65 resultados para Ferromanganese crust
Context. The V-type asteroids are associated with basaltic composition. Apart from ( 1459) Magnya, an asteroid that is clearly dynamically and mineralogically unconnected to the Vesta family, all currently known V-type asteroids are either members of the Vesta family, or are hypothesized to be former members of the dynamical family that migrated to their current orbital positions. The recent identification of ( 21238) 1995 WV7 as a V-type asteroid introduces the possibility that a second basaltic asteroid not connected with the Vesta family exists. This asteroid is on the opposite side of the 3: 1 mean motion resonance with respect to Vesta, and it would be very unlikely that a member of the Vesta family of its size (D > 5km) migrating via either the Yarkovsky effect or repeated close encounters with Vesta survived the passage through such a resonance.Aims. In this work we investigate the possibility that ( 21238) 1995 WV7 originated as a fragment of the parent body of the Eunomia family and then migrated via the interplay of the Yarkovsky effect and some powerful nonlinear secular resonances, such as the (s - s(6)) - ( g(5) - g(6)). If (15) Eunomia is, as claimed, a differentiated object whose originally pyroxene-enriched crust layer was lost in a collision that either created the Eunomia family or preceded its formation, can (21238) be a fragment of its long-lost basaltic crust that migrated to the current position?Methods. We mapped the phase space around (21238) and determined which of the nonlinear secular resonances that we identified are stronger and more capable of having caused the current difference in proper i between (21238) and members of the Eunomia family. We simulated the Yarkovsky effect by using the SWIFT-RMVSY integrator.Results. Our results suggest that it is possible to migrate from the Eunomia dynamical family to the current orbital location of ( 21238) via the interplay of the Yarkovsky effect and the (s - s6) - (g5 - g6) nonlinear secular resonance, on time-scales of at least 2.6 Gyr.Conclusions. (15) Eunomia might be the third currently known parent body for V-type asteroids.
The oldest fragment of continental crust recognized in South America occurs as an isolated Archean enclave in northeastem Brazil's Borborema Province, ca. 600 Ma Brasiliano-Pan African orogenic belt. This Archean fragment, the Sao Jose do Campestre massif, is surrounded by large tracts of 2.2-2.0 Ga Paleoproterozoic gneisses and is located more than 600-1500 km from the much larger assemblages of Archean rocks found in the Sao Fransciso and Amazonian cratons, located to the south and west, respectively. Geochronological studies of the Sao Jose do Campestre massif show that its oldest rocks contain zircons with U-Pb ages up to 3.5 Ga and Sm-Nd T-DM model ages of more than 3.7 Ga, indicating that they represent reworked crust. This older nucleus is flanked by both reworked and juvenile 3.25 and 3.18 Ga rocks which arc intruded by both 3.00 and 2.69 Ga plutonic bodies. The protracted evolution the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is consistent with that of a larger continental mass as opposed to a small crustal fragment that grew in isolation. As such, the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is interpreted as representing a detached piece of an evolved craton that became entrained with younger rocks during a subsequent Paleoproterozoic accretionary-orogenic event. This hypothesis is bolstered by the presence of Paleoproterozoic gneisses that envelop the Sao Jose do Campestre massif, as well as the existence of ca. 2.0 Ga metamorphic zircon and monazite within its rocks. The occurrence of several different Archean cratonic basement inliers within the greater Paleoproterozoic crustal framework of the Borborema Province suggests that cratonic slices spalled off one or more larger Archean masses prior to the ca. 2.2-2.0 Ga Paleoproterozoic orogenic collage. A important challenge is to link these older fragments to their parent cratons. Although results are not unique, the pattern of ages and isotopic signatures observed in the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is similar to that seen in parts of the Sao Francisco Craton, and it is possible that the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is a fragment of an Archean continental fragment formed during an episode of continental breakup prior to 2200 Ma. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The dilatometer test results have been lately applied in foundation design for prediction of settlement and bearing capacity problems. The equipment, its calibration, test procedures and test data interpretation are simple. These advantages seem to explain the increasing use of the dilatometer (DMT) test as a routine technique for subsoil investigation. The DMT test boreholes were carried out on the grounds of the National Research Council (NRC) in Ottawa. Several test results based on laboratory, and other in situ tests available in the literature for the Leda clay deposit in Ottawa area were used to provide correlations between geotechnical properties and soil index parameters as proposed by Marchetti (1980). More appropriated relationships, even though preliminaries, are presented for the crust layer.
