279 resultados para Beef Heifers
The objective of this study was to assess the sward canopy structure of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pastures maintained in three grazing intensities under continuous stocking system during the rainy season, along with the behavior and performance of grazing beef heifers supplemented with mineral salt or an energy/protein supplement. Three levels of forage allowance were assessed: 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 kg of forage/kg of live weight, combined with two supplements (ad libitum mineral salt, and an energy/protein supplement at 0.3% of live weight/day, supplied daily). The experiment was designed as a randomized block study with two replications. The supplements did not influence the variables related to the canopy structure. Canopy height was greater at higher forage allowances during the late summer and early fall. Similarly, the stem mass was greater in pastures with higher forage allowances. Animals fed protein supplement spent less time grazing than animals supplemented with mineral salt. Stocking rate was higher in pastures with lower forage allowance levels, which increased the live weight gain per grazing area. Daily weight gain did not vary according to the forage allowance levels. The use of an energy/protein supplement did not affect the stocking rate; however, it increased individual live weight gain and live weight gain per grazing area compared with mineral salt supplementation. The use of energy/protein supplements is an efficient alternative to enhance animal performance and production under grazing systems during the rainy season
Carcass and meat quality traits of thirty-six feedlot beef heifers from different genetic groups (GG) fed at two concentrate levels (CL) were evaluated using 12- Nellore (NE), 12 - 1/2Angus x 1/2Nellore (AN) and 12 - 1/2Simmental x 1/2Nellore (SN) animals. Six heifers of each GG were randomly assigned into one of two treatments: concentrate at 0.8% or 1.2% of body weight (BW). Heifers fed concentrate at 0.8% of BW had greater (P<0.05) dressing percentage. None of the proximate analysis components of the beef were affected (P>0.05) by either CL or GG. Heifers from the AN group had higher (P<0.05) carcass weights, 12th rib fat thickness and lower dressing percentage (P<0.05) compared to the other groups. NE heifers had greater WBSF values (P<0.05) than the other genetic groups. Data suggest that the concentrate level can be reduced without compromising meat quality traits. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Three experiments were conducted to evaluate plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, IGF-I, and progesterone (P4) in pubertal beef heifers receiving exogenous glucose, insulin, or sometribove zinc. All heifers used had no luteal P4 synthesis but received a controlled internal drug-releasing device containing 1.38 g of P4 to estimate treatment effects on hepatic P4 degradation. In Exp. 1, 8 pubertal, nulliparous Angus x Hereford heifers (initial BW = 442 +/- 14 kg; initial age = 656 +/- 7 d) were randomly assigned to receive, in a crossover design containing 2 periods of 10 h, intravenous (i.v.) infusions (10 mL) of insulin (1 mu g/kg of BW; INS) or saline (0.9%; SAL). Treatments were administered via jugular venipuncture in 7 applications (0.15 mu g insulin/kg BW per application) 45 min apart (from 0 to 270 min). Blood samples were collected immediately before each infusion as well as at -120, -60, 330, 390, and 450 min relative to the first infusion. Heifers receiving INS had greater (P < 0.01) plasma insulin, reduced (P <= 0.04) plasma glucose and IGF-I, and similar (P = 0.62) plasma P4 concentrations compared with SAL heifers. In Exp. 2, the same heifers were assigned to receive, in a similar experimental design as Exp. 1, i.v. infusions (10 mL) of 1) insulin (1 mu g/kg BW) and glucose (0.5 g/kg BW; INS+G) or 2) SAL. Heifers receiving INS+G had greater (P <= 0.02) plasma insulin, glucose, and P4 but reduced (P = 0.01) plasma IGF-I concentrations compared with SAL heifers. In Exp. 3, the same heifers were assigned to receive, in a crossover design containing 2 periods of 14 d, subcutaneous (s.c.) injections of 1) 250 mg of sometribove zinc (BST) or 2) SAL. Blood samples were collected 3 h apart (0900, 1200, 1500, and 1800 h) from heifers on d 6, 8, and 10 relative to treatment administration (d 1). Heifers receiving BST had greater (P < 0.01) plasma glucose and IGF-I and similar (P >= 0.67) plasma insulin and P4 concentrations compared with SAL heifers. Results from this series of experiments suggested that concurrent increases in glucose and insulin are required to reduce hepatic catabolism and increase plasma concentrations of P4 in bovine females.
