517 resultados para Alongamento (Fisiologia)
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Several studies have shown that different stretching routines can lead to decreases on acute neuromuscular system performance. Although the deficit in muscle strength mediated by different methods of stretching has been systematically observed, few studies have investigated the possible existence of a dose-response relationship between the amount of stretching and muscle strength deficit in older adults. In this context, the objective of this study was to investigate the acute effect of two different stretching volumes on isometric force-time curve (Cf-t) in elderly women. The study included 13 older women (64.08 ± 4.27 years, 69.98 ± 10.56 kg, 157.90 ± 8.66 cm, 28.25 ± 4.22 kg/m²). The participants visited the laboratory for five consecutive days, among which the first two were used for familiarization. During the other three days the participants underwent experimental conditions: control (C) stretch 30 seconds (AE30) and stretch 60 seconds (AE60). For the AE30 and AE60 conditions, three series of passive static stretching were performed, with duration of 30 and 60 seconds, respectively. The experimental conditions were performed with an interval of at least 24 hours between them and the order of execution was randomized. The recording of isometric Cf-t of the knee extensor muscles was performed in extensor chair connected to a force transducer. Measurements were recorded immediately after each experimental condition, for five seconds. For statistical analysis, descriptive procedures were used and ANOVA one way to check possible changes on the Maximal Voluntary Contraction (CVM) and Peak Rate of Force Development (TDFP) among the three conditions (p <0.05). The ANOVA showed no statistically significant difference for CVM and TDFP, between the three conditions. It can be concluded that different volumes of static stretching, three sets ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Among the numerous possibilities of physical exercise, it has been recommended that stretching routines should be incorporated into training programs focused on the elderly population, and that these routines should be preferentially performed on the same strength or aerobic training session. However, studies have shown that muscle strength production can be acutely impaired if it is preceded by static stretching exercises (AE). Although there seems to be a relationship between the number of stretched muscles and strength response, no studies were found examining such relationship in the same study, simultaneously. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyze the acute effect of stretching of different muscle groups on strength performance in older women. Nineteen physically active older women participated in the study (67.8 ± 5.3 years, 68.9 ± 12.4 kg, 157.2 ± 6.4 cm)-usar ponto final em inglês e não vírgula. The participants visited the lab for six consecutive days, three of which were intended to familiarization. Over the next three days, all the participants performed the experimental conditions: control; quadriceps stretching alone and complete stretching, involving the major extensors muscle groups of knees and hips. Both the two stretching conditions were realized with three series of 30s (total volume of 90 seconds for each exercise). All experimental conditions was be performed with an interval of at least 24 hours and order of execution was be randomized. The force transducer was connected to a leg press apparatus, where the isometric force time curve and electromyographic activity of the vastus medial and vastus lateralis were recorded. Measurements were registered immediately after each experimental condition, during five seconds. Statistical analysis comprised descriptive procedures and the One way ANOVA test for repeated measures (p<0.05). No statistically significant differences between the control and the two...
