28 resultados para Economic assistance - Evaluation


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O objetivo desse artigo é caracterizar as fontes da ineficiência técnica e alocativa em um conjunto de 308 beneficiários de um programa de reforma agrária de mercado, chamado Cédula da Terra;, distribuídos em cinco estados do Nordeste brasileiro. Estudos conduzidos por Buainain et al. (2002) mostraram existem poucas diferenças entre as características de beneficiários deste programa e dos programas tradicionais de reforma agrária por expropriação e que portanto, os resultados obtidos por este trabalho permitem visualizar as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos assentamentos no Brasil. Para medir eficiência, estimou-se uma função de produção potencial segundo a metodologia de Battese e Coelli (1995) e a partir disto, procurou-se explicar as razões da ineficiência (relativa) encontrada. Os resultados apontam para a existência de ineficiência técnica e alocativa que é identificada principalmente nas situações em que a presença de produção para consumo é elevada. Tratase de um resultado que revela a pouca maturidade da maioria dos lotes dos assentados do PCT e a dificuldade de superar as limitações impostas pela condição inicial de formação dos assentamentos de reforma agrária, principalmente na região nordeste do Brasil.


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A cultura da batata possui grande expressão econômica dentro do cenário agrícola. Para isso, equipamentos e técnicas de aplicação de produtos fitossanitários vêm sendo desenvolvidos visando melhorar o rendimento econômico da cultura. Neste sentido, experimentos foram conduzidos no delineamento em blocos ao acaso na cultura da batata cv. Ágata. Objetivando avaliar o efeito da assistência de ar combinada a diferentes ângulos de aplicação sobre a deposição da pulverização, bem como as perdas da calda para o solo utilizou-se um pulverizador com e sem assistência de ar junto à barra de pulverização posicionada a +30º, 0º e -30º (sinal + a favor e - contrário ao deslocamento) em relação a vertical. O volume de calda foi 400 L ha-1 utilizando-se pontas de jato cônico vazio JA-4 na pressão de 633 kPa. Para a avaliação dos depósitos utilizou-se um traçador cúprico. Os depósitos foram removidos dos folíolos por lavagem com água destilada, em ambas as superfícies foliares, nas posições superior e inferior das plantas de batata e quantificados por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. As perdas da pulverização foram avaliadas em coletores plásticos colocados nas entrelinhas das parcelas experimentais. Os níveis dos depósitos do traçador cúprico nas diferentes posições da planta foram analisados pelo teste estatístico T² de Hotteling. Os maiores depósitos foram obtidos com a barra posicionada a 0º e +30º, em presença da assistência de ar, tanto na posição superior quanto inferior da planta. A presença do ar, além de propiciar maiores depósitos na parte inferior das plantas, possibilitou maior uniformidade na distribuição deles. As perdas da pulverização ficaram abaixo de 4%.


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Reactive-optimisation procedures are responsible for the minimisation of online power losses in interconnected systems. These procedures are performed separately at each control centre and involve external network representations. If total losses can be minimised by the implementation of calculated local control actions, the entire system benefits economically, but such control actions generally result in a certain degree of inaccuracy, owing to errors in the modelling of the external system. Since these errors are inevitable, they must at least be maintained within tolerable limits by external-modelling approaches. Care must be taken to avoid unrealistic loss minimisation, as the local-control actions adopted can lead the system to points of operation which will be less economical for the interconnected system as a whole. The evaluation of the economic impact of the external modelling during reactive-optimisation procedures in interconnected systems, in terms of both the amount of losses and constraint violations, becomes important in this context. In the paper, an analytical approach is proposed for such an evaluation. Case studies using data from the Brazilian South-Southeast system (810 buses) have been carried out to compare two different external-modelling approaches, both derived from the equivalent-optimal-power-flow (EOPF) model. Results obtained show that, depending on the external-model representation adopted, the loss representation can be flawed. Results also suggest some modelling features that should be adopted in the EOPF model to enhance the economy of the overall system.


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OBJETIVE: This study aimed to assess the practices of pharmacists in Hospital Care. Method - we interviewed 20 pharmacists from the Pharmacy Division by applying a structured instrument, in September 2005. This instrument addressed aspects related to the main activities at the Hospital Pharmacy, which were assessed according to indicators organized into five areas: sector management, hospital pharmacotechniques, committee activities, information and pharmacotherapeutic follow-up, as well as teaching and research activities.RESULTS: the Pharmacy Division considered all structural aspects under analysis as essential for the good development and application of its services. We found that some essential services, such as the Medication Information Service and Pharmacotherapeutic Follow-up, were absent. Pharmacist professionals were dissatisfied about human resource and physical structure dimensioning, and they presented as not very active in terms of Pharmaceutical Care.CONCLUSION: Results indicate that care is still centered on the drug, with few clinical activities. We suggest reformulations in service management, particularly in the management of pharmacists.


