12 resultados para voices of witnesses

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The main objective of the present research is to reflect on the affinities between post-colonial theories - analytical perspectives directed toward the discussion of colonialism and its effects on the contemporary social fabric - and Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire‟s (1921-1997) Pedagogy of the Oppressed, written at the end of the 1960‟s. The study aims to make the argument that the present reflections on the featured work is an example of a post-colonial theoretical framework, delineating a critical modus operandi of colonialism, particularly in its cultural and epistemic dimensions, delineating a problematization of the processes of cognitive domination set, above all, by the European colonization of the Latin American continent, with the formation of the modern-world-system (WALLERSTEIN, 2007), dated from the 16TH Century forward. From this stand point, and especially supported by the contributions of Boaventura de Sousa Santos on the sociology of absence, the present work accentuates Pedagogy of the Oppressed as a set of reflections that bring the possibility of a pedagogy of absence (SANTOS, 1996), having in mind that, this book deals with, the presuppositions of an educational action, which considers the plurality of knowledge and social practices by way of the establishment of a pedagogical practice of collective construction, emancipator and dialogic that arises from the encounter to the indolent reason (SANTOS, 2009) in which the silencing of the voices of the oppressed, construct their conditions of invisibility, promoting also the absence of the social questions inherent to the processes of teaching and learning. It is with this perspective, however, that post colonialism is considered a theoretical site for the affirmation and the reinvention of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed, an obligatory reference in the construction of a prudent knowledge for a decent life (SANTOS, 2006)


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Metaphorically, research is presented as a journey by sea, having as object of study the social representations of Continuing Education for teachers of elementary school and as aim, to analyze them in comparison of participants from state and municipal systems, located in Natal-RN, Brazil .They have contributed to the achievement of this objective the voices of 158 teachers, the vast literature on training in professional development and the theoretical formulations proposed by Moscovici and colleagues, with relevance to the Central Nucleus Theory advocated by Abric. The corpus resulting from evocations about continuing education, as well as teachers' justifications were submitted to different computer methods/techniques, through the EVOC ALCESTE Programs, respectively, providing the opportunity to highlight a network of interconnections between the likely core and the production of discourse. Although the educational ideologies that underlie social perception of the state teachers are anchored in New School and technicist concepts and the teachers in the city tend to an ideology of social interaction, the choice of working with the symbolic field identified the political-social commitment of groups with the impacts of training on learning of their students


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This dissertation focuses on the narratives of children hospitalized with chronic diseases. The overall goal is to deduce, from the look of the child health care, hospital class contributions to the process of school inclusion. The research is part of the qualitative ethnographical approach and is based on the principles and research methods (auto)biographical in education and schooling in hospital. Participated in the investigation 05(five) children, aged between 06 (six) and 12 (twelve) years of age, treated at the Center for Children s Onco-Hematology, Varela Santiago Children s Hospital in Natal-RN. The corpus used for the analysis comprises five (05) narrative interviews, 03 (three) drawings made by children as well as records in the researcher s field diary. The sources were collected during the months of August 2010 to February 2011. The analysis revealed that the inclusion of the hospital class, and ensure the right to education, contributes to the construction of strategies for coping with illness and hospitalization, as it promotes autonomy, comfort, playfulness and self-knowledge, the rand the world, easing the stress of hospitalization. The figure of the teacher took the class hospital in the voices of children, a reliever and minimizing the role of double exclusion that cause illness and hospitalization, showing the contributions to (re) construction of identity and subjectivity constitution strengthened. The children interviewed said that the hospital class leave the hospital more cheerful. The playfulness and learning experiences in the hospital are seen by children as actions that go beyond the physical treatment of the disease, since it provides them with acceptance and understanding of hospitalization and illness, to give them affective security and emotional. In conclusion, the narratives of children confirm that the service class hospital ensures continuity of schooling, but they reveal, namely, that this service provides them socialization among peers and with adults, strengthening the emotional, social and cognitive biopsychosocial perspective of attention


