187 resultados para Altas Habilidades


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper describes a Precocious Student Attention Program With High Abilities/Giftedness Behaviors developed since 2011 at Júlio Mesquita Filho Philosophy and Sciences São Paulo State University, located in the city of Marília/SP/Brazil. Based on Joseph Renzulli's three rings theory, the authors describe how they organized the process of identification and evaluation of the precocious children with giftedness behaviors that attend the program. Based on Joseph Renzulli's Enrichment Triad Model, the authors categorize the students and give an account of the enrichment activities that are developed alongside with the students and their respective guardians. It is concluded that programs of this nature serve this still little recognized category of students, as well as help the development of studies and is a significant locus to educational formation.


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Among students with special educational needs, subjects of special education, are those with high ability/giftedness, a complex phenomenon that requires the participation of education professionals and researchers to foster the potential of development of these students. In this sense, we aimed to identify and analyze thesis and dissertations that they propose to investigate the theme high ability/giftedness, verifying participation of the area of education in these studies. The study was done through a literature review, guided by the following questions: Have the researches on high ability/giftedness been growing in recent years? What is the participation of education area in those researches? What are the issues related to high ability/ giftedness addressed in Education? The results show that the institutions present an increasing trend and there is a predominance of education area in this scientific production. However, there is an imbalance between the institutions that aim to investigate the theme in Brazilian regions, as well as among the cases covered by these researches on high ability/giftedness.


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In special education, high skills designate people who demonstrate the capability, potential or performance in human activities, well above average. Our objective, using neuroscience to understand the early, prodigies, geniuses and high abilities as a result of a unique process of memory formation. It is a literature search, in which the works were identified, located, compiled, analyzed and blacklisted. The material was located from keywords in databases. For the compilation were used as inclusion criteria, adopted the intersection of the keywords as well as the work of researchers from education, psychology and neuroscience, published between 1966 and 2009; qualitatively analyzed 40 references, 18 articles and 22 other texts. The trajectory analysis was developed with the question: no need to explain differently the precocious prodigies, geniuses, and AH? We reached three logical propositions. We demonstrate through this exercise of course, that there would be no need to explain differently the precocious prodigies, geniuses, and AH, but conclude that there is need for such differentiation, even within the field of neuroscience, however, the statement above points to Renzulli’s theory as valid for geniuses and AH, with exceptions for early and wonders that deserve a closer look.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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According to current legislation, is part of the Target of Special Education, students with high abilities/giftedness (HA/G). However, it appears that there are few studies on efficiency and effectiveness of diverse pedagogical practice for students with these characteristics. With increasing globalization, are multiplied opportunities for transnational education programs and educational services, particularly through the Internet, increasing the need for information services and accreditation of institutions and educational programs. This study aims to: a) develop a website containing information on high abilities/giftedness; b) evaluate the design of teachers on applicability of the site; c) analyze the contributions posted on the site. Therefore, it was available to the participants of this research produced site. Consisted on the site, among other information, those relating to HA/G indicators. Was sent a questionnaire via the Internet, with nine closed questions and two open, to 2000 teachers, registered in the database Improvement Course in Educational Practices Inclusive conducted by UNESP, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Vera Lucia Messias Fialho Capellini. Data were considering frequency responses. For the treatment we used the Google Docs. As result Program Observed how teachers are lacking this subject deserves further Top depth. Concerning the site he was Considered by the participants as a support tool to the teacher, Which helps to identify and recognition of Individuals with HA/G and contributes to information, training and practical pedagogical way. This, is expected to Contribute to the dissemination of this issue in society as well as the Possibility of Minimizing the myths about this population, since such myths exist due to the lack of information


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Special Education includes gifted students. There is a lack of resources and information for identification and care of such students. They were research objectives map students with giftedness characteristic in Elementary and Middle School in Bauru/SP, as well as verify what teachers know about the issue and if they know how to work with such students in their classrooms. This qualitative, quantitative and descriptive research was structured in three stages. Step A: an observation guide of gifted children, Guia de observação de crianças dotadas e talentosas. Step B: True or False questions on the subject. Step C, field diary. Two hundred and thirty one classes from 24 schools were evaluated and 477 students were identified with giftedness characteristic in at least one of six possible areas. Three hundred and one students were in Elementary School and 176 were in Middle School. In Step B, 280 teachers from 26 schools were part of this study and it is confirmed that they have theoretical knowledge on the subject because the number of hits on the main concepts (based on the literature) was superior to the number of misses. A 4th grade classroom, with a gifted girl, was observed in step C. It was found that the teacher pedagogical practice and the resources used are not different from the ones used with other students. Thus, it appears that the student has not received the curricular adaptations to assist her developing skills


