104 resultados para 449


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This work evaluated, parasitic infections by Neoechinorhynchus curemai (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) in Prochilodus lineatus captured between August 2000 and August 2001 in the Parana River, Presidente Epitacio, São Paulo, Brazil. of 87 fishes examined, 59 were infected (25 males and 34 females). High mean intensities occurred in August 2000 (45.2, range 2-204), September 2000 (28.5, range 11-73), October 2000 (59.3, range 2-250) and February 2001 (27.3, range 3-73). There was no relationship of rainfall with mean intensity and prevalence. Males were more parasitized (P < 0.05) than females. This work contributes to the knowledge of helminth parasites of fish from a little studied region of the Parana River, showing diversity in their fauna when compared to other places in the same river. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A crude biosurfactant solution was produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa growing on agroindustrial wastes as the substrate and used to study its effect on hydrocarbon biodegradation by the indigenous soil microflora under laboratory conditions. Two concentrations were studied at first and 1 mg of biosurfactant/g of soil showed to be the most efficient for the total petroleum hydrocarbon reduction, which reached 85% at the first 20 days in soil microcosms. Respirometric and microbial analyses showed that the biosurfactant added did not have toxic effects over the microbial population. The use of a biosurfactant for bioremediation has been limited because of its high cost production. Biosurfactants produced from cost-free by-products combines waste minimization with economic potential bioremediation process.


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Este trabalho objetivou avaliar, em condições de laboratório, a germinação de sementes de Sida rhombifolia e Brachiaria decumbens submetidas à aplicação de vinhaça, flegmaça e óleo de fúsel. Esses subprodutos, nas concentrações de 12,5; 25,0; 50,0; e 100,0% (v/v), e as testemunhas (água com pH e osmolalidade corrigidos, em função da caracterização realizada nos subprodutos e em suas diluições) foram aplicados diretamente em 100 sementes acondicionadas em caixas de plástico, utilizando papel como substrato. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, e as médias obtidas foram submetidas ao teste de Tukey. As sementes de Sida rhombifolia submetidas ao óleo de fúsel não germinaram e apresentaram redução na viabilidade, principalmente nas maiores concentrações de aplicação. As sementes de Brachiaria decumbens submetidas à maior concentração de flegmaça apresentaram tendência de redução da viabilidade e do índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG). Na presença do óleo de fúsel as sementes de Brachiaria decumbens não germinaram e apresentaram-se totalmente inviáveis.


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Um isolado de Fusarium graminearum vem sendo estudado na UNESP, campus de Jaboticabal, como agente de controle biológico de Egeria densa e de E. najas, plantas aquáticas submersas que causam problemas em reservatórios de hidrelétricas. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar os efeitos do fotoperíodo e da temperatura no controle dessas plantas em condições de laboratório. A cada dois dias foram avaliados os sintomas nas plantas inoculadas com F. graminearum, atribuindo-se notas de severidade da doença, por um período de oito dias após a inoculação. Também foi avaliado o crescimento das plantas por meio do ganho de massa fresca, expresso em porcentagem. A maior severidade da doença foi observada quando ambas as espécies foram mantidas no escuro, e a menor, em fotoperíodo de 12 horas. A temperatura de 30 ºC proporcionou maior severidade de doença em ambas as espécies. A espécie E. densa apresentou maior produção de massa fresca no regime de 12 horas de luz e de temperaturas abaixo de 25 ºC e menor produção no regime de escuro total e nas temperaturas de 30 e 35 ºC. Por sua vez, E. najas apresentou menor produção de massa fresca no regime de escuro e nas temperaturas de 25 a 35 ºC.


