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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aims: To determine the species, bio-sero-phagetypes, antimicrobial drug resistance and also the pathogenic potential of 144 strains of Yersinia spp. isolated from water sources and sewage in Brazil.Methods and Results: the 144 Yersinia strains were characterized biochemically, serologically and had their antibiotic resistance and phenotypic virulence markers determined by microbiological and serological standard techniques. The Y. enterocolitica strains related to human diseases were also tested for the presence of virulence genes, by the PCR technique. The isolates were classified as Y. enterocolitica, Y. intermedia, Y. frederiksenii, Y. kristensenii and Yersinia biochemically atypical. The 144 isolates belonged to various bio-serogroups. Half of the strains showed resistance to three or more drugs. The Y. enterocolitica strains related to human diseases exhibited phenotypic virulence characteristics and virulence genes.Conclusions: Water from various sources and sewage are contaminated with Yersinia spp. in Brasil. Among these bacteria, virulent strains of Y. enterocolitica were found, with biotypes and serogroups related to human diseases.Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first documented description of the occurrence of pathogenic Y. enterocolitica in water sources and sewage in Brazil. The occurrence of virulence strains of Y. enterocolitica shows that the environment is a potential source of human infection by this species in this country.


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In this work a detailed thermodynamic analysis for an extraction-condensation steam turbine capable to drive a 40 MVA electricity generator in a sugar-alcohol factory was carried out. The use of this turbine in the cogeneration system showed that its efficiency contributed to increase the power generation, although the condensation reduces the overall efficiency of the plant. Sensibility analyses were performed to evaluate the behavior of the overall energy efficiency of a plant with the extraction-condensation turbine in function of the boiler efficiency, the specific consumption of steam in the processes and the condensation rate in the turbine. It was observed that the plant efficiency is very sensible to the condensation rate variation and it increases when there is an increase in the demand of steam for processes.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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To evaluate the efficacy of ProTaper Universal rotary retreatment system and the influence of sealer type on the presence of filling debris in the reinstrumented canals viewed in an operative clinical microscope. Forty-five palatal root canals of first molars were filled with gutta-percha and one of the following sealers: G1, EndoFill; G2, AH Plus; G3, Sealapex. The canals were then reinstrumented with ProTaper Universal rotary system. Roots were longitudinally sectioned and examined under an operative clinical microscope (10x), and the amount of filling debris on canal walls was analyzed using the AutoCAD 2004 software. A single operator used a specific software tool to outline the canal area and the filling debris area in each third (cervical, middle, and apical), as well as the total canal area. Data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test and Tukey test at P < 0.05. Sealapex demonstrated significant differences in the average of filling debris area/canal among the 3 thirds. This group revealed that apical third showed more debris than the both cervical and middle third (P < 0.0001). Endofill presented significantly more filling debris than Sealapex in the cervical third (P < 0.05). In the middle (P = 0.12) and apical third (P = 0.10), there were no differences amongst groups. Debris was left in all canal thirds, regardless of the retreatment technique. The greatest differences between techniques and sealers were found in the cervical third. Microsc. Res. Tech. 75:12331236, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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O experimento foi realizado no período de agosto a dezembro de 2004, em vinhedo de 'Niagara Rosada' localizado em Pratânea-SP. O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito de bioestimulante nas características morfológicas e físico-químicas dos cachos de uva 'Niagara Rosada'. Os tratamentos consistiram na pulverização dos cachos com o bioestimulante nas doses de 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20 mg L-1, 25 dias após o pleno florescimento. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso com cinco repetições, e parcelas constituídas por 3 cachos. Analisou-se a massa fresca, comprimento e largura dos cachos e bagos, massa fresca do engaço, número de bagos por cacho, diâmetro do pedicelo, teor de sólidos solúveis totais, acidez titulável e o pH. Concluiu-se que o bioestimulante promoveu aumento linear no comprimento do cacho, aumento quadrático no diâmetro do pedicelo e um decréscimo linear no teor de sólidos solúveis totais.


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Este trabalho estudou os efeitos da intoxicação experimental por amitraz em 16 gatos, distribuídos, aleatoriamente, em dois grupos: grupo amitraz - animais receberam amitraz a 1,5% na dose de 1,0 mg/kg IV; e grupo controle - animais sem amitraz. Parâmetros fisiológicos sangüíneos, do sistema cardiorespiratório e de sedação foram aferidos até 360min. Perfil sangüíneo, uréia, creatinina, alanina aminotransferase e aspartato aminotransferase não foram afetados pelo amitraz. Sedação, perda de reflexos, hipotermia, bradicardia, bradiarritmias, hipotensão, bradipnéia, midríase, além de transitória hiperglicemia, hipoinsulinemia e diminuição dos níveis de cortisol, foram observados nos gatos experimentalmente expostos ao amitraz. Os efeitos alfa 2-adrenérgicos induzidos pela intoxicação por amitraz em gatos são muito similares aos mesmos efeitos relatados em outras espécies, contribuindo com mais informações dessa intoxicação para a toxicologia veterinária.


