51 resultados para Contingency


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Optimised placement of control and protective devices in distribution networks allows for a better operation and improvement of the reliability indices of the system. Control devices (used to reconfigure the feeders) are placed in distribution networks to obtain an optimal operation strategy to facilitate power supply restoration in the case of a contingency. Protective devices (used to isolate faults) are placed in distribution systems to improve the reliability and continuity of the power supply, significantly reducing the impacts that a fault can have in terms of customer outages, and the time needed for fault location and system restoration. This paper presents a novel technique to optimally place both control and protective devices in the same optimisation process on radial distribution feeders. The problem is modelled through mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) with real and binary variables. The reactive tabu search algorithm (RTS) is proposed to solve this problem. Results and optimised strategies for placing control and protective devices considering a practical feeder are presented. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this paper an artificial neural network (ANN) based methodology is proposed for (a) solving the basic load flow, (b) solving the load flow considering the reactive power limits of generation (PV) buses, (c) determining a good quality load flow starting point for ill-conditioned systems, and (d) computing static external equivalent circuits. An analysis of the input data required as well as the ANN architecture is presented. A multilayer perceptron trained with the Levenberg-Marquardt second order method is used. The proposed methodology was tested with the IEEE 30- and 57-bus, and an ill-conditioned 11-bus system. Normal operating conditions (base case) and several contingency situations including different load and generation scenarios have been considered. Simulation results show the excellent performance of the ANN for solving problems (a)-(d). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A disfonia espasmódica (DE) é um distúrbio vocal caracterizado por voz tensa-estrangulada, com quebras de sonoridade e que compromete a comunicação do indivíduo. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica dos tratamentos médico e fonoaudiológico proposto para a DE no período entre 2006 e 2010. Os tratamentos descritos foram: injeção de toxina botulínica (TB), miectomia, neurectomia, denervação e reinervação laríngea seletiva adutora, tireoplastia, miotermia tiroaritenóidea com radiofrequência, injeção de lidocaína, homeopatia e tratamento fonoaudiológico (fonoterapia). O uso de injeção de TB mostrou resultados que indicaram a satisfação dos pacientes tratados, embora alguns dos artigos apontassem a necessidade de reaplicação da toxina frequentemente, como desvantagem. Os procedimentos cirúrgicos foram considerados duradouros e indicados para os pacientes que não quiseram se submeter às aplicações de TB. Tais estudos, no entanto, apresentaram contingência de pacientes restrita e os resultados foram baseados, na maioria das investigações, no julgamento dos próprios pacientes sobre a sua qualidade vocal. Os tratamentos, com uso de lidocaína e homeopatia, mostraram resultados positivos em relação à qualidade vocal dos pacientes e foram sugeridos como uma opção, também, para aqueles que não gostariam de ser submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico ou à aplicação de TB. Os poucos estudos que reportam fonoterapia assinalaram bons resultados quando a mesma foi associada à injeção de TB, mostrando a escassez de informações nesta área. Futuras pesquisas envolvendo a fonoterapia no tratamento da DE são necessárias.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVOS: Identificar a frequência de ocorrência de desvios oculares e as características dos portadores em uma amostra populacional. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, observacional e probabilístico, entre os anos de 2004 e 2005, envolvendo 11 cidades da região centro-oeste do estado de São Paulo. Foram examinados 10.994 indivíduos, sendo utilizada para este estudo uma subamostra desta população, identificada pelo diagnóstico de estrabismo. A população foi abordada por uma equipe treinada e padronizada para os procedimentos da pesquisa. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente por meio de análise descritiva, frequência de ocorrência, análise de contingência e testes de associação (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: A frequência de ocorrência de estrabismo na população estudada foi de 1,4% (148 portadores de estrabismo), sem diferença entre sexos. Portadores de esodesvios (ET) eram 46,3%, 38,2% casos de exodesvio (XT) e 15,4% de desvios verticais associados a horizontais ou síndromes. A análise de contingência mostrou que 3 indivíduos (2,3%) estrábicos apresentavam cegueira e 7 (5,43%) apresentavam baixa visão em um dos olhos. Tanto a ET, quanto a XT estiveram presentes em indivíduos com graus variáveis de miopia (até -5,75 para XT e -2,50 para ET) e de hipermetropia (até +9,00 para XT e +8,00 para ET). A associação entre estrabismo e o equivalente esférico obtido na refração estática não mostrou diferença significativa (p>0,05). CONCLUSÃO: A frequência de ocorrência de estrabismo em uma amostra populacional foi de 1,4%, sem diferença entre sexos ou tipo de desvio ocular. A presença de cegueira e de baixa visão associadas aos desvios oculares reforçam a necessidade de tratamento precoce.


