85 resultados para Análise morfométrica


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In order to verify the different scales in physical analysis of watersheds, the geomorphic quantitative analysis was done to distinguish homogeneous areas within this land unit. The variables studied were the dimensions, drainage pattern and relief characteristics. The study area is the watershed of the Corrego da Cachoeira, São Paulo State, Brazil. The cartographic scale 1: 50000 (IBGE) and 1: 10000 (IGC) were used to delineate the drainage network and study the morphometric characteristics. The watershed is characterized as an exoreic, fluvial drainage with consequent streams and drainage pattern. The values of the drainage density, frequency of rivers and the ratio of bifurcation are considered low, indicating the formation of the soil on permeable rock. The low values suggested a watershed with relatively mild relief. The detail of the cartography mapping analysed with field study data showed higher values of hydrological compartments and length of the drainage network, reflecting changes in the results obtained on the physical variables analysed.


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Análise morfométrica do colágeno dérmico pode fornecer subsídio quantitativo para a pesquisa em dermatologia. Os autores demonstram uma técnica de análise de imagem digital que permite a identificação de estruturas microscópicas, a partir da segmentação por conglomerados (clusters), de cor aplicada à estimativa da intensidade e densidade das fibras colágenas da derme.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos da ingestão crônica de álcool sobre o nervo óptico em um modelo murino adulto. MÉTODOS: Doze ratos machos da raça Wistar, de 30 dias de idade, foram divididos por sorteio em 2 grupos experimentais: tratado (TG), com 8 animais, alimentados com ração-padrão para roedores de laboratório e uma mistura de água de torneira e etanol ad libitum; controle (CG), com 4 animais, alimentados com a mesma ração e água de torneira pura ad libitum. Após 40 semanas todos os ratos foram sacrificados, sendo os nervos ópticos de ambos os olhos preparados para microscopia óptica e eletrônica. A área de secção transversal de cada nervo a aumento de 500´, assim como número de fibras axonais dentro de 5 campos aleatoriamente selecionados a aumento de 2000´ foram medidos com auxílio de digitalizador de imagens acoplado ao microscópio óptico. Foram realizadas fotomicrografias de 10 campos aleatoriamente selecionados de cada nervo (5 centrais e 5 periféricos) a aumento de 4200´ em microscópio eletrônico de transmissão. RESULTADOS: A análise morfométrica não mostrou diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os 2 grupos estudados. em contraste com o CG, o exame ultra-estrutural dos nervos ópticos do TG mostrou um intenso desarranjo das bainhas de mielina, que se tornaram espessadas, com separação de suas lamelas, apresentando, por vezes, degenerações interlamelares elétron-densas, além da presença de muitas organelas degeneradas. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados desse estudo mostram alterações ultra-estruturais no nervo óptico de ratos adultos após ingestão crônica de álcool, sem modificações morfométricas significativas.


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Este artigo visa analisar a rede de drenagem através da utilização das técnicas de Índice Relação Declividade e Extensão do Curso de Água (RDE) e análise do perfil longitudinal dos vales, numa região chave do Planalto Sul de Minas, a fim de contribuir com estudos sobre evolução da paisagem da região sudeste do Brasil. A pesquisa foi realizada na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio do Machado (MG), afluente do Alto Rio Grande, e regiões adjacentes, localizadas no Planalto Sul de Minas. O Rio do Machado apresenta uma particularidade em seu curso, com uma mudança brusca de direção tomada por sua drenagem na área próxima ao seu médio curso. Com a aplicação das técnicas pretende-se compreender melhor a dinâmica do relevo na área, identificando áreas com indício de ação neotectônica e seu padrão de distribuição na bacia.