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In this study, the costs and gross income related to the production of pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus juveniles were evaluated. This evaluation took into consideration a semi-intensive rearing, with direct stocking of the larvae into fertilized ponds (IL 0), or an initial intensive larviculture system, in which the larvae were fed in the laboratory for 3 (IL 3), 6 (IL 6), or 9 days (IL 9) before being transferred to the ponds. After 45 days of rearing, a gradual increase in production costs was observed as intensive larviculture time increased. Gross income also increased due to better survival rates (11.0, 25.3, 45.4, and 54.0% for IL 0, IL 3, IL 6, and IL 9, respectively). Therefore, increased profits were obtained under intensive larviculture (US$ 0.27, US$ 6.07, US$ 11.99, and US$ 13.16 per one thousand larvae in treatments IL 0, IL 3, IL 6, and IL 9, respectively). In a larger scale production simulation, the results obtained with initial intensive larviculture also showed evident economic advantages, confirming the feasibility of this system in comparison with the direct stocking of larvae in ponds for the production of pacu juveniles. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Study objective was to evaluate economically a Nile tilapia juvenile production, employing different feeding techniques. Tilapia fingerlings of 8g were stocked at 5 fish m-2 stocking in 50 and 150 m2 ponds, during 75 days. Treatments were: inorganic fertilization (P205 and N); organic fertilization (poultry manure) and commercial ration (32% CP). Water quality results were considered adequate for fish rearing. In juvenile production there were significant differences among treatments for individual final weight, medians were: for inorganic fertilization 12.92g (13.35g in 50 m2 and 12.49g in 150 m2); for organic fertilization 30.55g (33.69g in 50 m2 and 27.40g in 150 m2) and for commercial ration 51.23g (52.90g in 50 m2 and 50.15g in 150 m2). Survival rate ranged from 63 to 71%, with no statistic difference. Commercial ration was effective to bigger juvenile production, with a better market value. Costs considered in economic analyses were tilapia fingerlings, fertilizer, ration, labor and installation depreciation. Obtained information showed that juvenile production in 50 m2 ponds is not viable economically and, in 150 m2, production is viable only when commercial ration is used.


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The effect of a commercial organic acid (OA) product on BW loss (BWL) during feed withdrawal and transportation, carcass yield, and meat quality was evaluated in broiler chickens. Two experiments were conducted in Brazil. Commercial houses were paired as control groups receiving regular water and treated groups receiving OA in the water. Treated birds had a reduction in BWL of 37 g in experiment 1 and 32.2 g in experiment 2. In experiment 2, no differences were observed in carcass yield between groups. Estimation of the cost benefit suggested a 1: 16 ratio by using the OA. In experiment 3, conducted in Mexico, significant differences on water consumption, BWL, and meat quality characteristics were observed in chickens that were treated with the OA (P < 0.05). These data suggest this OA product may improve animal welfare and economic concerns in the poultry industry by reducing BWL and improving meat quality attributes.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of acaricide applications and pruning of symptomatic branches in citrus leprosis management in Brazil. It was conducted in an orange plantation of the 'Pera' variety, grafted onto the 'Cleopatra' tangerine, in two seasons (2006-2007 and 2007-2008). The experimental design was randomized blocks in a factorial scheme consisting of the following factors: (A) acaricide, in three levels: spirodiclofen and cyhexatin applied in rotation, lime sulphur; no acaricides; (B) pruning to remove branches that showed symptoms of leprosis, with two levels: with pruning, without pruning. We carried out periodic assessments of Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) populations (vector of the leprosis virus), leprosis incidence and severity, fruit yield, and the economic feasibility of the applied strategies. Based on the results, we concluded that spirodiclofen and cyhexatin were more effective than lime sulphur in B. phoenicis control. Control with lime sulphur required more applications than spirodiclofen and cyhexatin in rotation, making it more expensive. Pruning of symptomatic branches used in isolation was not sufficiently effective to control leprosis and significantly increased control costs. Profits were higher when the control involved sprayings of spirodiclofen and cyhexatin in alternation, with or without pruning.


