246 resultados para BURST ABDOMEN
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We studied the effects of Amphotericin B (AmB) on Cryptococcus neoformans using different viability methods (CFUs enumeration, XTT assay and propidium iodide permeability). After 1 h of incubation, there were no viable colonies when the cells were exposed to AmB concentrations >= 1 mg/L. In the same conditions, the cells did not become permeable to propidium iodide, a phenomenon that was not observed until 3 h of incubation. When viability was measured in parallel using XTT assay, a result consistent with the CFUs was obtained, although we also observed a paradoxical effect in which at high AmB concentrations, a higher XTT reduction was measured than at intermediate AmB concentrations. This paradoxical effect was not observed after 3 h of incubation with AmB, and lack of XTT reduction was observed at AmB concentrations higher than 1 mg/L. When stained with dihydrofluorescein, AmB induced a strong intracellular oxidative burst. Consistent with oxidative damage, AmB induced protein carbonylation. Our results indicate that in C. neoformans, Amphotericin B causes intracellular damage mediated through the production of free radicals before damage on the cell membrane, measured by propidium iodide uptake. (C) 2011 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Class III tegumentar glands were studied in workers, as well as in queens and males when available, of 56 Meliponini species. The presence and development of these glands varies widely among and within species. However, the queen typically has more glands than do workers, and males rarely have any. Gland development in workers was evaluated by counting and determining the size of cells in histological sections. Laying queens were found to have more active gland cells than did virgins. Cell numbers and cell ultrastructure differed among glands similarly located in workers, queens and males. Cell size and ultrastructure also varied from tergite to tergite. In conclusion, since it is likely that most of them produce pheromones, the wide variability in these glands suggests that they are important to social interaction.
Nas operárias das abelhas eussociais, regiões do epitélio tegumentar do abdome podem hipertrofiar-se e tornarem-se glandulares, sendo responsáveis pela produção de cera usada na contrução dos alvéolos de cria. Nos meliponíneos, epitélio com essas características também foi observado nas rainhas, porém sua função ainda continua desconhecida. Teria esse epitélio função homóloga nas operárias? As rainhas, além da função reprodutiva, desempenhariam funções na colônia até então consideradas exclusivas das operárias? Para tentar colaborar no esclarecimento dessas questões realizou-se um estudo histológico e ultra-estrutural das glândulas epiteliais tegumentares do terceiro tergito em rainhas virgens e fisogástricas de Scaptotrigona postica Latreille. Os resultados morfológicos mostraram que o epitélio glandular existe e é facilmente discernível no terceiro tergito das rainhas, sendo muito mais desenvolvido nas fisogástricas do que nas virgens. A ultra-estrutura mostrou que há diferenças no tipo de organização do retículo endoplasmático liso entre as rainhas, o que, juntamente com os resultados da histologia e morfometria, indicam poder haver diferenças funcionais desse epitélio entre elas. Como já observado na literatura, nas rainhas virgens tal epitélio pode estar envolvido na produção de cera e confecção de alvéolos de cria, porém sua função nas rainhas fisogástricas é totalmente desconhecida. A hipótese lançada no presente estudo é de que esse epitélio pode estar envolvido na produção de feromônios que irão atuar nas interações sociais da rainha poedeira.
Coptotermes gestroi is an exotic species of termite that is a pest of great economical importance in Brazil. This paper relates the occurrence of a coelomic gregarine (Apicomplexa: Neogregarinida) in the abdomen of the foraging workers recently collected from field colonies of this termite. The termite hosts presented large, white abdomens because they carried 1 up to 3 cysts of gregarines filled with numerous lemon-shaped spores. Earlier developmental stages of this gregarine were not observed in the scanning microscope preparations nor in the histological slides of the infected termites. However, the lemon-shaped spores suggest a parasite gregarine of Mattesia genus, family Lipotrophidae. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ten Brazilian medicinal plants used to treat gastritis and ulcers were carefully selected on the basis of ethnopharmacological importance and antiulcerogenic activity previously described. The antioxidant activity of the methanolic extracts was determined in analysis conditions that simulate a real biological activity on inhibition of the oxidative burst induced in neutrophils using Helicobacter pylori as activator, by a luminol-amplified chemiluminescence assay. The extracts, at low concentration (5 g/mL), exhibited a large variation in inhibitory effects of H. pylori-induced oxidative burst ranging from 48% inhibition to inactive, but all extracts, excluding Byrsonima intermedia, had inhibitory activity over 80% at the concentration of 100 g/mL. The total suppressive antioxidant capacity measured as the effective concentration, which represents the extract concentration producing 50% inhibition of the chemiluminescence induced by H. pylori, varies from 27.2 to 56.8 g/mL and was in the following order: Qualea parviflora > Qualea multiflora > Alchornea triplinervia > Qualea grandiflora > Anacardium humile > Davilla elliptica > Mouriri pusa > Byrsonima basiloba > Alchornea glandulosa > Byrsonima intermedia. The main groups of compounds in tested extracts are presented. Differences in the phytochemical profile, quantitatively and qualitatively, of these plants can explain and justify their protective effect on the gastric mucosa caused by the neutrophil-generated ROS that occurs when H. pylori displays its evasion mechanisms. © 2013 Cibele Bonacorsi et al.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A recent trend in networked control systems (NCSs) is the use of wireless networks enabling interoperability between existing wired and wireless systems. One of the major challenges in these wireless NCSs (WNCSs) is to overcome the impact of the message loss that degrades the performance and stability of these systems. Moreover, this impact is greater when dealing with burst or successive message losses. This paper discusses and presents the experimental results of a compensation strategy to deal with this burst message loss problem in which a NCS mathematical model runs in parallel with the physical process, providing sensor virtual data in case of packet losses. Running in real-time inside the controller, the mathematical model is updated online with real control signals sent to the actuator, which provides better reliability for the estimated sensor feedback (virtual data) transmitted to the controller each time a message loss occurs. In order to verify the advantages of applying this model-based compensation strategy for burst message losses in WNCSs, the control performance of a motor control system using CAN and ZigBee networks is analyzed. Experimental results led to the conclusion that the developed compensation strategy provided robustness and could maintain the control performance of the WNCS against different message loss scenarios.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)