73 resultados para Air flow


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Heat-transfer studies were carried out in a packed bed of glass beads, cooled by the wall, through which air percolated. Tube-to-particle diameter ratios (D/dp) ranged from 1.8 to 55, while the air mass flux ranged from 0.204 to 2.422 kg/m2·s. The outlet bed temperature (TL) was measured by a brass ring-shaped sensor and by aligned thermocouples. The resulting radial temperature profiles differed statistically. Angular temperature fluctuations were observed through measurements made at 72 angular positions. These fluctuations do not follow a normal distribution around the mean for low ratios D/dp. The presence of a restraining screen, as well as the increasing distance between the temperature measuring device and the bed surface, distorts TL. The radial temperature profile at the bed entrance (T0) was measured by a ring-shaped sensor, and T 0 showed to be a function of the radial position, the particle diameter, and the fluid flow rate.


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Experiments of biomass combustion were performed to determine whether specimen size, tray inclination, or combustion air flow rate was the factor that most affects the emission of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and methane. The chosen biomass was Eucalyptus citriodora, a very abundant species in Brazil, utilized in many industrial applications, including combustion for energy generation. Analyses by gas chromatograph and specific online instruments were used to determine the concentrations of the main emitted gases, and the following figures were found for the emission factors: 1400 ± 101 g kg-1 of CO2, 50 ± 13 g kg-1 of CO, and 3.2 ± 0.5 g kg-1 of CH4, which agree with values published in the literature for biomass from the Amazon rainforest. Statistical analysis of the experiments determined that specimen size most significantly affected the emission of gases, especially CO2 and CO. •Statistical analysis to determine effects on emission factors.•CO2, CO, CH4 emission factors determined for combustion of Eucalyptus.•Laboratory results agreed with data for Amazonian biomass combustion in field tests.•Combustion behavior under flaming and smoldering was analyzed. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The air-assisted ground spray is fairly widespread. However, due to the unpredictable weather conditions, the operational efficiency is impaired by stops on grounds of low humidity and high temperatures. The aim of this work was to assess an air humidification method and evaluate its impact on temperature and air humidity for the air curtain of the air-assisted sprayer. With respect to relative air humidity, it has increased in 6.59%, being the maximum change when inserting 1.92 L min-1. So, it is concluded that the pipeline humidification might significantly reduce temperature and enhance air humidity. The treatments performed in this study consisted of a varied flow of a humidity device, related to weather conditions. Temperature and relative air humidity were measured at 1.0 m height from right to left of middle point of the machine, corresponding to the end of the spray boom, in the middle and end of right spray boom. The readings were also performed at three different distances from the end of the pipeline and at 0.25 and 0.50 m from that to the soil. The results show that 0.48 L min-1 in the humidification system has promoted a better efficiency in reducing air-temperature, on average 2.52 ºC when compared to the non-humidified one.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Air flow through packed beds was analyzed experimentally under conditions ranging from those that reinforce the effect of the wall on the void fraction to those that minimize it. The packing was spherical particles, with a tube-to-particle diameter ratio (D/dp) between 3 and 60. Air flow rates were maintained between 1.3 and 4.44 m3/min, and gas velocity was measured with a Pitot tube positioned above the bed exit. Measurements were made at various radial and angular coordinate values, allowing the distribution of air flow across the bed to be described in detail. Comparison of the experimentally observed radial profiles with those derived from published equations revealed that at high D/dp ratios the measured and calculated velocity profiles behaved similarly. At low ratios, oscillations in the velocity profiles agreed with those in the voidage profiles, signifying that treating the porous medium as a continuum medium is questionable in these cases.


