200 resultados para Confiabilidade (Engenharia)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In an ever more competitive environment, power distribution companies must satisfy two conflicting objectives: minimizing investment costs and the satisfaction of reliability targets. The network reconfiguration of a distribution system is a technique that well adapts to this new deregulated environment for it allows improvement of reliability indices only opening and closing switches, without the onus involved in acquiring new equipment. Due to combinatorial explosion problem characteristic, in the solution are employed metaheuristics methods, which converge to optimal or quasi-optimal solutions, but with a high computational effort. As the main objective of this work is to find the best configuration(s) of the distribution system with the best levels of reliability, the objective function used in the metaheuristics is to minimize the LOLC - Loss Of Load Cost, which is associated with both, number and duration of electric power interruptions. Several metaheuristics techniques are tested, and the tabu search has proven to be most appropriate to solve the proposed problem. To characterize computationally the problem of the switches reconfiguring was developed a vector model (with integers) of the representation of the switches, where each normally open switch is associated with a group of normally closed switches. In this model simplifications have been introduced to reduce computational time and restrictions were made to exclude solutions that do not supply energy to any load point of the system. To check violation of the voltage and loading criteria a study of power flow for the ten best solutions is performed. Also for the ten best solutions a reliability evaluation using Monte Carlo sequential simulation is performed, where it is possible to obtain the probability distributions of the indices and thus calculate the risk of paying penalty due to not meeting the goals. Finally, the methodology is applied in a real Brazilian distribution network, and the results are discussed.


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The growing demand for quality at competitive prices and fast production process put to the test function in the industrial Maintenance. The need for equipment with high availability to fit this fierce competitiveness makes maintenance becomes essentially reliable. Despite this current context, many companies still have an old view of maintenance, focused only on corrective services, and proposals for change are often neglected due to the sense of urgency day to day. Thus, this study aims to demonstrate through theoretical applicability of simple tool, but of great value in increasing reliability within the maintenance sector of an industry, applying the concepts of Reliability Centered Maintenance – RCM and Analysis tool Failure Modes and Effects – FMEA in equipment of a chemical company directly involved in the manufacturing process of the brake fluid, which this product is used in vehicles around the country. That way, you can identify the types, occurrence and criticality of each failure and evaluate assertively decision making for each device, avoiding unnecessary downtime and potential failures of the same


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The constant search for improvements and the survival of organizations makes the strategic guidelines are deployed and executed at the operational levels. This work is the approach to critical analysis of the equipment of a chemical industry through a case study based on the classification of each equipment manufactures through qualitative and quantitative analysis on the pillars of maintenance costs, loss of production, MTBF, contribution margin, Health Safety and Environment (SHE). From this study and future data collection, along with the flow diagram show the main equipment that should be special attention. To this can be prepared an action plan with deadlines and responsible. With the results one can measure the maintenance costs, loss of production and technical availability of the plant, with future gains


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The objective of this work is to perform a study applying the methodology of Reliability Centered Maintenance - MCC to a group of cranes belonging to Amsted -Maxion in Cruzeiro - SP. The work consists of a presentation of maintenance, the reasons why more and more people worry about maintenance, making a presentation on the types of maintenance, its peculiar characteristics and then do a study where you identified the functionality required by the equipment under study, identified failure modes and their probable causes, and then detail the effects and consequences of these failures. With that evaluate the criticality of these failures and identify the most significant consequences that affect safety, availability or cost of equipment operation and allow a selection of the most appropriate tasks for the identified failure modes. We will also present best crane equipment, its main components, verify that there was or not improvement in the machine after the application of MCC and make a current analysis of maintenance in Amsted -Maxion


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In this work, the author looks forward to develop a new method capable of incorporate the concepts of the Reliability Theory and Ruin Probability in Deep Foundations, in order to do a better quantification of the uncertainties, which is intrinsic in all geotechnical projects, meanly because we don't know all the properties of the materials that we work with. Using the methodologies of Decourt Quaresma and David Cabral, resistance surfaces have been developed utilizing the data achieved from the Standard Penetration Tests performed in the field of study, in conjecture with the loads defined in the executive project of the piles. The construction of resistance surfaces shows to be a very useful tool for decision making, no matter in which phase it is current on, projecting or execution. The surfaces were developed by Kriging (using the software Surfer® 12), making it easier to visualize the geotechnical profile of the field of study. Comparing the results, the conclusion was that a high safety factor doesn't mean higher security. It is fundamental to consider the loads and resistance of the piles in the whole field, carefully choosing the project methodology responsible to define the diameter and length of the piles


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The technologies are advancing at a pace so expressive that allow the increase of the power quality from generation until the distribution to end customers. This improvement has been made possible through the automation of the energy that follows to a better quality of the energy provided, a lower energy supply disruptions and a very short recovery time. The trend of today and the near future is the distributed energy generation. To keep the automated control of the chain, the presence of Smart Grids is needed and that will be the most efficient and economical way to manage the entire system. Within this theme, is going to be necessary analyze the electric cars that promise to promote a more sustainable transport because it doesn’t uses fossil fuels, and more healthy because it does not emit pollutants into the atmosphere. The popularization of this type of vehicle is estimated to happen in a few decades and the case study analyzing its influence on the demand of the electrical system is something that will be very important in the near future. This paper presents a study of the influence of the inclusion of charges refering to electric cars


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With the growth of the demand on electric energy in the last decades, the urban distribution and transmission systems have experienced a bigger necessity to improve on the substations, the automation procedures and techniques on the operation maneuvers of such systems, in a sense that better attends the quality levels, availability, continuity and operational reliability. In this way, the objective of the present paper is to perform a study of protection and control on an electrical industrial system involving the procedures of digitizing and maneuvers automatism utilizing operational techniques and other pertinent information used in a typical high-voltage Industrial Electrical System. Analysis were made on short-circuits to specify the main components of the 138 [kV] substation, in addition, there were used digital MiCOM relays to make the protection of the present elements. With that, a program was developed to allow the user to monitor the condition of circuit-breakers through a supervision screen being able to simulate some kinds of faults, as well as observing the characteristics of each device. This way, the importance of having a fast and reliable system that ensures the equipment’s protection and the industrial process continuity due to faults on the electrical system is noticeable. It’s important to highlight that all this digitizing was mainly favored by the development of digital technology on the last years, mainly on microelectronics, also with the appearance of supervision gadgets allowing the development of complex systems in supervision and electric energy control


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The competitiveness in the industrial sector is increasingly fierce. In this context, the quality of maintenance is often neglected due to the sense of urgency that arises in these companies. Thus, it becomes increasingly necessary to use tools of Reliability Centered Maintenance to assist in managing maintenance effectively and efficiently, and directing resources .This study aims to evaluate the use of the fault tree to identify critical paths in the maintenance sector in an industry. The proposal is uses the tools of Reliability Centered Maintenance (MCC) for the collection, disposal and prioritizing causes problems in the transport industry. The study has its focus on the theoretical foundation of problem solving methods and techniques to identify the root causes, using the fault tree


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In modern days is not practicable to link productivity and profitability without discuss the manufactured products quality. It is of great importance, mainly if the company is looking for a Global Class title, both the product and the process in what it is been fabricated, to attend all the high level quality requirements. This work aims to define the necessary steps for implementing a new project, including the initial viability studies, and then the staff approval, passing through the development of tools and documents necessary to its fabrication, purchasing goods and services to build the installation, and the final stage of implementation, focused on the manufacturing process quality. It will be highlighted a quality tool that helps do decrease the process risks and thereafter increase its reliability after the implementation


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS