43 resultados para Hot hands


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Foi avaliado o efeito do processo de defumação a quente (45-90ºC/5 horas) e a frio (27-45ºC/10 horas) nas propriedades organolépticas, no rendimento e na composição dos filés de matrinxã (Brycon cephalus). Não houve diferença significativa no rendimento de filés defumados e não-defumados. As perdas no processo de defumação foram significativamente maiores para defumação a quente (19,37%) em comparação à defumação a frio (17,08%). O processo de defumação reduziu a umidade (in natura = 72,91%; defumado a quente = 58,51%; e defumado a frio = 59,68%) e aumentou os teores de proteína bruta, lipídios e cinzas. Houve diferença significativa somente nos teores de proteína no defumado a quente (28,07%) e defumado a frio (27,14%). O processo a frio resultou em melhor aparência e cor de filé, enquanto o processo a quente melhorou o sabor, o teor de sal e a aparência geral. O aroma e a textura não diferiram significativamente entre os processos. O processo de defumação a quente melhora as propriedades organolépticas e os níveis de proteína do filé de matrinxã.


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Wood gasification technologies to convert the biomass into fuel gas stand out. on the other hand, producing electrical energy from stationary engine is widely spread, and its application in rural communities where the electrical network doesn't exist is very required. The recovery of exhaust gases (engine) is a possibility that makes the system attractive when compared with the same components used to obtain individual heat such as electric power. This paper presents an energetic alternative to adapt a fixed bed gasifier with a compact cogeneration system in order to cover electrical and thermal demands in a rural area and showing an energy solution for small social communities using renewable fuels. Therefore, an energetic and economical analysis from a cogeneration system producing electric energy, hot and cold water, using wooden gas as fuel from a small-sized gasifier was calculated. The energy balance that includes the energy efficiency (electric generation as well as hot and cold water system; performance coefficient and the heat exchanger, among other items), was calculated. Considering the annual interest rates and the amortization periods, the costs of production of electrical energy, hot and cold water were calculated, taking into account the investment, the operation and the maintenance cost of the equipments. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work discusses on the preparation of Ni-45Ti-5Mo, Ni-40Ti-10Mo and Ni-46Ti-2Mo-2Zr (at-%) alloys by high-energy ball milling and hot pressing, which are potentially attractive for dental and medical applications. The milling process was performed in stainless steel balls (19mm diameter) and vials (225 mL) using a rotary speed of 300rpm and a ball-to-powder weight ratio of 10:1. Hot pressing under vacuum was performed in a BN-coated graphite crucible at 900 degrees C for 1 h using a load of 20 MPa. The milled and hot-pressed materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction, electron scanning microscopy, and electron dispersive spectrometry. Peaks of B2-NiTi and Ni4Ti3 were identified in XRD patterns of Ni-45Ti-5Mo, Ni-40Ti-10Mo and Ni-46Ti-2Mo-2Zr powders milled for 1h. The NiTi compound dissolved small Mo amounts lower than 4 at%, which were measured by EDS analysis. Moreover, it was identified the existence of an unknown Mo-rich phase in microstructures of the hot-pressed Ni-Ti-Mo alloys.


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This paper presents a new methodology for the adjustment of the preheating process and steady-state operation of electronic ballasts intended for hot-cathode fluorescent lamps. The classical series-resonant parallel-loaded half-bridge inverter is the power stage analyzed in this paper. In addition, the preheating process is based on the imposition of a constant rms current through the electrodes, in order to provide a proper value of the R-h/R-c ratio before the lamp start. According to the proposed methodology, it is possible to set suitable operating points for, the electronic ballast, considering optimal conditions for the lamps electrodes. Therefore, the proposed methodology for setting the preheating and steady-state operation is a complete platform to the design of electronic ballasts for hot-cathode fluorescent lamps.


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We have used our new pulsed CO(2) laser, operating both on regular and hot bands, to excite the (13)CD(3)OH methanol isotopomer. This has lead to the observation of 13 new high-threshold far-infrared laser emissions (also identified as terahertz laser lines), with frequencies in the range between 24.11 and 102.56 cm(-1) (0.72-3.07 THz). The absorption transitions leading to these new FIR laser emissions have been located by observing the optoacoustic absorption spectra around the CO(2) emissions. Here, we present these new far-infrared laser lines, characterized in wavelength, polarization, offset relative to the center of the pumping CO(2) laser transition, relative intensity, and optimum operation pressure.


