9 resultados para temperatura e período de embebição
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
The evaluation of seed vigor is an important factor for detection of lots of high quality seeds, so that development of procedures to evaluate the physiological potential has been an important tool in quality control programs seeds. In this sense the study aimed to adapt the methodologies of accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and potassium leaching to evaluate Moringa oleifera seed vigor LAM.. Therefore, four lots of moringa seeds were subjected to the germination tests, seedling emergence, speed of emergence index, emergence first count, length and dry mass of seedlings and cold test for their physiological characterization, in addition to accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and potassium leaching. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replications of 50 seeds and the means compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. For accelerated aging the periods were studied aging 12, 24 and 72 hours at 40, 42 and 45°C. For the electrical conductivity test was used to a temperature of 25°C for periods of 4, 8, 12, 16 and 24 hours of immersion in 75 to 125 mL of distilled water, using 25 to 50 seeds, and for potassium leaching test samples were used 25 to 50 seeds, placed in plastic cups containing 70 and 100 mL of distilled water at 25°C for periods of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours. From the results obtained, it can be inferred that the methods best fit for the accelerated aging test Moringa seeds were a temperature of 40°C for 12 to 72 hours, 42°C 72 hours 45°C 24 hours . In the electrical conductivity test Moringa seeds, the combination of 50 seeds in 75 mL distilled water for a period of immersion of 4 hours and 50 seeds in 125 mL of 4 hours were efficient for the differentiation of lots of Moringa seeds as to vigor and for potassium leaching test moringa seeds, the combination of 50 seeds in 100mL of distilled water allowed the separation of lots of four levels of vigor, at 2 hours of immersion, showing promise in evaluate the quality of moringa seeds.
The evaluation of seed vigor is an important factor for detection of lots of high quality seeds, so that development of procedures to evaluate the physiological potential has been an important tool in quality control programs seeds. In this sense the study aimed to adapt the methodologies of accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and potassium leaching to evaluate Moringa oleifera seed vigor LAM.. Therefore, four lots of moringa seeds were subjected to the germination tests, seedling emergence, speed of emergence index, emergence first count, length and dry mass of seedlings and cold test for their physiological characterization, in addition to accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and potassium leaching. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replications of 50 seeds and the means compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. For accelerated aging the periods were studied aging 12, 24 and 72 hours at 40, 42 and 45°C. For the electrical conductivity test was used to a temperature of 25°C for periods of 4, 8, 12, 16 and 24 hours of immersion in 75 to 125 mL of distilled water, using 25 to 50 seeds, and for potassium leaching test samples were used 25 to 50 seeds, placed in plastic cups containing 70 and 100 mL of distilled water at 25°C for periods of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours. From the results obtained, it can be inferred that the methods best fit for the accelerated aging test Moringa seeds were a temperature of 40°C for 12 to 72 hours, 42°C 72 hours 45°C 24 hours . In the electrical conductivity test Moringa seeds, the combination of 50 seeds in 75 mL distilled water for a period of immersion of 4 hours and 50 seeds in 125 mL of 4 hours were efficient for the differentiation of lots of Moringa seeds as to vigor and for potassium leaching test moringa seeds, the combination of 50 seeds in 100mL of distilled water allowed the separation of lots of four levels of vigor, at 2 hours of immersion, showing promise in evaluate the quality of moringa seeds.
