45 resultados para Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad Company


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Aboveground biomass predictive equations were developed for a highly productive 47-year-old mixed Douglas-fir and western hemlock stand in southwest Washington State to characterize the preharvest stand attributes for the Fall River Long-Term Site Productivity Study. The equations were developed using detailed biomass data taken from 31 Douglas-fir and 11 western hemlock trees within the original stand. The stand had an average of 615 live trees per hectare, with an average dbh of 35.6 cm (39.1 cm for Douglas-fir and 33.3 cm for western hemlock) and an average total tree height of 31.6 m (32.8 m for Douglas-fir and 30.2 m for western hemlock). Equations developed were of the form In Y = b(1) + b(2) In dbh, where Y = biomass in kg, dbh = diameter in cm at 1.3 m height, b(1) = intercept, and b(2) = slope of equation. Each tree part was estimated separately and also combined into total aboveground biomass. The total aboveground biomass estimation equations were In Y = -0.9950 + 2.0765 In dbh for Douglas-fir, and In Y = -1.6612 + 2.2321 In dbh for western hemlock. The estimate of the aboveground live-free biomass was of 395 Mg ha(-1) (235 Mg ha(-1) for Douglas-fir and 160 Mg ha(-1) for western hemlock), with 9.5, 29.3, 12.9, 308, and 32.7 Mg ha(-1) in the foliage, live branches, dead branches, stem wood, and stem hark, respectively. When compared with biomass estimates from six other studies, ranging in age from 22 to 110 years and from 96.3 to 636 Mg ha(-1), the biomass of the Fall River site was relatively high for its age, indicating very high productivity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We present a general formalism for extracting information on the fundamental parameters associated with neutrino masses and mixings from two or more long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. This formalism is then applied to the current most likely experiments using neutrino beams from the Japan Hadron Facility (JHF) and Fermilab's NuMI beamline. Different combinations of muon neutrino or muon anti-neutrino running are considered. The type of neutrino mass hierarchy is extracted using the effects of matter on neutrino propogation. Contrary to naive expectation, we find that both beams using neutrinos is more suitable for determining the hierarchy provided that the neutrino energy divided by baseline (E/L) for NuMI is smaller than or equal to that of JHF, whereas to determine the small mixing angle, theta(13), and the CP or T violating phase delta, one neutrino and the other anti-neutrino are most suitable. We make extensive use of bi-probability diagrams for both understanding and extracting the physics involved in such comparisons.


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The holotype of Malvinoconularia cahuanotensis (Braniša and Vaněk) (Devonian, Bolivia), the type species of the monospecific genus Malvinoconularia Babcock et al., is redescribed and refigured. M. cahuanotensis exhibits several gross morphological features that together are uniquely shared with Reticulaconularia baini (Babcock and Feldmann). In both taxa, the transverse ribs are nodose, the inter-spaces bear longitudinal ridges (bars or crests) that are collinear (line up) across the transverse ribs, and the longitudinal centerline (midline) of the faces is marked by a subdued ridge. Additionally, the two species may also be similar in the anatomy and external ornament of the corner sulcus. The slightly undulose geometry of the transverse ribs of M. cahuanotensis also is exhibited by certain specimens of Reticulaconularia; however, whether this feature is primary or taphonomic in origin is unclear at present. Together, these similarities suggest that the genus Malvinoconularia probably is a junior synonym of the genus Reticulaconularia. © Asociación Paleontológica Argentina.


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The central and western portion of the S̃ao Paulo State has large areas of sugar cane plantations, and due to the growing demand for biofuels, the production is increasing every year. During the harvest period some plantation areas are burnt a few hours before the manual cutting, causing significant quantities of biomass burning aerosol to be injected into the atmosphere. During August 2010, a field campaign has been carried out in Ourinhos, situated in the south-western region of S̃ao Paulo State. A 2-channel Raman Lidar system and two meteorological S-Band Doppler Radars are used to indentify and quantify the biomass burning plumes. In addiction, CALIPSO Satellite observations were used to compare the aerosol optical properties detected in that region with those retrieved by Raman Lidar system. Although the campaign yielded 30 days of measurements, this paper will be focusing only one case study, when aerosols released from nearby sugar cane fires were detected by the Lidar system during a CALIPSO overpass. The meteorological radar, installed in Bauru, approximately 110 km northeast from the experimental site, had recorded echoes (dense smoke comprising aerosols) from several fires occurring close to the Raman Lidar system, which also detected an intense load of aerosol in the atmosphere. HYSPLIT model forward trajectories presented a strong indication that both instruments have measured the same air masss parcels, corroborated with the Lidar Ratio values from the 532 nm elastic and 607 nm Raman N2 channel analyses and data retrieved from CALIPSO have indicated the predominance of aerosol from biomass burning sources. © 2011 SPIE.