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Avaliou-se neste estudo o efeito do estresse, via administração de ACTH (hormônio adrenocorticotrófico), sobre a quantidade e qualidade do leite produzido e a indicação de estresse pela alteração no nível de cortisol. Assim, 12 cabras lactantes foram distribuídas em dois grupos: seis animais receberam aplicação de 0,06 UI de ACTH/kg de PV (desafiadas) e seis receberam solução placebo (controle), todas via intravenosa. O desafio ocorreu ao longo da lactação, com aplicação do protocolo aos 30, 60, 120 e 180 dias do início da lactação, avaliando-se em cada data os níveis de cortisol 30 minutos antes, no ato da aplicação, 60, 120 e 300 minutos depois. A produção leiteira foi mensurada diariamente durante 270 dias e, a cada 20 dias, o leite foi colhido para contagem de células somáticas (CCS) pelo método direto. Os teores de cortisol mensurados em -30 e 0 minuto antes da aplicação de ACTH foram baixos e semelhantes entre os grupos. Entretanto, a partir de 60 minutos, constatou-se efeito da aplicação de ACTH, com teor de cortisol de 61,37±6,65 versus 5,47±1,21 ng/mL e de 51,17±10,21 versus 4,67±1,21 ng/mL aos 120 minutos. Aos 300 minutos, o cortisol retornou ao nível basal. Não houve diferença na produção de leite, no teor de proteína e de gordura do leite, cujos valores nos grupos ACTH e Placebo foram 1,37±0,59 e 1,38±0,63 kg de leite, respectivamente. A contagem de células somáticas não foi influenciada pelo estresse e apresentou valores situados na faixa indicada para animais sadios. Constatou-se estresse pontual em decorrência da aplicação de ACTH, porém sem alterações de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa do leite produzido, e isso indica que atividades de manejo que estressam os animais pontualmente não trazem prejuízos ao sistema produtivo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Abiotic factors, such as variations on salinity, exert influence on the animal distribution in the intertidal zone, including zoanthids. This study evaluated the osmotic, morphological and ethological effects of salinity variations on tropical zoanthid Zoanthus sociatus. In order to analyze the hypothesis of osmotic conformation, the zoanthid was submitted to salinity stress. To estimate the osmotic capabilities of the species studied, specimens collected in beach rocks were taken alive to the laboratory and maintained in water collected from the site. The osmoregulatory ability of Z. sociatus was determined by measuring the hemolymph osmolality under various salinity conditions and comparing it to the medium osmolality. Zoanthid Z. sociatus is able to present osmotic conformation in hemolymph salinity in a wide range of external salinity values. The bleaching frequency was high in low salinities and the mortality rate was high after two days of experiment. This experiment shows for the first time the importance of osmotic conformation in a tropical zoanthid and discusses the role of low salinity as a limiting factor for survival and distribution of these important animals in tropical coastal reefs.


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In this paper we present an optimization of the Optimum-Path Forest classifier training procedure, which is based on a theoretical relationship between minimum spanning forest and optimum-path forest for a specific path-cost function. Experiments on public datasets have shown that the proposed approach can obtain similar accuracy to the traditional one but with faster data training. © 2012 ICPR Org Committee.


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Chemical compatibility between geomembranes and site-specific waste liquids should be assessed since the waste liquids are highly complex mixtures. This paper presents some considerations about the chemical compatibility of geomembranes and some results of mechanical tests in HDPE and PVC geomembranes that were exposed to leachate and chemical residue (niobium). PVC and HDPE geomembranes of two thicknesses were tested: 1.0, 2.0 mm (PVC) and 0.8, 2.5 mm (HDPE). The results obtained show that after exposure the PVC geomembranes (1.0, 2.0 mm) were more rigid and stiffer than fresh samples. The HDPE geomembranes, on the other hand, when exposed to leachate and niobium residue presented increases in deformation. Melt flow index (MFI) tests were also carried out to verify the oxidation. © 2013 ejge.


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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BackgroundConditioned place preference (CPP) to ethanol (EtOH) is an important addiction-related alteration thought to be mediated by changed neurotransmission in the mesocorticolimbic brain pathway. Stress is a factor of major importance for the initiation, maintenance, and reinstatement of drug abuse and modulates the neurochemical outcomes of drugs. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of concomitant exposure to chronic EtOH and stress on CPP to this drug and alterations of dopaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmission in mice.MethodsMale Swiss mice were chronically treated with EtOH via a liquid diet and were exposed to forced swimming stress. After treatment, animals were evaluated for conditioning, extinction, and reinstatement of CPP to EtOH. Also, mice exposed to the same treatment protocol had their prefrontal cortex (PFC), nucleus accumbens (NAc), and amygdala dissected for the quantitation of dopamine, serotonin, and their metabolites content.ResultsData showed that previous chronic exposure to EtOH potentiated EtOH conditioning and increased dopaminergic turnover in PFC. Exposure to stress potentiated EtOH conditioning and decreased dopaminergic turnover in the NAc. However, animals exposed to both chronic EtOH and stress did not display alterations of CPP and showed an elevated content of dopamine in amygdala. No treatment yielded serotonergic changes.ConclusionsThe present study indicates that previous EtOH consumption as well as stress exposure induces increased EtOH conditioning, which can be related to dopaminergic alterations in the PFC or NAc. Interestingly, concomitant exposure to both stimuli abolished each other's effect on conditioning and PFC or NAc alterations. This protective outcome can be related to the dopaminergic increase in the amygdala.