This experiment compared growth, body composition, plasma IGF-I and leptin, and reproductive development of beef heifers receiving or not recombinant bovine ST (BST) beginning after weaning until the first breeding season. Fifty Angus × Hereford heifers (initial BW = 219 ± 2 kg; initial age = 208 ± 2 d), weaned at approximately 6 mo of age, were assigned to the experiment (d 0 to 210). On d 0, heifers were ranked by initial BW and age and assigned to 1) treatment with BST or 2) saline control. Heifers assigned to the BST treatment received subcutaneous (s.c.) injections containing 250 mg of sometribove zinc whereas control heifers received a 5-mL s.c. injection of 0.9% saline every 14 d. Treatments were initiated on d 14 and last administered on d 196. Heifers were maintained on separate pastures harvested for hay the previous summer according to treatment and received grass and alfalfa hay at a rate to provide a daily amount of 7.0 and 1.0 kg of DM per heifer, respectively. Heifer shrunk BW was collected on d 1 and 211 for heifer ADG calculation. Blood samples were collected weekly from d 0 to 210 for determination of plasma progesterone to estimate puberty attainment as well as plasma concentrations of IGF-I and leptin in selected samples. On d 0, 63, 133, and 189, heifers were evaluated for intramuscular marbling, LM depth, and backfat thickness via real-time ultrasonography. No treatment effects were detected (P = 0.27) for heifer ADG (0.49 vs. 0.51 kg/d for control and BST heifers, respectively; SEM = 0.02). Mean backfat thickness was lesser (P < 0.01) in BST heifers compared with control cohorts (3.56 vs. 3.92 mm, respectively; SEM = 0.08). Heifers receiving BST had greater plasma IGF-I concentrations compared with control cohorts 7 d after treatment administration (treatment × day interaction; P < 0.01). Mean plasma leptin concentrations were lesser (P = 0.05) in BST heifers compared with control cohorts (1.82 vs. 2.03 ng/mL, respectively; SEM = 0.07). Onset of puberty was hastened in BST heifers compared with control cohorts (treatment x day interaction; P = 0.04). In summary, a greater proportion of BST heifers reached puberty during the experiment compared with control cohorts, despite lesser plasma leptin concentrations, backfat thickness, and similar ADG. Hence, circulating IGF-I was positively associated with hastened puberty attainment independently of growth rate, circulating leptin concentrations, and body fat content of replacement beef heifers. © 2013 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of age of the ovulatory follicle on fertility in beef heifers. Ovulation was synchronized with the 5 d CO-Synch + controlled intravaginal drug release (CIDR) program in heifers in Montana (MT; n = 162, Hereford and Angus Crossbred) and Ohio (OH; n = 170, Angus Crossbred). All heifers received estradiol benzoate (EB; 1 mg/500 kg BW, [i.m.]) 6 d after the final GnRH of the synchronization program to induce follicular atresia and emergence of a new follicular wave (NFW) followed by prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF(2 alpha); 25 mg, i.m.) administration either 5 d (young follicle [YF]; n = 158) or 9 d (mature follicle [MF]; n = 174) after EB. Estrous detection was performed for 5 d after PGF(2 alpha) with AI approximately 12 h after onset of estrus. Ovarian ultrasonography (MT location only) was performed in YF and MF at EB, 5 d after EB, PGF(2 alpha), and AI. Heifers in MT (n = 20) and OH (n = 18) that were not presynchronized or did not initiate a NFW were excluded from further analyses, resulting in 142 and 152 heifers in MT and OH, respectively. Heifers from the MF treatment in MT that initiated a second NFW after EB but before PGF(2 alpha) (MF2; n = 14) were excluded from the primary analysis. In the secondary analysis, the MF2 group was compared to MF and YF treatments in MT. Estrous response was similar (90%; 252/280) between treatments and locations. Proestrus interval (from PGF(2 alpha) to estrus) and age of the ovulatory follicle at AI were similar for MF heifers between locations (54.6 +/- 1.7 h and 8.3 +/- 0.07 h) but were greater (P < 0.01) for YF heifers in OH (78.5 +/- 1.4 h and 5.3 +/- 0.06 h) than MT (67.4 +/- 1.6 h and 4.8 +/- 0.06 h; treatment x location, P < 0.01). However, conception rate did not differ for MF (63.8%; 74/116) and YF (67.0%; 91/136) treatments. In the MT heifers, follicle size and follicle age atAI in the YF treatment (10.4 +/- 0.15 mm and 4.8 +/- 0.06 d, respectively) was less (P < 0.01) than in the MF treatment (11.0 +/- 0.18 mm and 8.3 +/- 0.11 d, respectively), but conception rate to AI did not differ between treatments in MT. In the MF2 group proestrus interval was greater (P < 0.01); hence, diameter of the ovulatory follicle and age were similar to that for the YF treatment. Conception rate to AI did not differ between MF2, MF, and YF (61.5, 63.3, and 64.7%, respectively) in MT. In conclusion, manipulation of age of the nonpersistent ovulatory follicle at spontaneous ovulation did not influence conception rate.
Age at puberty in beef heifers can influence economic efficiency of beef production through effects on both age at first calving (2 vs. 3+ years of age) and the time of conception of heifers in their initial breeding season. An overarching factor that influences age at puberty in heifers is nutritional management during both the preweaning period and between weaning and the breeding season. Age at puberty is heritable and selection for precocious puberty in populations such as the Nelore breed has the potential to substantially influence production efficiency. Highly effective hormonal technologies exist to aid in induction of puberty in well managed heifers. Age at first ovulation and pregnancy in heifers can be substantially influenced through implementation of nutritional and/or hormonal manipulation strategies. In the long term, combinations of genetic selection, nutritional strategies, and hormonal intervention when necessary will optimize efficiency of this aspect of beef production.