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Avaliou-se o efeito dos inseticidas endossulfam e deltametrina sobre a formiga predadora Azteca chartifex spiriti For., em cultivo do cacaueiro no Sudeste da Bahia, conforme padronização da International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control (IOBC), West Palaearctic Regional Section (WPRS), com algumas modificações. Os testes foram: a) contato; b) pulverização direta; c) persistência. Nos testes de contato, operárias foram expostas a um filme fresco e seco dos inseticidas, aplicado sobre cristalizadores. Nos testes de aspersão, as formigas foram diretamente pulverizadas com os agroquímicos às concentrações recomendadas para o controle de tripes e percevejos. Os insetos foram mantidos a 25±2°C, 65±10% UR e fotofase de 12h. A sobrevivência foi avaliada após 24h e a intervalos variáveis de tempo. Nos testes de persistência, as operárias foram confinadas em cristalizadores e expostas ao contato com folhas de cacaueiro tratadas previamente no campo, sob as mesmas condições controladas. Desenvolveram-se experimentos a um, três, seis, 10, 18 e 32 dias após a aplicação (DAA). Deltametrina foi considerado seletivo nos testes de contato e pulverização direta, não sendo necessária a condução dos testes de persistência em folhas para este inseticida. Endossulfam foi altamente tóxico nos testes de contato e pulverização direta, entretanto, apresentou-se levemente persistente no terceiro teste. A análise conjunta dos três tipos de testes sugere que ambos os inseticidas são seletivos para a espécie benéfica, podendo ser recomendadosem Programas de MIP em agroecossistema cacaueiro. A metodologia proposta pela IOBC/WPRS possibilita estabilidade dos resultados, permitindo sua adaptação e utilização para o fim proposto.


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In this study a population survey of Carabidae and Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) adults was carried out with the aim to analyze their populations through faunistic indexes and to determine the influence of temperature, relative humidity and rainfall. The study was conducted in two areas cultivated with soybean/corn under no-tillage and conventional tillage systems and adjacent to a forest fragment and a Pinus stand, respectively. Beetles were sampled by pitfall traps distributed in two 100-m transects. The fauna was characterized by diversity (H), evenness (J), abundance, dominance, frequency and constancy indexes. The influence of air temperature, relative humidity and rainfall was verified using stepwise regression. The carabids Abaris basistriatus Chaudoir, Odontochila nodicornis (Dejean) and Scarites sp. were classified as predominant species in both areas, while Selenophorus alternans Dejean only classified as predominant in the area under conventional tillage system, likewise for Megacephala sp. and Selenophorus seriatoporus Putz. in the no-tillage area. The predominant species showed just one population peak each year, usually observed from December to January. The pluvial precipitation influenced the occurrence of the carabids positively and significantly, with O. nodicornis and Megacephala sp. being the most demanding species in relation to the effect of humidity on their dispersal.


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The aim of the study was to determine the effect of clenbuterol on the anaerobic-threshold of horses on a tread-mill with increasing physical stress, measuring heart rate (HR) and blood levels of lactate, glucose, and insulin. Twelve Arabian horses. were submitted to two physical tests separated by a 10-day interval. Clenbuterol (CL) at 0.8 mu g/kg or saline (control-C) was administered intravenously 30 minutes, before the test. The treadmill exercise test consisted of an initial warmup followed by a gradually increasing effort. There was no statistical difference in either V-2 or V-4 (velocity at which plasma lactate concentration reached 4 and 2 mmol/L, respectively) between the two-experimental groups. For the CL group, V-200, V-180, V-160, and V-140 (velocity at which the rate heart is 140, 160, 180, and 200 beats/minute, respectively) decreased significantly. At rest as well as times 4, 6, and 10 minutes, insulin levels were higher in the group that recieved clenbuterol (P < .05). Contrary to what was expected, apparently, there was no improvement in aerobic metabolism in animals when given a therapeutic dose of the bronchodilator. The elevated heart rate observed could have been attributable to the stimulation of cardiac beta(1) adrenoceptors and the increased insulin levels to the stimulation of pancreatic beta(2) receptors.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objetivou-se avaliar a substituição do milho em grão pela polpa cítrica peletizada e seus efeitos sobre os ganhos de peso, as taxas de deposição e a composição química corporal de tourinhos Santa Gertrudes em confinamento. Vinte e oito animais (idade média de nove meses e peso inicial de 277 kg) foram mantidos em baias individuais durante 92 dias, após 21 dias de adaptação. Os animais receberam dietas contendo 20% da MS como silagem de milho que continha 40% de grãos. Foram testados os níveis de 0, 25, 40 e 55% de participação da polpa cítrica peletizada na MS da dieta. A composição química corporal foi estimada a partir de equações desenvolvidas para a mesma raça, utilizando-se a composição química do corte da 9-10-11ª costelas. A participação da polpa cítrica peletizada não afetou significativamente o peso corporal final (449 kg) e os ganhos diários de peso corporal (1,50 kg), de corpo vazio (1,26 kg) e de carcaça (0,78 kg). Não houve diferença entre tratamentos para as taxas diárias de deposição de água (0,374 kg), EE (0,589 kg), proteína (0,253 kg), minerais (0,040 kg) e energia (6,934 Mcal) e, conseqüentemente, a composição química corporal final foi similar entre os animais recebendo diferentes níveis de polpa cítrica na dieta. A substituição do milho em grão por polpa cítrica peletizada, até 55% da MS, em dietas para tourinhos em terminação recebendo altos níveis de concentrado, não altera os ganhos de peso, as taxas de deposição e a composição química corporal desses animais.


