231 resultados para Arterial hypertension


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OBJECTIVE: To assess structural and functional cardiac changes in asymptomatic pregnant women with chronic arterial hypertension (CAH). METHODS: One hundred pregnant women with CAH underwent conventional Doppler echocardiography. The Student t test was used to compare them with 29 normotensive pregnant women (NT) in their third gestational trimester. RESULTS: Systolic (SBP; mmHg) and diastolic (DBP; mmHg) blood pressure values were higher (p<0.001) in the CAH pregnant women (SBP: 139±19 and DBP: 92± 18) as compared with those of the NT group (SBP: 112±10 and DBP: 74±9). A significant enlargement of the left atrium (4.10±0.48 cm vs 3.6±0.3 cm; p<0.001) and of the left ventricular normalized mass (59.6±19.7 g/cm2,7 vs 41.9±3.4 g/cm2,7; p<0.001) was observed. Cardiac output (CO, L/min) and systolic volume (SV, mL) were significantly higher in the CAH group (CO: 6.0±1.54 vs 4.9±2.1, p<0.01; SV: 77.3±19.8 vs 56.5±25.8, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Chronic hypertensive pregnant women have structural and functional cardiac changes that justify routine cardiologic assessment, even in the absence of cardiopulmonary symptoms.


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The effect of changes in left ventricular (LV) shape and dimensions due to acute arterial hypertension induced by mechanical obstruction of the aorta for 10 min on LV mass values estimated by M-mode echocardiogram was studied in 14 anesthetized dogs. Although the systolic pressure increased from 117.5 +/- 19.9 to 175.4 +/- 22.9 mmHg altered ventricular diameter from 2.77 +/- 0.49 cm to 3.17 +/- 0.67 cm (P<0.05) and wall thickness from 0.83 +/- 0.09 to 0.75 +/- 0.09 cm (P<0.05), LV mass estimated before (73.5 +/- 19.1 g) and after (78.3 +/- 26.4 g) hypertension was not significantly different. We demonstrate here for the first time that changes in LV dimensions induced by acute arterial hypertension do not modify LV mass values estimated by the M-mode electrocardiogram method.


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The changes of arterial pressure promoted by bolus injection of 50 mg phenylephrine (PHE) were studied in 20 atropinized patients (5 normal subjects, 13 patients with mitral valve disease, 1 patient with essential arterial hypertension and 1 patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) submitted to routine catheterism. Patients with aortic valve disease, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction and intracardiac shunt were excluded from the study. All patients were in sinus rhythm, without heart failure. Arterial pressure started to increase at 14.8 +/- 5.4 s (range, 5.6 to 27 s; mean +/- SD) after PHE. There was an increase of 37.8 +/- 16.7 mmHg (range, 12.5 to 70 mmHg) in systolic pressure and of 26.6 +/- 11.1 mmHg (range, 7.5 to 42.5 mmHg) in diastolic pressure. Peak hypertension was attained at 36.6 +/- 16.4 s (range, 10.8 to 64.9 s) and hypertension continued for 176 +/- 92 s (range, 11 to 365 s). Heart rate was 114 +/- 21 bpm before PHE and 111 +/- 21 bpm (P<0.05) after PHE. There were no adverse events associated with intravenous PHE injection in any patient, in accordance with the general view that bolus injection of PHE is a safe and practical maneuver to promote arterial hypertension.


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The authors review the epidemiology, the etiological factors, the effect of the treatment in the evolution of the cardiovascular disease in arterial hypertension in elderly, and the use of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors such as a treatment option.