Nowadays is more than proven by several studies in the area that flexibility is one of the first physical abilities to be impaired with advancing age. Around 40 years old, there is an acceleration in the loss of flexibility that is heavily influenced by other factors as like standard level of physical activity and health, and this could eventually lead to a difficulty in performing activities of daily basis. Active Break was created with the intention to minimize the negative impacts from the sedentary life and health of workers and encourage healthier habits in employees through stretching exercises. A lot is said about the loss of flexibility with advancing age and various ways to minimize these losses. It is necessary for us as physical educators, using techniques learned through years of learning to prove the validity of a physical activity program in improving worker health. Therefore the aim of the study was to investigate the influence of the Active Break in different flexibility joints of the participants of physical activity program offered by the NAFES laboratory and compare whether there are differences in flexibility between workers who participate in classes with those who are not. The study included 15 workers of Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences (IGCE) UNESP - Rio Claro. Where were two weekly gymnastics sessions lasting 15 minutes each, Within this environment were divided two groups, one who carried out the activities and the other served as control group that participated only in the evaluations. Three assessments were conducted, one before the start of a study, another 2 months later and the last one at the end of the study. On these assessments were collected measures of the angles of joints using a Fleximeter and the greatest distance achieved by the sit and reach test. The results showed no significant difference...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Várias alterações metabólicas e fisiológicas são desencadeadas em frangos de corte submetidos a altas temperaturas ambientais, o que pode acarretar em grandes perdas no desempenho e na imunocompetência destas aves. Além das técnicas de controle ambiental estarem sendo freqüentemente empregadas para a redução do impacto negativo do estresse calórico sobre o desempenho das aves, outras medidas estão constantemente sendo estudadas. Nos últimos anos, o manejo nutricional adequado também tem demonstrado ser efetivo como medida preventiva para o estresse calórico, pois o funcionamento do sistema termorregulador do frango (produção de calor, rotas evaporativas e não evaporativas de dissipação de calor) pode ser influenciado pela dieta, em especial, o estabelecimento de adequados balanços eletrolíticos, devido a sua importância fisiológica no mecanismo do estresse calórico. Assim, os mecanismos nutricionais devem ser reavaliados como uma ferramenta no controle desta disfunção metabólica das aves.
The probiotics are live microorganisms, in latency state, that benefices the development of the animals. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the Bacillus subtilis in different doses about the growing, survival and immunological and hematological analyses in the Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) froglets. The test was developed in Experimental Frog farm of Agriculture Department, Pindamonhangaba, SP. Three doses of probiotics were tested (T1 - 2.5 g/Kg, T2 - 5 g/Kg and T3 - 10 g/Kg of food). The test was carried out with three simultaneous replicates, plus control group. The products were added to froglet's diet and mixed to the meal. The animals were previously feed with this diet for a period of 14 days and accompanied for about 42 days after metamorphose. Biometrics were performed every 7 days. It was evaluated the final weight, the survival, phagocytic capacity, phagocytic index and hematological analyses as hematocrit, hemoglobin level, erythrocyte number, absolute indices hematimetrycs (MCV and MCHC), differential counting of leucocytes and total counting of leucocytes and trombocytes. The results had shown that the doses of the probiotics had produced none effect on the final weight and survival. The immunological analyses had shown that the probiotics have presented immunostimulator effect, but haven't influenced the hematological parameters of the animals.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo do estudo foi analisar histologicamente a qualidade, tipo e orientação dos tecidos formados na área de regeneração óssea produzida durante alongamento simultâneo do rádio e da ulna, com fixador externo de Ilizarov, a partir de osteotomia subperiosteal diafisária distal, com dois incrementos diários de 0,5 mm. A montagem foi composta de dois anéis e quatro hastes telescópicas, sendo a distração óssea iniciada no sexto dia de pós-operatório. Utilizaram-se 15 cães, sem raça definida, adultos, com peso corpóreo entre 17 e 30 kg, divididos por sorteio em subgrupos (A, B, C, D e E) compostos por três animais, que foram submetidos a eutanásia após os seguintes procedimentos: A- oito dias de alongamento, B- 15 dias de alongamento, C- 22 dias de alongamento, D- 28 dias de alongamento e oito dias de fase neutra com o fixador, E- 28 dias de alongamento, 60 dias de fase neutra com fixador e 45 dias sem fixador. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o tipo e localização da osteotomia, bem como o ritmo de distração utilizado, não interferiram sobremaneira na regeneração óssea. A reparação óssea foi eficiente, notadamente intramembranosa, contudo nos subgrupos B e C foi observada a presença de cartilagem.
