33 resultados para FLUORIDATION


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Objective: To determine the prevalence and severity of caries in 3-12-year-old children in three districts of the city of Araraquara, Design: An epidemiological survey was carried out by trained and calibrated examiners in 1995 and 1996, using the WHO diagnostic criteria. Setting: Two districts, Araraquara and Vila Xavier had been fluoridated since 1963 and one, Gavião Peixoto, since 1994. Subjects: The study included 1,191 children from Araraquara, 653 from Vila Xavier and 652 from Gavião Peixoto. Outcome measures: Prevalence of caries, dmft, dmfs, DMFT and DMFS indices. Results: Results showed moderate caries experience in all three districts. Differences between districts in relation to fluoridation history were particularly obvious in primary teeth. In 3-4-year-old children, one third of those in Araraquara and Vila Xavier had some caries experience compared to 58% in Gavião Peixoto. In permanent teeth, 20% or less of the mean DMFT was made up of untreated decay in Araraquara and Vila Xavier whereas in Gaviao Peixoto it made up between 50 and 57% of values in 7-12-year-old children. Conclusions: The prevalence and severity of caries was lower in dentitions of children from the districts fluoridated since 1963. Improvements are likely in the future in Gaviao Peixoto as the benefit of fluoridation continues but additional means of promoting oral health are needed in all three districts.


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Objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess the fluoride concentration in the public water supply and the prevalence of dental fluorosis in schoolchildren between 7 and 15 years old, living in a peripheral district of the municipality of Bauru. Material and Methods: For this, fifty two water samples were collected on three different days of one week. These samples were analyzed for fluoride by means of the ion-sensitive electrode method (Orion 9609) coupled to a potentiometer (Procyon, model 720). In this method, 1.0 mL of TISAB II (Orion) was added to 1.0 mL of the sample. For the epidemiological survey of fluorosis, 52 schoolchildren of both genders, aged between 7 and 15 were assessed, with prior authorization from their caretakers. Only one person examined the children, after supervised toothbrushing and drying with cotton wool rolls. The TF index was used. Results: The fluoride concentrations in the water samples ranged from 0.62 to 1.20 mg/L, with a mean of 0.9 mg/L. The prevalence of dental fluorosis was 33%, with severity ranging from TF1 to TF4 (Kappa of 0.73 and concordance of 83.33%). Conclusions: The results from the analysis of water samples indicated a fluoride concentration greater than recommended for Bauru. The fluorosis levels found were higher than expected for a peripheral district, in which water is one of the few sources of fluoride.


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Fluoride levels in the public water supplies of 40 Brazilian cities were analyzed and classified on the basis of risk/benefit balance. Samples were collected monthly over a seven-year period from three sites for each water supply source. The samples were analyzed in duplicate in the laboratory of the Center for Research in Public Health - UNESP using an ion analyzer coupled to a fluoride-specific electrode. A total of 19,533 samples were analyzed, of which 18,847 were artificially fluoridated and 686 were not artificially fluoridated. In samples from cities performing water fluoridation, 51.57% (n=9,720) had fluoride levels in the range of 0.55 to 0.84 mg F/L; 30.53% (n=5,754) were below 0.55 mg F/L and 17.90% (n=3,373) were above 0.84 mg F/L (maximum concentration=6.96 mg F/L). Most of the cities performing fluoridation that had a majority of samples with fluoride levels above the recommended parameter had deep wells and more than one source of water supply. There was some variability in the fluoride levels of samples from the same site and between collection sites in the same city. The majority of samples from cities performing fluoridation had fluoride levels within the range that provides the best combination of risks and benefits, minimizing the risk of dental fluorosis while preventing dental caries. The conduction of studies about water distribution systems is suggested in cities with high natural fluoride concentrations in order to optimize the use of natural fluoride for fluoridation costs and avoid the risk of dental fluorosis.


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Purpose: This population-based, cross-sectional study aimed to record the DMFT index for 12 year-old children with dental caries and fluorosis levels in cities with and without public water supply fluoridation. Methods: From the 101 municipalities belonging to the Health Regional Department XV (DRSXV-SJRP) of the São Paulo state in the Southeast region of Brazil, 85 cities were selected after exclusion of those with incomplete data and less than ten years of fluoridation treatment in 2004. The criteria adopted for the assessment of dental caries and fluorosis levels were based on the guidelines published in the WHO Manual 4th edition. The data were analyzed using Fisher’s exact tests at a significance level of 5%. Results: The prevalence of caries in 12 year-old children had no significant association with fluoridated water, and was considered “moderate” and “high” in cities without fluoridation and “low” and “moderate” in cities with fluoridation. A significant association was found between water fluoridation and fluorosis (P=0.001), but not between water fluoridation and the DMFT index (P=0.119). Conclusion: The prevalence of fluorosis was related to water fluoridation in this study. However, fluorosis was also observed in non-fluoridated cities, which may result from fluoride intake through other sources.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objectives: This study aimed to verify the dental caries prevalence in Baixo Guandu, the first Brazilian city to fluoridate its public water supplies; to compare the findings with the data from the national survey; and also to compare the prevalence in the 12-year-old age group with the data obtained before the beginning of the fluoridation. Methods: All the lifetime residents aged 5, 12, 15 to 19, and 35 to 44 years old were clinically examined (World Health Organization). Results: The means of dmft/DMFT were lower than in the Brazilian population living in fluoridated communities. The DMFT Index in 12-year-old residents decreased between 1953 and 2005 from 8.61 to 1.55. Conclusions: The addition of fluoride to public water supplies was an important ally in the improvement of the oral health of Baixo Guandu inhabitants.


