523 resultados para Animais frugivoros - Mata Atlântica


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The vocals are the most conspicuous means of communication between frogs and can express evolutionary relationships among species. Call descriptions of frogs, in general, not standard acoustic parameters which are greatly diversified and usually restricted to comparisons between closely related taxa. The Atlantic Forest is considered one of the biodiversity hotspots of the world, however, it appears that the number of species to be known is still very large. To anurans from this Brazilian Domain, vocalizations are complex and can vary intra and interpopulations. Thus, we presented a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the work descriptions of anuran advertisement call from the Atlantic Forest, available in the literature so far. The frog species from this Domain and their descriptions of the advertisement call have been raised in the literature, organized into families and threat category IUCN Red List Threatened Species. The analysis of the descriptions were made based on the presence of preset parameters. It was observed that the species which the advertisement call is described within the standard are expected within the Brazilian Atlantic Domain, but efforts to describe the advertisement call of frogs of the Atlantic are concentrated in non-threatened species. Among the descriptions works, there is a large discrepancy between the information presented, giving preference to the use of abiotic data in this kind of work, to the detriment of biotic data about choir where the songs were recorded. The results point to the need for advancements in the descriptions of the advertisement of endangered species or to those with deficient information on their conservation status in the Atlantic Forest, and also for greater communication between works that describe vocalizations of frogs. It will be important to know about the state of the art of descriptions works of frogs in other Brazilian Domains, and relate this information with knowledge...


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Amphibian populations worldwide have been suffering declines generated by habitat degradation, loss, fragmentation and habitat split. With habitat loss and fragmentation in the landscape comes habitat split, which is the separation between the adult anuran habitat and breeding sites, forcing individuals to move through matrix during breeding seasons. Thus, habitat split increases the chance of extinction of amphibians with aquatic larval development and acts as a filter in the selection of species having great influence on species richness and community structure. The use of functional diversity allows us to consider the identity and characteristics of each species to understand the effects of fragmentation processes. The objective of this study was to estimate the effects of habitat split, as well as habitat loss in the landscape, on amphibians functional diversity (FD) and species richness (S). We selected 26 landscapes from a database with anuran surveys of Brazilian Atlantic Forest. For each landscape we calculated DF, S and landscape metrics at multiple scales. To calculate the DF we considered traits that influenced species use and persistence in the landscape. We refined maps of forest remnants and water bodies for metrics calculation. To relate DF and S (response variables) to landscape variables (explanatory variables), we used a model selection approach, fitting generalized linear models (GLMS) and making your selection with AICc. We compared the effect of model absence and models with habitat split, habitat amount and habitat connectivity effects, as well as their interaction. The most plausible models for S were the sum and interaction between habitat split in 7.5 km scale. For anurans with terrestrial development, habitat amount was the only plausible explanatory variable, in the 5 km scale. For anurans with aquatic larvae habitat amount in larger scales and the addition of habitat amount and habitat split were plausible...


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Diversos estudos têm evidenciado os efeitos da defaunação e fragmentação sobre processos mutualísticos chaves, como polinização e dispersão de sementes. Áreas fragmentadas ou defaunadas possuem um desequilíbrio nas populações resilientes, sendo que algumas populações aumentam drasticamente sua abundância, um fenômeno chamado de “density compensation”. Se por um lado é bem conhecido esse fenômeno, por outro lado, existe uma lacuna em nosso conhecimento sobre as mudanças comportamentais dos dispersores de sementes em áreas com baixa competição intra-específica e alta específica. Na Mata Atlântica, o palmito juçara (Euterpe edulis) produz frutos carnosos consumidos por diversas aves e mamíferos. Nesse projeto, pretendemos entender como a defaunação (perda de grandes dispersores de sementes como Ramphastídeos) pode alterar a efetividade de dispersão de sementes. Para o registro de frugivoria, foi utilizado o método de observação focal que se consiste da observação direta da planta com frutificação madura, no caso o indivíduo palmito-juçara (Euterpe edulis), identificando as espécies visitantes e anotando seus comportamentos pertinentes. Nossa hipótese a ser testada, é que áreas com baixa riqueza de frugívoros e alta abundância de algumas espécies como sabiás (Turdus spp.) acarretará maior competição e menor efetividade de dispersão dessa palmeira


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Brazilian Atlantic Forest harbors a rich biodiversity with more than four hundred of amphibian species and many of these are endemic in this environment. This high rate of restricted endemism associated with global decline of amphibian diversity and density make it an important priority for the conservation of this ecosystem and to warrant intensive monitoring amphibian populations. Considering the importance that the parasites have on the ecology of their hosts, parasitic infections become a considerable factor in conservation biology. To expand the knowledge of this area, 23 specimens of Haddadus binotatus (Anura: Craugastoridae) and 36 Ischnocnema guentheri (Anura: Brachycephalidae) were collected from Santa Virginia, São Luiz do Paraitinga, São Paulo, between January and February 2010, to study their helminth parasites. Twelve helminth taxa were diagnosed and six of them were common to both hosts. The higher prevalence (P = 96%), mean abundance (MA = 11.7 ± 1.6) and mean intensity of infection (MII = 12.3 ± 1.6) were presented by H. binotatus compared to I. guentheri (P = 67%, MA = 2.4 ± 0.5, MII = 3.6 ± 0.6). Nematode species were found in different stages (cysts, larvae and adults) and acanthocephalans were found in both anurans. However, cestode species was found only in I. guentheri. Differences in parasitism of two species of frogs have been attributed to different sizes and micro-habitats of animals that allow different diets and contact with different helminth species. All helminths found have not been reported H. binotatus and also three new species records were noticed for I. guentheri