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Evaporative cooling operates using water and air as working fluids. It consists in water evaporation, through the passage of an airflow, thus decreasing the air temperature. This system has a great potential to provide thermal comfort in places where air humidity is low, being, however, less efficient where air humidity is high. A way to solve this problem is to use dehumidifiers to pre-conditioning the process air. This paper presents a system that can be used in humid climates coupling desiccant dehumidification equipment to evaporative coolers. The paper shows, initially, the main characteristics of the evaporative cooling and of the adsorption dehumidification systems. Later on the coupled systems, in which occurs a dehumidification by adsorption in a counter flow rotary heat exchanger following the evaporate cooling of the air in evaporative coolers, are analyzed. The thermodynamic equations of state are also presented. Following, this paper analyzes some operation parameters such as: reactivation temperature, R/P relationship (reactivation air flow/ process air flow) and the thermodynamic conditions of the entering air flow. The paper shows the conditions for the best operation point, with regard to thermal comfort conditions and to the energy used in the process. In addition this paper presents an application of the system in different climate characteristics of several tropical and equatorial cities. Copyright © 2005 by ABCM.


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This work had the aim of evaluating the effect of different temperatures and pre-drying periods on yard on the chemical composition and quality of the beverage of peeled cherry coffee. Temperatures of 40 degrees C, 50 degrees C and 60 degrees C were used in the mass with air flow of 20m(3)m(-1)m(2). After drying, the visible defects of the coffee samples were removed. For evaluation of quality, the following analyses were performed: sensorial analyses, total sugars, reducing sugars and non-reducing sugars, electrical conductivity, potassium leaching and fatty acidity. One verified that lower drying temperature and greater pre-drying period had contributed for the attainment of a better quality drink. The increase of temperature and pre-drying periods decreased the non-reducing sugars content while the values of reducing sugars increased. The electrical conductivity, potassium leaching and fatty acidity increased significantly with the rise of temperature and potassium leaching reduced with increasing of the pre-drying period. The fatty acidity test showed to be sensible to the drying temperature.


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A lagarta Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hübner) e os percevejos fitófagos são pragas importantes na cultura da soja no Brasil. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o controle desses insetos após o tratamento com inseticidas, sob diferentes velocidades do fluxo de ar junto à barra de pulverização nessa cultura. O experimento foi desenvolvido em Botucatu, na cultura da soja [Glycine max (L.) Merrill], var. Conquista (safra 2007/08), no delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso (quatro velocidades do fluxo de ar: 0, 9, 11 e 29 km h-1), mais testemunha, totalizando cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. No estádio de desenvolvimento vegetativo (V10) realizou uma aplicação do inseticida deltametrina na dosagem de 6,5 g do i.a. ha-1 para o controle de lagartas e no estádio de desenvolvimento reprodutivo (R6) aplicou o inseticida tiametoxam associado com lambda-cialotrina na dosagem de 25,38 + 19,08 g do i.a. ha-1 para o controle de percevejos. A aplicação foi feita com um pulverizador Advanced Vortex 2000, com pontas de pulverização jato cônico JA2, conferindo um volume de calda de 200 L ha-1. As avaliações antes e após a aplicação foram realizadas pelo método de batidas no pano. Avaliaram-se os danos causados por percevejos, considerando-se a porcentagem de danos às sementes, ao poder germinativo e à produtividade. No geral, o número médio de lagartas e percevejos foram significativamente menores nas parcelas tratadas em relação ao obtido na testemunha. Não houve diferença de produtividade entre os tratamentos. A porcentagem de emergência e sementes picadas por percevejos foram significativamente menores nos tratamentos que receberam o controle em comparação à testemunha.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da assistência de ar na deposição da calda de pulverização, em plantas de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris) aos 26 dias após a emergência (DAE), com pontas de pulverização de jato cônico vazio (JA-0,5 e JA-1) e jato plano (AXI-110015), e volumes de calda, foi realizado um experimento em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, utilizando como traçador o íon cobre. Alvos coletores (papel de filtro com 3 x 3 cm) foram afixados nas superfícies adaxial e abaxial de folíolos posicionados nas partes superior e inferior das plantas. Para aplicar a solução traçadora, utilizou-se pulverizador com barras de 14 metros, com e sem assistência de ar, volumes de 60 e 100 L.ha-1, e velocidade do ar correspondente a 50% da rotação máxima do ventilador. Após a aplicação, os coletores foram lavados individualmente em solução extratora de ácido nítrico a 1,0 mol.L-1, e a quantificação dos depósitos através de espectrofotometria. A assistência de ar não influenciou na deposição da calda tanto a 60 quanto a 100 L.ha-1. O maior volume proporcionou maiores depósitos, sendo constatadas elevadas perdas para o solo (mais de 60%).