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Embora o escopo deste trabalho seja de origem teórica, relata um estudo exploratório que busca situar a base de conceituação em Educação Especial para alunos Dotados e Talentosos, no Brasil, captando as definições compreendidas por profissionais da educação pela sondagem de sua opinião sobre que termos e expressões são usados, com que significados e em que situações. Os sujeitos incluíam 80 educadores interessados ou envolvidos na área (Grupo A) e 107 professores da rede pública no interior de São Paulo (Grupo B). Há poucas diferenças de opinião entre os sujeitos, nos dois grupos, com algumas exceções, principalente em questões relacionadas a nível de conhecimento e familiaridade com referencial teórico. Ambos os grupos indicam conceituação confusa, notadamente para os termos oficiais, superdotação e altas-habilidades; a maior carga de rejeição e exploração na mídia é alocada a superdotação. Os conceitos alta capacidade, alto desempenho e dotação são definidos em consonância com o referencial básico, que diferencia capacidade natural de capacidade adquirida; Talento reflete a ambiguidade encontrada na área, referindo-se, ao mesmo tempo, a capacidade natural e capacidade adquirida.


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Este texto objetiva apresentar, de forma crítica, uma retrospectiva pontual das normativas brasileiras que orientam a escolarização de alunos da Educação Especial, na perspectiva da educação inclusiva. Em defesa da revisão dos procedimentos de ensino na formulação das práticas educacionais inclusivas, as normativas sugerem mudanças importantes quanto: ao lócus de escolarização do público da Educação Especial, a definição dos que dela se beneficiam e a revisão do seu papel em prol da consolidação da educação inclusiva. As normativas indicam ainda orientações específicas no que diz respeito às providências instrumentais, infraestruturais, e de ajustes curriculares, entre outras. Tais recomendações intencionam assegurar condições mais favoráveis de progresso acadêmico aos alunos com deficiência, transtorno global do desenvolvimento, altas habilidades e/ou superdotação no sistema público de ensino. Pelo intermédio de um julgamento criterioso dos textos normativos referentes aos documentos legais selecionados, espera-se contribuir para a compreensão das formas de organização da Educação Especial no atendimento às necessidades educacionais de uma parcela significativa do alunado. Recorda-se que esses alunos, que necessitam de com condições diferenciadas de ensino, por longas décadas ficaram afastados dos conhecimentos valorizados pela cultura escolar, entretanto, com a adoção de políticas públicas, que respeitam e valorizam a diferença, formas de escolarização e de participação direta no ensino comum tem sido uma prática real no sistema educacional brasileiro.


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This research aims to investigate the possible causes for the dropout of participants under instruction in distance courses. Data gathered from the Specialization Course in Specialized Educational Support Services - SES, sponsored by the Department for Continuing Education, Literacy and Diversity of the Ministry of Education - SECAD / MEC - and the Open University of Brazil – OUB, will be analyzed. The objective of the course is to graduate teachers who work in classrooms equipped with multifunctional resources in regular schools to give specialized educational support for students with special educational needs marked by disabilities, global development disorders and high abilities/highly gifted students. In order to analyze dropout data in the first semester of the ongoing course, a sample of 1349 participants enrolled in the distance course was considered; 216 of these had their enrollment cancelled on request or because they stopped accessing the Virtual Learning Environment - VLE / Teleduc Platform showing no interest in the course. However, the information below aims to present and discuss only the tabulated data of the 98 participants who requested to have their enrollment officially cancelled by submitting the online dropout term. The findings showed the main reasons for dropping out were personal problems, lack of time to commit to an ongoing distance course, difficulty using ICT and the tools available in the VLE. The research also highlighted the importance of developing digital inclusion initiatives as well as on-site supporting poles as a way to soften the barriers of technological accessibility and the dropout rate in this kind of courses.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)