Background: Interest in folliculogenesis has grown extensively in recent years. Nevertheless, several aspects of follicular activity are still poorly understood. Thus, in vitro culture of ovarian follicles using new substances has been established as a very viable model, enhancing the prospects for a better understanding of follicular activity. Among the family members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGFs), FGF-10 has received recent attention for its ability to regulate the development of ovarian follicles and oocyte maturation. Given the relevance of FGF-10 in the folliculogenesis process, this review aimed to describe the structural features, expression and the main biological effects of FGF-10 on the development of ovarian follicles in mammals.Review: Along this work, it was shown aspects related to structural characterization of FGF-10 and its receptors, as well as FGF-10 expression in different cell types, emphasizing its importance to follicular development. FGF-10 is a paracrine member of the family of FGFs, and is characterized by promoting biological responses via cell surface receptors (FGFRs) of tyrosine kinase-type. of these receptors, FGFR-1, FGFR-2 and FGFR-3 may undergo alternative transcriptional arrangements, enabling the formation of two isoforms (b and c) that have varying degrees of affinity for the various FGFs. Thus, seven FGFR proteins (FGFRs 1b, 1c, 2b, 2c, 3b, 3c and 4) with different binding specificities are generated from the four FGFR genes. The FGFRs transmit intracellular signals after binding with the ligand through the phosphorylation of tyrosine, which activates various transduction patterns in the cytoplasm. The signal transduction of FGF-10 may occur through three main pathways: protein of rat sarcoma (Ras)/MAPK, PLC gamma/Ca(2+) and phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K)/protein kinase B (Akt), which are involved in the transmission of biological signals, leading to cellular proliferation and differentiation. FGF-10 mRNA expression was detected in the ovarian stroma, oocyte and theca cells of preantral and antral follicles. on the other hand, the expression of mRNA for FGF-10 receptors was found in, granulosa cells, theca cells, cumulus cells and oocytes. Although FGFs are widely distributed in different tissues and cell types, the importance and function of FGFs in the ovary are still poorly documented. FGF-10 has been shown to be an important mediator of mesenchymal and epithelial cell interactions during follicle development, promoting follicular survival, activation and growth. Besides the action on folliculogenesis, FGF-10 was recently identified as a growth factor able to improve oocyte competence. However, in antral follicles, the presence of FGF-10 is associated with increased follicular atresia, which matches its anti-estrogenic action.Discussion: From this review, we can conclude that FGF-10 is an important regulator of female reproduction. This growth factor acts in follicle survival, oocyte maturation, expansion of cumulus cells and proliferation of granulosa/theca cellsthrough direct and/or indirect actions in the control of folliculogenesis. Furthermore, FGF-10 seemed to have different effects throughout the follicular development. However, it is necessary to perform additional studies that may provide a better understanding about the importance of FGF-10 during folicullogenesis.
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar, em mulheres idosas, o efeito agudo do alongamento estático sobre a taxa de desenvolvimento de força pico (TDFP) e contração voluntária máxima (CVM). A amostra foi composta por 10 mulheres idosas (idade 68,5 ± 7,0 anos; peso 70,9 ± 8,1 kg; estatura 159,4 ± 6,0 cm; índice de massa corporal 28,0 ± 3,8 kg/m²). A TDFP e a CVM foram testadas no exercício Leg Press, antes e após as condições controle ou alongamento (três séries de 30 segundos de alongamento estático do quadríceps femoral), em dois dias diferentes (24 horas de intervalo). A TDFP foi determinada como a inclinação mais íngreme da curva, calculada dentro da janela regular de 20 ms (∆Força/∆Tempo), para os primeiros 200 ms após o início da força muscular. A CVM foi determinada como o maior ponto registrado na tentativa. em cada dia, apenas uma condição foi testada e a ordem de emprego para cada condição foi determinada aleatoriamente. A intensidade do alongamento foi determinada pelo limiar de dor muscular. Quatro avaliações pós-condições (pós-tratamento; 10; 20 e 30 minutos) foram realizadas para acompanhar o comportamento da força muscular. A ANCOVA 2x5, seguida do teste post-hoc de Scheffé, não mostrou interações, condição vs. momento, significativas (P > 0,05) para a TDFP e CVM. em conclusão, séries agudas de alongamento estático para o quadríceps femoral não afetam a capacidade de produzir força muscular rapidamente e máxima de mulheres idosas.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Notre intention est montrer comment les conceptions médicales de Descartes, disséminées dans ses oeuvres et dans sa correspondance, se sont constituées a partir de deux questions fondamentales posées par le philosophe: 1 - comment fonctionne-t-il notre organisme; 2 - quel est-t-il la nature du corps animal et, en particulier, du corps humain.