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Performance and economic indicators of a large scale fish farm that produces round fish, located in Mato Grosso State, Brazil, were evaluated. The 130.8 ha-water surface area was distributed in 30 ponds. Average total production costs and the following economic indicators were calculated: gross income (GI), gross margin (GM), gross margin index (GMI), profitability index (PI) and profit (P) for the farm as a whole and for ten ponds individually. Production performance indicators were also obtained, such as: production cycle (PC), apparent feed conversion (FC), average biomass storage (ABS), survival index (SI) and final average weight (FAW). The average costs to produce an average 2.971 kg.ha-1 per year were: R$ 2.43, R$ 0.72 and R$ 3.15 as average variable, fixed and total costs, respectively. Gross margin and profit per year per hectare of water surface were R$ 2,316.91 and R$ 180.98, respectively. The individual evaluation of the ponds showed that the best pond performance was obtained for PI 38%, FC 1.7, ABS 0.980 kg.m-2, TS 56%, FAW 1.873 kg with PC of 12.3 months. The worst PI was obtained for the pond that displayed losses of 138%, FC 2.6, ABS 0.110 kg.m-2, SI 16% and FAW 1.811 kg. However, large scale production of round-fish in farms is economically feasible. The studied farm displays favorable conditions to improve performance and economic indicators, but it is necessary to reproduce the breeding techniques and performance indicators achieved in few ponds to the entire farm.


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A análise econômica complementa a avaliação da eficiência dos cultivos consorciados, considerando além da produção física das culturas, o preço dos produtos segundo sua classificação qualitativa e época do ano. Avaliou-se economicamente consórcios de alface crespa e pepino, em duas populações de plantas, no inverno-primavera, em casa de vegetação, em Jaboticabal, SP, Brasil. Foram calculados o custo operacional total (COT), a receita bruta (RB) e o lucro operacional (LO) das culturas do pepino e alface em monocultura e em consórcio. A mão-de-obra foi a componente com maior participação no COT das culturas em consórcio e monocultura. Maiores RB e LO foram observadas nos cultivos consorciados estabelecidos com o transplante da alface e do pepino no mesmo dia, independente da densidade populacional. Considerando-se o lucro operacional e o índice de uso eficiente da área, recomenda-se o cultivo consorciado com transplante da alface até 10 dias após o transplante (DAT) do pepino, com duas linhas, e ao 0 DAT do pepino cultivado com uma linha no canteiro


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P>The present work evaluates of harvested mushroom and viability of Agaricus bisporus growth in several casing materials based on spent mushroom substrate. The experiment consisted of eight casing layer, which six were made with spent mushroom substrate. The results confirm the usefulness of reincorporating the spent substrate in new cultivation cycles as an ingredient of casing mixtures. In general, biological efficiency was high, three of the SMS based-casings surpassing the threshold value of 100 kg 100 kg-1 of compost. The high electrical conductivity of mixtures containing a large proportion of spent substrate limits the extent to which it can be used, although mixing it with other materials (such as peat) reduces these values to acceptable levels. In short, it makes economic and environmental sense to reuse spent mushroom substrate as an ingredient of alternative casing materials.


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The live vaccine Cevac S. Gallinarum, made from a rough strain of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serotype Gallinarum is used for preventing fowl typhoid, a disease that still causes considerable economic losses in countries with a developing poultry industry. The objective of this paper was to evaluate a possible reversion to virulence of the strain used in a vaccine in commercial brown layers. Only Salmonella-free chicks were utilized. One hundred twenty (120) 12-day-old Dekalb brown layers divided in two trials were used. The first trial had six groups of 15 birds each. Birds of group 1 were vaccinated with 10 doses of Cevac S. Gallinarum subcutaneously and 10 doses orally, in a total of 20 doses of vaccine. Then the birds of groups 2, 3, 4, and 5 received inocula that contained feces and a pool of organs with fragments of liver, heart, spleen, and cecal tonsils obtained from the immediately previous group. The second trial had three groups with 10 birds each. Birds in group 7 received inocula containing a pool of organs from birds of group 5 from trial 1, whilst the birds in group 8 were vaccinated subcutaneously with one dose of vaccine. Both trials included negative control groups (6 and 9). Throughout the experimental period, birds were monitored for reactions to the vaccination on the site of administration, clinical signs, and post-mortem lesions. In each passage, in addition to the birds euthanized to provide the inocula material, two birds from each group were euthanized for assessment of possible lesions, and their organs (liver, heart, spleen and cecal tonsils) were cultured in an attempt to isolate the vaccine strain. Except for one bird from group 1, that had a local reaction on the site of vaccination - a small vesicle with less that 0.5 mm that persisted until the third day post vaccination -, no other bird had any local reaction to the vaccine or any visible clinical alteration. Birds in group 8 did not present any reaction or clinical alteration because of the vaccine. We only managed to re-isolate the vaccine strain in the inocula made from organs of birds in group 1. We confirmed the isolation by means of biochemical tests, serology, and acriflavine agglutination test. All other cultures made from organs or feces, from all the other experimental groups did not show any growth of the vaccine strain or any other Salmonella serovar, suggesting that the vaccinated birds did not shed the SG9R vaccine strain. No bird presented any clinical symptoms or died during the trials, and no gross lesions were observed in the post-mortem examinations. Under the controlled conditions and time-frame of the present experiment, it was possible to conclude that the rough 9R strain of Salmonella Gallinarum present in the vaccine Cevac S. Gallinarum (Ceva Campinas Ltda. - Campinas, SP - Brazil) did not revert to virulence.


