229 resultados para Funções psicológicas superiores


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O Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade tem sido evocado como justificativa corrente para o fracasso escolar de um número expressivo de crianças, atribuindo-se a elas a responsabilidade por não aprender e isentando de análise a escola e a sociedade nas quais estão inseridas. A situação se torna mais alarmante uma vez que a literatura a respeito aponta dificuldades no diagnóstico e na intervenção sobre esse tipo de transtorno, devidas à falta de clareza sobre o que é esse quadro clínico e em razão da não existência de estudos consistentes acerca das consequências futuras do uso de estimulantes nas crianças. Para discutir essas questões, a primeira parte do artigo apresenta a concepção hegemônica desse tipo de transtorno e sua compreensão do psiquismo infantil. A segunda parte aborda a maneira como a psicologia histórico-cultural analisa o desenvolvimento da atenção e o controle voluntário do comportamento humano, redimensionando a compreensão sobre o transtorno. Finalmente, são feitas algumas reflexões acerca do processo ensino-aprendizagem em crianças com desenvolvimento parcial das funções psicológicas superiores e do papel da psicologia e da pedagogia na compreensão do fenômeno para que sirvam de subsídio a medidas práticas em relação ao problema.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article proposes a theoretical reflection on the development of children with intellectual disabilities, regarding the importance and necessity of the process of learning the written language, from a historical-cultural point of view. For this approach, the course of development of a child disabled or not will occur according to cultural and social conditions experimented by him or her. Therefore, concerning the child with intellectual disabilities, his cultural condition, in dynamic relationship with the obstacles placed in its special condition, will be the source of his development. If the development of higher psychological functions is realized through the use of tools and if the people with intellectual disabilities present an inability to use these tools, there will be the need for aids so they can learn to use them in order to train and develop their psychic functions. In this process, education and written language acquisitions are fundamental ways of accessibility to the cultural world, a wider significance of communication in the world and to oneself. In short, the educators' comprehension about the importance of intentional teaching of written language and the historical process that envolves its development represents a fundamental contribution to the process of humanization of children with disabilities.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present work aims to draw some reflections on the role of art in integral education, particularly of art as a school subject. The paper focuses on the contribution of art to the development the individual and the higher psychological functions. The arguments presented here are based on the studies on art made by Lev Vygotsky and Georg Lukács and also on the educational studies made by Dermeval Saviani. We expect to contribute to the defense of the necessity of an integral education in which art, integrated with science and philosophy, opposes itself to the predominantly fetishistic and unilateral character of the activities that constitutes the life in the contemporary capitalist society.


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The idea of "mature development" is based, frequently, on explanations of school failure: the student does not learn because he is immature and the school has to wait until he gets "mature". When one says that a child is not mature compared to the development already attained by an adult, one focuses only the quantitative differences between them and forgets that these new qualities of the adult did not arise by the maturation, but by the permanent appropriation process of the human culture. Thus, this idea of "maturity of development" expresses a deep biologization of the human being, reducing social and educational problems explanation to the biological apparatus of the individual. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the relationship between maturation and development, pointing out the limits of biologists’ explanations of human phenomena and the possibilities of explanation formulated by the historical-cultural theory to the organization of pedagogical work. This concept gives a new configuration to the role of maturation in the learning process and gives the school education a central role in the development of higher psychological functions. Thus, the school does not have to wait for the child’s maturation. Rather, it is its duty to create conditions for his/her maturation to become effective.


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The objective of this paper is to analyze the role of pedagogical activity in the formation of attention. first, we present critically the concept of adhd analyzing the criteria used for its diagnosis. analyze, then, the process of constitution of attention as higher psychological function by examining their relationship with the structure of pedagogical activity. finally, we focus on the relationships between the motives of activity and the formacion of attention, presenting the concept of actions that generate motives for learning as an important theoretical tool that can put the teacher in the active role of producer new motives to bring students to develop psychological functions superiors, including attention. as conclusion, we criticize the medicalization process, bringing the challenge of to develop attention for its real locus, school education.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Cet article a comme objectif présenter la contribution de la Psychologie Historique-Culturelle pour l'analyse critique de l'évaluation psychoéducationnel traditionnel et postuler les fondements pour la nouvelle modalité évaluative. Cette proposition se justifie à cause de l'actuelle révitalisation de l'usage des testes padronisés pour la mensuration des fonctions psychologiques, dues à la vulgarisation de la neuropsychologie. Historiquement les testes padronisés servent comme instrument pour attester cientifiquement l'idéologie de l'égalité entre les hommes dans la societé capitaliste que se maintient à travers de l'expropriation et de l'exclusion. En outre, il existe une forte tendence à attendre que les résultats expliquent l'intelligence comme inée ou considèrent les prédispositions héréditaires pour apprendre, ce qu'on oppose à la comprehénsion que les fonctions mentales sont formées dans le proccès de développement historique-social à travers l'appropriation de la culture humaine. Il est nécessaire donc une évaluation qui considère les médiations sociales (des instruments et des signes) comme constituants des fonctions psychologiques encourageant le développement de tous les individus et la non légitimation de l'exclusion sociale.


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São revisados os trabalhos que, a partir de 1975,estudaram a ocorrência de manifestações neurológicas centrais e periféricas em trabalhadores ocupacionalmente expostos ao chumbo, que apresentavam níveis de exposição supostamente insuficientes para causarem Saturnismo. A partir da revisão realizada é sugerido que os limites de tolerância biológica utilizados em nosso meio para firmar o diagnóstico de intoxicação profissional pelo chumbo devam ser revistos. Tal sugestão baseia-se na existência de evidências bem estabelecidas que apontam disfunções da condução nervosa periférica e central, além de alterações de várias funções nervosas superiores, em trabalhadores profissionalmente expostos ao chumbo que apresentam indicadores de efeito biológico e indicadores de exposição inferiores aos limites estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)