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Toxocara vitulorum, a nematode parasite in the small intestine of cattle and water buffaloes, causes high morbidity and mortality of 1-3 months old buffalo calves. This research evaluated the specific perieneteric antigens (Pe) reactivity of anti-T. vitulorum-Pe antibody (Tv-Pe-Ab) in both immune sera and colostrum from buffalo cows immediately post-partum from buffalo cows. The presence of Tv-Pe-Ab in sera of buffalo newborn calves was also examined at 1 day before and after suckling the colostrum as well as in sera from naturally infected calves at the beginning and peak of the maximum infection and then again during the period of rejection and post-rejection of the parasite. Pe antigens were characterized for Tv-Pe-Ab by SDS-PAGE and Western blot (WB). The SDS-PAGE showed that Pe contained nine protein bands (11, 14, 31, 38, 58, 76, 88,112 and 165 kDa). All Pe bands were recognized by Tv-Pe-Ab in sera and colostrum of buffalo cows. Only the serum antibodies of buffalo calves at 1 day of age after suckling the colostrum and during the beginning of T. vitulorum infection recognized Pe antigen's nine bands. In contrast, serum antibodies from 1-day-old buffalo calves, taken before suckling colostrum, did not react with any protein band. In suckling calves, which reached peak egg output, rejection and post-rejection stages of the infection, serum Tv-Pe-Ab reactivity with lower molecular weight protein bands (11-76 kDa) was lost and only reactivity with the Pe protein bands of higher molecular weight (88, 112 and 165 kDa) remained. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Visceral larva migrans (VLM) is a clinical syndrome caused by infection of man by Toxocara spp, the common roundworm of dogs and cats. Tissue migration of larval stages causes illness specially in children. Because larvae are difficult to detect in tissues, diagnosis is mostly based on serology. After the introduction of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using the larval excretory-secretory antigen of T. canis (TES), the diagnosis specificity was greatly improved although cross-reactivity with other helminths are still being reported. In Brazil, diagnosis is routinely made after absorption of serum samples with Ascaris suum antigens, a nematode antigenicaly related with Ascaris lumbricoides which is a common intestinal nematode of children. In order to identify T. canis antigens that cross react to A. suum antigens we analyzed TES antigen by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting techniques. When we used serum samples from patients suspected of VLM and positive result by ELISA as well as a reference serum sample numerous bands were seen (molecular weight of 210-200 kDa, 116-97 kDa, 55-50 kDa and 35-29 kDa). Among these there is at least one band with molecular weight around 55-66 kDa that seem to be responsible for the cross-reactivity between T. canis and A. suum once it disappears when previous absorption of serum samples with A. suum antigens is performed.


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The central and western parts of the State of São Paulo are well-known for vast sugar cane plantations, which during the harvest time are traditionally burnt about 12 hours before manual cutting. This procedure causes the release of large quantities of aerosols and a variety of gases, which can be observed by IPMet's radars, located in Bauru and Presidente Prudente, on days with no or little rain. Depending on the distance of these plumes from the radar, they can be detected up to 5 km amsl or more, and are subsequently being transported by winds to other regions. During the dry winter season of 2008, such plumes, attributed to cane fires, were frequently observed by IPMet's radars and documented in terms of radar reflectivity, time and location during the period 10 th - 21 st July 2008. At the same time, IPEN's Elastic Backscatter Lidar in São Paulo observed layers of aerosols of variable strength and heights above the city. The most significant days, viz. 14 and 15 July 2008 had been selected for calculating backward, as well as forward trajectories, deploying the European Flextra 3.3 Trajectory Model, which was initiated with ECMWF historic data with a 0,25 o×0,25 o grid spacing. The results presented here show an excellent match between the radar-detected sources of the plumes on 11 th July 2008 in the central parts of the State and the observations by IPEN's Lidar over Metropolitan São Paulo on 14 th July 2008, both in terms of forward and backward trajectories, as well as their heights, with a transport duration of approximately 70 hours under the prevailing meteorological conditions. © Sociedad Española de Óptica.


