22 resultados para superfície geomórfica

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This work aims to develop a methodology for analysis of images using overlapping, which assists in identification of microstructural features in areas of titanium, which may be associated with its biological response. That way, surfaces of titanium heat treated for 08 (eight) different ways have been subjected to a test culture of cells. It was a relationship between the grain, texture and shape of grains of surface of titanium (attacked) trying to relate to the process of proliferation and adhesion. We used an open source software for cell counting adhered to the surface of titanium. The juxtaposition of images before and after cell culture was obtained with the aid of micro-hardness of impressions made on the surface of samples. From this image where there is overlap, it is possible to study a possible relationship between cell growth with microstructural characteristics of the surface of titanium. This methodology was efficient to describe a set of procedures that are useful in the analysis of surfaces of titanium subjected to a culture of cells


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The corrosive phenomenon on reinforced concrete structures is one of the most founded pathologies on the coastal area. With the objective to prevent the process development, or even, retard its beginning, it was studied the application of inorganic covering over concrete surfaces, after its cure, as well as, evaluate the efficiency of the covering applied on the concrete in reducing its porosity of concrete preventing the entrance of aggressive agents to preserve the integrity of the existing armor inside it, comparing the result obtained with the body-of-proof reference, that didn´t receive covering protection. On the concrete production it was used Portland Cement CP II 32, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and water from the local distributive. Two types of covering were used, one resin based of silicon and solvent and other white cement based, selected sands and acrylic resin. The concrete mixture adopted was 1:1,5:2,5 (cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate) and 0.50 water/cement ratio. With the concrete on fresh state was made the experiment test to determinate the workability. On the hardened state was made the concrete resistance experiment, absorption of water and electrochemical experiments, through polarization curves. Also was held optical microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy experiments to analyze the layer of the covering applied to the concrete surface and the interface between the concrete and the layer. The obtained results shows that the covering applied to the concrete surface didn´t affect the resistance towards compression. On the absorption of water occurred a diminution of the percentage absorbed, improving the concrete development by making it more impermeable towards the entrance of aggressive agents. The electrochemical experiment results confirmed the water absorption results; the body-of-proof covered presented larger protection towards the development of corrosives process and retarded the evolution of the corrosive phenomenon


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The technique of plasma nitriding by the cathode cage mainly stands out for its ability to produce uniform layers, even on parts with complex geometries. In this study, it was investigated the efficiency of this technique for obtaining duplex surface, when used, simultaneously, to nitriding treatment and thin film deposition at temperatures below 500°C. For this, were used samples of AISI 41 0 Martensitic Stainless Steel and performed plasma treatment, combining nitriding and deposition of thin films of Ti and/or TiN in a plasma atmosphere containing N2-H2. It was used a cathodic cage of titanium pure grade II, cylindrical with 70 mm diameter and 34 mm height. Samples were treated at temperature 420ºC for 2 and 12 hours in different working pressures. Optical Microscopy (OM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with micro-analysis by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and analysis of Vickers Microhardness were used to investigate coating properties such as homogeneity and surface topography, chemical composition, layer thickness, crystalline phase, roughness and surface microhardness. The results showed there is a direct proportionality between the presence of H2 in plasma atmosphere and the quantity of titanium in surface chemical composition. It was also observed that the plasma treatment at lowpressure is more effective in formation of TiN thin film


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A resistência microbiana a antimicrobianos tem favorecido a busca por substâncias bioativas provenientes de plantas usadas na medicina popular, com o intuito de se obter novos fármacos com atividade antimicrobiana. Neste estudo, foi proposta a investigação da atividade antibacteriana do óleo-resina de Copaifera duckei e de diferentes extratos da casca de Pseudobombax marginatum, e seus possíveis mecanismos de ação. O potencial inibitório antibacteriano foi avaliado utilizando-se os métodos de difusão e diluição em ágar, e a bioautografia. O mecanismo de ação foi analisado por microscopia eletrônica, no qual se observou alterações na ultraestrutura bacteriana, e por eletroforese em SDS-PAGE, que determinou ação sobre as proteínas das superfícies celulares. A análise química foi realizada pelas técnicas de Espectrometria de massas acoplada ao Cromatógrafo a gás- EM/CG (C. duckei) e Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência- CLAE (P. marginatum). Entre as bactérias estudadas, B. cereus foi a mais suscetível às plantas em estudo, com concentrações inibitórias mínimas (CIMs) correspondentes a 0,3125 mg/mL para o óleo-resina de copaíba, e 0,5 mg/mL para extrato hidroalcoólico (1:1) e 0,512 mg/mL para a fração butanólica da casca P. marginatum, nos quais pôde-se observar alterações na parede celular do B. cereus, com remoção da camada S, espessamento da parede celular e formação de diversos septos nos centros de divisão celular. A análise química por EM/CG mostrou compostos terpênicos no óleo-resina de C. duckei, tendo como composto majoritário o β-bisaboleno, e a análise por CLAE mostrou a presença de compostos derivados da catequina na casca do P. marginatum. Desta forma, as plantas em estudo mostram um potencial antibacteriano considerável, podendo contribuir tanto na terapia antimicrobiana como na área de alimentos, tendo como um de seus prováveis sítios de ação a parede celular bacteriana