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Here, we report on a newly recognized syndrome in a Brazilian family with three affected women, who had a Marfanoid habitus; long face; hypotelorism; long, thin nose; long, thin hands and feet; and language and learning disabilities. The disorder is compatible with autosomal dominant inheritance. (C) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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A interação entre arte e ciência foi intensa durante o Renascimento, sofrendo declínio nos anos posteriores com retomada significativa no século XX, principalmente com o uso de técnicas de identificação, datação de obras de arte e o desenvolvimento de novos materiais. O relacionamento entre artes plásticas e Cirurgia da Mão mantêm-se intenso , sendo freqüente o uso de reproduções artísticas da mão nas ilustrações de textos científicos. Objetivando compreender o papel da mão nas artes plásticas, reproduções de obras de artes (esculturas e pinturas) representativas de vários estilos ou períodos da história da arte foram analisadas com enfoque no estudo das mãos. Detalhes anatômicos, relacionamento com outras estruturas do corpo humano, papel na composição e aspectos simbólicos das mãos foram estudados no contexto histórico e artístico de obras de arte do período paleolítico (pré-história) até o século XX. A representação da mão nas artes plásticas está diretamente relacionada ao estilo ou período da obra e à capacidade individual de interpretação e execução do artista.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper presents a new model for the representation of electrodes' filaments of hot-cathode fluorescent lamps, during preheating processes based on the injection of currents with constant root mean square (rms) values. The main improvement obtained with this model is the prediction of the R-h/R-c ratio during the preheating process, as a function of the preheating time and of the rms current injected in the electrodes. Using the proposed model, it is possible to obtain an estimate of the time interval and the current that should be provided by the electronic ballast, in order to ensure a suitable preheating process. is estimate of time and current can be used as input data in the design of electronic ballasts with programmed lamp start, permitting the prediction of the R-h/R-c ratio during the initial steps of the design (theoretical analysis and digital simulation). Therefore, the use of the proposed model permits to reduce the necessity of several empirical adjustments in the prototype, in order to set the operation of electronic ballasts during the preheating process. This fact reduces time and costs associated to the global design procedure of electronic ballasts.


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Observe the loads associates application with in position of body, in the static or dynamic postures. Methods: the electromyographic study in erector spinae, rectus abdominis, glutaeous maximus and rectus femoris muscles was accomplished in female volunteers from 18 have 27 years old, previously selected. The muscles electric activities was gotten with surface electrodes, in standing and static posture, with the parallels and horizontal upper limbs with load on their hands. Conclusion: In this study it was clearly observed influence of the load and distance there is over studied musculature associated with standing erect posture.


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A 9.5/65/35 PLZT ceramic with a Pb-0.905 La-0.095 (Zr-0.65 Ti-0.35)(0.976) O-3 + 35 w% PbO formula was prepared using the Pechini method for powder preparation and two-step sintering in an oxygen atmosphere. Thr first step consisted of sintering at 1200 degrees C for 4 h with slow heating and cooling rates. The second step consisted of hot pressing at 1200 degrees C for 3 h, with slow heating and cooling rates and pressing pressures of 20 MPa (initial pressure) and 40 MPa (at sintering temperature). Investigations were made of the powder phase formation and powder morphology, i.e. The structure of sintered and hot-pressed PLZT ceramics. SEM microstructural analyses were carried out on the sintering and hot-pressing processes. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd and Techna S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a study on the influence of milling condition on workpiece surface integrity focusing on hardness and roughness. The experimental work was carried out on a CNC machining center considering roughing and finishing operations. A 25 mm diameter endmill with two cemented carbide inserts coated with TiN layer were used for end milling operation. Low carbon alloyed steel Cr-Mo forged at 1200 degrees C was used as workpiece on the tests. Two kinds of workpiece conditions were considered, i.e. cur cooled after hot forging and normalized at 950 degrees C for 2 h. The results showed that finishing operation was able to significantly decrease the roughness by at least 46% without changing the hardness. on the other hand, roughing operation caused an increase in hardness statistically significant by about 6%. The machined surface presented deformed regions within feed marks, which directly affected the roughness. Surface finish behavior seems to correlate to the chip ratio given the decrease of 25% for roughing condition, which damaged the chip formation. The material removal rate for finishing operation 41% greater than roughing condition demonstrated to be favorable to the heat dissipation and minimized the effect on material hardness.


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Hot-filament metal oxide deposition (HFMOD) is a variant of conventional hot-filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD) recently developed in our laboratory and successfully used to obtain high-quality, uniform films of MOx WOx and VOx. The method employs the controlled oxidation of a filament of a transition metal heated to 1000 degrees C or more in a rarefied oxygen atmosphere (typically, of about 1 Pa). Metal oxide vapor formed on the surface of the filament is transported a few centimetres to deposit on a suitable substrate. Key system parameters include the choice of filament material and diameter, the applied current and the partial pressures of oxygen in the chamber. Relatively high film deposition rates, such as 31 nm min(-1) for MoOx, are obtained. The film stoichiometry depends on the exact deposition conditions. MoOx films, for example, present a mixture of MoO2 and MoO3 phases, as revealed by XPS. As determined by Li+ intercalation using an electrochemical cell, these films also show a colouration efficiency of 19.5 cm(2) C-1 at a wavelength of 700 nm. MOx and WOx films are promising in applications involving electrochromism and characteristics of their colouring/bleaching cycles are presented. The chemical composition and structure of VOx films examined using IRRAS (infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy), RBS (Rutherford backscattering spectrometry) and XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectrometry) are also presented. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.