74 resultados para Hearing impairment


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OBJETIVOS: identificar a prevalência de hipoacusia em crianças indígenas Kaiowá e Guarani. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal, com uma amostra de 126 crianças indígenas de zero a 59 meses da Terra Indígena de Caarapó, em Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. As crianças foram submetidas ao exame das emissões otoacústicas evocadas transitórias, que serviu como triagem auditiva. O reteste foi realizado nas crianças que apresentaram resultado alterado na triagem auditiva. Os casos que, no reteste, permaneceram alterados foram encaminhados para o exame da imitanciometria. RESULTADOS: na triagem auditiva, foram identificadas 25 (23,6%) crianças com resultado alterado; dessas, 17 apresentaram resultado normal no reteste e 6 permaneceram com resultado alterado, sendo encaminhadas para imitanciometria. A prevalência de hipoacusia identificada ao final do estudo foi de 5,6%, sendo 3 (2,8%) do tipo condutiva e 3 (2,8%) do tipo neurossensorial. Estas últimas foram encaminhadas à avaliação otorrinolaringológica complementar para confirmação diagnóstica. As alterações auditivas identificadas neste estudo não apresentaram diferenças significantes quanto ao sexo e grupo etário. CONCLUSÕES: a prevalência de alteração auditiva encontrada nesta população alerta para a necessidade de implantação de programas de saúde auditiva e sua articulação com outras ações desenvolvidas na atenção à saúde infantil dos Kaiowá e Guarani.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as implicações da surdez adquirida em adultos, na vida familiar, social e no trabalho, com uma abordagem qualitativa. Foram selecionadas 27 pessoas residentes em Bauru-SP, com diagnóstico de perda auditiva de manifestação súbita na faixa etária de 18 a 60 anos, matriculados no Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais (HRAC/USP) entre janeiro de 2000 e fevereiro de 2005, sendo entrevistados 16. Utilizaram-se a entrevista e a análise de conteúdo. Constatou-se: a perda auditiva ocorreu entre os 40 e 44 anos, 37,5%; 62,5% dos que perderam a audição eram do sexo masculino, 62,5% não tinham o ensino fundamental; 62,5% eram da classe Baixa Superior; 75% apresentaram perda auditiva bilateral, 18,75% de grau moderado/profundo. Dos 13 que estavam trabalhando quando perderam a audição, 30,77% pararam de trabalhar e 15,38% mudaram de profissão. Foram relatadas situações como: afastamento do trabalho, demissão a pedido e demissão pelo empregador, dificuldade de aceitação, cobranças, falta de esclarecimentos e desconhecimento dos próprios profissionais de saúde. Os dados sugerem a necessidade dos recursos de reabilitação, de apoio terapêutico, respeito e alternativas de conhecimentos.


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Este estudo visou investigar as vivências emocionais e mecanismos de defesa de pais de crianças com deficiência auditiva. Foram entrevistados 12 genitores masculinos, de 25 a 38 anos, com escolaridade de primeiro grau incompleto a superior incompleto. Dos entrevistados, sete eram pais de filhos únicos, três, pais pela segunda vez e um pai pela terceira vez da criança com necessidade específica. As respostas foram categorizadas e analisadas com base no referencial psicodinâmico e apresentam vivências de choque, ansiedade e angústia e o uso de mecanismos de defesa frente ao diagnóstico e implicações da deficiência. As defesas constatadas foram analisadas como reações situacionalmente esperadas, podendo favorecer formas mais realistas de enfrentamento posterior. Sugere-se que, assim como mães, pais vivenciam impacto e dificuldades emocionais frente ao diagnóstico de seus filhos. Diferenças de papéis familiares facilitam ao pai um menor envolvimento na educação da criança, devendo-se valorizar a sua importância no processo de reabilitação.


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Introduction: Children with Moebius syndrome may present paralysis of cranial nerves III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XII, compromising motor and sensorial functions. Hands and feet defects (syndactyly, equinovarus and arthrogryposis) are frequently associated. These manifestations can be attributed to the use of misoprostol during pregnancy to induce abortion. Study design: Clinical prospective. Aim: To evaluate the main clinical manifestations, hearing acuity and possible etiologic factors in children with Moebius syndrome. Material and method: The children were submitted to clinical, otolaryngological and hearing acuity assessment. Hearing acuity was evaluated through behavioral tests, pure tone audiometry, tympanometry and auditory brainstem response (ABR). We investigated possible etiologic factors. Results: Three boys and two girls were evaluated. The main manifestations were: facial paralysis, paralysis of masseter muscle, defects in dental occlusion, retraction of tympanic membrane, equinovarus, oblique palpebral fissure and tongue atrophy. Conductive hearing loss was detected in three children and sensorineural hearing loss in one child. The use of misoprostol during pregnancy was reported by four mothers. Conclusions: The children with Moebius syndrome evaluated in the present study manifested palsies of various cranial nerves, especially V, VII and XII nerves, responsible for motor and sensorial alterations. Inadequate eustachian tube function associated to conductive hearing loss was frequent. The use of misoprostol during pregnancy was reported by the mothers and it was considered a possible etiologic factor.


