37 resultados para Germanium Dendrites


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The nonlinear (NL) response of lead-germanium oxide amorphous films was investigated using a Ti:saphire laser delivering pulses of approximate to 150 fs at 800 nm. The Kerr shutter technique was employed to reveal the time response of the nonlinearity that is smaller than 150 fs. The sign and magnitude of the nonlinearity were obtained using a novel technique called thermally managed eclipse Z scan which allows the simultaneous characterization of cumulative and noncumulative NL effects. The NL refractive index of electronic origin, n(2)approximate to 2x10(-17) m(2)/W, and the NL absorption coefficient, alpha(2)approximate to 3x10(3) cm/GW, were determined. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Irreversible photoexpansion effect has been observed in amorphous Ga10Ge2S65 glasses when its surface was exposed to light with energy greater than the band gap, 3.52 eV. A volume change of about 5% was reached in bulk samples by controlling illumination time and the laser power density. To understand the atomic scale processes of the photoexpansion effect, extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy has been used as a local probe of the germanium environment in the glass samples before and after illumination. Modifications are observed in the average coordination shell around Ge atoms in the illuminated sample compared to the non-illuminated one. For the non-illuminated sample, the Ge coordination shell is described by a distorted tetrahedron of sulfur atoms at around 2.20 Angstrom. After illumination, the EXAFS signal can be explained by introducing an additional contribution to this average environment. Based on an analysis of the EXAFS data we proposed a two-shell model of 0.5 oxygen atoms at 2.01 Angstrom and 3.6 sulfur atoms at a 2.20 Angstrom. The existence of Ge-O bonds in the glass after illumination was confirmed by infrared measurements. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work reports on the mechanical properties of germanium-rich amorphous carbon-germanium alloys prepared by RF sputtering of a germanium/graphite target under an argon/hydrogen atmosphere. Nano-hardness, elastic modulus and stress were investigated as a function of the carbon content. The stress, which is reduced by the incorporation of carbon, was related to the film structure and to the difference in the Ge-Ge and Ge-C bond length. Contrary to what was expected, the hardness and elastic modulus of the alloys are lower than the corresponding values for pure amorphous hydrogenated germanium film, which in turn has both properties also smaller than those of crystalline germanium. These properties are analyzed in terms of the structural properties of the films. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V All rights reserved.


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This article reports on the growth of SnO nanobelts and dendrites by a carbothermal reduction process. The materials were synthesized in a sealed tube furnace at 1210 degrees C and at 1260 degrees C for 2 h. in a dynamic nitrogen atmosphere of 40 seem. After synthesis, gray-black materials were collected downstream in the tube and the samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The results showed that the gray-black materials were composed of nanobelts, which grew in the [110] direction of the orthorhombic structure of SnO. Some of the belts also presented dendritic growth. The dendrites grew in the (110) planes of the SnO structure, and no defects were observed at the junction between the nanobelts and the dendrites. A self-catalytic vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) process was proposed to explain the growth of the SnO nanobelts and dendrites.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Eumelanin is a ubiquitous pigment in the human body, animals, and plants, with potential for bioelectronic applications because of its unique set of physical and chemical properties, including strong UV-vis absorption, mixed ionic/electronic conduction, free radical scavenging and anti-oxidant properties. Herein, a detailed investigation is reported of eumelanin thin films grown on substrates patterned with gold electrodes as a model system for device integration, using electrical measurements, atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy. Under prolonged electrical biasing in humid air, one can observe gold dissolution and formation of gold-eumelanin nanoaggregates, the assembly of which leads to the formation of dendrites forming conductive pathways between the electrodes. Based on results collected with eumelanins from different sources, a mechanism is proposed for the formation of the nanoaggregates and dendrites, taking into account the metal binding properties of eumelanin. The surprising interaction between eumelanin and gold points to new opportunities for the fabrication of eumelanin-gold nanostructures and biocompatible memory devices and should be taken into account in the design of devices based on eumelanin thin films. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.


