin in vivo. Our study is based on 3 assays that are widely used to evaluate chemoprevention (comet assay, micronucleus assay, and aberrant crypt focus assay) and tests 4 protocols of treatment with inulin (pre-treatment, simultaneous, post-treatment, and pre + continuous). Experiments were carried out in Swiss male mice of reproductive age. In order to induce DNA damage, we used the pro-carcinogenic agent 1,2-dimethylhydrazine. Inulin was administered orally at a concentration of 50 mg/kg body weight following the protocols mentioned above. Inulin was not administered to the control groups. Our data from the micronucleus assay reveal antimutagenic effects of inulin in all protocols. The percentage of inulin-induced damage reduction ranged from 47.25 to 141.75% across protocols. These data suggest that inulin could act through desmutagenic and bio-antimutagenic mechanisms. The anticarcinogenic activity (aberrant crypt focus assay) of inulin was observed in all protocols and the percentages of damage reduction ranged from 55.78 to 87.56% across protocols. Further tests, including human trials, will be necessary before this functional food can be proven to be effective in the prevention and treatment of colon cancer. © FUNPEC-RP.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Bovine meat exerts an important contribution to the human diet, mainly by its high biological value. For this reason the productivity and the quality of beef are so discussed. Productivity is defined as the ratio between production and the factors of production used and quality defined as an adjective given to the product that suits the consumer implicit and explicit. Brazil is the world leader in tonnage exported bovine meat, however the country has a relatively low income, since no exports to the markets of greater added value. Quantify the degree of importance of these two factors in a capitalist market is not easy, so knowing the science that involves this product is vital for both factors. We must know that there is a wide variability in the markets importers and Brazil should seek to be the leader everywhere, whether carcass with better conformation and degree of finish, is lean beef, organic meat is even


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whole world. The world production of fish is around 100 million tons/year and 70% of them is destined exclusively to the human feeding. The fish and derived have a great importance in the human diet, contributing with ¼ of offer of protein of animal origin. Sseafood and fish are health, because they are rich in proteins, vitamins, micronutrients and insatured fats. However, one of the most important themes, in public health, refers to the safe food. Only in the USA, 76 million case of foodborne diseases occurs every year, with 325 thousand hospitalized and 5 thousand deaths. According to the microbiological parameters, the Brazilian Food Sanitation Standard (Decree No. 12, 2001) defined that fish, roes of fish, crustaceans and mollusks in natura cooled or frozen, no consumed raw should present up to 103 MPN of coagulase positive Staphylococcus in the absence of Salmonella in 25g. Based on this, this work verified the microbiological quality of fish and seafood retailed in supermarkets and fish store in Botucatu city. A hundred samples were analyzed, being 65 frozen (65%) and 35 cooled (35%). The samples included various kinds of fish and seafood. Among the frozen samples, 31 were fish and 34 seafood. About the cooled ones, 28 were fish and 7 seafood. The methods used for analysis are in agreement with APHA (2001). The samples were acquired in 4 establishments (3 supermarkets and a fish store). Ina total of 100 samples, all were negative to coagulase positive Staphylococcus and 2 were positive for Salmonella (2%). According to the results, we conclude that the presence of Salmonella is a risk factor for the consumers' health and these foods should not be consumed raw. In spite of the freezing to be a good conservation way, this process doesn't totally eliminate the pathogens of the food


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Starch is one of the most important sources of reserve of carbohydrate in plants and the main source in the human diet due to its abundance in the nature. There no other food ingredient that can be compared with starch in terms of sheer versatility of application in the food industry. Unprocessed native starches are structurally too weak and functionally too restricted for application in today’s advanced food and industrial technologies. The main objective of this study was to compare the thermal behavior of native cassava starch and those treated with hydrogen peroxide, as well as those treated with hydrogen peroxide and ferrous sulfate. The cassava starch was extracted from cassava roots (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) and treated by standardized hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) solutions at 1, 2 and 3% (with or without FeSO4 ). Investigated by using they are thermoanalytical techniques: thermogravimetry - TG, differential thermal analysis – DTA and differential scanning calorimetry - DSC, as well as optical microscopy and X-ray powder diffractometry. The results showed the steps of thermal decomposition, changes in temperatures and in gelatinization enthalpy and small changes in crystallinity of the granules.