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This research had as its guiding question: what theoretical and structural milestone of graduation nursing curriculum of public universities in the State of Rio Grande do Norte? The objectives of this study were: Analyze theoretical and structural milestones of graduation nursing curriculum of public universities in the State of Rio Grande do Norte; Identify the theoretical milestone and training models that guide the structural milestones of nursing curriculum courses of public universities studied; Analyze the training concepts of curriculums from the voices of the coordinators of the courses. This is a qualitative study, analytical, with discussions of the documentary and empirical research. Ten teachers participated who act as coordinators of the graduation courses in nursing or academic advisors, in UFRNCentral Campus in Natal and Health Sciences College (Facisa), in Santa Cruz-and on UERN -Campus Caicó, Mossoró and Pau dos Ferros. The information collected by interview was analyzed by sociology or symbolic cartography of Boaventura de Sousa Santos. The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the UERN by the CAAE: 03610912.7.0000.5294. All the participants signed the Free Consent and clarified Term The results and discussion were presented in four scientific articles. The first article, titled the Pedagogical projects in nursing analysis in the light of the symbolic cartography, features the use of cartographic method in the researches and in the study of nursing curriculums. In the article The Analysis of theoretical-philosophical, structural and referential milestones in nursing curriculums, these milestones are renowned in curriculums of UERN and UFRN. The main challenges faced in the implementation of supervised internship in nursing provide a reflection on the difficulties that the internship supervisors present, especially with the relationship between education/service and the articulation theory/practice. In the last article are discussed the changes in nursing training from the former student profile, who won a boost from the curricular changes proposed by the national curriculum guidelines. The study concluded, by the analysis of theoretical and structural milestones of nursing curriculum courses of public universities of Rio Grande do Norte, that there is an explicit intention to train nurses for the health system and a search on innovative teaching projects in accordance with the national curriculum guidelines for the area of nursing. The thesis defended in this investigation was that the curriculum of public institutions of higher education in nursing in the State of Rio Grande do Norte advanced from a training focusing on biologicist model, flexneriana guidelines, for teaching able to articulate the health with the social, political and cultural issues


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Entitled Joana s several mask: the melancholy in Perto do coração selvagem, the work is divided in six parts: the first one consists of the elaboration of a theoretical sketch about the melancholy that it offers the presuppositions that orientate the work, it is a short introduction about the study of the melancholy, a report until our time, the against-depressive ones and the arrival of the melancholy in Brazil and their particularities; the second part raises the theme of the melancholy, deepening its conception until what is called creative melancholy spread by Walter Benjamin, it serves as anchor for Clarice s writing and as a potential force for the processes lived by the characters of this writer; the third part examines Clarice Lispector s method emphasizing important points of production related to the theme of the melancholy, her style is the psychological analysis; the last one parts (fourth, fifth and sixth parts) are divided in topics that illustrate the conflicts, in most of the time contradictory, of the protagonist Joana, as well as, her difficult interaction with the things and the people that surround her. The fragmentary writing, the being's essential searches, the proximity with the death, the multiplicity of voices of feminine, De profundis, surrealist images, the incessant search for the thing , trips, epiphany, the flaw in the language, the taste of the badly, everything starting from melancholy - transformation and creation tool. The work about melancholy (Freud, Benjamin, Kristeva), it s place of ambiguous and contradictory movements. It is a trip that leads to several corporal and psychological sensations of Joana, enigma-scenes to be deciphered and conflicting images that make you wake up for a critical vision of the modern society. Since the beginning, something pulses without stopping, an incessant memory and the search for something that is lost. We are before recyclings of the interior/exterior, pain/pleasure, visions, abyss, ecstasy in the future and an exit through the melancholic light


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This paper presents results concerning studies conducted during the master's research in the area of Applied Linguistics of the Graduate Program in Language Studies - PPgEL, linked to the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. We approached this study the question of authorship, which has gained ground increasingly important in academic research, because the act of authoring, in view of the amount of circulating discourses socially, becomes increasingly questionable. We understand authorship as related to a positioning of the subject than to take responsibility, in the Bakhtinian sense, by its text, it makes their views, ideologies, beliefs and values, from ownership and restructuring of the speech of others. This research is methodologically inserted in a qualitative, interpretive in nature and has a corpus analysis of the ten productions written memoir genre of readings produced by students in 9th grade in elementary school. Research aimed to analyze the students' written productions held in the school environment, to identify these texts marks or evidence of authorship and investigate how the restructuring of ownership and voices of others in the process of authoring. We adopt a concept of language from bakhitinianas concepts and understand the text in a vision Geraldiana. The analyzes in this study showed that in most texts there is the strong presence of voices of others, either implicitly and/or explicit. That is, students, to build their sayings, if embraced the voices of others in various formats, in particular styles, namely, by what Bakhtin names as linear style and pictorial style. Some proved his statement highlighting their positions through direct quotes from authors of books, family, teachers, showing us that their voices are filled with voices of others with whom they approve, deny, analyze, think and reflect. We therefore conclude that students were constituted as subjects of their texts, authors, since they leave marked the voices of others so presentified and restructured voices of others who do not actually sounded like voices of others, but as present voices from a discursive restructuring producer