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Objective: To evaluate the influence of alternative erasing times of DenOptix (R) (Dentsply/Gendex, Chicargo, IL) digital plates oil subjective image quality and the probability of double exposure image not Occurring.Methods: Human teeth were X-rayed with phosphor plates using tell different erasing times. Two observers evaluated the images for subjective Image quality (sharpness, brightness, contrast, enamel definition, dentin definition and dentin-enamal Junction definition) and for the presence or absence of double exposure image. Spearman's correlation analysis and ANOVA was performed to verify the existence ora linear association between the subjective image quality parameters and the alternative erasing times. A contingency table was constructed to evaluate the agreement among the observers, and a binominal logistic regression was performed to verify the correlation between the erasing time and the probability of double exposure image not occurring.Results: All 6 parameters or image quality were rated high by the examiners for the erasing times between 25 s and 130 s. The same erasing time range, from 25 to 130 s, was considered a safe erasing time interval, with no probability of a double exposure image Occurring.Conclusions: The alternative erasing times from 25 s to 130 s showed high quality and no probability of double image Occurrence. Thus, it is possible to reduce the operating time or the DenOptix (R) digital system Without jeopardizing the diagnostic task.Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2010) 39, 23-27. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/49065239.


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A tentativa merleau-pontyana de aproximação do marxismo, empreendida nos idos do pós-guerra, é perpassada por constante ambigüidade. Não obstante o propósito do filósofo de se filiar à teoria de Marx, suas análises políticas revelam-se distantes de suas intenções. Concebendo a história como uma aventura que escapa a qualquer esquema racional, Merleau-Ponty questiona, desde seus primeiros escritos, a dialética marxista entre lógica e contingência na história. A tensão interna que dilacera os textos do autor nos anos 40, anunciando (e preparando) a recusa da teoria da revolução estampada mais tarde nas Aventuras da Dialética, permite indagar se esse desfecho dos anos 50 não teria sido, ao invés de um corte no interior da obra, o resultado necessário dessa tentativa problemática de aproximação do marxismo a partir de categorias que lhe são estranhas (próprias às filosofias da existência e à fenomenologia).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Indices that report how much a contingency is stable or unstable in an electrical power system have been the object of several studies in the last decades. In some approaches, indices are obtained from time-domain simulation; others explore the calculation of the stability margin from the so-called direct methods, or even by neural networks.The goal is always to obtain a fast and reliable way of analysing large disturbance that might occur on the power systems. A fast classification in stable and unstable, as a function of transient stability is crucial for a dynamic security analysis. All good propositions as how to analyse contingencies must present some important features: classification of contingencies; precision and reliability; and efficiency computation. Indices obtained from time-domain simulations have been used to classify the contingencies as stable or unstable. These indices are based on the concepts of coherence, transient energy conversion between kinetic energy and potential energy, and three dot products of state variable. The classification of the contingencies using the indices individually is not reliable, since the performance of these indices varies with each simulated condition. However, collapsing these indices into a single one can improve the analysis significantly. In this paper, it is presented the results of an approach to filter the contingencies, by a simple classification of them into stable, unstable or marginal. This classification is performed from the composite indices obtained from step by step simulation with a time period of the clearing time plus 0.5 second. The contingencies originally classified as stable or unstable do not require this extra simulation. The methodology requires an initial effort to obtain the values of the intervals for classification, and the weights. This is performed once for each power system and can be used in different operating conditions and for different contingencies. No misplaced classification o- - ccurred in any of the tests, i.e., we detected no stable case classified as unstable or otherwise. The methodology is thus well fitted for it allows for a rapid conclusion about the stability of th system, for the majority of the contingencies (Stable or Unstable Cases). The tests, results and discussions are presented using two power systems: (1) the IEEE17 system, composed of 17 generators, 162 buses and 284 transmission lines; and (2) a South Brazilian system configuration, with 10 generators, 45 buses and 71 lines.