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Relative to the Er3 +:gold-nanoparticle (Er3 +:Au-NP) axis, the polarization of the gold nanoparticle can be longitudinal (electric dipole parallel to the Er3 +:Au-NP axis) or transverse (electric dipole perpendicular to the Er3 +:Au-NP axis). For longitudinal polarization, the plasmon resonance modes of gold nanoparticles embedded in Er3 +-doped germanium-tellurite glass are activated using laser lines at 808 and 488 nm in resonance with radiative transitions of Er3 + ions. The gold nanoparticles were grown within the host glass by thermal annealing over various lengths of time, achieving diameters lower than 1.6 nm. The resonance wavelengths, determined theoretically and experimentally, are 770 and 800 nm. The absorption wavelength of nanoparticles was determined by using the Frohlich condition. Gold nanoparticles provide tunable emission resulting in a large enhancement for the 2H11/2 → 4I13/2 (emission at 805 nm) and 4S 3/2 → 4I13/2 (emission at 840 nm) electronic transitions of Er3 + ions; this is associated with the quantum yield of the energy transfer process. The excitation pathways, up-conversion and luminescence spectra of Er3 + ions are described through simplified energy level diagrams. We observed that up-conversion is favored by the excited-state absorption due to the presence of the gold nanoparticles coupled with the Er3 + ions within the glass matrix. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Afferents to the primary startle circuit are essential for the elicitation and modulation of the acoustic startle reflex (ASR). In the rat, cochlear root neurons (CRNs) comprise the first component of the acoustic startle circuit and play a crucial role in mediating the ASR. Nevertheless, the neurochemical pattern of their afferents remains unclear. To determine the distribution of excitatory and inhibitory inputs, we used confocal microscopy to analyze the immunostaining for vesicular glutamate and GABA transporter proteins (VGLUT1 and VGAT) on retrogradely labeled CRNs. We also used reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry to detect and localize specific neurotransmitter receptor subunits in the cochlear root. Our results show differential distributions of VGLUT1- and VGAT-immunoreactive endings around cell bodies and dendrites. The RT-PCR data showed a positive band for several ionotropic glutamate receptor subunits, M1-M5 muscarinic receptor subtypes, the glycine receptor alpha 1 subunit (GlyR alpha 1), GABA(A), GABA(B), and subunits of alpha 2 and beta-noradrenergic receptors. By immunohistochemistry, we confirmed that CRN cell bodies exhibit positive immunoreaction for the glutamate receptor (GluR) 3 and NR1 GluR subunits. Cell bodies and dendrites were also positive for M2 and M4, and GlyR alpha 1. Other subunits, such as GluR1 and GluR4 of the AMPA GluRs, were observed in glial cells neighboring unlabeled CRN cell bodies. We further confirmed the existence of nor-adrenergic afferents onto CRNs from the locus coeruleus by combining tyrosine hydroxylase immunohistochemistry and tract-tracing experiments. Our results provide valuable information toward understanding how CRNs might integrate excitatory and inhibitory inputs, and hence how they could elicit and modulate the ASR. (C) 2008 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Diatraea saccharalis F. is one of the greatest pests of the sugar cane culture. This report aimed to characterize the germanium region of the sugarcane borer by light and transmission electron microscopy, emphasizing the morphological steps of the ovarian cluster formation. In the germanium of this insect, four zones could be morphologically identified during the cluster formation. In the most apical end of each ovariole - Zone I - the germ line stem cells undergo complete mitotic division, originating the cystoblasts. In the Zone II, each cystoblast produces a group of eight cells, the cystocytes, which are interconnected by the ring canals. Clusters containing all the cystocytes in the meiosis, characterizes the Zone III. Germ cells with ultrastructural features of apoptosis are also detected in this Zone. In the Zone IV the cystocytes differentiate, morphologically, into one oocyte and seven nurse cells. Interstitial somatic cells and pre-follicle cells exhibit, in their cytoplasm, heterogeneous vacuoles containing degenerated cellular fragments, characterized as apoptotic bodies. Our results pointed out to the morphological evidences related with important control mechanisms for new clusters/follicles production and for the cellular arrangement into the germanium, resulting from the programmed cell death. We believe that the morphological characterization of ovarian cluster formation in D. saccharalis provided valuable information for the understanding of the initial steps of oogenesis and contributed for the knowledge of the cellular mechanisms related with the oocyte production and with reproduction in insects.


