4 resultados para torso segment masses
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Objective: To determine the prevalence of ocular findings of the external structures and anterior segment of the eye, detected by biomicroscopic examination in schoolchildren in Natal (RN) - Brazil. Methods: After previous random selection, 1,024 pupils from elementary and secondary public and private schools in the city of Natal were evaluated from March to June 2001. All were submitted to preestablished standard research norms, consisting of identification, demographic information, ophthalmologic biomicroscopic examination, with slit lamp, performed by ophthalmologists from the “Onofre Lopes” University Hospital. Results: Alterations of the conjunctival and palpebral conditions were the most prevalent (10.4% and 6.2% respectively). Follicles (4.2%) and papillae (3.0%) were the frequent conjunctival lesions, while blepharitis (3.5%) and meibomitis (1.1%) were the most detected abnormalities in the eyelids. Upon examining the cornea, iris, lens and anterior vitreous, the most encountered findings were nubecula (0.5%), papillary membrane reliquiae (0.5%), posterior capsula opacity (0.8%) and hyaloid arteria reliquiae (2.0%). Conclusion: The most prevalent findings affecting the external structures of the eye such as eyelids and conjunctiva, consisted of blepharitis followed by follicular reaction of the conjunctiva. The most prevalent abnormalities in the cornea, iris, lens and anterior vitreous were nubecula, papillary membrane reliquiae, posterior capsular opacity and hyaloid arteria reliquiae, in that order
The segment of the structural ceramics industry is one of the most important to the economy of Rio Grande do Norte. The supply chain makes a total of 206 companies that are distributed in 39 counties, concentrated in three regional centers: Seridó Apodi / Assu and great Natal. The ceramic industry in the state is around 80 million pieces per month, with 50,186 million of these tiles, which makes the Rio Grande do Norte one of the largest manufacturers of product in the Country. Different ceramic products can be manufactured by mixing two or more clays and accessory minerals. Mixtures acquire characteristics and form what is called the ceramic body. Refractory masses have a high melting point and thermal shock support. Its composition contains refractory clays with a little iron oxide and material fluxes. A line of semi-refractory ceramic products that stands out for its high added value are the bricks in ivory or red, used in building barbecues, fireplaces, wood stoves and braziers. The aim of this study was to use alumina-clay or silica- alumina-clay to the industrial RN, for the production of refractory bricks semi-refractory burning light. Clay and Kaolin were characterized for their chemical and mineralogical composition, immediately after ceramic bodies were made with different concentrations of the components, they were raised, pressed and sintered. After sintering the resulting products were characterized in terms of mechanical, thermal and dimensional than the characterization by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. After obtaining the results, we concluded that the studied clay can be used for the production of semi-refractory bricks
The Xaréu Oil Field, located in the center-southern portion of the Mundaú Sub-Basin (eastern portion of the Ceará Basin), is characterized by a main Iramework of NW-trending and NE-dipping faults. The faults in the Xaréu Oil Field, among which the Xaréu Fautt stands out, are arranged according to an extensional-listriclan, rooted on a detachment surface corresponding to the Mundaú Fault, the border fautt of Mundaú Sub-Basin. During the tectonic-structural evolution of the Xaréu Oil Field and the Mundaú Sub-Basin, the Mundaú Fault played a crucial role on the control of the geometry of both compartments. The main carbonatic unit in the Xaréu Oil Field, named the Trairí Member(Paracuru Formation of Late Aptian to Early Albian age), contains the largest oil volume in the field, concentrated in structurally-controlled accumulations. The Trairí Member is composed by a variety of carbonatic rocks (massive, bedded or laminated calcilutites, ostracodites, calcarenites and carbonatic rudites, all of them presenting variable degrees of dolomitization). The carbonatic rocks are interbedded into thick packages of black shales and marls, besides local beds of siliciclastic conglomerates, sandstones, siltnes and argillites. From the spatial association and the genetic relationships between the carbonatic and siliciclastic units, it is possible to group them in three lithofacies associations (Marginal Plain, Ramp and Lacustrine Interior) that, together, were developed in a lacustrine system associated to a marginal sabkha. Structural studies based on drill coresthat sample the Trairí Member in the Xaréu Oil Field allowed to characterize two generations of meso- to microscale structures: the D1 group presents a typical hydroplastic character, being characterized by intra/interstratal to oblique-bedding shear zones. The hydroplastic character related to these structures allowed to infer their development at an early-lithilication stage of the Trairí Member, leading to infer an Early Cretaceous age to them. The second group of structures identified in the drill cores, nominated D2 and ascribed to a Neogene age, presents a strictly brttle character, being typilied by normal faults and slickenfibers of re-crystallized clayminerals, ali olthem displaying variable