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Drug delivery systems are essential components of drugs controlled release. In the last decades, several drug delivery technologies have emerged including capsules, liposomes. microparticles, nanoparticles, and polymers. These components must be biocompatible, biodegradable, and display a desired biodistribution providing a long-term availability of the therapeutic at specific target over time.


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The Brazilian houses in wood are executed with several techniques and species, in function of the areas they are located, therefore, it is treated of regional traditional houses, built practically without modem technological resources. These houses are the ones of the tropical areas, where there is abundance of this material, or the ones of the south region, prevailing the European immigrant's constructive techniques. Nowadays, in the urbanized centers of the country it is observed that this type of house can be found sheltering the most lacking populations, in the slums; or in highly sophisticated residential units which are conceived and executed by specialist professionals for a social class of high purchasing power; or still, those that are marketed by companies of small load, that offer standardized residences, usually acquired by the middle class as second residence, in the field or in the coast. The work has for objective to study the houses of these companies that are consolidated at the market, identifying the constructive system, the product; as well as, its production process, trying to verify which technologies are incorporated to these processes. The analysis that was made allows a larger understanding of the product, wood house, that exists in the market and identification of the technological degree in the productive process of those constructive systems.


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This work describes the synthesis of octa (hydridodimethylsiloxyl) octasilsesquioxane, (Q(8)M(8)(H)) and its thermolysis in pyridine media. The new compound called CPy was characterized by FTIR, NMR-MAS, XRD, MEV spectroscopies and TGA analyses. These results indicate that silsesquioxanes cages (octanion) are maintained after thermal treatment. A cleavage of vertex siloxy groups yielding a nanocomposite with polymeric nature is proposed. Its structure and morphology allows the adsorption/inclusion of electrochemical mediator, toluidine blue O. The square wave voltammetry analysis of resulting composite (CPyTBO) exhibits two redox couple with a formal potential (E-0') 0.1 V and 0.26 V to I and II redox couples respectively, (Britton-Robinson (BR) buffer pH 3, v = 10 Hz versus SCE) ascribed to a monomer and dimmer of the toluidine blue species. This paper opens the use of spherosiloxane derived materials a's host for small molecules in the electrochemical field. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This review discusses the epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and current therapeutic options for venous ulcer. Venous ulcer is a severe clinical manifestation of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). It is responsible for about 70% of chronic ulcers of the lower limbs. The high prevalence of venous ulcer has a significant socioeconomic impact in terms of medical care, days off work and reduced quality of life. Long-term therapeutics are needed to heal venous ulcers and recurrence is quite common, ranging from 54 to 78%. Thrombophlebitis and trauma with long-term immobilization predisposing to deep venous thrombosis are important risk factors for CVI and venous ulcer. The most recent theories about pathogenesis of venous ulcer have associated it with microcirculatory abnormalities and generation of an inflammatory response. Management of venous leg ulcers is based on understanding the pathogenesis. In recent years novel therapeutic approaches for venous ulcers have offered valuable tools for the management of patients with this disorder.