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The quality of machined components is currently of high interest, for the market demands mechanical components of increasingly high performance, not only from the standpoint of functionality but also from that of safety. Components produced through operations involving the removal of material display surface irregularities resulting not only from the action of the tool itself, but also from other factors that contribute to their superficial texture. This texture can exert a decisive influence on the application and performance of the machined component. This article analyzes the behavior of the minimum quantity lubricant (MQL) technique and compares it with the conventional cooling method. To this end, an optimized fluid application method was devised using a specially designed nozzle, by the authors, through which a minimum amount of oil is sprayed in a compressed air flow, thus meeting environmental requirements. This paper, therefore, explores and discusses the concept of the MQL in the grinding process. The performance of the MQL technique in the grinding process was evaluated based on an analysis of the surface integrity (roughness, residual stress, microstructure and microhardness). The results presented here are expected to lead to technological and ecological gains in the grinding process using MQL. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A eficiência do reator de leito fluidizado com circulação em tubos concêntricos depende das condições hidrodinâmicas que influem na transferência de oxigênio ao biofilme. Este trabalho investigou a influência da relação entre diâmetros dos tubos e da concentração de meio suporte (areia), sobre o coeficiente global de transferência de oxigênio (K La). Os ensaios - em reatores de 2,6 m de altura, com diâmetro externo de 250 mm e internos de 100, 125, 150 e 200 mm - empregaram vazões de ar até 2.500 L.h-1 e concentrações de até 150 g.L-1 de areia. O K La aumentou ligeiramente com 30 g.L-1 e diminuiu para concentrações maiores, confirmando relatos da literatura em condições semelhantes. Um modelo para K La em meio bifásico foi ajustado para as diversas relações ensaiadas entre a área externa e a interna, postulando-se uma redução na razão entre a transferência na fase líquida e o diâmetro da bolha com o aumento da vazão de ar.


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This work describes an optical device for the simultaneous recording of shadowgrams and schlieren images, and some results are presented concerning its applications to the study of plasma assisted flow control in airfoil models. This approach offers many advantages in comparison to other methods, specially because the use of tracer particles (like smoke in wind tunnels) is not required for the experiments, thus avoiding contaminations in the electric discharges or air flows. Besides, while schlieren images reveal the refractive index gradients in the area of study, shadowgrams detect the second order spatial derivatives of the refractive indexes. Therefore, the simultaneous recording of these different images may give interesting information about the phenomena under study. In this paper, these images were used to confirm the existence of vortex structures in the flow induced by corona discharges on airfoil models. These structures are a possible explanation for the effects of drag reduction and lift force increasing, which have been reported in experiments of plasma assisted Aerodynamics.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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INTRODUCTION: Among the sleep disorders reported by the American Academy of Sleep, the most common is obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS), which is caused by difficulties in air passage and complete interruption of air flow in the airway. This syndrome is associated with increased morbidity and mortality in apneic individuals. OBJECTIVE: It was the objective of this paper to evaluate a removable mandibular advancement device as it provides a noninvasive, straightforward treatment readily accepted by patients. METHODS: In this study, 15 patients without temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and with excessive daytime sleepiness or snoring were evaluated. Data were collected by means of: Polysomnography before and after placement of an intraoral appliance, analysis of TMD signs and symptoms using a patient history questionnaire, muscle and TMJ palpation. RESULTS: After treatment, the statistical analysis (t-test, and the before and after test) showed a mean reduction of 77.6% (p=0.001) in the apnea-hypopnea index, an increase in lowest oxyhemoglobin saturation (p=0.05), decrease in desaturation (p=0.05), decrease in micro-awakenings or EEG arousals (p=0.05) and highly significant improvement in daytime sleepiness (p=0.005), measured by the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. No TMD appeared during the monitoring period. CONCLUSION: The oral device developed in this study was considered effective for mild to moderate OSAHS.