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This quasi-experimental study describes the effects of a yoga sequence following hemodynamic and biochemical parameters in patients with hypertension. Thirty-three volunteers participated in the study (control = 16 and yoga = 17) for four months. Blood pressure measurements, cardiac and respiratory rate were collected monthly, while the biochemical profile was taken at the beginning and end of the program. To analyze the data, Student's t test and repeated measures analyses were performed. The yoga group showed a significant reduction of systolic blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate (p < 0.05). As for the biochemical profile, the yoga group showed correlation coefficients between initial values and final responses greater than the control of fasting glucose, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides. The elaborated sequence practice promoted significant cardiovascular and metabolic benefits. The yoga exercises performed in the proposed sequence constitute complementary non-pharmacological control of blood pressure in patients with hypertension. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Few studies have focused on the impact of hypertension on the progression of periodontitis (PD). The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether hypertension affects PD by enhancing bone loss even after the stimulus for PD induction is removed. Ligature-induced PD was created on the first mandibular molars of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive rats (Wistar Kyoto-WKY). The animals were assigned to non-ligated controls (C) and PD groups: WKY-C, WKY-PD, SHR-C, and SHR-PD. After 10 days, five animals of each group were killed and the ligatures of the other animals were removed. On the 21st day (11 days without PD induced), the remaining animals were killed. The jaws were defleshed and the amount of bone loss was measured. After 10 days, the PD groups showed more bone loss than its controls (P < .05); SHR-PD = 0.72 ± 0.05 mm, SHR-C = 0.39 ± 0.04 mm, WKY-PD = 0.75 ± 0.04 mm, and WKY-C = 0.56 ± 0.04 mm. The cumulative bone loss on day 21 (0.94 ± 0.13 mm) was significantly worse than on day 10 only in SHR-PD group (P < .05). The final bone loss differences between PD and C groups accounted for 102% (SHR) and 26% (WKY) increase in comparison with the initial control levels. Hypertension is associated with progressive alveolar bone loss even when the stimulus for PD induction is removed and it may be speculated that host condition perpetuates alveolar bone loss. © 2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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The calcium-intake relationship with other alimentary and anthropometric variables was investigates in a group of 60 adult (19-75 year-old) subjects, 50 females and 10 males, with essential arterial hypertension (DAP > 90 mmHg). The calcium intake was assessed by three different protocols: 24-hour food intake recall, food-frequency questionnaire and 3 day self-food intake register, repeated along with anthropometric measurements on three different occasions (2-15 month-intervals). The calcium intake assessed by the three methods, as well as the anthropometric data, were statistically similar on all three occasions. The mean data were then compared with those form the control, composed of 75 healthy subjects matched with the hypertensive group by age and sex. The patients ingested less calcium (mean +/- SD) than the controls on the daily (517 +/- 271 x 740 +/- 353 mg/d) and body-weight (8.1 +/- 5.0 x 11.4 +/- 5.9 mg/kg/d) basis. Among the males the calcium intake was the only difference found between groups and could be attributed to the lower intake of calcium-rich foods. The hypertensive females showed also higher lean-body mass (Body-mass index and arm muscle circumference). Thus the calcium intake discriminated both groups being associated with changes in other nutritional parameters only in females.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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FUNDAMENTO: A hipertrofia ventricular esquerda (HVE) é comum em pacientes com hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) e estenose aórtica (EAo) e, com certa frequência, encontramos associação entre estas patologias. Mas, em tal situação, não está clara a importância de cada uma na HVE. OBJETIVO: 1 - Avaliar em pacientes portadores de EAo, submetidos previamente a estudo ecocardiográfico, a magnitude da HVE, nos casos de EAo isolada e associada à HAS; 2 - Avaliar o padrão de remodelamento geométrico nas duas situações. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo, observacional e transversal, incluindo 298 pacientes consecutivos, com EAo ao ecocardiograma. HVE foi considerada para massa miocárdica > 224g em homens e > 162g em mulheres. Os pacientes foram classificados como portadores de EAo leve (gradiente máximo < 30,0 mmHg), moderada (entre 30 e 50,0 mmHg) e grave (> 50,0 mmHg), além disso, foram separados em dois subgrupos: com e sem HAS. RESULTADOS: Nos três níveis de lesão aórtica, a massa ventricular esquerda foi maior na EAo associada à HAS do que na EAo isolada (EAo leve: 172 ± 45 vs 223 ± 73g, p < 0,0001; EAo moderada: 189 ± 77 vs 245 ± 81g, p = 0,0313; EAo grave: 200 ± 62 vs 252 ± 88g, p = 0,0372). Presença de HAS esteve associada a maior risco de HVE (OR = 2,1,IC95%:1,2-3,6; p = 0,012). Pacientes com EAo grave e HAS apresentaram predomínio de hipertrofia concêntrica, quando comparados com aqueles normotensos (p = 0,013). CONCLUSÃO: em pacientes com EAo, a presença de HAS foi um fator adicional de aumento da massa ventricular esquerda, interferindo também na geometria ventricular.


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O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a produção científica publicada entre 1991 e 1995, para identificar como o assunto adesão ao tratamento anti-hipertensivo vem sendo abordado. Foram analisados 107 artigos científicos. Os resultados mostraram que a adesão foi abordada da seguinte maneira: 68% relacionaram ao paciente, 63% ao tratamento farmacológico, 62% a aspectos gerais, 39% ao tratamento não farmacológico, 34% a fatores institucionais, e 8% relativos à, doença. A adesão ao tratamento anti-hipertensivo tem sido um desafio no controle da hipertensão arterial e conhecer como este assunto está sendo enfocado na literatura pode contribuir para aumentar adesão ao tratamento na hipertensão arterial.


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A hipertensão arterial é um expressivo problema de saúde pública enquanto fator de risco para as doenças cardiovasculares e principal grupo de causas de mortalidade no Brasil. A baixa adesão e o abandono do tratamento estão entre os principais obstáculos às estratégias individuais de controle. Estudam-se os motivos do abandono do seguimento médico em uma coorte de pacientes em tratamento de hipertensão arterial, em serviço de atenção primária à saúde, acompanhados por um período de quatro anos. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com cinquenta pessoas com hipertensão que abandonaram o seguimento médico. As respostas foram analisadas mediante a técnica de análise temática de conteúdo. Os motivos relatados para o abandono do seguimento mostraram predomínio de razões ligadas ao próprio serviço de saúde - sua organização, estrutura e a relação médico-paciente - e, ainda, tratamento em outro serviço de saúde. Razões de natureza psicossocial, como a ausência de sintomas, a melhora e/ou a normalização da pressão arterial e o consumo de álcool também contribuíram para o abandono do cuidado. Estudar os motivos do abandono na perspectiva do próprio sujeito permitiu verificar a riqueza e diversidade de problemas envolvidos no cuidado requerido.