Background: Pythiosis in horses is a proliferative and ulcerative disease that primarily affects the skin and subcutaneous tissue of limbs, thoracic-abdominal region and head. This disease sometimes can also affect limb bones or cause tumoral masses in abdomen. Usually, the cutaneous cases are confused with habronemiasis. The disease is more common in marshy areas, places with formation of slow drainage ponds and aquatic vegetation under high temperatures. The aim of this study was to describe the development of facial lesions in a horse caused by pythiosis in Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, and, additionally to discuss relevant issues regarding the diagnosis, clinical course and response to immunotherapy treatment.Case: One five years old mare of unknown breed, created in property located in the Cerrado region, had a wound on its face difficult to be healed and non-responsive to several treatments based on ivermectin and organophosphate administrated by either topical or systemic via. The animal was assisted on the farm of origin by the veterinary team of the Clinical Medicine sector, of the Veterinary Hospital, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (HOVET-UFMT). on the occasion of the visit, which occurred 60 days after onset of signs, the animal showed a circular single large lesion, ulcerative with serous discharge on the right part of its face, between the eyes and nostrils. There were some necrotic foci with sinus, from which kunkers were extracted; a condition compatible with pythiosis. The diagnosis was confirmed by histology, ELISA and PCR.Discussion: Assuming pythiosis from data obtained from the survey and profile of the lesion (secretory aspect, emaciation and presence of sinus and kunkers), immunotherapy treatment was immediately applied. The advanced clinical aspects and the fact that early diagnosis and treatment are essentials to satisfactory therapeutic response were also taken into consideration for starting the treatment. The remission of signs was achieved after five subcutaneous applications with 14 days between each application. From the second application, it was observed clinical improvement and after 60 days of treatment there was almost complete remission of signs. The signs for a satisfactory response in the injury site followed the order of decreasing secretory aspect, decreasing borders, decrease the itching and bringing the edges together with the formation of a thin layer of crust on the surface. Pythiosis cases with lesions on the face and lower abdomen are commonly confused with habronemiasis by macroscopic and widespread similarity between technicians and attendants, and essential support to the diagnosis through laboratory tests, which in turn are still underutilized. In this case, the authors demonstrated the therapeutic efficacy of immunotherapy as an advantage, considering the possibility of applying it in cases of lesions in areas of difficult surgical access, treatment conditions in the field, with low cost and ease of application. Further studies approaching this alternative therapy are necessary, since side effects have been observed in some cases.
FUNDAMENTOS: O tecido dérmico acelular porcino é alternativa para o tratamento de feridas cutâneas. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a resposta clínica e inflamatória do implante de tecido dérmico acelular porcino, com e sem cobertura impermeável. MÉTODOS: Estudo pareado, longitudinal, criando-se duas feridas cutâneas no dorso de 16 ratos (quatro animais/grupo), em que foi implantado tecido dérmico acelular coberto ou não por impermeável. Os animais foram avaliados e sacrificados sete, 15, 30 e 60 dias após a cirurgia, sendo removidos os tecidos acelulares e adjacentes para avaliação histológica e morfométrica. RESULTADOS: A cobertura impermeável permaneceu sobre o tecido acelular porcino até cerca de 15 dias. O grupo sem impermeável apresentou maior desidratação, com crosta fibrinoleucocitária, edema e reação inflamatória na derme. Sessenta dias após a cirurgia, animais do grupo sem impermeável ainda apresentavam ulcerações, afinamento do epitélio e ausência de queratina, enquanto nos do grupo com impermeável a pele já se encontrava normal. CONCLUSÃO: O tecido dérmico acelular porcino com cobertura impermeável apresentou resultados clínicos e histológicos melhores do que os do tecido dérmico acelular porcino sem impermeável para tratamento de feridas cutâneas extensas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A Bacia de Santos é uma bacia de margem passiva gerada durante o Neocomiano, associado com o evento de ruptura do Supercontinente de Gondwana. A espessura da seção sedimentar pode alcançar 15 km, incluindo a seqüência rifte, e foi depositada sobre uma crosta afinada cuja espessura original era de cerca de 35 km. Foi realizada uma modelagem crustal em 8 linhas, aproximadamente perpendiculares ao mergulho deposicional da bacia, objetivando o reconhecimento da geometria da fase rifte e a estimativa do estiramento crustal. Foram utilizados durante a modelagem quatro horizontes sísmicos em profundidade, mapas magnético e gravimétrico além de dados da profundidade do embasamento magnético. Foi reconhecido um pronunciado estiramento crustal em toda a bacia (fatores de estiramento crustal variando entre 1.2 e 3.1), evidenciando ampla acomodação da deformação. Os resultados da modelagem necessitaram, ainda, de espessas e contínuas camadas de rochas vulcânicas para ajuste do modelo. Estas cunhas de rochas vulcânicas, limitadas lateralmente por falhas normais, são feições comuns em bacias rifte. Os resultados da modelagem foram confrontados com dados da profundidade do embasamento magnético, obtidos anteriormente, e evidenciaram forte correlação, sobretudo nas áreas rasas da bacia.
