78 resultados para Discrete time control systems


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The linear quadratic Gaussian control of discrete-time Markov jump linear systems is addressed in this paper, first for state feedback, and also for dynamic output feedback using state estimation. in the model studied, the problem horizon is defined by a stopping time τ which represents either, the occurrence of a fix number N of failures or repairs (T N), or the occurrence of a crucial failure event (τ δ), after which the system paralyzed. From the constructive method used here a separation principle holds, and the solutions are given in terms of a Kalman filter and a state feedback sequence of controls. The control gains are obtained by recursions from a set of algebraic Riccati equations for the former case or by a coupled set of algebraic Riccati equation for the latter case. Copyright © 2005 IFAC.


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This paper presents two discrete sliding mode control (SMC) design. The first one is a discrete-time SMC design that doesn't take into account the time-delay. The second one is a discrete-time SMC design, which takes in consideration the time-delay. The proposed techniques aim at the accomplishment simplicity and robustness for an uncertainty class. Simulations results are shown and the effectiveness of the used techniques is analyzed. © 2006 IEEE.


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This paper addresses the H ∞ state-feedback control design problem of discretetime Markov jump linear systems. First, under the assumption that the Markov parameter is measured, the main contribution is on the LMI characterization of all linear feedback controllers such that the closed loop output remains bounded by a given norm level. This results allows the robust controller design to deal with convex bounded parameter uncertainty, probability uncertainty and cluster availability of the Markov mode. For partly unknown transition probabilities, the proposed design problem is proved to be less conservative than one available in the current literature. An example is solved for illustration and comparisons. © 2011 IFAC.


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This paper addresses the problem of model reduction for uncertain discrete-time systems with convex bounded (polytope type) uncertainty. A reduced order precisely known model is obtained in such a way that the H2 and/or the H∞ guaranteed norm of the error between the original (uncertain) system and the reduced one is minimized. The optimization problems are formulated in terms of coupled (non-convex) LMIs - Linear Matrix Inequalities, being solved through iterative algorithms. Examples illustrate the results.


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A simple method for designing a digital state-derivative feedback gain and a feedforward gain such that the control law is equivalent to a known and adequate state feedback and feedforward control law of a digital redesigned system is presented. It is assumed that the plant is a linear controllable, time-invariant, Single-Input (SI) or Multiple-Input (MI) system. This procedure allows the use of well-known continuous-time state feedback design methods to directly design discrete-time state-derivative feedback control systems. The state-derivative feedback can be useful, for instance, in the vibration control of mechanical systems, where the main sensors are accelerometers. One example considering the digital redesign with state-derivative feedback of a helicopter illustrates the proposed method. © 2009 IEEE.


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This paper deals with a stochastic optimal control problem involving discrete-time jump Markov linear systems. The jumps or changes between the system operation modes evolve according to an underlying Markov chain. In the model studied, the problem horizon is defined by a stopping time τ which represents either, the occurrence of a fix number N of failures or repairs (TN), or the occurrence of a crucial failure event (τΔ), after which the system is brought to a halt for maintenance. In addition, an intermediary mixed case for which T represents the minimum between TN and τΔ is also considered. These stopping times coincide with some of the jump times of the Markov state and the information available allows the reconfiguration of the control action at each jump time, in the form of a linear feedback gain. The solution for the linear quadratic problem with complete Markov state observation is presented. The solution is given in terms of recursions of a set of algebraic Riccati equations (ARE) or a coupled set of algebraic Riccati equation (CARE).


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This paper is concerned with the stability of discrete-time linear systems subject to random jumps in the parameters, described by an underlying finite-state Markov chain. In the model studied, a stopping time τ Δ is associated with the occurrence of a crucial failure after which the system is brought to a halt for maintenance. The usual stochastic stability concepts and associated results are not indicated, since they are tailored to pure infinite horizon problems. Using the concept named stochastic τ-stability, equivalent conditions to ensure the stochastic stability of the system until the occurrence of τ Δ is obtained. In addition, an intermediary and mixed case for which τ represents the minimum between the occurrence of a fix number N of failures and the occurrence of a crucial failure τ Δ is also considered. Necessary and sufficient conditions to ensure the stochastic τ-stability are provided in this setting that are auxiliary to the main result.