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This study focalizes the memoirs of rivers and of lakes in the romantic construction starting from the romances Chove nos campos de Cachoeira (1941), Marajó (1947) and Três casas e um rio (1958), of writer Dalcídio Jurandir; of the book of memoirs Marajó, minha vida (1998), of writer Dita Acatauassu; of the story "A Feiticeira", published in the book Contos Amazônicos, written by Inglês de Sousa (1883); of the short story "O Peixe", published in O carro dos milagres, (1990), of writer Benedicto Monteiro; of the oral narratives Honorato: Cobra Grande , O encanto de Honorato and A Lenda da Cobra Norato , picked up by the project named The Imaginary in the Shape of Oral Narratives of Paraense Amazon (IFNOPAP) of the Federal University of Pará. In those speeches, the voices of the memory detach the multiple functions of rivers and lakes represented as space, atmosphere, scenery, route and route, thread and fabric, re-elaborated in the narrators' memoirs, characters and narrators/character of the fiction and in popular narratives


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Brazilian constitution says that all Brazilians have basic survival rights such as education, sanitation and food, but these basic rights are luxury for some. So, thinking about this, this paper aims to develop a critical analysis about the (re)production of the discourse on poverty, and consequently on the poor, given by the federal government, through the official website of the program Brazil Without Poverty (Brasil Sem Pobreza), the media, represented by Veja magazine, and by those who affirm to be representatives of the poor; like the Single Central Slums (Central Única das Favelas CUFA). Our aim is to present a critical reflection on the discourses about the poverty in the voices of the government, Veja magazine (media representative) and CUFA (poor representative) and their contribution to the development of the meanings of the theme in Brazilian society. In order to do so, we have identified categories based upon Bajoit (2006a) to classify which the author calls faces of poverty . We have used the Sociological and Communicational Discourse Approach (ASCD) as developed by Pedrosa (2012a, 2012b, 2012c), within the Critical Discourse Analysis as theoretical apparatus, and also the studies in which the ASCD is built upon such as Sociology for Social Change (BAJOIT, 2006), the Cultural Studies (HALL, 2005), and the Functional Systemic Linguistic, especially the Evaluating System (MARTHIN & WHITE, 2005, VIAN JR et al, 2011). Thus, the discourse on poverty or on fighting poverty, extracted from news, chronicles and other genres of the mentioned vehicles, are taken as object of study to understand identities that are created and renewed on poverty and on the Brazilian poor, as their dependence on the government and civil society, their exploitation by the economy, and even the media that sometimes features them as delinquent


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The school is the social place which should provide the formation of critical readers. In this context, the role of the teacher is crucial when it comes to teaching reading. Thus, this doctoral research aims to explicit the reading practices evidenced from social voices of teachers and Fundamental School students from state public schools at RN that have successful results, according to IDEB 2009. Moreover, we seek to explicit, through the positions of teachers, the conceptions of reading underlying their reading activities, as well as elucidate the social voices related to teaching of reading that are present in the National Curriculum Guide for 9 years Fundamental School and in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of the educational institutions investigated. In order to accomplish this goal, we carried out observations in the classroom, applied questionnaires with teachers and students in the 9th grade of Fundamental School, in classes of Portuguese Language, and also performed dialogical meetings with the management and pedagogics schools teams. The theoretical foundation that guides the research comes from bakhtinian thinking (2009, 2010), which addresses the dialogical perspective of language and active responsive comprehension. Furthermore, this work is anchored in theoretical reflections of Antunes (2005, 2009) and Geraldi (2003, 2006, 2010) about the reading and writing in the country, which contribute to the resizing of the teaching and learning process of Portuguese Language. This study belongs to the field of Applied Linguistics, which investigates language as social practice in the context of learning mother language or in contexts where relevant questions about the use of language are evidenced. The parameters of qualitative research in a social-historic perspective are adopted seeking to understand the school context by the subjects involved in research. The research corpus is composed of: (i) information constructed through the use of questionnaires with teachers and students; (ii) information constructed from the observed lesson and dialogue with management and pedagogical teams; (iii) a set of selected information, i.e., empiricism built through documentary analysis of the National Curriculum Guide for 9 years Fundamental School (CONSELHO NACIONAL DE EDUCAÇÃO, 2010) and the Political- Pedagogical Projects of the investigated schools. The analysis of the sayings of teachers and students suggest reading practices from various texts, in particular, from the literary sphere, in activities involving discussions, reading and reading comprehension exercises, interviews, songs, seminars organizations, concerts, dramatizations, literary weeks, among other practices. Furthermore, these analyses reveal that teach Portuguese Language requires commitment, responsibility and satisfaction, as well as more grounded theoretical principles, which make teaching practice more efficient. The research also reveals that the success of the teaching-learning process occurs by virtue of the involvement of school s segments in the educational process, creating therefore a network of responsibilities. In this sense, this research may contribute to the production of knowledge that can guide and enrich the teaching and learning of reading, envisioning a pedagogical practice constructed from the relationship with the other, i.e., from the dialogism which provides formation of young people that exercise their citizenship


