83 resultados para Floor Plate


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This work presents a boundary element formulation for the analysis of building floor slabs, without beams, in which columns are coupled with the plate. An alternative formulation of boundary element method is presented, which considers three nodal displacements values (w, partial derivativew/partial derivativen and partial derivativew/partial derivatives) for the nodes at the boundary of the plate. In this formulation three boundary equations are written for all nodes at the boundary and in the domain of the plate. As the nodes of the column-plate connections are also represented by three nodal values, all these structural elements can be easily coupled. It is supposed that the cross-sections of the columns remain flat after the deflection and consequently the assumption of linear variation of the stress in the plate-column contact surface is also valid. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, the plate bending formulation of the boundary element method (BEM) based on the Reissner's hypothesis is extended to the analysis of zoned plates in order to model a building floor structure. In the proposed formulation each sub-region defines a beam or a slab and depending on the way the sub-regions are represented, one can have two different types of analysis. In the simple bending problem all sub-regions are defined by their middle surface. on the other hand, for the coupled stretching-bending problem all sub-regions are referred to a chosen reference surface, therefore eccentricity effects are taken into account. Equilibrium and compatibility conditions are automatically imposed by the integral equations, which treat this composed structure as a single body. The bending and stretching values defined on the interfaces are approximated along the beam width, reducing therefore the number of degrees of freedom. Then, in the proposed model the set of equations is written in terms of the problem values on the beam axis and on the external boundary without beams. Finally some numerical examples are presented to show the accuracy of the proposed model.


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In this work, a numerical model to perform non-linear analysis of building floor structures is proposed. The presented model is derived from the Kirchhoff-s plate bending formulation of the boundary element method (BENI) for zoned domains, in which the plate stiffness is modified by the presence of membrane effects. In this model, no approximation of the generalized forces along the interface is required and the compatibility and equilibrium conditions along interfaces are imposed at the integral equation level. In order to reduce the number of degrees of freedom, the Navier Bernoulli hypothesis is assumed to simplify the strain field for the thin sub-regions (rectangular beams). The non-linear formulation is obtained from the linear formulation by incorporating initial internal force fields, which are approximated by using the well-known cell sub-division. Then, the non-linear solution of algebraic equations is obtained by using the concept of the consistent tangent operator. The Von Mises criterion is adopted to govern the elasto-plastic material behaviour checked at points along the plate thickness and along the rectangular beam element axes. The numerical representations are accurately obtained by either computing analytically the element integrals or performing the numerical integration accurately using an appropriate sub-elementation scheme. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pyrophosphatase activity of rat osseous plate alkaline phosphatase was studied at different concentrations of calcium and magnesium ions. with the aim of characterizing the modulation of enzyme activity by these metals. In the absence of metal ions, the enzyme hydrolysed pyrophosphate following Michaelian kinetics with a specific activity of 36.7 U/mg and K-0.5 = 88 mu M. In the presence of low concentrations (0.1 mM) of magnesium (or calcium) ions, the enzyme also exhibited Michaclian kinetics for the hydrolysis of pyrophosphate, but a significant increase in specific activity (123 U/mg) was observed. K-m values remained almost unchanged. Quite different behavior occurred in the presence of 2 mM magnesium (or calcium) ions. In addition to low-affinity sites (K-0.5 = 40 and 90 mu M, for magnesium and calcium, respectively), high-affinity sites were also observed with K-0.5 values 100-fold lower. The high-affinity sites observed in the presence of calcium ions represented about 10% of those observed for magnesium ions. This was correlated with the fact that only magnesium ions triggered conformational changes yielding a fully active enzyme. These results suggested that the enzyme could hydrolyse pyrophosphate, even at physiological concentrations (4 mu M), since magnesium concentrations are high enough to trigger conformational changes increasing the enzyme activity. A model, suggesting the involvement of magnesium ions in the hydrolysis of pyrophosphate by rat osseous plate alkaline phosphatase is proposed. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purified membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase from rat osseous plate hydrolyzed pyrophosphate in the presence of magnesium ions, with a specific activity of 92.7 U/mg. Optimal apparent pH for pyrophosphatase activity was 8.0 and it remained unchanged on increasing the pyrophosphate concentration. In the absence of magnesium ions the enzyme had a K-m = 88 mu M and V = 36.7 U/mg for pyrophosphate and no inhibition by excess substrate was observed. Pyrophosphatase activity was rapidly destroyed at temperatures above 40 degrees C, but magnesium ions apparently protected the enzyme against danaturation. Sodium metavanadate (Ki = 1.0 mM) was a competitive inhibitor of pyrophosphatase activity, while levamisole (Ki = 8.2 mM) and theophylline (Ki = 7.4 mM) were uncompetitive inhibitors. Magnesium ions (K-0.5 = 1.7 mu M) stimulated pyrophosphatase activity, while cobalt (Ki = 48.5 mu M) and zinc (Ki = 22.0 mu M) ions were non-competitive inhibitors. Manganese and calcium ions had no effect on pyrophosphatase activity. The M-w of the pyrophosphatase: protein was 130 kDa by gel filtration, but a value of 65 kDa was obtained by dissociative gel electrophoresis, suggesting that it was a dimer of apparently identical subunits. These results suggested that pyrophosphatase activity stems from the membrane-bound osseous plate alkaline phosphatase and not from a different protein.