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The study of algorithms for active vibration control in flexible structures became an area of enormous interest for some researchers due to the innumerable requirements for better performance in mechanical systems, as for instance, aircrafts and aerospace structures. Intelligent systems, constituted for a base structure with sensors and actuators connected, are capable to guarantee the demanded conditions, through the application of diverse types of controllers. For the project of active controllers it is necessary, in general, to know a mathematical model that enable the representation in the space of states, preferential in modal coordinates to permit the truncation of the system and reduction in the order of the controllers. For practical applications of engineering, some mathematical models based in discrete-time systems cannot represent the physical problem, therefore, techniques of identification of system parameters must be used. The techniques of identification of parameters determine the unknown values through the manipulation of the input (disturbance) and output (response) signals of the system. Recently, some methods have been proposed to solve identification problems although, none of them can be considered as being universally appropriate to all the situations. This paper is addressed to an application of linear quadratic regulator controller in a structure where the damping, stiffness and mass matrices were identified through Chebyshev's polynomial functions.


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Relaxed conditions for the stability study of nonlinear, continuous and discrete-time systems given by fuzzy models are presented. A theoretical analysis shows that the proposed method provides better or at least the same results of the methods presented in the literature. Digital simulations exemplify this fact. These results are also used for the fuzzy regulators design. The nonlinear systems are represented by the fuzzy models proposed by Takagi and Sugeno. The stability analysis and the design of controllers are described by LMIs (Linear Matrix Inequalities), that can be solved efficiently by convex programming techniques. The specification of the decay rate, constraints on control input and output are also described by LMIs. Finally, the proposed design method is applied in the control of an inverted pendulum.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper is concerned with ℋ 2 and ℋ ∞ filter design for discrete-time Markov jump systems. The usual assumption of mode-dependent design, where the current Markov mode is available to the filter at every instant of time is substituted by the case where that availability is subject to another Markov chain. In other words, the mode is transmitted to the filter through a network with given transmission failure probabilities. The problem is solved by modeling a system with N modes as another with 2N modes and cluster availability. We also treat the case where the transition probabilities are not exactly known and demonstrate our conditions for calculating an ℋ ∞ norm bound are less conservative than the available results in the current literature. Numerical examples show the applicability of the proposed results. ©2010 IEEE.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A computer-based sliding mode control (SMC) is analysed. The control law is accomplished using a computer and A/D and D/A converters. Two SMC designs are presented. The first one is a continuous-time conventional SMC design, with a variable structure law, which does not take into consideration the sampling period. The second one is a discrete-time SMC design, with a smooth sliding law, which does not have a structure variable and takes into consideration the sampling period. Both techniques are applied to control an inverted pendulum system. The performance of both the continuous-time and discrete-time controllers are compared. Simulations and experimental results are shown and the effectiveness of the proposed techniques is analysed.


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We consider an infinite horizon optimal impulsive control problems for which a given cost function is minimized by choosing control strategies driving the state to a point in a given closed set C ∞. We present necessary conditions of optimality in the form of a maximum principle for which the boundary condition of the adjoint variable is such that non-degeneracy due to the fact that the time horizon is infinite is ensured. These conditions are given for conventional systems in a first instance and then for impulsive control problems. They are proved by considering a family of approximating auxiliary interval conventional (without impulses) optimal control problems defined on an increasing sequence of finite time intervals. As far as we know, results of this kind have not been derived previously. © 2010 IFAC.


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This paper proposes a new switched control design method for some classes of linear time-invariant systems with polytopic uncertainties. This method uses a quadratic Lyapunov function to design the feedback controller gains based on linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The controller gain is chosen by a switching law that returns the smallest value of the time derivative of the Lyapunov function. The proposed methodology offers less conservative alternative than the well-known controller for uncertain systems with only one state feedback gain. The control design of a magnetic levitator illustrates the procedure. © 2013 Wallysonn A. de Souza et al.