The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of different soybean oil availabilities on the intake and partial and total digestibility of dry matter (DM) and nutrients, rumen fermentation parameters, efficiency of microbial synthesis, and the rumen microbiota of crossbred beef heifers. Nine crossbred heifers fitted with rumen and duodenal cannulae were evaluated in a triple 3 × 3 Latin square design with three treatments and three periods in three simultaneous repetitions. Heifers approximately 18 months old, with mean initial and final body weights of 316.3±28.8 and 362.6±34.4 kg, respectively, were fed a diet containing 600. g/kg of corn silage and 400. g/kg concentrate with a 58.0. g/kg fat content in the total diet. The sources of lipids included soybean grain, rumen-protected fat, and soybean oil. The statistical analyses were conducted using PROC MIXED from SAS, and the means were compared using Tukey's test (P<0.05). Dietary lipid sources did not affect nutrient intake (P>0.05). Except the apparent digestibility of organic matter (P=0.024), the apparent digestibility of the other nutrients did not differ among the treatment groups. Regarding body nitrogen retention, the soybean grain treatment was more effective than the rumen-protected fat treatment (P=0.045); however, the soybean oil treatment did not differ from the other two treatments. In relation to the efficiency of microbial protein synthesis (g. N/kg of organic matter apparently digested in the rumen corrected for microbial organic matter), the soybean oil and soybean grain treatments were more efficient than the rumen-protected fat treatment (P=0.001). Animals fed rumen-protected fat had larger numbers of protozoa (P<0.001) and fungi (P<0.001) than those supplemented with soybean grain and soybean oil. The dietary lipid sources did not affect pH, the molar concentration of propionate and total volatile fatty acids (P>0.05), whereas the concentrations of ammonia nitrogen and acetate were higher in animals fed with rumen-protected fat than in those submitted to the other treatments. The use of different soybean oil availabilities did not affect nutrient intake; however, treatments with soybean oil and soybean grain were more efficient regarding nutrient intake than rumen-protected fat because they reduced the numbers of fungi and protozoa and consequently improved the efficiency of microbial protein synthesis. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
The objective was to evaluate reproductive tract development (ovary and uterus) and onset of puberty in two lines of Nellore heifers (Bos indicus) selected for postweaning weight. A total of 123 heifers, including 46 from the control Nellore line (NeC) and 77 from the selection Nellore line (NeS) were used. Every 18 to 21 days from 12 to 24 months of age, average ovarian area (OVA), endometrial thickness (ETh), and diameter of the largest follicle in each ovary were evaluated (using transrectal ultrasonography), and body weight, hip height, and body condition score were measured. There were no differences between NeS and NeC heifers for ETh or OVA (P < 0.05). Genetic selection for higher postweaning weight had no negative influence on the onset of puberty, with 52% and 48% of NeC and NeS heifers, respectively, pubertal at 24 months of age (P = 0.49). Heifers that reached puberty at the end of the study were heavier (NeC, 296.9 vs. 276.7 kg; NeS, 343.5 vs. 327.9 kg; P < 0.01) and younger (NeC, 23.4 vs. 24.2 mo; NeS, 22.7 vs. 24.0 months; P < 0.01) than those that did not. Furthermore, heifers that were heavier at weaning reached puberty earlier. Pubertal heifers had a greater OVA (4.15 vs. 3.14 cm2; P < 0.01) and ETh (12.15 vs. 9.93 mm; P < 0.01) than nonpubertal heifers. Taken together, OVA and ETh had positive effects (P < 0.01) on the onset of puberty and were suitable indicator traits of heifer sexual precocity in pasture management systems. However, selection for weight did not alter ovarian or endometrial development, or manifestation of puberty at 24 months of age. Among the growth traits studied, weaning weight and weight at puberty had significant positive effects on manifestation of first estrus. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Growth performance and meat quality of heifers receiving different forms of soybean oil in the rumen
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
No experimento I, foi avaliada a alteração da condição corporal (CC) pré e pós-parto em 155 novilhas inseminadas para parir de setembro a dezembro. A CC foi avaliada mensalmente no pré e pós-parto, de junho a fevereiro. No experimento II, 538 vacas primíparas foram sincronizadas com o protocolo de inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF) que usou estradiol junto ao dispositivo intravaginal de progesterona (CIDR®). As taxas de ciclicidade, sincronização e concepção foram avaliadas por ultra-som. No experimento I, os animais que pariram primeiro tiveram maior (P<0,001) redução na CC pós-parto. No experimento II, foi observado maior CC (P<0,0001) nos animais com menor número de dias pós-parto, maior (P<0,05) taxa de sincronização nas vacas de melhor CC e aumento (P<0,0001) na taxa de concepção proporcional ao aumento na CC (incremento médio na concepção de seis pontos percentuais para cada 0,25 ponto na CC). Não se deve antecipar a parição de novilhas de corte quando se pretende realizar IATF no início da estação de monta subseqüente.