114 resultados para Every day objects
FUNDAMENTOS: O aquarismo a cada dia ganha novos adeptos no Brasil. Impulsionado por belos peixes e objetos de decoração, o hábito pode trazer problemas como infecções e envenenamentos por diversos animais. OBJETIVOS: Demonstração dos animais causadores e dos quadros clínicos envolvidos com estes acidentes, das infecções cutâneas encontradas após traumas e das medidas terapêuticas e preventivas para controle do problema, pouco conhecido pela população em geral. MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se um estudo prospectivo para a detecção de acidentes por animais e infecções ocorridas após traumas em aquários. Estes dados serviram de base para um estudo epidemiológico, clínico e terapêutico sobre o problema. RESULTADOS: em cerca de 300 acidentes por animais aquáticos, 12 ou 4% do total foram causados por animais venenosos em aquários. Cinco infecções bacterianas e uma fúngica foram identificadas após traumas em aquários. CONCLUSÕES: Os acidentes em aquários domésticos e comerciais são relativamente comuns e podem acarretar infecções cutâneas e ferimentos por animais venenosos ou traumatizantes. Os proprietários de aquários na maioria das vezes não têm informações sobre estes acidentes. Os autores fornecem as espécies de microorganismos e animais mais freqüentemente envolvidas com ferimentos e as medidas terapêuticas e preventivas adequadas ao manejo do problema.
Modern society is characterized by being in evolution finds, technology strides and every day becomes the setting in which we live. At school, however, we found no features of these changes, the years pass and the methodological tools remain unchanged. In this paper we analyze an object produced by the Learning Network Interactive Virtual Education - RIVED to discuss whether it covers the content and answers to the questions proposed by the National Curricular and Curricular Proposal of the State of Sao Paulo, and may be inserted in the educational environment, both to perform a qualitative analysis, focusing on information retrieval. The results showed that the Learning Objects: Abundance, has most of the proposals relating to the subject of study, prepared by the NCP and the Proposed Structure for the State of Sao Paulo, so it is valid for teachers to use this tool trying that with a new approach, we can give students a better understanding of chemical concepts
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fertility life tables were developed for both Trichogramma pretiosum and Trichogramma acacioi reared on Sitotroga cerealella eggs as an alternative host at five different temperatures. The egg parasitoids were first collected from Nipteria panacea eggs, a lepidopterous pest of avocado. Egg parasitoid females were individualized in small glass vials along with 40 eggs of the host during 24 h for parasitization. For evaluation of the parasitism capacity, a similar procedure was adopted, but cardboards with eggs were replaced every day. The net reproductive rate (Ro), intrinsic rate of increase (rm), finite rate of increase (lambda), and mean generation time (T) were estimated. Temperature affected all parameters for both Trichogramma species. The highest fecundity for both species was observed at 25degreesC. Extreme temperatures such as 15degreesC or 35degreesC negatively affect the development rate of both species.