orientations. Although the present faults in the Xaréu Oil Field (and, consequently, in the Mundaú Sub-Basin) were classically relerred as struetures of essentially normal displacement, the kinematics analysis of the meso-to microscaie D1 struetures in the drill cores led to deline oblique displacements (normal with a clockwise strike-slip component) to these faults, indicating a main tectonic transport to ENE. These oblique movements would be responsible for the installation of a transtensive context in the Mundaú Sub-Basin, as part of the transcurrent to translormant opening of the Atlantic Equatorial Margin. The balancing of four struetural cross-sections ofthe Xaréu Oil Field indicates that the Mundaú Fault was responsible for more than 50% of the total stretching (ß factor) registered during the Early Aptian. At the initial stages of the "rifting", during Early Aptianuntil the Holocene, the Mundaú Sub-Basin (and consequently the Xaréu Oil Fleld) accumulated a total stretching between 1.21 and 1.23; in other words, the crust in this segment of the Atlantic Equatorial Margin was subjeeted to an elongation of about 20%. From estimates of oblique displacements related to the faults, it ws possible to construct diagrams that allow the determination of stretching factors related to these displacements. Using these diagrams and assuming the sense 01 dominant teetonictransport towards ENE, it was possible to calculate the real stretching lactors related to the oblique movement 0 of the faults in the Mundaú Sub-Basin. which reached actual values between 1.28 and 1.42. ln addnion to the tectonic-structural studies in the Xaréu Oil Field, the interpretation of remote sensing products, coupled wnh characterization of terrain analogues in seleeted areas along the northern Ceará State (continental margins of the Ceará and Potiguar basins), provided addnional data and constraints about the teetonic-structural evolution of the oil lield. The work at the analogue sites was particularly effective in the recognition and mapping, in semidetail scale, several generations of struetures originated under a brittle regime. Ali the obtained information (from the Xaréu Oil Field, the remote sensor data and the terrain analogues) were jointly interpreted, culminating with the proposnion of an evolutionary model lor this segment of the Atlantic Equatorial Margin; this model that can be applied to the whole Margin, as well. This segmentof the Atlantic Equatorial Margin was delormedin an early E-W (when considered lhe present-day position of the South American Plate) transcurrent to transform regime with dextral kinematics, started Irom, at least, the Early Aptian, which left its record in several outcrops along the continental margin of the Ceará State and specilically in the Xaréu off Field. The continuous operation of the regime, through the Albian and later periods, led to the definitive separation between the South American and African plates, with the formation of oceanic lithosphere between the two continental blocks, due to the emplacement off spreading centers. This process involved the subsequent transition of the transcurrent to a translorm dextral regime, creating lhe Equatorial Atlantic Oceano With the separation between the South American and African plates already completed and the increasing separation between lhe continental masses, other tecton ic mechanisms began to act during the Cenozoic (even though the Cretaceous tectonic regime lasted until the Neogene), like an E-W compressive stress líeld (related to the spreading olthe oceanic floor along lhe M id-Atlantic Ridge and to the compression of the Andean Chain) effective Irom the Late Cretaceous, and a state of general extension olthe horizontal surface (due to the thermal uplift ofthe central portion of Borborema Province), effective during the Neogene. The overlap of these mechanisms during the Cenozoic led to the imprint of a complex tectonic framework, which apparently influenced the migration and entrapment 01 hydrocarbon in the Ceará Basin
Objective: To determine the prevalence of ocular findings of the external structures and anterior segment of the eye, detected by biomicroscopic examination in schoolchildren in Natal (RN) - Brazil. Methods: After previous random selection, 1,024 pupils from elementary and secondary public and private schools in the city of Natal were evaluated from March to June 2001. All were submitted to preestablished standard research norms, consisting of identification, demographic information, ophthalmologic biomicroscopic examination, with slit lamp, performed by ophthalmologists from the “Onofre Lopes” University Hospital. Results: Alterations of the conjunctival and palpebral conditions were the most prevalent (10.4% and 6.2% respectively). Follicles (4.2%) and papillae (3.0%) were the frequent conjunctival lesions, while blepharitis (3.5%) and meibomitis (1.1%) were the most detected abnormalities in the eyelids. Upon examining the cornea, iris, lens and anterior vitreous, the most encountered findings were nubecula (0.5%), papillary membrane reliquiae (0.5%), posterior capsula opacity (0.8%) and hyaloid arteria reliquiae (2.0%). Conclusion: The most prevalent findings affecting the external structures of the eye such as eyelids and conjunctiva, consisted of blepharitis followed by follicular reaction of the conjunctiva. The most prevalent abnormalities in the cornea, iris, lens and anterior vitreous were nubecula, papillary membrane reliquiae, posterior capsular opacity and hyaloid arteria reliquiae, in that order