The Cretaceous Barra do Itapirapua carbonatite in southern Brazil experienced extensive postmagmatic hydrothermal alteration. In this article, Sr and Nd isotope ratios of coexisting samples of hydrothermally overprinted and of preserved, nonoverprinted carbonatite are presented. Hydrothermal alteration caused strong REE enrichment, leading to the formation of minerals of the bastnaesite group. In the overprinted carbonatite, Nd contents reach 4000 ppm, two orders of magnitude higher than in the fresh carbonatite, but epsilon(Nd) varies only within a range of 3.4 units. In contrast, Sr was leached from the carbonatite during the postmagmatic alteration; hence values of around 10,000 ppm in the fresh carbonatite drop to about 1000 ppm in the overprinted samples. Leaching is accompanied by a variation of Sr isotopic composition toward more radiogenic values, resulting in an increase of 15 units in epsilon(Sr). Variation of Sr isotopic composition is related to postmagmatic alteration and is decoupled from the variation of Nd isotopic composition, ruling out heterogeneities in the mantle source as the main cause of isotopic variability in the data set. Furthermore, this cannot be explained by bulk crustal contamination. A two-step model is proposed in which (1) a REE-rich, carbonatite-derived hydrothermal fluid overprinted the pristine carbonatite, causing REE-enrichment with a relative small change of isotopic composition; and (2) crust-derived hydrothermal fluids percolated the cooling carbonatite, leaching the original Sr from the carbonatite and introducing a more radiogenic Sr isotopic signature. The amounts of carbonatite-derived Nd with primitive, carbonatite-like Nd isotope ratios introduced during the first stage of hydrothermal alteration are high enough to buffer the effect of crust-derived Nd on the Nd isotopic composition of the overprinted carbonatite.
New structural data from Elephant Island and adjacent islands are presented with the objective to improve the understanding of subduction kinematics in the area northeast of the Antarctic Peninsula. on the island, a first deformation phase, D-1, produced a strong SL fabric with steep stretching and mineral lineations, partly defined by relatively high pressure minerals, such as crossite and glaucophane. D-1 is interpreted to record southward subduction along an E-W trench with respect to the present position of the island. A second phase, D-2, led to intense folding with steep E-W-trending axial surfaces. The local presence of sinistral C'-type sheer bands related to this phase and the oblique inclination of the L-2 stretching lineations are the main arguments to interpret this phase as representing oblique sinistral transpressive shear along steep, approximately E-W-trending shear zones, with the northern (Pacific) block going down with respect to the southern (Antarctic Peninsula) block. The sinistral strike-slip component may represent a trench-linked strike-slip movement as a consequence of oblique subduction. Lithostatic pressure decreased and temperature increased to peak values during D-2, interpreted to represent the collision of thickened oceanic crust with the active continental margin. The last deformation phase, D-3, is characterised by post-metamorphic kink bands, partially forming conjugate sets consistent with E-W shortening and N-S extension. The rock units that underlie the island probably rotated during D-3, in Cenozoic times, together with the trench, from an NE-SW to the present ENE-WSW position, during the progressive opening of the Scotia Sea. The similarity between the strain orientation of D-3 and that of the sinistral NE-SW Shackleton Fracture Zone is consistent with this interpretation. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The Pluriserial Ribeira Magmatic System-590 of the Late Precambrian Ribeira Fold Belt comprises seven groups of high-K rocks of crustal or mantle origin with ages ranging between 620 and 570 Ma. One of these groups is represented by transalkaline suites akin to appinitic lamprophyres. The suites assemble one or more of following lithologies: (+/- quartz) gabbros and monzogabbros, (+/- quartz) diorites and monzodiorites, (+/- quartz) monzonites and syenites in addition to rare granites. All these rocks occur together in the Piracaia pluton, State of São Paulo. The mineralogy of the Piracaia suite comprises variable amounts of plagioclase (An 60-10), alkali-feldspars (orthoclase, microcline, albite), ortho- (Fe-hypersthene) and clinopyroxenes (augite), amphiboles (hornblende and rare late Fe-hastingsite), abundant biotite, quartz, opaques, sphene, allanite and zircon. Several magmatic pulses constructed the pluton. The Piracaia magma bulk trend evolved initially along the silica-undersaturation plane with simultaneous fractionation of accessory, mafic and felsic