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Rhoptries have been isolated from Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites by subcellular fractionation in isopynic density sucrose gradient. Five bands were observed, and transmission electron microscopy of these indicated that rhoptries were in band 3. This band had a density of 1.17g/cm(3). Fraction 1 had membrane structures of the parasite. Fraction 2 contained membranes and mitochondria (Fig. 1 B). Fraction 4 had mostly conoid structure (Fig. 2B) and fraction 5 showed ghosts. The electrophoretic and Western blotting analysis of the fractions indicated the presence of a number of proteins. Iscoms were constructed from band 3, which contained the rhoptry structures. Iscom showed a only protein incorporated of 55 kDa. Isolation of the parasite organelles has got in this work is necessary to identification, characterization, and function elucidation of the organelle proteins. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this work was to describe the presence of osteopontin (OPN) in canine seminal plasma and sperm membranes. A pool of seminal plasma and sperm membrane extract from 30 dogs was used. Polyacrylamide electrophoresis gels were performed and the bands were transferred to nitrocellulose paper and Western blot was undertaken using an antibody anti-OPN. Two and 12 bands were marked in the seminal plasma (77.2 and 15.6 kDa) and sperm membrane extracts (70.6-26.6 kDa), respectively. However, from 12 marked bands in the sperm membrane extract, only three (46.4, 37.7 and 36.5 kDa) were strongly marked. We conclude that, seminal plasma and sperm membranes from dogs contain different isoforms of OPN; yet, further studies will be necessary to determine their function in this species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) is an inducible endogenous negative regulator of signal transduction and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3). Epigenetic silencing of SOCS3 has been shown in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), which is associated with increased activation of STAT3. There is scarce information on the functional role of the reduction of SOCS3 expression and no information on altered subcellular localization of SOCS3 in HNSCC.Methodology/Principal Findings: We assessed endogenous SOCS3 expression in different HNSCC cell lines by RT-qPCR and western blot. Immunofluorescence and western blot were used to study the subcellular localization of endogenous SOCS3 induced by IL-6. Overexpression of SOCS3 by CMV-driven plasmids and siRNA-mediated inhibition of endogenous SOCS3 were used to verify the role of SOCS3 on tumor cell proliferation, viability, invasion and migration in vitro. In vivo relevance of SOCS3 expression in HNSCC was studied by quantitative immunohistochemistry of commercially-available tissue microarrays. Endogenous expression of SOCS3 was heterogeneous in four HNSCC cell lines and surprisingly preserved in most of these cell lines. Subcellular localization of endogenous SOCS3 in the HNSCC cell lines was predominantly nuclear as opposed to cytoplasmic in non-neoplasic epithelial cells. Overexpression of SOCS3 produced a relative increase of the protein in the cytoplasmic compartment and significantly inhibited proliferation, migration and invasion, whereas inhibition of endogenous nuclear SOCS3 did not affect these events. Analysis of tissue microarrays indicated that loss of SOCS3 is an early event in HNSCC and was correlated with tumor size and histological grade of dysplasia, but a considerable proportion of cases presented detectable expression of SOCS3.Conclusion: Our data support a role for SOCS3 as a tumor suppressor gene in HNSCC with relevance on proliferation and invasion processes and suggests that abnormal subcellular localization impairs SOCS3 function in HNSCC cells.


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The transepithelial movement of water into the male reproductive tract is an essential process for normal male fertility. Protein water channels, referred to as aquaporins (AQPs), are involved in increasing the osmotic permeability of membranes. This study has examined the expression of AQP1, AQP2, and AQP7 in epithelial cells in adult dog efferent ducts, epididymis, and vas deferens. Samples of dog male reproductive tract comprising fragments of the testis, initial segment, caput, corpus and cauda epididymidis, and vas deferens were investigated by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting procedures to show the localization and distribution of the AQPs. AQP1 was noted in rete testis, in efferent ducts, and in vessels in the intertubular space, suggesting that AQP1 participated in the absorption of the large amount of testicular fluid occurring characteristically in the efferent ducts. AQP2 expression was found in the rete testis, efferent ducts and epididymis, whereas AQP7 was expressed in the epithelium of the proximal regions of the epididymis and in the vas deferens. This is the first time that AQP2 and AQP7 have been observed in these regions of mammalian excurrent ducts, but their functional role in the dog male reproductive tract remains unknown. Investigations of AQP biology could be relevant for clinical studies of the male reproductive tract and to technologies for assisted procreation.