35 resultados para Bloody Rites


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The effect of zinc applied in seeds oil the nutrition of sorghum is affected by the sources and applied rate. The present work aimed to evaluate zinc application, front two sources, on the nutrition and initial growth of a culture of sorghum cv. BRS 304, cultivated in sand. The treatments consisted of five rites (0, 14.3, 28.6, 57.2 and 114.4 g kg(-1) of seed) and two zinc sources - sulphate (22% Zn) and oxide (50% Zn). At 25 days after sowing, the plants were cut. The aerial and root dry mass was evaluated, and the levels and accumulation of Zn in the plants were determined. The of seeds, in oxide form, provided adequate initial growth of application or 14 g Zn kg(-1) sorglitim cv. BRS 304. The sulphate source promoted greater absorption of Zn for the plants, reaching in its highest dosis, high levels of the nutrient in the aerial part (> 4170 mg kg(-1)) and developing characteristic symptoms of phytoxicity.


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Purpose of reviewPhysical exercise can be both beneficial and harmful for the gastrointestinal tract in a dose-effect relationship between its intensity and health. Mild-to-moderate intensity exercises play a protective role against colon cancer, diverticular disease, cholelithiasis and constipation, whereas acute strenuous exercise may provoke heartburn, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and even gastrointestinal bleeding. This review focuses on mechanisms involved in those symptoms and their associations with type of exercises in humans.Recent findingsOne quarter to one half of elite athletes are hampered by the gastrointestinal symptoms that may deter them from participation in training and competitive events. Vigorous exercise-induced gastrointestinal symptoms are often attributed to altered motility, mechanical factor or altered neuroimmunoendocrine secretions. Training, lifestyle modifications, meal composition, adequate hydration and avoidance of excessive use of some medications are the recommendations.SummaryStrenuous exercise and dehydrated states would be the causes of gastrointestinal symptoms referred by 70% of the athletes. Gut ischemia would be the main cause of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and (bloody) diarrhea. The frequency is almost twice as high during running than during other endurance sports as cycling or swimming and 1.5-3.0 times higher in the elite athletes than the recreational exercisers.


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Foram estudados os conhecimentos e opiniões dos profissionais de saúde do Município de Botucatu, SP (Brasil), acerca da freqüência e gravidade de treze sintomas e sinais de doenças, visando à comparação com as opiniões emitidas pela população urbana do Município. Foram entrevistados 435 profissionais de saúde ativos (médicos, enfermeiros, auxiliares e atendentes de enfermagem e outros), a maioria do sexo feminino, com idade de 25 a 44 anos. A categoria de atendentes foi a mais numerosa. de modo geral, os cinco últimos sintomas da relação constante do formulário - sangue no escarro, sangramento vaginal, caroço no seio, acessos e sangue na urina, foram considerados menos freqüentes e mais graves, comparativamente aos oito primeiros: falta de ar, febre, fraqueza, dor nas costas, dor no peito, dor de cabeça, tosse e diarréia. Dentre as categorias, os médicos diferenciaram-se atribuindo, com menor freqüência, escores altos para a freqüência e gravidade. Os clínicos valorizaram mais do que os cirurgiões, esses dois fatores, para quase todos os sintomas. O cotejo com a opinião dos leigos entrevistados revelou semelhanças nas tendências, embora tenha havido, por parte destes, maior valorização da freqüência e gravidade.