Com o objetivo de avaliar a funcionalidade de uma montagem do aparelho de Ilizarov para o alongamento simultâneo do rádio e da ulna, foram utilizados 15 cães, sem raça definida, adultos, com peso entre 17 e 27kg. Aplicado um fixador composto de dois anéis e quatro hastes telescópicas, realizaram-se osteotomia subperiosteal diafisária distal do rádio e ulna e distração óssea, iniciada no sexto dia de pós-operatório. Os animais foram divididos em cinco grupos formados cada um por três cães, submetidos às seguintes condutas: A- oito dias de alongamento, B- 15 dias de alongamento, C- 22 dias de alongamento, D- 28 dias de alongamento e oito dias de fase neutra com o fixador e E- 28 dias de alongamento, 60 dias de fase neutra com fixador e 45 dias sem fixador. No período de distração os animais desenvolveram gradual e progressiva contratura em flexão da articulação antebraquiocárpica, que persistiu no grupo E após a remoção do fixador. Conclui-se que no alongamento do antebraço há tendência para o desenvolvimento de contratura, recomendando-se medidas preventivas e fisioterapia.
O objetivo do estudo foi comparar os resultados dos tratamentos cirúrgico e preventivo da deformidade em flexão da articulação antebraquiocárpica, decorrentes do alongamento simultâneo do rádio e ulna pelo método de Ilizarov. Foram utilizados 12 cães, sem raça definida, adultos, com peso entre 19 e 28kg, divididos em quatro grupos segundo os tratamentos: A - alongamento ósseo, B - alongamento ósseo e posterior alongamento tendíneo, C - alongamento ósseo e estabilização da articulação antebraquiocárpica, D - sem alongamento. O fixador básico empregado em todos os grupos foi composto por dois anéis e quatro hastes telescópicas, porém no grupo C foi incluído um semi-anel distal fixando a articulação antebraquiocárpica. Os animais dos grupos A, B e C foram submetidos a 28 dias de alongamento, 60 dias de fase neutra com fixador e 45 dias sem o fixador. Os cães do grupo D, considerados como controle, foram submetidos à fixação e osteotomia e não foram alongados. Mesmo com o emprego de exercícios passivos alternados com esparadrapo estendendo-se dos coxins à porção cranial do anel, os animais dos grupos A e B desenvolveram, durante o período de distração, gradual e progressiva contratura em flexão da articulação antebraquiocárpica, que persistiu mesmo após a remoção do fixador. Nos cães do grupo B, ao término do período sem fixador, efetuaram-se alongamento dos tendões flexores, secção dos tecidos periarticulares e capsulotomia. Eles foram observados por mais 45 dias. O tratamento cirúrgico, tecnicamente difícil de ser feito, permitiu a correção da contratura. No grupo C, o tratamento preventivo com o semi-anel distal evitou a contratura, mas durante a fase de alongamento houve tendência à flexão dos dígitos. Os cães do grupo D não desenvolveram contratura. Foi possível concluir que medidas preventivas, como o emprego do semi-anel nos metacarpianos, são importantes para evitar o desenvolvimento de contratura durante o alongamento do antebraço em cães.
In order to study the efficiency of aldicarb against aphids, beneficial arthropods, and on cotton physiology, a trial was made at Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil, in 1992/93. The experimental design was a complete randomized block with seven replications and three treatments: 1) aldicarb 750 g of a.i./ha; 2) aldicarb 1050 g of a.i./ha; and 3) control. The results showed that aldicarb was effective in the control of aphids. Aldicarb applied in the furrow significantly increased boll number per plant, yield, and precociousness. The beneficial arthropods were not affected.