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The sol-gel method combined with a spin-coating technique has been successfully applied for the preparation of rare-earth doped silica:germania films used for the fabrication of erbium-doped waveguide amplifiers (EDWA), presenting several advantages over other methods for the preparation of thin films. As with other methods, the sol-gel route also shows some drawbacks, such as cracks related to the thickness of silica films and high hydrolysis rate of certain precursors such as germanium alkoxides. This article describes the preparation and optical characterization of erbium and ytterbium co-doped SiO2:GeO2 crack-free thick films prepared by the sol-gel route combined with a spin-coating technique using a chemically stable non-aqueous germanium oxide solution as an alternative precursor. The non-crystalline films obtained are planar waveguides exhibiting a single mode at 1,550 nm with an average thickness of 3.9 mu m presenting low percentages of porosity evaluated by the Lorentz-Lorenz Effective Medium Approximation, and low stress, according to the refractive index values measured in both transversal electric and magnetic polarizations. Weakly confining core layers (0.3% < Delta n < 0.75%) were obtained according to the refractive index difference between the core and buffer layers, suggesting that low-loss coupling EDWA may be obtained. The life time of the erbium I-4(13/2) metastable state was measured as a function of erbium concentration in different systems and based on these values it is possible to infer that the hydroxyl group was reduced and the formation of rare-earth clusters was avoided.


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FUNDAMENTOS - Melasma é hipermelanose comum caracterizada por máculas acastanhadas em áreas fotoexpostas, cuja fisiopatogenia não é totalmente esclarecida. OBJETIVOS - Caracterizar e comparar morfologica e funcionalmente os melanócitos da epiderme sã com os da pele afetada por melasma. MÉTODOS - Avaliaram-se 12 pacientes portadores de melasma facial, sendo realizadas biópsias da pele lesada e pele sã adjacente. Os cortes foram corados por hematoxilina-eosina, Fontana-Masson, marcados pelo Melan-A e submetidos à microscopia eletrônica. A quantificação epidérmica de melanina e melanócitos foi estimada a partir de análise citomorfométrica digital. RESULTADOS - Todas as pacientes eram mulheres com média de idade 41,3±2,8 anos. Ao Fontana-Masson evidenciou-se importante aumento da melanina epidérmica na pele lesada em relação à pele sã. A marcação pelo Melan-A demonstrou melanócitos maiores com dendritos proeminentes na pele lesada. Observou-se maior densidade de melanina epidérmica na pele lesada, e a análise digital do número de melanócitos da epiderme não demonstrou diferença significativa entre pele lesada e sã. À microscopia eletrônica, observaram-se número aumentado de melanossomas maduros nos ceratinócitos e melanócitos com organelas citoplasmáticas proeminentes na pele lesada. CONCLUSÕES - Melanogênese aumentada na epiderme com melasma em relação à epiderme normal adjacente.


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We study the relationship between the optical gap and the optical-absorption tail breadth for the case of amorphous gallium arsenide (a-GaAs). In particular, we analyze the optical-absorption spectra corresponding to some recently prepared a-GaAs samples. The optical gap and the optical-absorption tail breadth corresponding to each sample is determined. Plotting the optical gap as a function of the corresponding optical-absorption tail breadth, we note that a trend, similar to that found for the cases of the hydrogenated amorphous silicon and hydrogenated amorphous germanium, is also found for the case of a-GaAs. The impact of alloying on the optical-absorption spectrum associated with a-GaAs is also briefly examined. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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The purpose of this work was to evaluate the effect of three commercial mouthwashes on the corrosion resistance of Ti-10Mo experimental alloy. Experiments were made at 37.0 +/- 0.5 degrees C in a conventional three-compartment double wall glass cell containing commercial mouthwashes. Three mouthwashes with different active ingredients were tested: ( I) 0.05% sodium fluoride + 0.03% triclosan; (II) 0.5 g/l cetylpyridinium chloride + 0.05% sodium fluoride; (III) 0.12% chlorohexidine digluconate. The assessment of the individual effect of active ingredients was studied by using 0.05% sodium fluoride. Commercially pure titanium (CP Ti) was used as control. Microstructures from Ti-10Mo experimental alloy and CP Ti were also evaluated using optical microscopy. Ti-10Mo as-cast alloy shows the typical rapidly cooled dendrites microstructure (beta phase) while CP Ti has exhibited a metastable martensitic microstructure. Electrochemical behavior of dental materials here studied was more affected by mouthwash type than by Ti alloy composition or microstructure. In both alloys passivation phenomenon was observed. This process may be mainly related to Ti oxides or other Ti species present in spontaneously formed film. Small differences in passive current densities values may be connected with changes in film porosity and thickness. Protective characteristics of this passive film are lower in 0.05% sodium fluoride + 0.03% triclosan mouthwash than in the other two mouthwashes tested.