minerals. These are segregated in feldspar-rich cumulates. In the late stage, the evolutionary trend followed two distinct paths: one along the or-ab thermal barrier with the crystallization of syenites; the second one along the thermal valley in the or-ab-qz subsystem, producing quartz-syenites and granites. The source of the Piracaia magma was a 'vein-plus-wall-rock-system '. Together the pulses reflect increasing and decreasing participation of peridotites and mica pyroxenites, respectively, in the magmatogenic process. The magmatic pulses were stored in magma chambers, several drained by deep faults or fractures, which were successively reactivated and recharged. Each new pulse underwent mixing with earlier residual magma, followed by fractionation. During ascent through the hot and thickened post-collisional crust, the magma pulses underwent minor compositional changes by crustal contamination. The concentration of valuable elements (Cu, Zn, Gd) in the Piracaia pluton occurred during two phases of the magmatic evolution. Cu and Zn were enriched in cumulates and Gd was concentrated in residual quartz-syenitic veins. Due to their homogeneous dark colour and texture, the monzodiorites are exploited both for polished dimension stones and supports for sensitive scientific instruments. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A área da Bacia do Marajó apresenta feições geológicas e geomorfológicas devidas principamente à distensão Mesozóica e à neotectônica pós-miocênica. O evento de distensão, com fases do Cretáceo Inferior e Superior, originou quatro sub-bacias que contituem a Bacia do Marajó, com uma espessa seqüência clástica continental mostrando influência marinha. Falhas normais NW e NNW e direcionais NE e ENE controlaram a geometria da bacia. A distensão, relacionada com a abertura do Atlântico Equatorial, propagou-se continente adentro ao longo de zonas de fraqueza crustal dos cinturões orogênicos pré-cambrianos Tumucumaque, Amapá e Araguaia. O evento neotectônico é um regime transcorrente que desenvolveu bacias transtensivas preenchidas por sedimentos marinhos rasos (Formação Pirabas) e seqüências transicionais (Grupo Barreiras) do Terciário Superior, seguidos por depósitos fluviais e seqüências transicionais do Quaternário, derivadas dos rios Amazoans e Tocantins e do estuário do Marajó. A paisagem atual tem morfologia tipicamente estuarina. A morfologia costeira apresenta escarpas em seqüências transicionais do Terciário Superior, enquanto no interior dominam elevações sustentadas por crosta laterítica do Pleistoceno Médio, aparadas por superfície erosiva a 70 m. No leste da Ilha do Marajó são reconhecidas várias gerações de paleocanais com seqüências estuarinas associadas, enquanto no lado oeste predomina uma planície flúvio-marinha.
A subduction complex composed of ocean floor material mixed with arc-derived metasediments crops out in the Elephant Island group and at Smith Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, with metamorphic ages of 120-80 Ma and 58-47 Ma? respectively. Seven metamorphic zones (I-VII) mapped on Elephant Island delineate a gradual increase in metamorphic grade from the pumpellyite-actinolite facies, through the crossite-epidote blueschist facies, to the lower amphibolite facies. Geothermometry in garnet-amphibole and garnet-biotite pairs yields temperatures of about 350 degrees C in zone III to about 525 degrees C in zone VII. Pressures were estimated on the basis of Si content in white mica, Al2O3 content in alkali amphibole, Na-M4/Al-IV in sodic-calcic and calcic amphibole, Al-VI/Si in calcic amphibole, and jadeite content in clinopyroxene. Mean values vary from about 6-7.5 kbar in zone II to about 5 kbar in zone VII. Results from the other islands of the Elephant Island group are comparable to those from the main island; Smith Island yielded slightly higher pressures, up to 8 kbar, with temperatures estimated between 300 and 350 degrees C. Zoned minerals and other textural indications locally enable inference of P-T-t trajectories, all with a clockwise evolution. A reconstruction in space and time of these P-T-t paths allows an estimate of the thermal structure in the upper crust during the two ductile deformation phases (D-1 & D-2) that affected the area. This thermal structure is in good agreement with the one expected for a subduction zone. The arrival and collision of thickened oceanic crust may have caused the accretion and preservation of the subduction complex. In this model, D-1 represents the subduction movements expressed by the first vector of the clockwise P-T-t path, D-2 reflects the collision corresponding to the second vector with increasing temperature and decreasing pressure, and D-3 corresponds to isostatic uplift accompanied by erosion, under circumstances of decreasing temperature and pressure.