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The present work deals with the linear analysis of bi-dimensional axisymmetric structures, through development and implementation of a Finite Element Method code. The structures are initially studied alone and afterwards compatibilized into coupled structures, that is, assemblages, including tanks and pressure vessels. Examples are analysed and, in order to prove accuracy, the results were compared with those furnished by the analytical solutions


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This master´s thesis presents a reliability study conducted among onshore oil fields in the Potiguar Basin (RN/CE) of Petrobras company, Brazil. The main study objective was to build a regression model to predict the risk of failures that impede production wells to function properly using the information of explanatory variables related to wells such as the elevation method, the amount of water produced in the well (BSW), the ratio gas-oil (RGO), the depth of the production bomb, the operational unit of the oil field, among others. The study was based on a retrospective sample of 603 oil columns from all that were functioning between 2000 and 2006. Statistical hypothesis tests under a Weibull regression model fitted to the failure data allowed the selection of some significant predictors in the set considered to explain the first failure time in the wells


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This work presents a theoretical analysis and numerical and experimental results of the scattering characteristics of frequency selective surfaces, using elements of type patch perfectly conductor. The structures are composed of two frequency selective surfaces on isotropic dielectric substrates cascaded, separated by a layer of air. The analysis is performed using the method of equivalent transmission line in combination with the Galerkin method, to determine the transmission and reflection characteristics of the structures analyzed. Specifically, the analysis uses the impedance method, which models the structure by an equivalent circuit, and applies the theory of transmission lines to determine the dyadic Green's function for the cascade structure. This function relates the incident field and surface current densities. These fields are determined algebraically by means of potential incidents and the imposition of the continuity of the fields in the dielectric interfaces. The Galerkin method is applied to the numerical determination of the unknown weight coefficients and hence the unknown densities of surface currents, which are expanded in terms of known basis functions multiplied by these weight coefficients. From the determination of these functions, it becomes possible to obtain numerical scattered fields at the top and bottom of the structures and characteristics of transmission and reflection of these structures. At work, we present numerical and experimental results for the characteristics of transmission and reflection. Comparisons were made with other results presented in literature, and it was observed a good agreement in the cases presented suggestions continuity of the work are presented


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Oil spill on the sea, accidental or not, generates enormous negative consequences for the affected area. The damages are ambient and economic, mainly with the proximity of these spots of preservation areas and/or coastal zones. The development of automatic techniques for identification of oil spots on the sea surface, captured through Radar images, assist in a complete monitoring of the oceans and seas. However spots of different origins can be visualized in this type of imaging, which is a very difficult task. The system proposed in this work, based on techniques of digital image processing and artificial neural network, has the objective to identify the analyzed spot and to discern between oil and other generating phenomena of spot. Tests in functional blocks that compose the proposed system allow the implementation of different algorithms, as well as its detailed and prompt analysis. The algorithms of digital image processing (speckle filtering and gradient), as well as classifier algorithms (Multilayer Perceptron, Radial Basis Function, Support Vector Machine and Committe Machine) are presented and commented.The final performance of the system, with different kind of classifiers, is presented by ROC curve. The true positive rates are considered agreed with the literature about oil slick detection through SAR images presents


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It s presented a solar collector to be used in a system for heating bath water, whose main characteristic is its low cost. The collector consists of five plates of PVC with 10 mm thick, 200 mm in width and 1400mm in length, with an area equal to 1.4 square meters. The plates were connected in parallel to the ends of PVC tubes of  40 mm and 32 mm. The plates were coated on one side with aluminum sheets of soft drinks and beers cans open. The system worked on a thermosiphon and was tested in two configurations: the plates uncoated and coated with aluminum material, to determine the influence of material on the efficiency of the collector. For both configurations was used EPS plates below the surface to minimize heat losses from the botton. The thermal reservoir of the heating system is, also, alternative and low cost, since it was constructed from a polyethylene tank for storing water, with volume of 150 end 200 liters. It will be presented the thermal efficiency, heat loss, water temperature of the thermal reservoir at the end of the process and simulation of baths for a house with four residents. The will be demonstrated thermal, economic and material viability of the proposed collector, whose main innovation is the use of recyclables materials, cans of beer and soft drinks, to increase the temperature of the absorber plate.


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It presents a solar collector to be used in a system for heating water for bathing, whose main characteristics are its low cost and easy manufacturing and assembly. The absorbing surface of the collector is formed by an aluminum plate with eight flaps where they lodge PVC pipes. The catchment area of solar radiation corresponds to 1.3 meters. The collector box was made of wood, is covered by transparent glass and thermal insulation of tire chips and expanded polystyrene (EPS). Absorber tubes were connected in parallel through the use of PVC fittings and fixed to the plate by the use of metal poles and rivets. The entire absorber received paint flat black for better absorption of sunlight. The system worked on a thermosiphon assembly and absorber of the collector has been tested in two configurations: with the tubes facing up, directly exposed to the impact of sunlight and facing down, exchanging heat with the plate by conduction. It was determined the most efficient configuration for the correct purpose. The solar collector was connected to a thermal reservoir, also alternative, low-cost forming the system of solar water heating. We evaluated thermal parameters that proved the viability of the heating system studied