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Hematophagous gastrointestinal parasites cause significant economic losses in small ruminant grazing systems. The growing reports of multi-drug resistant parasites call for intensive research on alternative treatments for anthelmintics to help small ruminants cope with these parasites. Two-month-old lambs with mean body weight (BW) of 22.5 kg were experimentally infected with a multidrug-resistant Haemonchus contortus strain. Infected animals were dosed orally with Cymbopogon schoenanthus essential oil to evaluate its anthelmintic potential. Eighteen animals were allocated into three groups of six animals, and each received one of the following treatments: Group 1 - control (10 mL of water), Group 2 - C. schoenanthus essential oil (180 mg/kg BW); and Group 3 - C schoenanthus essential oil (360 mg/kg BW). Animals received the oil once a day for 3 consecutive days. Lambs were evaluated clinically for blood biochemistry before, at 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 days after treatment, and then were euthanized to assess the total worm burden. No statistically significant reduction in fecal egg count, packed cell volume or total worm count was observed after treatments. Also, no statistical difference among group means for blood levels of urea, creatinine, albumin, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase and gamma glutamyl transferase was found. Larval development assay (LDA) and egg hatch assay (EHA) were performed from feces of treated animals at 1, 5, 10 and 15 days after essential oil administration. An inhibition in LDA was observed 1 day after the 3-day treatment in larvae from feces of animals treated with 360 mg/kg essential oil. In conclusion, the essential oil at the doses of 180 mg/kg and 360 mg/kg was safe to sheep, but failed as an anthelmintic treatment when applied to young sheep artificially infected with a multidrug-resistant H. contortus strain. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Considerando que as mulheres idosas e pobres são propensas à maior vulnerabilidade nas condições de saúde, no presente estudo propôs-se a identificar os diagnósticos de enfermagem, segundo a taxonomia II de NANDA, sobre um grupo de idosas consideradas muito pobres. Foram selecionadas 69 idosas, a partir da aplicação do instrumento de Classificação Econômica Brasil (CCEB) em 301 idosos residentes na área de abrangência de um PSF. O estado de saúde das idosas foi avaliado utilizando-se a Avaliação Geriátrica Ampla (AGA), que envolve os aspectos funcionais, emocionais, sociais e ambientais. Foram identificadas 23 categorias diagnósticas nas idosas do estudo e uma média de 7,4 diagnósticos/ idosa. Entre os diagnósticos mais freqüentes destacam-seMobilidade física prejudicada,Dor crônica,Manutenção do lar prejudicada. Os diagnósticos revelaram-se impor tantes na caracterização das complexas necessidades apresentadas pelas idosas e no grande avanço no direcionamento da assistência.


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The development of new techniques that allow the analysis and optimization of energy systems bearing in mind environmental issues is indispensable in a world with finite natural resources and growing demand of energy. Among the energy systems that deserve special attention, cogeneration in the sugar industry must be pointed out, because it uses efficiently a common fuel for generation of useful heat and power. Within this frame, thermoeconomical optimization - 2nd Law of Thermodynamics analysis by exergy function and economic evaluation of the thermal system - gradually is taking importance as a powerful tool to assist to the decision making process. Also, the explicit consideration of environmental issues offers a better way to explore trade-offs between different aspects to support the decisions that must be made. In this work it is used the technique of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) which allows to consider environmental matters as an integral part of the problem, in opposite to most of the environmental approaches that only reduce residuals generation , without taking into account impacts associated to other related processes. On the other hand, the consideration of environmental issues in optimization of energy systems is a novel and promissory contribution in the state of the art of energy optimization and LCA. The system under study is a sugar plant of Tucumán (Argentina) given the particular importance that this industry had inside the regional economy of the Argentinean Northwest. Although cogeneration comes being used a while ago in sugar industry, being the main objective the generation of heat and as secondary objective the electric power generation and mechanic power to cover several needs of working machineries, to the date it is no available a versatile tool that allows to analyze economical feasible alternatives bearing in mind environmental issues. At sugar plants, steam is generated in boilers using as fuel bagasse - cellulosic fiber waste obtained crushing the sugar cane- and it is used to give useful heat and shaft work to the plant, but it can also be used to generate electricity with export opportunities to the electrical network. The great number of process alternatives outlines a serious decision making problem in order to take advantage of the resources. Although the problem turns out to be a mixed non-linear problem (MINLP), the main contribution of this work is the development of a hybrid strategy to evaluate cogeneration alternatives that combines optimization approaches with environmental indicators. This powerful tool for its versatility and robustness to analyze cogeneration systems, will be of great help in the decision making process, because of their easy implementation to analyze the kind of problems presented in the sugar industry.