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Treatment with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C of rat osseous plate membranes released up to 90-95% of alkaline phosphatase, but a specific ATPase activity (optimum pH = 7.5) remained bound to the membrane. The hydrolysis of ATP by this ATPase was negligible in the absence of magnesium or calcium ions. However, at millimolar concentrations of magnesium and calcium ions, the membrane-specific ATPase activity increased to about 560-600 U/mg, exhibiting two classes of ATP-hydrolysing sites, and site-site interactions. GTP, UTP, ITP, and CTP were also hydrolyzed by the membrane-specific ATPase. Oligomycin, ouabain, bafilomycin A(1), thapsigargin, omeprazole, ethacrynic acid and EDTA slightly affected membrane-specific ATPase activity while vanadate produced a 18% inhibition. The membrane-specific ATPase activity was insensitive to theophylline, but was inhibited 40% by levamisole. These data suggested that the membrane-specific ATPase activity present in osseous plate membranes, and alkaline phosphatase, were different proteins. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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In this work, we describe an experimental setup in which an electric current is used to determine the angular velocity attained by a plate rotating around a shaft in response to a torque applied for a given period. Based on this information, we show how the moment of inertia of a plate can be determined using a procedure that differs considerably from the ones most commonly used, which generally involve time measurements. Some experimental results are also presented which allow one to determine parameters such as the exponents and constant of the conventional equation of a plate's moment of inertia.


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In this work, are discussed two formulations of the boundary element method - BEM to perform linear bending analysis of plates reinforced by beams. Both formulations are based on the Kirchhoffs hypothesis and they are obtained from the reciprocity theorem applied to zoned plates, where each sub-region defines a beam or a stab. In the first model the problem values are defined along the interfaces and the external boundary. Then, in order to reduce the number of degrees of freedom kinematics hypothesis are assumed along the beam cross section, leading to a second formulation where the collocation points are defined along the beam skeleton, instead of being placed on interfaces. on these formulations no approximation of the generalized forces along the interface is required. Moreover, compatibility and equilibrium conditions along the interface are automatically imposed by the integral equation. Thus, these formulations require less approximation and the total number of the degrees of freedom is reduced. In the numerical examples are discussed the differences between these two BEM formulations, comparing as well the results to a well-known finite element code.


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In this work, the plate bending formulation of the boundary element method - BEM, based on the Reissner's hypothesis, is extended to the analysis of plates reinforced by beams taking into account the membrane effects. The formulation is derived by assuming a zoned body where each sub-region defines a beam or a slab and all of them are represented by a chosen reference surface. Equilibrium and compatibility conditions are automatically imposed by the integral equations, which treat this composed structure as a single body. In order to reduce the number of degrees of freedom, the problem values defined on the interfaces are written in terms of their values on the beam axis. Initially are derived separated equations for the bending and stretching problems, but in the final system of equations the two problems are coupled and can not be treated separately. Finally are presented some numerical examples whose analytical results are known to show the accuracy of the proposed model.


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In this work, a boundary element formulation to analyse plates reinforced by rectangular beams, with columns defined in the domain is proposed. The model is based on Kirchhoff hypothesis and the beams are not required to be displayed over the plate surface, therefore eccentricity effects are taken into account. The presented boundary element method formulation is derived by applying the reciprocity theorem to zoned plates, where beams are treated as thin sub-regions with larger rigidities. The integral representations derived for this complex structural element consider the bending and stretching effects of both structural elements working together. The standard equilibrium and compatibility conditions along interface are naturally imposed, being the bending tractions eliminated along interfaces. The in-plane tractions and the bending and in-plane displacements are approximated along the beam width, reducing the number of degrees of freedom. The columns are introduced into the formulation by considering domain points where tractions can be prescribed. Some examples are then shown to illustrate the accuracy of the formulation, comparing the obtained results with other numerical solutions.