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Four variables were analysed: drainage density, relief, slope angle and topographic rugosity. The maps show the spatial distribution of these variables, whose analysis allow relief classification and a more rational utilization of the environmental resources. -after English summary


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This course conclusion project is linked to the work of the research group at the Chronology and Chronometry Center of UNESP-Rio Claro and also proposes the application of morphometric analysis techniques of the drainage network, by applying Slope Index Value and Extension methods and also the application of longitudinal profile in the far east of the southeast region, more precisely on the border between the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, in the geomorphological sub-zone of Serra da Bocaina. The research was conducted in the watershed of Jacuí river, in order to outline neotectonical influences and structural controls on the landscape configuration, and also sort the drainage network in relation to the proposed standards in the literature so far today


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The understanding of the geo-morphological characteristics allows the identification of flood areas and instability slopes among others important features for land use planning. The study of the hydrological net and the analysis of morphometric parameters help in the geomorphologic characterization, providing specific physics indicators that quantify the risks for environmental damages. The present work used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and carried out the morphometric analysis of two watersheds in the Alto Rio Sorocaba, municipality of Ibiuna (SP). Using digitalized topographic bases in the scale 1:50,000, the main morphometric parameters were extracted and the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was obtained. Hence the slope, ground illumination, hill orientation and relief feature maps were elaborated. The characteristics for the two watersheds were quite similar, both have low risks for floods and landslides. Therefore, the concave feature is the predominant hill shape for both watersheds. The morphometric parameters directly related to the river density of the watersheds showed some differences, because the Sorocabuçú watershed presents higher value, resulting in a higher level of relief development. Thus, with this characterization it is possible to provide subsidies for environmental planning actions to the area.


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The real role of renal transplantation in hepatic fi brosis progression caused by hepatitis C virus is still unpredictable. Histological evaluation of the liver is the best form to estimate fi brosis evolution, although semiquantitative analysis carries important limitations. Objective: To apply a morphometric quantitative assay on hepatic fi brosis progression in renal recipients with hepatits C. Methods: Thirty patients were initially evaluated, but only seven were included. They underwent the fi rst biopsy near the transplantation date and the second biopsy at least 4 years later. The immunosuppressant therapy adopted in all cases was azatioprine and micofenolate. Fibrosis progression rate (FPR) was calculated before and after the surgery date in each patient according to Metavir score and morphometric analysis. Results: The FPR calculated by Metavir score showed no statistical difference between pre- and post-transplantation (p=0.9). The FPR calculated by the morphometric analysis was 0.58 ± 0.78 before transplantation and 3.0 ± 3.3 after the surgery, with statistical signi- fi cance between these values (p=0.0026). Conclusion: In the sample assessed, the progression of hepatic fi brosis was documented and quantifi ed only by the morphometric analysis, which is as a promising approach to histological evaluation of these patients.


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The morphometric study in watersheds is a key part to managing watersheds, because from the morphometric indices can determine the risks and potential of each watershed and assess environmental impacts on them generated mainly by human activities. This study aimed to characterize the watershed of the river Verissimo, located in the municipality of Verissimo - MG, analyze morphometric indices and propose how best to use the soil to minimize erosion impacts to resources hídricos.Foi used digital charts 1:100,000 scale and AutoCAD software for the quantification of vector data. The watershed has an area of 146.055 km2 , 55.902 km perimeter. According to the morphometric indices is considered 5th order, highly branched, slightly elongated format of little risk to floods occur, its main channel corresponds to 28.541 kilometers and has undulated, with an average slope of 8.59%. Through the results of morphometric indices and roughness coefficient, shows the potential of watershed land use on pastures for livestock, and soil conservation practices and water to minimize the impacts of erosion and contamination of water resources.


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The morphometric characterization of watersheds is of great importance in assisting the planning of these areas to preserve the environment and maintain the quantity and quality of water production. The aim of this study was to characterize the morphology and simulate the areas of permanent preservation according to the Brazilian Forest Code of watershed of the Água-Fria stream. The studied area is located in the municipality of Bofete-SP, between the geographic coordinates: 48° 09' 30" to 48° 18' 30" longitude (WGr) and 22° 58' 30" to 23° 04' 30" latitude S. The results showed a 5th order micro watershed with an area of 152.43 km2 and low drainage density of 1.04 km/km2. Circularity was 0.51 and form factor was 0.41, which is considered low, and therefore with an oblong/oval shape. The sinuosity index of 1.29 revealed a tendency of rectilinear channels with compactness coefficient value of 1.38 and distance of runoff flow of 520m. Simulation of areas of permanent preservation shows an ideal model as the way springs and watercourses should be protected according to the Brazilian Forest Code, amounting to an area of 10.02 km2.