The application of thermal methods, to increase the recovery of heavy oil in mature fields through drainage with multilateral and horizontal wells, has been thoroughly studied, theorically, experimentally, testing new tools and methods. The continuous injection of steam, through a steam injector well and a horizontal producer well in order to improve horizontal sweep of the fluid reservoir, it is an efficient method. Starting from an heterogeneous model, geologically characterized, modeling geostatistics, set history and identification of the best path of permeability, with seismic 3D, has been dubbed a studying model. It was studied horizontal wells in various directions in relation to the steam and the channel of higher permeability, in eight different depths. Into in the same area were studied, the sensitivity of the trajectories of horizontal wells, according to the depth of navigation. With the purpose of obtaining the highest output of oil to a particular flow, quality, temperature and time for the injection of steam. The wells studied showed a significant improvement in the cumulative oil recovery in one of the paths by promoting an alternative to application in mature fields or under development fields with heavy oil
Several tests that evaluate the quality of seeds are destructive and require time, which is considered long and expensive in the processes that involves the production and marketing of seed. Thus, techniques that allow reducing the time related to assess the quality of seed lots is very favorable, considering the technical, economic and scientific point of view. The techniques images of seed analyzed both by X-ray such as digital images, represent alternative for this sector, and are considered reproducible and fast, giving greater flexibility and autonomy to the activities of production systems. Summarily, the objective was to analyze the internal morphology of seeds of this species through x-rayed images and the efficiency of weed seed area increased during soaking through image analysis and compare them with the results of germination tests and force the evaluation of physiological seed quality. For X-ray tests, the seeds were exposed for 0.14 seconds at radiation 40kV and 2.0 mAs. Were analyzed images using the ImageJ program and subsequently put to germinate in B.O.D chamber at 27 ° C, in which there was the comparison of results for germination. To determine the test area increase (% IA), seeds were used with and without seed coat, maintained the B.O.D chamber at 15 ° to 20 ° C, the seeds were photographed before and after the soaking period, the results were compared to the germination rates. For the X-ray test, it was observed that seeds with empty area greater than 20%, showed a higher percentage of abnormal seedlings. And the area increment analysis showed that it is possible to rank the batch after 8 hours of imbibition at 15 ° C according to the germination and vigor tests
The application of thermal methods, to increase the recovery of heavy oil in mature fields through drainage with multilateral and horizontal wells, has been thoroughly studied, theorically, experimentally, testing new tools and methods. The continuous injection of steam, through a steam injector well and a horizontal producer well in order to improve horizontal sweep of the fluid reservoir, it is an efficient method. Starting from an heterogeneous model, geologically characterized, modeling geostatistics, set history and identification of the best path of permeability, with seismic 3D, has been dubbed a studying model. It was studied horizontal wells in various directions in relation to the steam and the channel of higher permeability, in eight different depths. Into in the same area were studied, the sensitivity of the trajectories of horizontal wells, according to the depth of navigation. With the purpose of obtaining the highest output of oil to a particular flow, quality, temperature and time for the injection of steam. The wells studied showed a significant improvement in the cumulative oil recovery in one of the paths by promoting an alternative to application in mature fields or under development fields with heavy oil
This study was aim to evaluate the effectiveness of strategies non pharmacological for the relief of the intensity of the parturient pain in the phase activates of the dilation period in the labor. Is a clinic rehearse of the type therapeutic intervention before and after" with a quantitative approach, accomplished in the Humanized Unit of Childbirth of the Maternity Januário Cicco School of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in Natal/RN, whit 130 parturient, being 30 in the pre-test of the strategies and 100 in the application of the strategies non pharmacological combined (breathing exercises, muscular relaxation and lombossacral massage) and isolated (shower bath in a normal temperature). We used the visual analogical scale to evaluate the intensity of the pain of the study parturient before and after" to the application of the strategies in the phases of acceleration, maximum inclination and desaceleration in the phase activates of dilation period in the labor. The principal results showed that the majority of the study parturient was between 20 to 30 years old (60%); with incomplete fundamental teaching (85%); family income until 2 minimum wages (74%); 78% had a companion and these, 44% were the own husband. The oxytocin was administered in the parturient during the phase activates of the labor in 81% of the cases and only 15% these women didn´t reciev anything medication. We verified significant relief (ρ=0.000) of intensity of the pain of the study parturient after application of the strategies non pharmacological combined and isolated. We concluded that the strategies non pharmacological combined and isolated were effective in the relief of the pain of the study parturient in the phase activates de labor
Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth. is a forest species of the Mimosaceae family, recommended for recovery of degraded areas. The evaluation of vigor by biochemical tests have been an important tool in the control of seed quality programs, and the electrical conductivity and potassium leaching the most efficient in the verifying the physiological potential. The objective, therefore, to adjust the methodology of the electrical conductivity test for seeds of M. caesalpiniaefolia, for then compare the efficiency of this test with the potassium in the evaluation of seed vigor of different lots of seeds M. caesalpiniaefolia. To test the adequacy of the electrical conductivity were used different combinations of temperatures , 25 °C and 30 ºC, number of seeds , 25 and 50, periods of imbibition , 4 , 8 , 12 , 16 and 24 hours , and volumes deionized water, 50 mL and 75mL. For potassium leaching test, which was conducted from the results achieved by the methodology of the adequacy of the electrical conductivity test, to compare the efficiency of both tests , in the classification of seeds at different levels of vigor, and the period 4 hours also evaluated because the potassium leaching test can be more efficient in the shortest time . The best combination obtained in experiment of electrical conductivity is 25 seeds soaked in 50 mL deionized or distilled water for 8 hours at a temperature of 30 ° C. Data were subjected to analysis of variance, the means were compared with each other by F tests and Tukey at 5 % probability, and when necessary polynomial regression analysis was performed. The electrical conductivity test performed at period eight hour proved to be more efficient in the separation of seed lots M. caesalpiniaefolia at different levels of vigor compared to the potassium test
The application of composite materials and in particular the fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP) has gradually conquered space from the so called conventional materials. However, challenges have arisen when their application occurs in equipment and mechanical structures which will be exposed to harsh environmental conditions, especially when there is the influence of environmental degradation due to temperature, UV radiation and moisture in the mechanical performance of these structures, causing irreversible structural damage such as loss of dimensional stability, interfacial degradation, loss of mass, loss of structural properties and changes in the damage mechanism. In this context, the objective of this thesis is the development of a process for monitoring and modeling structural degradation, and the study of the physical and mechanical properties in FRP when in the presence of adverse environmental conditions (ageing). The mechanism of ageing is characterized by controlled environmental conditions of heated steam and ultraviolet radiation. For the research, it was necessary to develop three polymer composites. The first was a lamina of polyester resin reinforced with a short glass-E fiber mat (representing the layer exposed to ageing), and the other two were laminates, both of seven layers of reinforcement, one being made up only of short fibers of glass-E, and the other a hybrid type reinforced with fibers of glass-E/ fibers of curaua. It should be noted that the two laminates have the lamina of short glass-E fibers as a layer of the ageing process incidence. The specimens were removed from the composites mentioned and submitted to environmental ageing accelerated by an ageing chamber. To study the monitoring and modeling of degradation, the ageing cycles to which the lamina was exposed were: alternating cycles of UV radiation and heated steam, a cycle only of UV radiation and a cycle only of heated steam, for a period defined by norm. The laminates have already undergone only the alternating cycle of UV and heated steam. At the end of the exposure period the specimens were subjected to a structural stability assessment by means of the developed measurement of thickness variation technique (MTVT) and the measurement of mass variation technique (MMVT). Then they were subjected to the mechanical tests of uniaxial tension for the lamina and all the laminates, besides the bending test on three points for the laminates. This study was followed by characterization of the fracture and the surface degradation. Finally, a model was developed for the composites called Ageing Zone Diagram (AZD) for monitoring and predicting the tensile strength after the ageing processes. From the results it was observed that the process of degradation occurs Abstract Raimundo Nonato Barbosa Felipe xiv differently for each composite studied, although all were affected in certain way and that the most aggressive ageing process was that of UV radiation, and that the hybrid laminated fibers of glass-E/curaua composite was most affected in its mechanical properties
The shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei has been grown in highly variable environments, especially in relation to salinity and water temperature. The adjustment to such conditions mainly involves changes in behavior, physiology, particularly in the immune response. This may consequently reduce the welfare of these animals. Despite the widespread farming of the species, little is known about their behavioral and physiological responses under stressful conditions. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the influence of different salinities and temperatures in the behavior of the marine shrimp L. vannamei, and its relation to the total hemocytes count. In the laboratory, juvenile shrimp were kept in glass aquaria with a closed water recirculation system, continuous aeration and filtration, and under a 12:12 h light/dark cycle. Behavioral observations occurred 1, 4, 7 and 10 h after the start of each phase (light or dark). To assess the influence of salinity, shrimp were first acclimated and then observed at 2, 30 or 50 ppm salinity water, while temperatures tested were 18, 28 and 33 ° C. At the end of each experiment (30 days), shrimp hemolymph was collected for subsequent total hemocytes count (THC), a parameter used to assess stress. In general, feeding behavior was modified under lower salinity and temperature, with reduced values in feeding, exploration and digestive tract filling. Inactivity and burrowing were prevalent under extreme conditions water salinity and temperature, respectively: 2 and 50 ppm and 18 and 33 ° C; crawling was also less frequent under these conditions. In regards to light/dark cycle, shrimp were more active during the dark phase (crawling and swimming), while burrowing was higher during the light phase, regardless of salinity or temperature of the water. Inactivity behavior did not vary according to the light/dark cycle. Moreover, the total hemocytes count (THC) was reduced under 2 and 50 ppm salinity and 18 ° C temperature. Farming of L. vannamei under extremely low or high salinities and low temperatures is harmful. This suggests the species must be cultivated in salinities closer to those of the sea as well as at high temperatures, which seems to be ideal for a management focused on animal welfare, therefore, producing healthier shrimp