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This paper presents a mathematical model and a methodology to solve the transmission network expansion planning problem with security constraints in full competitive market, assuming that all generation programming plans present in the system operation are known. The methodology let us find an optimal transmission network expansion plan that allows the power system to operate adequately in each one of the generation programming plans specified in the full competitive market case, including a single contingency situation with generation rescheduling using the security (n-1) criterion. In this context, the centralized expansion planning with security constraints and the expansion planning in full competitive market are subsets of the proposal presented in this paper. The model provides a solution using a genetic algorithm designed to efficiently solve the reliable expansion planning in full competitive market. The results obtained for several known systems from the literature show the excellent performance of the proposed methodology.


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In this paper, a hybrid heuristic methodology that employs fuzzy logic for solving the AC transmission network expansion planning (AC-TEP) problem is presented. An enhanced constructive heuristic algorithm aimed at obtaining a significant quality solution for such complicated problems considering contingency is proposed. In order to indicate the severity of the contingency, 2 performance indices, namely the line flow performance index and voltage performance index, are calculated. An interior point method is applied as a nonlinear programming solver to handle such nonconvex optimization problems, while the objective function includes the costs of the new transmission lines as well as the real power losses. The performance of the proposed method is examined by applying it to the well-known Garver system for different cases. The simulation studies and result analysis demonstrate that the proposed method provides a promising way to find an optimal plan. Obtaining the best quality solution shows the capability and the viability of the proposed algorithm in AC-TEP. © Tübi̇tak..


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The growth of maritime transport and oil exploitation activities may increase the risk of oil spills. Thus, plans and actions to prevent or mitigate impacts are needed to minimize the effects caused by oil. However, tools used worldwide to support contingency plans have not been integrated, thus leading to failure in establishing priority areas. This investigation aimed to develop indices of environmental vulnerability to oil (IEVO), by combining information about environmental sensibility to oil and results of numerical modeling of spilled oil. To achieve that, a case study concerning to oil spills scenarios in a subtropical coastal area was designed, and IEVOs were calculated and presented in maps, in order to make the information about the areas' vulnerability more easily visualized. For summer, the extension of coastline potentially affected by oil was approximately 150. km, and most of the coastline presented medium to high vulnerability. For winter, 230. km coastline would be affected, from which 75% were classified as medium to high vulnerability. Thus, IEVO maps allowed a rapid and clearer interpretation of the vulnerability of the mapped region, facilitating the planning process and the actions in response to an oil spill. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper provides a contribution to the contingency analysis of electric power systems under steady state conditions. An alternative methodology is presented for static contingency analyses that only use continuation methods and thus provides an accurate determination of the loading margin. Rather than starting from the base case operating point, the proposed continuation power flow obtains the post-contingency loading margins starting from the maximum loading and using a bus voltage magnitude as a parameter. The branch selected for the contingency evaluation is parameterised using a scaling factor, which allows its gradual removal and assures the continuation power flow convergence for the cases where the method would diverge for the complete transmission line or transformer removal. The applicability and effectiveness of the proposed methodology have been investigated on IEEE test systems (14, 57 and 118 buses) and compared with the continuation power flow, which obtains the post-contingency loading margin starting from the base case solution. In general, for most of the analysed contingencies, few iterations are necessary to determine the post-contingency maximum loading point. Thus, a significant reduction in the global number of iterations is achieved. Therefore, the proposed methodology can be used as an alternative technique to verify and even to obtain the list of critical contingencies supplied by the electric power systems security analysis function. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.