Agouti paca is both considered as a species vulnerable to extinction and recognised with the potential for domestication. In spite of this, its behaviour is poorly documented and captive breeding is mainly based on trial and error. The aim of the present research was to analyse whether different strategies of straw supply could affect the behaviour and welfare of pacas in captivity. The study was done with eight adult pacas grouped in four mated pairs, three of them with one offspring. Each group was housed separately in 10 m 2 pens and the straw collecting behaviour was recorded. The quantity of straw collected per day was measured to compare four different strategies for straw supply and nest removal, where: every day nest removal treatment (1R) = supplying 1 kg of straw every day (outside the burrow) and removing all straw from inside the burrow every day; every 3 days nest removal treatment (3R) = supplying 1 kg every day and removing after 3, 6, and 9 days; no nest removal treatment (9R) = supplying 1 kg every day and removing after 9 days; nest deprivation treatment (Dep) = supplying 1 kg every day except at days 3, 4, and 5 and removing after 3 and 9 days. Straw collecting was always performed after 17:30 h, with three behavioural acts being performed: mouthing, transporting, and depositing the straw into the artificial burrow. The straw collected per day mean of 1R was significantly higher than the means of other treatments. During the deprivation period of Dep, chips cut from the eucalyptus branches and a great quantity of fruits and manioc were found inside the burrows. The motivation to collect seemed to increase as a consequence of straw deprivation. By these we conclude that straw should be offered to pacas in captivity, giving them the opportunity to collect straw by themselves. Doing this we expect to promote an effective environmental enrichment for this species in captivity. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work was developed with the objetive to evaluate the insecticidal effect of the Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) seeds against grass bug nymphs Collaria scenica Stal. For that, an extract was prepared from green fruits of Neem by rotaevaporacion. The extract was diluted in three ppm concentrations corresponding to treatments. Using thin-layer chromatography we identified the presence of Azaridactina. DCA essay was carried out with 4 treatments and 5 repetitions that included the three extract concentrations and a control. In each repetition were used 15 nymphs, randomly placed in plastic boxes with food and the corresponding concentration. Every day an extract application was made and recorded mortality percentage, number of exuviae and number of individuals who came to adulthood in each treatment. The results were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Games-Howell for each variable. The three concentrations of Neem seed extract had a negative effect on the development of the bugs. The more concentrated treatment (250 ppm) was the most effective, showing a 97% mortality, fewer exuvias and and fewer adults in the end of the experiment.
Taking into account the number of craniotomies performed every day around the world, iatrogenic aneurysm post-craniotomy is extremely rare with only anecdotal cases reported in literature. We report an iatrogenic aneurysm affecting a cortical vessel which probably developed during dural closure of a conventional craniotomy. The aneurysm was discovered 6 months after surgery on a routine control angiography. The patient was successfully treated by trapping the parent vessel and excising the aneurysm. Histopathological findings were compatible with a true type of traumatic aneurysm. The possibility of this rare condition occurring highlights the risk of arterial injury during craniotomy.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The effect of chronic social stress on growth, energetic substrates and hormones was tested in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. After a 14-day isolation period, the fish were paired for 8 days. In order to expose fish to chronic intermittent social contact during pairing, they were maintained in direct contact with each other during the first day. After that, a black plastic screen partition was introduced in each tank, preventing direct contact between animals. Every day the partition was removed for 30 min, allowing physical interaction between fish. At the end of pairing period, they were isolated again for 13 days. Fish were weighed and blood was sampled frequently during the experiment. Plasma levels of cortisol, growth hormone, glucose, total protein and free amino acids were quantified. Both dominants and subordinates had specific growth rate decreased during the pairing period, but only subordinates increased when the stressor was abolished (dominants: 0.32 +/- 0.21 and 0.24 +/- 0.41, subordinates: -0.77 +/- 0.29 and 0.37 +/- 0.31, respectively). Dominants showed a higher cortisol level one week after pairing condition had been abolished than subordinates (dominants: 56.76 +/- 13.26, subordinates: 31.89 +/- 13.36). We conclude that chronic condition of intermittent social stress represents a stressful condition for animals of both hierarchical ranks and a treatment of one daily short direct contact between conspecifics does not promote habituation in fish, as mentioned for other stressors. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Aim and method: The objective of this research was to study the effect of homeopathic treatment with Plumbum metallicum (Plumbum met.) on mandibular bone repair in rats.Materials and methods: We analyzed the mandibles of 60 male rats, approximately 3-month-old, randomly divided into three groups of 20 animals each: control, treated with calcitonin, and treated with a homeopathic medicine. A circumscribed bone defect measuring 4 mm in diameter was made in the mandible and covered with a pollytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) barrier. The group treated with calcitonin received 2 IU/kg intramuscularly three times a week; the group treated with Plumbum met. 30c received three drops in water every day. The animals were sacrificed after 7,14,21 and 28 days. The mandibles were removed and submitted to histologic and histomorphometric analyses.Results: Data were analyzed statistically by two-way ANOVA and by the Tukey test. The interaction effect (ANOVA, F df(6; 48) = 4.64; p = 0.001 < 0.05) indicated that the relationship between treatments was not the same at each time of sacrifice. Although statistical analysis of the histomorphometric data showed a similar results for the treated and control groups. But histological analysis showed complete filling of the surgical defect throughout its extent was only for the group treated with Plumbum met.Conclusion: The study demonstrated that for repair of surgical defects in rat mandibles Plumbum met. 30c and control did not differ significantly in histomorphometric terms. Homeopathy (2009) 98, 92-96.