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The study of algorithms for active vibration control in smart structures is an area of interest, mainly due to the demand for better performance of mechanical systems, such as aircraft and aerospace structures. Smart structures, formed using actuators and sensors, can improve the dynamic performance with the application of several kinds of controllers. This article describes the application of a technique based on linear matrix inequalities (LMI) to design an active control system. The positioning of the actuators, the design of a robust state feedback controller and the design of an observer are all achieved using LMI. The following are considered in the controller design: limited actuator input, bounded output (energy) and robustness to parametric uncertainties. Active vibration control of a flat plate is chosen as an application example. The model is identified using experimental data by an eigensystem realization algorithm (ERA) and the placement of the two piezoelectric actuators and single sensor is determined using a finite element model (FEM) and an optimization procedure. A robust controller for active damping is designed using an LMI framework, and a reduced model with observation and control spillover effects is implemented using a computer. The simulation results demonstrate the efficacy of the approach, and show that the control system increases the damping in some of the modes.


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This paper presents an experimental technique for structural health monitoring (SHM) based on Lamb waves approach in an aluminum plate using piezoelectric material as actuators and sensors. Lamb waves are a form of elastic perturbation that remains guided between two parallel free surfaces, such as the upper and lower surfaces of a plate, beam or shelf. Lamb waves are formed when the actuator excites the surface of the structure with a pulse after receiving a signal. Two PZTs were placed in the plate surface and one of them was used to send a predefined wave through the structure. Thus, the other PZT (adjacent) becomes the sensor. Using this methodology, this paper presents one case of damage detection considering the aluminum plate in the free-free-free-free boundary condition. The damage was simulated by adding additional mass on the plate. It is proposed two damage detection indexes obtained from the experimental signal, involving the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and the power spectral density (PSD) that were computed using the output signal. The results show the viability of the presented methodology to damage detection in smart structures


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Objective: To compare the efficiency of an Aeroneb Pro vibrating plate and an Atomisor MegaHertz ultrasonic nebulizer for providing ceftazidime distal lung deposition.Design: In vitro experiments. One gram of cetazidime was nebulized in respiratory circuits and mass median aerodynamic diameter of particles generated by ultrasonic and vibrating plate nebulizers was compared using a laser velocimeter. In vivo experiments. Lung tissue concentrations and extrapulmonary depositions were measured in ten anesthetized ventilated piglets with healthy lungs that received 1 g of ceftazidime by nebulization with either an ultrasonic (n = 5), or a vibrating plate (n = 5) nebulizer.Setting: A two-bed Experimental Intensive Care Unit of a University School of Medicine.Intervention: Following sacrifice, 5 subpleural specimens were sampled in dependent and nondependent lung regions for measuring ceftazidime lung tissue concentrations by high-performance liquid chromatography.Measurements and results: Mass median aerodynamic diameters generated by both nebulizers were similar with more than 95% of the particles between 0.5 and 5 mu m. Lung tissue concentrations were 553 +/- 123 [95% confidence interval: 514-638] mu g g(-1) using ultrasonic nebulizer, and 452 +/- 172 [95% confidence interval: 376-528] mu g g(-1) using vibrating plate nebulizers (NS). Extrapulmonary depositions were, respectively, of 38 +/- 5% (ultrasonic) and 34 +/- 4% (vibrating plate) (NS).Conclusions: Vibrating plate nebulizer is comparable to ultrasonic nebulizers for ceftazidime nebulization. It may represent a new attractive technology for inhaled antibiotic therapy.


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Background: An experimental study was done to assess the ability of the vegetal polymer miniplates and screws to repair defects of the orbital floor.Methods: An artificial standard-sized defect was created in the bony floor of right orbit of 45 albino rabbits. The animals were divided into three experimental groups: control group (G1) involving animals with orbital floor defect and no treatment; titanium group (G2) containing animals with orbital floor defect repaired by titanium miniplates and screws; vegetal polymer group (G3) composed of animals with similar orbital floor defects repaired by vegetal polymer miniplates and screws. Throughout the course of the experiment, the animals were clinically evaluated. At 15, 30 and 60 days after surgery, the animals were killed. They were X-rayed immediately after the floor defect and at the moment of sacrifice. Histological and morphometric evaluation of inflammatory reaction and bone healing was done. Data were statistically evaluated.Results: No implants were extruded. Bone consolidation was similar in G2 and G3 and better than in G1 group animals. Inflammatory reaction was most pronounced in animals of G3 15 days after surgery, and it subsided over time.Conclusion: Vegetal polymer miniplates and screws induces small inflammatory reaction and had the ability to stimulate bone growth with good integration in the orbital floor defect allowing to consider the vegetal polymer adequate option to treat orbital floor defects. Future studies involving long-term follow-up and biomechanical tests to evaluate material resistance to traction are needed.