163 resultados para Educação integral Nova Iguaçu (RJ)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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The present work aims to draw some reflections on the role of art in integral education, particularly of art as a school subject. The paper focuses on the contribution of art to the development the individual and the higher psychological functions. The arguments presented here are based on the studies on art made by Lev Vygotsky and Georg Lukcs and also on the educational studies made by Dermeval Saviani. We expect to contribute to the defense of the necessity of an integral education in which art, integrated with science and philosophy, opposes itself to the predominantly fetishistic and unilateral character of the activities that constitutes the life in the contemporary capitalist society.


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The analysis of natural processes, such as landslides, has a great importance for the prevention of accidents in pipelines, since it might compromise its security, with serious social and environmental implications. Considering the large territorial dimensions that pipelines can reach, remote sensing tools have great applicability for data acquisition, allowing the analysis of large areas in regular time periods. This study aims to analyze the relations between the occurrence of landslides and its natural conditionings, on a stretch of the ORBEL pipeline, in the municipalities of Duque de Caxias, Nova Iguaçu and Belford Roxo Rio de Janeiro. GeoEye sensor system images were used with spatial resolution of 0.5 m, from November/2009, January/2010 and March/2010, that are months of summer rains. The work involved the characterization of the study area and existing landslides, through bibliographic data collection; the application of visual analysis techniques for the extraction of landslide scars and fractures; preparation of maps for the landslide constraints and preparation of the susceptibility map. In the images from November only three landslide scars were extracted, while in January there were 166 and 111 in March. Difficulties were found with the shading in the images. From the relations among landslide scars, lithological units, relief systems, slope, downhill profile and the generated map of landslide susceptibility, presented in 1:70,000 scale, it was possible to conclude that slope is the main determinant of the process, allied secondarily to downhill profile, relief systems and lithology


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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This research has the objective of identifying the possible influences of the Movement entitled New School on discussions of the autonomy of the teacher. Understanding the importance of the Movement in relation to changes of concepts about teaching and the work of the teacher, this study seeks to identify, through bibliographic research, the beginnings of the idea of teacher autonomy in the discussions of new school education, especially in reference to the possibility of teachers choosing their work methods. This work will also identify connections between those discussions and more recent discussions about teacher professionalism, which emphasize teacher autonomy. In this sense, it was possible to identify the development of this issue of professional competencies. The study also analyzes the application of the concept of autonomy on Brazilian soil between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century as well as its current use. The research thus explores the concept of Teacher Autonomy in various historical settings


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No Brasil a educação um tema delicado, com histrico de ndices de reprovao e evaso escolar altos, escolas pblicas em condies precrias em muitas regies e profissionais da rea pouco valorizados. As polticas pblicas so uma importante ferramenta quando se busca sanar todos estes problemas. Uma proposta que vem sendo implantada no Estado de So Paulo o das Escolas de Tempo Integral, em que os alunos tm a oportunidade de passar mais tempo na escola, com atividades diferenciadas e um modelo diferente da escola comum. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a proposta do modelo e a implementao do mesmo na Escola Estadual Carolina Augusta Seraphim, localizada em Rio Claro. Para a anlise de contedo, realizada neste trabalho, foi feito o levantamento de material bibliogrfico referente ao tema de Escola de Tempo Integral, principalmente no Estado de So Paulo. Tambm foram analisados documentos e materiais disponveis no blog da EE Carolina Augusta Seraphim. Podem ser destacados pontos positivos do Programa, como a dedicao exclusiva da equipe gestora, a valorizao dos profissionais envolvidos, a participao mais aproximada da comunidade e famlia dos alunos, a possibilidade que os estudantes tm de pensar e planejar seu futuro. Existem ainda questes a serem melhor debatidas, analisadas ou at mesmo aprimoradas, devido s particularidades de cada escola e at mesmo inovaes tecnolgicas que podem ser usadas como ferramentas de ensino. Essas so algumas das questes abordadas e analisadas ao longo do trabalho


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EE Prof. Carolina Augusta Seraphim, School of Basic Education Cycle II, located in the municipality of Rio Claro in So Paulo, adopted the new Model School of Integral Education in 2013 from analysis and studies of state and local experiences, as an alternative to the demands of the public. The objective of the study is to characterize the operation of this new teaching model implemented by the Secretary of Education of So Paulo, based on the experiences gained through this school in the city of Rio Claro. This is a documentary research that was grounded on the content analysis of documents relating to the design of the program and the school to be searched. Having the information gathered will be compiled and analyzed using the theoretical framework as bibliographies of authors related to the topic, resulting in discussions about the recovery and casualization of teaching about this new teaching model


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ps-graduao em Educação - FFC


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Este artigo descreve o quadro de transformaes histricas do Brasil, na segunda metade do sculo XX, para inserir a a questo do idoso, numa perspectiva do envelhecimento da populao. Situa as mudanas sociais, a perda de poder do idoso, fruto da urbanizao e da modernizao, com sua estrutura de empregos que transformou o antigo chefe da famlia extensa no aposentado. Prope ento medidas para recuperao da dignidade dessa importante categoria sociolgica, a partir da educação da nova sociedade. Sugere ainda que, para os professores de crianas e adolescentes que receiam lidar com o Estatuto da Criana e do Adolescente, talvez um bom caminho para enfrentar a complexa rea dos direitos humanos seja trabalhar com seus alunos na valorizao da memria do idoso, o que significa ao mesmo tempo faz-los adquirir conhecimentos e valorizar os mais velhos, reconhecendo-os como titulares de direitos.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)