192 resultados para Actions and defenses.


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In this work, we analyze systems described by Lagrangians with higher order derivatives in the context of the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism for first order actions. Two different approaches are studied here: the first one is analogous to the description of theories with higher derivatives in the hamiltonian formalism according to [D.M. Gitman, S.L. Lyakhovich, I.V. Tyutin, Soviet Phys. J. 26 (1983) 730; D.M. Gitman, I.V. Tyutin, Quantization of Fields with Constraints, Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin, 1990] the second treats the case where degenerate coordinate are present, in an analogy to reference [D.M. Gitman, I.V. Tyutin, Nucl. Phys. B 630 (2002) 509]. Several examples are analyzed where a comparison between both approaches is made. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We find that within the formalism of coadjoint orbits of the infinite dimensional Lie group the Noether procedure leads, for a special class of transformations, to the constant of motion given by the fundamental group one-cocycle S. Use is made of the simplified formula giving the symplectic action in terms of S and the Maurer-Cartan one-form. The area preserving diffeomorphisms on the torus T2=S1⊗S1 constitute an algebra with central extension, given by the Floratos-Iliopoulos cocycle. We apply our general treatment based on the symplectic analysis of coadjoint orbits of Lie groups to write the symplectic action for this model and study its invariance. We find an interesting abelian symmetry structure of this non-linear problem.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The mechanisms underlying the fade of the tetanic contraction induced by pancuronium were studied in vitro by means of myographical and electrophysiological techniques in the extensor digitorum longus muscle of the rat. Pancuronium (0.5 mu mol/l) induced a complete fade of the tetanic contraction while leaving the twitch unaffected. At the same concentration it decreased the amplitude and increased the tetanic rundown of trains of endplate potentials (e.p.ps) evoked in the frequency of 50 Hz. The electrophysiological changes induced by pancuronium were due to decreases in both quantal sizes and quantal contents of the e.p.ps. The former effect was the result of a postsynaptic competitive action and the latter of a presynaptic inhibitory action of that compound. The decrease in quantal. content affected the e.p.ps starting from the first in the train and became larger during the generation of the sequence of e.p.ps. This intensified their tetanic rundown. It is concluded that the fade of the tetanic contraction induced by pancuronium is due to a summation of pre- and postsynaptic actions and, therefore, not only to an increase in the tetanic rundown of e.p.ps. Possible explanations for the distinct abilities of neuromuscular blockers in affecting tetani and twitches in a differential manner are also discussed.


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To test the hypothesis that acepromazine could potentiate the sedative actions and attenuate the pressor response induced by dexmedetomidine, the effects of acepromazine or atropine were compared in six healthy adult dogs treated with this alpha(2)-agonist. In a randomised block design, the dogs received intravenous doses of either physiological saline, 0.05 mg/kg acepromazine or 0.04 mg/kg atropine, 15 minutes before an intravenous dose of 5 mu g/kg dexmedetomidine. The dogs' heart rate was reduced by 50 to 63 per cent from baseline and their mean arterial blood pressure was increased transiently from baseline for 20 minutes after the dexmedetomidine. Atropine prevented the alpha(2)-agonist-induced bradycardia and increased the severity and duration of the hypertension, but acepromazine did not substantially modify the cardiovascular effects of the a2-agonist, except for a slight reduction in the magnitude and duration of its pressor effects. The dexmedetomidine induced moderate to intense sedation in all the treatments, but the dogs' sedation scores did not differ among treatments. The combination of acepromazine with dexmedetomidine had no obvious advantages in comparison with dexmedetomidine alone, but the administration of atropine before dexmedetomidine is contraindicated because of a severe hypertensive response.


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Objective: Evaluate the legal actions and behavior in the doctor/patient relationship, used by dental surgeons practicing orthodontics. Methods: The population sample of the present study consisted of dental surgeons, active in the field of orthodontics, and registered with Dental Press Publishing Company - Maringá/PR, Brazil, with a total sample size of 525 professionals. The research was conducted using a 17-question survey forwarded to these professionals. Results and Conclusions: The majority of participants in our study are specialized in orthodontics; 75% of professionals use some sort of contract at the office/clinic; 73.7% of professionals periodically request maintenance X-rays; a large percentage of professionals (58.9%) keep patient records on file for life. The interviewed professionals demonstrate good knowledge of the Brazilian Code of Ethics in Dentistry, especially of Chapter XIV - on Communication.