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Most of the water supplies in Brasil have a low Fluoride concentration, however there are some places where these concentrations are above the recommended as suitable for human consumption, causing chronicle intoxication, more specifically, dental Fluorosis. This study aimed to know the Fluoride content naturally present in water from 175 shallow wells located in the rural zone of Gabriel Monteiro city, in São Paulo state, in 2004, and to verify if these contents could prevent dental decay. Armed with a map of the city were located and visited all households in which a sample of water used was collected in a polyethylene bottle, then sent to NEPESCO (Collective Health Research Nucleus) laboratory of the Post-Graduation Program of Preventive and Social Dentistry of the Ara atuba Dental School-UNESP, The method used was the Fluoride ion-specific electrode (Orion 9609 BN), coupled to an ion-analyzer (Orion 710 A). The results showed that in 73.36% of the samples in the Fluoride concentrations was considered despicable (<0.10 ppm F). The Fluoride concentration in water sources do not exceed the values recommended by Brazilian legislation, however, considering the low concentrations of Fluoride found in the sources analyzed, it is important to recommend the use of Fluoride products, if used with proper care, aiming to promote oral health in this population.


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O objetivo do presente artigo é investigar a relação fluorose/cáries em escolas, de acordo com o nível de fluoreto no abastecimento público de água. A amostra consistiu em 360 alunos de doze anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, que frequentam as escolas próximas da região em que nasceram. As escolas foram classificadas em três grupos de acordo com a presença de fluoreto no abastecimento de água: 1) fluoretação na Estação de Tratamento de Água (ETA); 2) fluoretação direta em poços; e 3) áreas não fluoretadas (ANF). Os testes deχe de Goodman (significância = 5%) foram utilizados para avaliar a associação entre a origem da água e o grau de fluorose. Os resultados mais predominantes foram presença de cáries em toda a amostra (P<0,05); ausência de fluorose em ambos gêneros, para indivíduos brancos e aqueles vivendo em áreas abastecidas com água fluoretada diretamente de poços e não fluoretadas (P<0,05). Não houve diferença no grau de severidade da fluorose entre as fontes de abastecimento de água (P>0,05). As cáries ainda são uma importante questão nessa população, apesar do estabelecimento de medida preventiva. A observação da fluorose em alunos vivendo em áreas não fluoretadas confirma a presença de outras fontes de fluorose.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o acesso a fontes de fluoreto e as condições de saúde bucal de 237 escolares de nove a dezesseis anos, de três localidades com diferentes concentrações de fluoreto na água. O teor de flúor na água de cada região foi analisado pela técnica do eletrodo seletivo para o íon flúor e a foi avaliada prevalência de cárie e fluorose, respectivamente, pelo índice CPOD e TSIF, apresentando diferença estatisticamente significante (ANOVA; p < 0,05) nas três localidades: área sem fluoretação artificial (CPOD 5,32 ± 3,49) e 16% de fluorose; área com fluoretação artificial de 0,8 ppmF (CPOD 1,88 ± 2,22) e 94% de fluorose; área com fluoretação natural de 2,54 ppmF (CPOD 3,96 ± 2,38) e 100% de fluorose. Os achados sugerem que os indicadores epidemiológicos de saúde/doença bucal estudados são influenciados pela presença de fluoreto na água de consumo e que a supervisão e a orientação são fundamentais na correta utilização dos compostos fluoretados, aproveitando-se o máximo benefício no controle da cárie dentária com o mínimo risco de ocorrência de fluorose.


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Aims To assess the prevalences of caries, of developmental defects of enamel and their interrelationship in Brazilian 9-10-year-olds from areas of contrasting fluoridation histories.Methods systematic random sampling procedures were used to select children from an area where water had been fluoridated in 1963 and from a second area where water had been fluoridated since 1998. Clinical examinations for caries were carried out using the DMFT index and WHO diagnostic criteria. Developmental defects of enamel on upper incisors were diagnosed using the DDE index.Results A difference of 40% in DMFT was observed, with a lower prevalence of disease in the area fluoridated since 1963. Diffuse opacities affected 14.3% of the children from the area fluoridated since 1963 compared with only 2.4% in the area fluoridated in 1998. Children living in the area fluoridated in 1963 who had diffuse defects had twice the chance of being free from caries compared with those living in the same area who had no defects or who had only demarcated or hypoplastic defects.Conclusions This study confirms previous ones in showing the benefits of water fluoridation. Diffuse opacities of upper incisors affected relatively few subjects in either of the two areas.