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Cleft palates cause alterations in palate and lip structures, and it may also cause hearing loss because of recurrent otitis media. The appropriate treatment is controversial. It may include the prescription of antibiotics and insertion of a ventilation tube, or even otorhinolaryngological and audiological assistance, and hearing rehabilitation, with the use of an individual sound amplifier aid (ISAA). Aim: To characterize the profile of individuals with cleft palate and hearing loss, users of ISAA are assisted by the center of otorhinolaryngology and speech therapy of a hospital specialized in craniofacial anomalies and hearing impairment. Retrospective Study. Material and Methods: Retrospective analysis of 131 charts of patients with corrected cleft palate and hearing loss, fitted with ISAA by the center abovementioned. Results: The sample (n=131) was characterized by a prevalence of females (53%), unilateral incisive transforaminal cleft (27%), presence of associated anomalies (51%), history of alterations of the middle ear (56%) and surgery intervention (56%). Conclusion: The general profile of the individuals with cleft palate and hearing loss, fitted with ISAA, was characterized by the predominance of cleft lip and palate, positive history of middle ear alterations, surgery intervention and bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia. All Rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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PURPOSE: Describe hearing aid use by the elderly population in the city of São Paulo and identify associated factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative study integrated with the SABE (health, well-being and aging) project developed in 2006. A total of 1.115 individuals aged 65 or over were interviewed. Sample selection occurred in two stages, with replacement and probabilities proportional to the population to complement those aged 75 or over. Structured questionnaires and validated instruments were used. The data were weighted, the Rao-Scott test was used for univariate analysis and backward stepwise logistic regression was used for multivariate analysis, performed on Stata 10® software. RESULTS: Three hundred and seventy-seven subjects (30.4%) were classified as hearing impaired and 10.1% of these reported using hearing aids. To acquire the devices, 78.8% used their own resources and 16.9% acquired them through the Brazilian public health system (SUS). Among non-users of hearing aids, 16.6% reported prior indication; however, 8.6% were unable to adapt to the device and 8.0% could not afford to acquire one. Hearing aid use was associated with lower prevalence of probable dementia. CONCLUSION: The low number of hearing aid users indicates the difficulties elderly people face in acquiring them and/or that the health services face in effectively helping them to adapt. These findings may influence the quality of life of elderly with hearing impairment, given the association with probable dementia revealed by this study.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The main impact of hearing loss, in childhood, is the difficult to speech perception. The hearing aids and the cochlear implant are resources used to decrease a result of hearing loss. After the adjustment of these resources, with the therapeutic process, is possible that children with profound hearing impairment develop their hearing abilities, so they will have possibilities to notice phonetic and phonological characteristics of the language. Different speech perception procedures investigate which phonetic and phonological characteristics of the speech segment can be noticed by children with hearing loss. This study aims at analyzing the audiology profile and the speech perception in deaf children and adolescent.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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The Brazilian sign language is a visual-spatial language, manifested through the hands, facial expressions and body, being considered a natural language used by the deaf community in Brazil. Thus, in a school context the knowledge of LIBRAS is fundamental to the interpreter and the deaf student, so, the role of the interpreter in the classroom is to mediate the relationship between teachers and students. The objective of this study is to investigate the importance of the interpreter in the educational process of the deaf child and try to map the possible difficulties found by him in his workspace, under his perspective in the classroom. This is a qualitative study, which had the data collection instrument as an open interview with questionnaire, dealing on issues concerning to the role and practice of the interpreter of Libras in the classroom to support the deaf student in school age. Therefore, participated in the study two interpreters of Libras who works in elementary school classrooms in the city of Jaú. The results shown that the interpreter's role is extremely important for the education of children with hearing impairment, but it's not recognized and many times not accepted by teachers and educational institutions, when its real function is respected


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The diagnosis of hearing loss (HL) in a child constitutes a crisis, includinga possible crash in parental narcissism, requiring an individual, matrimonial andfamiliar reorganization process. The mother is the main figure to devote herselfattending the baby and generally takes the most responsibilities in the processof habilitation or rehabilitation of the child, while still having to deal with her frustratedexpectations and narcissism. This study aims to investigate the effects of a deaf child’s birth on the mother’s narcissism. Here understood as a normal stage of psychosexual development of the human being, needed for life preservation, nota pathology. Five different clinical pratical studies were developed with mothers of deaf children that were diagnosed less than one year ago. The data were collected using individual semi-structured interviews and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). Based on these studies it was found that the birth of a deaf child makes it difficult to obtain the expected narcissist satisfaction. The mother, investing all her affection and longing almost only on her child, hopes to rebuild her dream obtaining the "cure" and "normality" of her baby by submitting him/her to a cochlear implant.


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This study analyzed the influence of the hearing impairment (HI) of children in the way their mothers treat them (between 5 and 12 years old). Two studies were carried out to investigate the social - educational parental practices (SEPP) and parental styles. The first study observed the parental educational practices of mothers dealing with children with and without HI, and the second study tried to verify whether mothers acted different in these same practices when considering either children with HI or children without HI. The results have shown that HI seems to modify SEPP concerning expressing opinions, asking questions, (Study 1) and setting limits (Studies 1 and 2), as well as practices of negative monitoring (Study 1), moral behavior, inconsistent punishment, discipline absence, physical abuse and, also, Parental Styles (Study 2).