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It was studied a system for heating water to be used to obtain water for bathing at home, the absorbing surface of the collector is formed by one plate of polycarbonate. The polycarbonate plate has 6 mm thick, 1.050 mm wide and 1.500 mm long with an area equal to 1,575 m². The plate was attached by its edges parallel to PVC tubes of 32 mm. The system worked under the thermo-siphon and was tested for two configurations: plate absorber with and without isolation of EPS of 30 mm thick on the bottom surface in order to minimize heat losses from the bottom. The tank's thermal heating system is alternative and low cost, since it was constructed from a polyethylene reservoir for water storage, with a volume of 200 liters. Will present data on the thermal efficiency, heat loss, water temperature of thermal reservoir at the end of the process simulation and baths. Will be demonstrated the feasibility of thermal, economic and material pickup proposed for the intended purpose.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo


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O presente trabalho, objetivou avaliar comparativamente o diagnóstico clínico, radiógráfico e histológico de molares permanentes humanos sem ou com lesão de cárie na superfície oclusa!. Vinte e quatro dentes que estavam armazenados em formalina a 10% foram selecionados e em seguida submetidos a um exame clínico, através da inspeção visual, onde foram separados em 3 grupos: grupo 1 (G1), formado por dentes hígidos; grupo 2(G2), por dentes com pigmento na superfície oclusal e grupo 3(G3), aqueles com lesão de cárie na oclusal. Este exame foi realizado com auxílio de luz artificial proveniente de um refletor odontológico, sem qualquer manipulação da superfície. Para cada dente foram realizados duas tomadas radiográficas com e sem tela milimetrada, no sentido vestibulo lingual por um dos avaliadores, simulando uma radiografia interproximal, onde o feixe incidiu perpendicular ao longo eixo do dente. Em seguida os dentes foram preparados histomorfologicamente para coloração com hematoxilina e eosina e análise microscópica. Pela avaliação dos resultados a partir da amostra de 100%, foi possível concluir: 1) Os dentes clinicamente considerados hígidos (G1) apresentaram radiograficamente 74,99% de ausência de imagem radiolúcida e em 25% presença desta imagem na Junção Amelo¬dentinária e microscopicamente ausência de cárie em 100%; 2) os dentes que clinicamente apresentaram fissura pigmentada' (G2) notou-se em 33,33%, ausência da imagem radiolúcida e em 66,66% presente esta imagem na junção amelodentinária, 100% de ausência de cárie através da análise microscópica; 3) clinicamente, os dentes que apresentaram lesão de cárie (G3), radiograficamente foram comprovados 100% de imagem radiolúcida sugestiva de cárie e microscopicamente dos 100% destas, foram considerados cáries rasa (16,66%), média (61,10%) e profunda (22,22%) respectivamente


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Orbital remote sensing has been used as a beneficial tool in improving the knowledge on oceanographic and hydrodynamic aspects in northern portion of the continental shelf of Rio Grande do Norte, offshore Potiguar Basin. Aspects such as geography, temporal and spatial resolution combined with a consistent methodology and provide a substantial economic advantage compared to traditional methods of in situ data collecting. Images of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor onboard NASA's AQUA satellite were obtained to support systematic data collections related to the campaign of environmental monitoring and characterization of Potiguar Basin, held in May 2004. Images of Total Suspension Matter (TSM) and values of radiance standard were generated for the calculation of concentrations of total suspension matter (TSM), chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature (SST). These data sets were used for statistical comparisons between measures in situ and satellite estimates looking validate algorithms or develop a comprehensive regional approach empirically. AQUA-MODIS images allowed the simultaneous comparison of two-dimensional water quality (total suspension matter), phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll-a) variability and physical (temperature). For images of total suspension matter, the generated models showed a good correlation with the field data, allowing quantitative and qualitative analysis. The images of chlorophyll-a showed a consistent correlation with the in situ values of concentration. The algorithms adjusted for these images obtained a correlation coefficient fairly well with the data field in order that the sensor can be having an effect throughout the water column and not just the surface. This has led to a fit between the data of chlorophyll-the integration of the average sampling interval of the entire water column up to the level of the first optical depth, with the data generated from the images. This method resulted in higher values of chlorophyll concentration to greater depths, due to the fact that we are integrating more values of chlorophyll in the water column. Thus we can represent the biomass available in the water column. Images SST and SST measures in situ showed a mean difference DT (SST insitu - SST sat) around -0.14 ° C, considered low, making the results very good. The integration of total suspension matter, chlorophyll-a, the temperature of the sea surface (SST) and auxiliary data enabled the recognition of some of the main ways to fund the continental shelf. The main features highlighted were submerged canyons of rivers Apodi and Açu, some of the lines and beachrocks reefs, structural highs and the continental shelf break which occurs at depths around -60 m. The results confirmed the high potential for use of the AQUA-MODIS images to environmental monitoring of sea areas due to ease of detection of the field two-dimensional material in suspension on the sea surface, temperature and the concentration of chlorophyll-a