In this clinical study, we proposed to observe the efficacy of the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue (SCCT) by carbon dioxide (CO2) laser surgery. Twelve patients with SCCT were treated with excisional surgery using the CO2 laser with a spot size of 0.8 mm, 10 W, power density of 2.5 W/cm(2) in continuous mode, and under constant vacuum removal of the plume. The post surgical clinical evaluations were done every day until the sutures were removed and then every 7 days up to 1 month postoperatively. Subjects were re-examined quarterly until the fifth year post surgery. After 5 yr of follow-up for all subjects, there was no recurrence of the SCCT at the involved sites. The functional and aesthetic results observed were excellent. It is concluded that CO2 laser ablation of SCCT is an extremely useful surgical technique that can provide a clean field and is capable of providing surgical results consistent with accepted principles of oncological surgery. (C) 2012 Laser Institute of America.
O controle estomático é importante propriedade fisiológica por meio da qual as plantas limitam a perda de água, ocasionando reduções na condutância estomática e, geralmente, reduzindo as trocas gasosas como forma de resposta das plantas a diversos fatores, incluindo o estresse hídrico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a condutância estomática em folhas de feijoeiro submetido a diferentes regimes de irrigação. O experimento foi conduzido no Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias de Jaboticabal - SP. As irrigações nos tratamentos foram determinadas em função do esgotamento de água no solo: T1 - irrigado quando esse atingiu 40% da capacidade de água disponível (CAD); T2 - quando atingiu 60% da CAD; T3 - quando atingiu 80% da CAD, e T4 - não irrigado (irrigado somente para favorecer a emergência das plântulas). As medições de condutância estomática foram realizadas diariamente no campo, nas duas faces da folha, utilizando-se de um porômetro. em todos os tratamentos, em diversas medições, foi observada redução da condutância estomática em resposta a baixos valores de potencial mátrico e a altos valores de déficit de pressão de vapor e vice-versa. As folhas das plantas do tratamento T4, que foram submetidas a menor disponibilidade hídrica no solo, apresentaram os menores valores de condutância estomática durante os estádios do florescimento e enchimento de grãos.
We investigated the effects of environmental color on the reproductive behavior of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Two environmental colors were tested by covering the aquarium (60 x 60 x 40 cm) with white (12 groups) or blue (13 groups) cellophane and observing reproductive behavior in groups of 2 males (10.27 ± 0.45 cm) and 3 females (10.78 ± 0.45 cm) each. After assignment to the respective environmental color (similar luminosity = 100 to 120 Lux), the animals were observed until reproduction (identified by eggs in the female's mouth) or up to 10 days after the first nest building. Photoperiod was from 6:00 h to 18:00 h every day. Food was offered in excess once a day and water quality was similar among aquaria. Daily observations were made at 8:00, 11:00, 14:00 and 17:00 h regarding: a) latency to the first nest, b) number of nests, c) gravel weight removed (the male excavates the nest in the bottom of the aquarium), d) nest area, and e) mouthbrooding incubation (indication of reproduction). The proportion of reproducing fish was significantly higher (6 of 13) in the group exposed to the blue color compared the group exposed to the white color (1 of 12; Goodman's test of proportions). Moreover, males under blue light removed significantly larger masses of gravel (blue = 310.70 ± 343.50 g > white = 130.38 ± 102.70 g; P = 0.01) and constructed wider nests (blue = 207.93 ± 207.80 cm² > white = 97.68 ± 70.64 cm²; P = 0.03) than the control (white). The other parameters did not differ significantly between light conditions. We concluded that reproduction in the presence of blue light was more frequent and intense than in the presence of white light.