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This work aims to understand how the public school system has become a failing institution with regards to sexual and gender diversity. I start from the principle that the school system performs a social sorting operation, leaving out of its halls almost all people who don‘t fit into the established heteronormative social order. First, I explore the experiences of primary school (Educação do Ensino Fundamental) professionals from the public network (Rede Pública Municipal) of the city of Natal-RN. I consider their narratives a result of daily practices which denounce the rules that govern and produce them in a broader context. Then I aim to establish a dialogue with the students who are victims of name-calling, teasing and abuse for not aligning with the ―normal‖ gender standards. At this stage of the research, I conducted fieldwork at the State Secondary School of Rio Grande do Norte (Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio). This investigation is guided by the following questions: What challenges need to be addressed in order to recognize the students who have been excluded from the school environment on account of sexual and/or gender differences; additionally, how can their classroom attendance and positive learning experience be ensured? To what degree is the school community concerned with building education practices which value and acknowledge sexual and gender diversity? The research goals were: to analyze how the school and its professionals deal with sexual and gender diversity, investigating which pedagogical practices silence, freeze and obstruct the diversity of student identities; examine how the school and its subjects work toward building new pathways for learning, for coexistence, and for facing the challenges of ―new‖ social demands such as homoaffection; observe the spaces that are cracked open by the presence and the voices of students who demand recognition of their existence.


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This study aims to propose two didactic sequences on the rap songs to the process of formation of critical reflective reader, in the elementary school – in 6th and 9th grade classes. The theoretical foundations that have supported the work are related to the Bakhtin Circle propositions, especially the notions of language as a social ideological discourse; responsive reading; discursive genre and social voices. As for the methodological guidance, it is characterized by adopting the interpretativist paradigm of socio-historical base, in addition to positioning in the large field of Applied Linguistics, whose primary focus is specifically located language. In the selected enunciations to corpus – some Rap songs of protesting – it was analyzed the students’ reflective critical reading in the workshops of Rap-song reading, applied in modules of our teaching sequences. Through the carried out analysis, it was noted that the subjects surveyed have come from an educational culture towards the fulfillment of a conteudista proposed curriculum, so that in this scenario we do not see, through reading, training of the individual citizen, able to through his readings, understanding the socio-ideological structure that surrounds them; and so, escaping of understandings the world, based only on common sense. We conclude also that our teaching proposal represented a novelty for students. Initially, some of them did not see this work as reading, however, the majority was heavily involved in the process; so that, in their comments, we realize voices of a critical and reflective look of which comprise environments, and social situation to which they belong.


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This study aims to propose two didactic sequences on the rap songs to the process of formation of critical reflective reader, in the elementary school – in 6th and 9th grade classes. The theoretical foundations that have supported the work are related to the Bakhtin Circle propositions, especially the notions of language as a social ideological discourse; responsive reading; discursive genre and social voices. As for the methodological guidance, it is characterized by adopting the interpretativist paradigm of socio-historical base, in addition to positioning in the large field of Applied Linguistics, whose primary focus is specifically located language. In the selected enunciations to corpus – some Rap songs of protesting – it was analyzed the students’ reflective critical reading in the workshops of Rap-song reading, applied in modules of our teaching sequences. Through the carried out analysis, it was noted that the subjects surveyed have come from an educational culture towards the fulfillment of a conteudista proposed curriculum, so that in this scenario we do not see, through reading, training of the individual citizen, able to through his readings, understanding the socio-ideological structure that surrounds them; and so, escaping of understandings the world, based only on common sense. We conclude also that our teaching proposal represented a novelty for students. Initially, some of them did not see this work as reading, however, the majority was heavily involved in the process; so that, in their comments, we realize voices of a critical and reflective look of which comprise environments, and social situation to which they belong.