4 resultados para usage-based

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This work investigates the phenomenon of transitivity in the conversation. We examined the behavior of complements in Brazilian Portuguese speech, and then compared the results with previous researches in the English language by Thompson and Hopper (2001) and in the Spanish language by Vázques (2004). In Brazil, there are no researches that treat this phenomenon in the discursive conversation, for that reason it justifies and reveals the importance of this research that aims to answer questions related to the transitivity of ordinary conversations. Thus, we describe, explain and analize the transitivity based on concrete linguistic data, provided by native speakers of Portuguese language, specifically, spontaneous talk of people from Natal-RN. We have used as theoretical assumptions the Functional Linguistics usage-based (LFCU), which gathers academics of North-American Functional Linguistics, inspired by Chafe (1979), Hopper and Thompson (1980), Thompson and Hopper (2001), Givón (2001), Bybee (2010), Traugott (2009, 2011), among others, as well as Cognitive Linguistics, presented by Langacker (1987), Taylor (1995), Tomasello (1998) and Goldberg(1995), among others. This data consists in conversations extracted from the corpus Banco Conversacional de Natal (FURTADO DA CUNHA). The results obtained from this work confirm the assertions defined by prior conducted studies on the transitivity in the conversation. The research showed that these three idioms, Spanish, Portuguese and English, despite the differences, they present a uniform behavior regarding their transitivity in the conversation. We intend, by this work, to contribute, in some way, to the comprehension of the focused linguistic phenomenon, likewise to build a finer scenario around of the transitivity in the Brasilian Portuguese


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This thesis has as its object the Markers Organization Standard Narrative Discourse (MON), from its occurrence in oral and written corpora of different realizations of narrative discourse, considering its locus of occurrence in the narrative and discursive functioning. The research is guided by the Functional Linguistic Usage-Based, approach to which the organization of language is directly linked to the user experience, so that grammar is shaped by discourse. We examined only the narrative portions of Experience Reports, Tales and Legends in the oral and written, as follows: 3 inquiries Corpus Reports Remaining Quilombo (RN); 11 Corpus Legends legends of the Amazon, 14 Tales of Corpus Tales Brazilians and 21 Reports of experiences of Corpus and Discourse Grammar, with about 10,000 words in each corpus. A total of 22 markers were identified, which were: (1) classified according to the locus of occurrence in the narrative structure, as Labov (1972), (2) associated, according to the type of pattern that occur in narrative discourse, (3) described from the discursive function they perform. The research has relevance to the extent it is based speech analysis and offers proposals for productive teaching of mother tongue in which students and teachers can, grounded in language studies, consider living language, as an object of study, based on the National Curriculum Guidelines (OCN) and making use of New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC)


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This thesis examines the medial construction of the Portuguese of Brazil (PB). It is a construction which describes a causative event in which a non-human subject participant is affected by an action that does not originate from itself. Thus, we are interested in investigating this type of construction, its specific characteristics, motivations and discursive context from its semantic- cognitive and discoursive - pragmatic functions. The research questions are: what is the prototypical structural configuration of the medial construction (MC) in the Portuguese of Brazil? What are its specific discoursive functions? What is the degree of MC transitivity based on the properties proposed by Hopper and Thompson (1980)? We assume that the medial construction has its own structure which particularizes its significant dimension, thus ensuring a certain distance between the one in charge of the event and the affected entity. The theoretical and methodological assumptions is founded on Usage-based Functional Linguistics (FURTADO DA CUNHA; BISPO; SILVA, 2013). It is a research of qualitative- interpretative nature that has prioritized the analysis of occurrences arising from texts produced by users of the Brazilian Portuguese language in effective communicative situation. The database for this study is electronic texts available on the website www.reclameaqui.com.br. The results revealed the existence of different configurations of the medial construction in the Brazilian Portuguese, having as prototypical the one formed by SN + V. From the morphosyntactic and semantic point of view, the construction expresses a subject affected by an action that does not part from itself. As for the pragmatic aspect, the construction expresses an event that seems to have the purpose to emphasize the affected argument and to ignore, intentionally or not, the agent or the causative, since it is irrelevant to the speaker/ listener in the contextual situation.


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This paper analyses the texts of two distinct versions of the protestant Bible, namely: Almeida, Revista e Corrigida (ARC) and Nova Tradução na Linguagem de Hoje (NTLH). In this sense, it investigates the linguistic-textual configurations of such versions with the aim of identifying relevant differences between them and the implications for attribution of meaning between the first and the latter. The Bible is a book of historic influence and its importance is not limited only to the religious realm, but is also considered by many as a work of high literary value. It currently remains in full and wide circulation in the historic, religious and cultural contexts. Furthermore, this book gathers important discursive and textual-linguistic aspects worthy of investigation, especially, if the fact of contrasting its different versions is considered. From the two biblical versions (ARC and NTLH), three distinct discursive genres are of interest (poem, parable and epistle), with five texts from each version, resulting in a total of ten texts. In this sense, we are also interested in the various typological sequences involved in the organization of the discursive genres selected, observing if the predominance of such sequences implies in greater or lesser facility/difficulty of comprehension. We also utilized as a support for analysis the reading protocols of diverse informants, taking into consideration the religious beliefs, the level of education and age, with an aim to verify if the formal differences of the selected texts and the social profile of readers could cause possible changes to the process of text comprehension. To carry out the analysis, we used Usage-Based Linguistics (or Cognitive-Functional Linguistics) as a theoreticalmethodological support, which encompasses contributions from the North American functional tradition and cognitive linguistics.