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The effectiveness of ecological restoration actions toward biodiversity conservation depends on both local and landscape constraints. Extensive information on local constraints is already available, but few studies consider the landscape context when planning restoration actions. We propose a multiscale framework based on the landscape attributes of habitat amount and connectivity to infer landscape resilience and to set priority areas for restoration. Landscapes with intermediate habitat amount and where connectivity remains sufficiently high to favor recolonization were considered to be intermediately resilient, with high possibilities of restoration effectiveness and thus were designated as priority areas for restoration actions. The proposed method consists of three steps: (1) quantifying habitat amount and connectivity; (2) using landscape ecology theory to identify intermediate resilience landscapes based on habitat amount, percolation theory, and landscape connectivity; and (3) ranking landscapes according to their importance as corridors or bottlenecks for biological flows on a broader scale, based on a graph theory approach. We present a case study for the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (approximately 150 million hectares) in order to demonstrate the proposed method. For the Atlantic Forest, landscapes that present high restoration effectiveness represent only 10% of the region, but contain approximately 15 million hectares that could be targeted for restoration actions (an area similar to today's remaining forest extent). The proposed method represents a practical way to both plan restoration actions and optimize biodiversity conservation efforts by focusing on landscapes that would result in greater conservation benefits. © 2013 Society for Ecological Restoration.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In today’s context of environmental degradation, environmental issues have increasingly become a focus of global discussion. Although many researchers emphasize the importance of knowledge and information in promoting environmental protection, research involving people’s notions about and attitudes toward the environment and establishing their connection with such knowledge is scarce. This lack of research led to the following inquiry: Is it possible to relate conservation actions and concern about a biome – in this case, the Cerrado – to the population’s level of knowledge about the environment in which they live? This research presents results from an investigation conducted in a representative population sample in Bauru, where there are fragments of a Cerrado Legal Reserve. The sampling approach used was probabilistic; it is based on random laws and can be submitted to statistical methods. The total sample (450 people) was divided into 90 people per Bauru region, 45 people female and 45 males. Each gender group was divided into three age groups: the first from 16 to 30 years, the second from 31 to 55 years and the third above 56 years. Through the questionnaire, we collected the following data from respondents: personal data such as salary, gender, age, level of education, notions/actions and intentions related to environmental conservation and general knowledge about the Cerrado. The result of the chi-square analysis is consistent with this finding, as it is less than 0.05, demonstrating a significant association between these two variables.


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Este artigo expõe ideias de Sigmund Freud sobre temas que são fundamentais para compreender o homem contemporâneo: a constituição do psiquismo; a formação e a resolução das patologias mentais; a cultura em sentido amplo e a educação como elemento mediador entre o indivíduo e a sociedade. O objetivo é apresentar e comparar as análises feitas por John Dewey sobre esses mesmos temas, tomando por base o livro Human nature and conduct. As comparações entre os discursos freudiano e deweyano são feitas por meio da metodologia proposta por Chaïm Perelman no livro Tratado da argumentação (elaborado em coautoria com Olbrechts-Tyteca), que busca esclarecer as estratégias argumentativas usadas por um autor para obter ou aumentar a adesão às teses propostas e, com isso, despertar ações concretas. As conclusões sugerem que, embora Dewey discorde de Freud, existem pontos de concordância entre ambos, especialmente no que diz respeito ao significado dos impulsos e da sublimação e à concepção de que o conhecimento é mutável e impreciso, o que rejeita a crença em certezas absolutas e insere as decisões e ações humanas no âmbito da probabilidade.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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INTRODUÇÃO: No presente trabalho objetivamos descrever o processo de colonização da Bacia do Alto Paraná, Sudeste do Brasil, por arraias, demonstrando sua atual situação e provável tendência, os impactos gerados e discutindo algumas ações de manejo e medidas mitigadoras. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas entrevistas com ribeirinhos e profissionais de saúde para o levantamento de informações sobre a ocorrência de arraias e acidentes associados a estes animais, além de coletas e observações subaquáticas de potamotrigonídeos, entre 2004 e 2009, em localidades situadas nos Estados de São Paulo, Paraná e Mato Grosso do Sul, no Sudeste, Sul e parte do Centro-Oeste do Brasil. RESULTADOS: Três espécies de arraias foram identificadas na área de estudo, demonstrando utilizar os caminhos abertos pela Hidrovia Tietê-Paraná para se dispersarem. Dezesseis vítimas de acidentes envolvendo esses animais foram encontradas, notadamente banhistas e pescadores, chamando a atenção pelo fato dos casos não serem notificados e apresentarem elevada morbidade, com marcante incapacidade temporária para o trabalho. CONCLUSÕES: Este é o primeiro relato de invasão biológica envolvendo espécies de elasmobrânquios conhecido na literatura e, pelas arraias estarem colonizando áreas densamente povoadas e ampliando sua área de distribuição a cada ano, é de se esperar que sua interação negativa com humanos se intensifique, provocando alterações importantes no perfil epidemiológico dos acidentes por animais peçonhentos ocorridos no sudeste brasileiro.