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This is a case report of enteric protothecosis caused by Prototheca zopfii in an eight-year-old male mixed breed dog with a history of chronic bloody diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight loss. Algae were isolated from rectal scrapings in defibrinated sheep blood agar and dextrose Sabouraud agar. Cytological evaluation showed the presence of globular and cylindrical organisms with a defined capsule and variable number of endospores, characteristic of the genus Prototheca, in the rectum of the animal. Scanning electron microscopy of P. zopfii strains at different development stages confirmed the diagnosis of algal infection. Molecular identification using a conserved 18S rDNA gene sequence determined that the strain belonged to genotype 2. This report describes success on treatment of canine protothecosis, diagnosed based on clinical, cytological, microbiological, scanning electron microscopy and genotypical findings. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The quantification of the degree of activity of inflammatory bowel disease is assuming growing importance nowadays. The activity index of the disease can be attained by clinical and laboratorial indicators. For ulcerative colitis the mostly used clinical parameters are daily bowel movements and presence of bloody diarrhea whereas albumin, hemoglobin, ESR and positive acute phase protein measurements are the laboratory parameters. For Crohn's disease activity besides the daily bowel movements the presence of abdominal pain and discomfort sensation are also frequently used whereas the C-reactive protein is the most used laboratory test which is able to detect the disease reactivation even before the appearance of any clinical sign. The combinations of clinical signs with the laboratory tests earned the sympathy of the specialists and the set of ensembled indicators has been recognized by the author's name. In this sense, the classification of the ulcerative colitis activity originally proposed by Truelove and Witts deserves presently a wide acceptance whereas such agreement is still lacking for Crohn's disease activity. In the mean time, the Bristol index is clinically the most feasible, once the Crohn's disease activity index and the Van Hees index are considered too complex. However the latter indexes are still useful mainly for comparisons among multicentric data. It seems that the currently existing clinical signs used for Crohn's disease activity would be quantitatively improved by adding some easily made laboratory tests such as C-reactive protein.


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BAKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Negative pressure pulmonary edema has been defined as non-cardiogenic edema, with transudation of fluid to the interstitial space of the lungs due to an increase in negative intrathoracic pressure secondary to obstruction of the upper airways. This is the case of a healthy patient who underwent general anesthesia and developed acute pulmonary edema after extubation. CASE REPORT: A 23-year old female patient, physical status ASA II, underwent gynecologic videolaparoscopy under general anesthesia. The procedure lasted 3 hours without intercurrence. After extubation the patient developed laryngeal spasm and reduction in oxygen saturation. The patient improved after placement of an oral cannula and administration of oxygen under positive pressure with a face mask. Once the patient was stable she was transferred to the recovery room where, shortly after her arrival, she developed acute pulmonary edema with elimination of bloody serous secretion. Treatment consisted of elevation of the head, administration of oxygen via a face mask, furosemide and fluid restriction. Chest X-ray was compatible with acute pulmonary edema and normal cardiac area. Electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram and cardiac enzymes were normal. The condition of the patient improved and she was discharged from the hospital the following day, asymptomatic. CONCLUSIONS: Acute pulmonary edema associated with obstruction of the upper airways can aggravate surgical procedures with low morbidity, affecting mainly young patients. Early treatment should be instituted because it has a fast evolution and, in most cases, resolves without lasting damages. © Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia, 2008.


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The first option for the treatment of UC is both: salicylates or corticoids. Recently, in late November of 2006, the Brazilian Ministry of Health has approved infliximab (Remicade c, Mantecorp, Brazil) to treat ulcerative colitis. We report the use of infliximab as a first option for the treatment of two patients with severe ulcerative colitis. Case report: Patient 1: AZF, 52 years-old, female, was first diagnosed with UC after history and clinical examination; colonoscopy showed pancolitis with positive biopsy (crypt microabscess). Her Mayo score was 10 (range: 0 to 12/asymptomatic to severe colitis). She received intra venous infusion of infliximab at a dose of 5mg/Kg of body weigh at week 0, 2, 6 and 14. Then, patient was given mesalazine 4.5 g/day for maintenance therapy. Clinical response was defined as a decreased from baseline in the total Mayo score of at least 3 points. At present, patient is asymptomatic with Mayo score of 3 one moth after the last dose of infliximab. Patient 2: MLA, 45 years-old, female was first diagnosed with bloody diarrhea; colonoscopy showed left colitis and the biopsy was positive for ulcerative colitis. Her Mayo score was 9. She was offered and accepted the step down treatment. She was given infliximab 5mg/Kg of body weight at week 0, 2, 6 and 14. After initial treatment with infliximab, she received mesalazine 4.2 g/day. At present, she is asymptomatic with Mayo score of 2 eighteen days after the last dose of infliximab. At our knowledge, this is the first Brazilian report of the use of infliximab as fist-line therapy in ulcerative colitis. Few days after the begging of the infusion, an impressive clinical and colonoscopy improvement was seen in these two patients. Recently, it has been reported the use of infliximab as first-line therapy in pediatric Crohn disease. Infliximab could be a good option in cases of moderate and severe UC to avoid the side effects of the use of high doses of corticoids in patients with moderate and severe UC. However, the question if step-down therapy in ulcerative colitis is better then conventional therapy with salicylates and corticoids needs to be answered by randomized trials.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS