17 resultados para substrato para pupação
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Metal substrates were coated by thermal spraying plasma torch, they were positioned at a distance of 4 and 5 cm from the nozzle exit of the plasma jet. The starting materials were used for deposition of tantalum oxide powder and aluminium. These two materials were mixed and ground into high-energy mill, then immersed in the torch for the production of alumina coating infused with particles of tantalum with nano and micrometric size. The spraying equipment used is a plasma torch arc not transferred, which operating in the range of 250 A and 80 V, was able to produce enough heat to ignite aluminothermic between Ta2O5 and aluminum. Upon reaching the plasma jet, the mixing powders react with the heat of the blaze, which provides sufficient energy for melting aluminum particles. This energy is transferred through mechanisms of self-propagating to the oxide, beginning a reduction reaction, which then hits on the surface of the substrate and forms a coating on which a composite is formed by a junction metal - ceramic (Ta +Al2O3). The phases and quantification of each were obtained respectively by X-ray diffraction and the Rietveld method. Morphology by scanning electron microscopy and chemical analysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy EDS. It was also performed measurements of the substrate roughness, Vickers microhardness measurements in sprays and determination of the electron temperature of the plasma jet by optical emission spectroscopy EEO. The results confirmed the expectation generated around the end product of spraying the mixture Ta2O5 + Al, both in the formation of nano-sized particles and in their final form. The electron excitation temperature was consistent with the purpose of work, in addition, the thermodynamic temperature was efficient for the reduction process of Ta2O5. The electron excitation temperature showed values of 3000, 4500 and 8000 K for flows10, 20 and 30 l / min respectively, these values were taken at the nozzle exit of the plasma jet. The thermodynamic temperature around 1200 ° C, was effective in the reduction process of Ta2O5
The main purpose of this work was the development of ceramic dielectric substrates of bismuth niobate (BiNbO4) doped with vanadium pentoxide (V2O5), with high permittivity, used in the construction of microstrip patch antennas with applications in wireless communications systems. The high electrical permittivity of the ceramic substrate provided a reduction of the antenna dimensions. The numerical results obtained in the simulations and the measurements performed with the microstrip patch antennas showed good agreement. These antennas can be used in wireless communication systems in various frequency bands. Results were satisfactory for antennas operating at frequencies in the S band, in the range between 2.5 GHz and 3.0 GHz.
In the globalized world modern telecommunications have assumed key role within the company, causing a large increase in demand for the wireless technology of communication, which has been happening in recent years have greatly increased the number of applications using this technology. Due to this demand, new materials are developed to enable new control mechanisms and propagation of electromagnetic waves. The research to develop new technologies for wireless communication presents a multidisciplinary study that covers from the new geometries for passive antennas, active up to the development of materials for devices that improve the performance at the frequency range of operation. Recently, planar antennas have attracted interest due to their characteristics and advantages when compared with other types of antennas. In the area of mobile communications the need for antennas of this type has become increasingly used, due to intensive development, which needs to operate in multifrequency antennas and broadband. The microstrip antennas have narrow bandwidth due to the dielectric losses generated by irradiation. Another limitation is the degradation of the radiation pattern due to the generation of surface waves in the substrate. Some techniques have been developed to minimize this limitation of bandwidth, such as the study of type materials PBG - Photonic Band Gap, to form the dielectric material. This work has as main objective the development project of a slot resonator with multiple layers and use the type PBG substrate, which carried out the optimization from the numerical analysis and then designed the device initially proposed for the band electromagnetic spectrum between 3-9 GHz, which basically includes the band S to X. Was used as the dielectric material RT/Duroid 5870 and RT/Duroid 6010.LM where both are laminated ceramic-filled PTFE dielectric constants 2.33 and 10.2, respectively. Through an experimental investigation was conducted an analysis of the simulated versus measured by observing the behavior of the radiation characteristics from the height variation of the dielectric multilayer substrates. We also used the LTT method resonators structures rectangular slot with multiple layers of material photonic PBG in order to obtain the resonance frequency and the entire theory involving the electromagnetic parameters of the structure under consideration. xviii The analysis developed in this work was performed using the method LTT - Transverse Transmission Line, in the field of Fourier transform that uses a component propagating in the y direction (transverse to the real direction of propagation z), thus treating the general equations of the fields electric and magnetic and function. The PBG theory is applied to obtain the relative permittivity of the polarizations for the sep photonic composite substrates material. The results are obtained with the commercial software Ansoft HFSS, used for accurate analysis of the electromagnetic behavior of the planar device under study through the Finite Element Method (FEM). Numerical computational results are presented in graphical form in two and three dimensions, playing in the parameters of return loss, frequency of radiation and radiation diagram, radiation efficiency and surface current for the device under study, and have as substrates, photonic materials and had been simulated in an appropriate computational tool. With respect to the planar device design study are presented in the simulated and measured results that show good agreement with measurements made. These results are mainly in the identification of resonance modes and determining the characteristics of the designed device, such as resonant frequency, return loss and radiation pattern
This paper presents a theoretical and numerical analysis of the parameters of a rectangular microstrip antenna with metamaterial substrate. The metamaterial (MTM) theory was applied along with Transverse Transmission Line (LTT) method to characterize substrate quantities and obtain the general equations of the electromagnetic fields. A study on metamaterial theory was conducted to obtain the constructive parameters, which were characterized through permittivity and permeability tensors to arrive at a set of electromagnetic equations. Electromagnetic principes are used to obtained parameters such as complex resonance frequency, bandwidth and radiation pattern were then obtained. Different metamaterial and antenna configurations were simulated to miniaturize them physically and increase their bandwidth, the results of which are shown through graphics. The theoretical computational analysis of this work proved to be accurate when compared to other studies, and may be used for other metamaterial devices. Conclusions and suggestions for future work are also proposed
The main objective in this work is the analysis of resonance frequency microstrip structures with glass fiber and electromagnetic band gap (EBG/PBG) substrate and analysis of microstrip antennas with rectangular patch of superconductor of high critical temperature (HTS). In this work was used the superconductors YBCO (critical temperature of 90K), SnBaCaCuOy (critical temperature of 160K), and Sn5InCa2Ba4Cu10Oy (critical temperature of 212K) with results in Gigahertz and Terahertz. Was used microstrip antennas arrays planar and linear phase and linear phase planar with patch with superconductor. It presents a study of the major theories that explain superconductivity. In phase arrays were obtained the factors arrays for such configurations, and the criteria of phase and spacing between the elements compound in the array, which were examined in order to get a main lobe with high directivity and high gain. In the analysis we used the method of Transverse Transmission Line (TTL) used in domain of the Fourier Transform (FTD). The LTT is a full wave method, which obtains the electromagnetic field in terms of the components transverse of the structure. The addition of superconductive patch is made using the boundary condition resistive complex. Results are obtained resonance frequency as a function of the parameters of the antenna, radiation patterns of the E and H Planes, for the phase antenna arrays in linear and planar configurations, for different values of the phase and the spacing between elements
Ceramic substrates have been investigated by researchers around the world and has achieved a high interest in the scientific community, because they had high dielectric constants and excellent performance in the structures employed. Such ceramics result in miniaturized structures with dimensions well reduced and high radiation efficiency. In this work, we have used a new ceramic material called lead zinc titanate in the form of Zn0,8Pb0,2TiO3, capable of being used as a dielectric substrate in the construction of various structures of antennas. The method used in constructing the ceramic combustion synthesis was Self- Sustained High Temperature (SHS - "Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis") which is defined as a process that uses highly exothermic reactions to produce various materials. Once initiated the reaction area in the reaction mixture, the heat generated is sufficient to become self-sustaining combustion in the form of a wave that propagates converting the reaction mixture into the product of interest. Were analyzed aspects of the formation of the composite Zn0,8Pb0,2TiO3 by SHS powders and characterized. The analysis consisted of determining the parameters of the reaction for the formation of the composite, as the ignition temperature and reaction mechanisms. The production of composite Zn0,8Pb0,2TiO3 by SHS performed in the laboratory, was the result of a total control of combustion temperature and after obtaining the powder began the development of ceramics. The product was obtained in the form of regular, alternating layers of porous ceramics and was obtained by uniaxial pressing. 10 The product was characterized by analysis of dilatometry, X-ray diffraction analysis and scanning electron microscopy. One of the contributions typically defined in this work is the development of a new dielectric material, nevertheless presented previously in the literature. Therefore, the structures of the antennas presented in this work consisted of new dielectric ceramics based Zn0,8Pb0,2TiO3 usually used as dielectric substrate. The materials produced were characterized in the microwave range. These are dielectrics with high relative permittivity and low loss tangent. The Ansoft HFSS, commercial program employee, using the finite element method, and was used for analysis of antennas studied in this work
The aim of this work is to characterize and use the characteristic parameters of the planar structures constructed with fin lines looking for their applications in devices, using PBG Photonic Band Gap photonic materials as substrate, operating in the millimeter and optic wave bands.The PBG theory will be applied for the relative permittivity attainment for the PBG photonic substrate s and p polarizations. The parameters considered in the structures characterization are the complex propagation constant and the characteristic impedance of unilateral and bilateral fin lines that were obtained by the use of the TTL Transverse Transmission Line Method, together with the Method of the Moments. The final part of this work comprises studies related to the behavior of the asymmetric unilateral fin line coupler with photonic substrate. This research opens perspectives for new works in this modern area. Numerical results are shown by means of bi-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics. Conclusions and suggestions for future works are also presented
The modern society depends on an efficient communications system able to of transmitting and receiving information with a higher speed and reliability every time. The need for ever more efficient devices raises optimization techniques of microstrip devices, such as techniques to increase bandwidth: thicker substrates and substrate structures with EBG (Electromagnetic Band Gap) and PBG (Photonic Band Gap). This work has how aims the study of the application of PBG materials on substrates of planar structures in microstrip, more precisely in directional quadrature couplers and in rat-race and impedance of transformers. A study of the planar structures in microstrip and substrates EBG is presented. The PBG substrates can be used to optimize the radiation through the air, thus reducing the occurrence of surface waves and the resulting diffraction edge responsible for degradation of radiation pattern. Through specific programs in FORTRAN Power Station obtained the frequencies and couplings for each structure. Are used the program PACMO - Computer Aided Design in Microwave. Results are obtained of the frequency and coupling devices, ranging the frequency band used (cellular communication and Wimax systems) and the permittivity of the substrate, comparing the results of conventional material and PBG materials in the s and p polarizations.
This work presents a theoretical and numerical analysis for the radiation characteristics of rectangular microstrip antenna using metamaterial substrate. The full wave analysis is performed in the Fourier transform domain through the application of the Transverse Transmission Line - TTL method. A study on metamaterial theory was conducted to obtain the constructive parameters, which were characterized through permittivity and permeability tensors to arrive at a set of electromagnetic equations. The general equations for the electromagnetic fields of the antenna are developed using the Transverse Transmission Line - TTL method. Imposing the boundary conditions, the dyadic Green s function components are obtained relating the surface current density components at the plane of the patch to the electric field tangential components. Then, Galerkin s method is used to obtain a system of matrix equations, whose solution gives the antenna resonant frequency. From this modeling, it is possible to obtain numerical results for the resonant frequency and return loss for different configurations and substrates
Análise espectral de reflectarrays com substrato de duas camadas dielétricas anisotrópicas uniaxiais
Recently, an amazing development has been observed in telecommunication systems. Two good examples of this development are observed in mobile communication and aerospace systems. This impressive development is related to the increasing need for receiving and transmitting communication signals. Particularly, this development has required the study of new antennas and filters. This work presents a fullwave analysis of reflectarrays. The considered structures are composed by arrays of rectangular conducting patches printed on multilayer dieletric substrates, that are mounted on a ground plane. The analysis is developed in the spectral domain, using an equivalent transmission line method in combination with Galerkin method. Results for the reflection coefficient of these structures are presented and compared to those available in the literature. A good agreement was observed. Particularly, the developed analysis uses the transmission lines theory in combination with the incident potentials and the field continuity equations, at the structures interfaces, for obtaining the scattered field components expressions as function of the patch surface currents and of the incident field. Galerkin method is used to determine the unknown coefficients in the boundary value problem. Curves for the reflection coefficient of several reflectarray geometries are presented as function of frequency and of the structural parameters
Nowadays generation ethanol second, that t is obtained from fermentation of sugars of hydrolyses of cellulose, is gaining attention worldwide as a viable alternative to petroleum mainly for being a renewable resource. The increase of first generation ethanol production i.e. that obtained from sugar-cane molasses could lead to a reduction of lands sustainable for crops and food production. However, second generation ethanol needs technologic pathway for reduce the bottlenecks as production of enzymes to hydrolysis the cellulose to glucose i.e. the cellulases as well as the development of efficient biomass pretreatment and of low-cost. In this work Trichoderma reesei ATCC 2768 was cultivated under submerged fermentation to produce cellulases using as substrates waste of lignocellulosic material such as cashew apple bagasse as well as coconut bagasse with and without pretreatment. For pretreatment the bagasses were treated with 1 M NaOH and by explosion at high pressure. Enzyme production was carried out in shaker (temperature of 27ºC, 150 rpm and initial medium pH of 4.8). Results showed that T.reesei ATCC 2768 showed the higher cellulase production when the cashew apple bagasse was treated with 1M NaOH (2.160 UI/mL of CMCase and 0.215 UI/mL of FPase), in which the conversion of cellulose, in terms of total reducing sugars, was of 98.38%, when compared to pretreatment by explosion at high pressure (0.853 UI/mL of CMCase and 0.172 UI/mL of Fpase) showing a conversion of 47.39% of total reducing sugars. Cellulase production is lower for the medium containing coconut bagasse treated with 1M NaOH (0.480 UI/mL of CMcase and 0.073 UI/mL of FPase), giving a conversion of 49.5% in terms of total reducing sugars. Cashew apple bagasse without pretreatment showed cellulase activities lower (0.535 UI/mL of CMCase and 0,152 UI/mL of FPase) then pretreated bagasse while the coconut bagasse without pretreatment did not show any enzymatic activity. Maximum cell concentration was obtained using cashew nut bagasse as well as coconut shell bagasse treated with 1M NaOH, with 2.92 g/L and 1.97 g/L, respectively. These were higher than for the experiments in which the substrates were treated by explosion at high pressure, 1.93 g/L and 1.17 g/L. Cashew apple is a potential inducer for cellulolytic enzymes synthysis showing better results than coconut bagasse. Pretreatment improves the process for the cellulolytic enzyme production
Biosurfactants are amphiphilic molecules synthesized by microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast or filamented fungi cultivated in various carbon sources among sucrose and hydrocarbons. These molecules are composed by a hydrophilic and hydrophobic part. They operate mostly at interfaces of fluids of different polarities. Because of this characteristic, they are potentially employed in numerous industries, such as the textile, medical, cosmetics, food and mainly in the petrochemical ones. Therefore industry has interest in developing new biosurfactant production processes in high scale, in order to become them economically competitive when compared to synthetic biosurfactants. This work aims to evaluate the biosurfactant production applying a non-conventional substrate sugar cane molasses proceeding from the sugar industry thus reducing the production costs. The strain identified as AP029/GLIIA, isolated from oil wells in Rio Grande do Norte state and used in these experiments belongs to the culture collection of Antibiotics Department of UFPE. The fermentation were carried out using different conditions according to a factorial planning 24 with duplicate at center point, in which the studied factors were molasse concentration, nitrate concentration, agitation and aeration ratio. The experiments were performed in a shaker at 38ºC of temperature. Samples were withdrawn in regular periods of time of up to 72 hours of fermentation in order to analyze substrate consumption, cellular concentration, superficial tension, critical micelle dilution (CMD-1 e CMD-2) as well as extracelullar protein production. The results showed a production of 3,480 g/L of biomass, a reduction of 41% on superficial tension, 67% of substrate consumption and 0,2805 g/L of extracellular protein
Pectinolytic enzymes, or simply pectinases, are complex enzymes that degrade pectic polymers. They have many uses, such as fruit juice extraction and purification, textile fiber treatment and vegetal oil extraction. The aim of this work was to study the kinetics of pectinases production by solid-state fermentation, using dry cashew apple residue as substrate and the microorganism Aspergillus niger CCT 0916. The influence of the initial medium moisture and medium supplementation with a source of nitrogen and phosphorus was evaluated using the factorial experimental planning and response surface methodology. Ammonia sulphate and potassium phosphate were used as nitrogen and phosphorus source, respectively. The variables time of contact (T) and ratio volume solvent/fermented medium (RZ), in systems with and without agitation, were evaluated in order to study the best extraction condition of the produced enzyme. Washed and unwashed cashew apple residues were tested as the growth medium. The unwashed residue was obtained by drying the residue after the extraction of the juice, while the washed residue was obtained by water washing 5 times using the proportion of 1 kg pulp/2 liters of water. Samples were taken every 12 hours for moisture content, pH, protein, reducing sugars, polygalacturonase activity (PG) and viscosity reduction. The physical-chemical composition of the residues had different sugar and pectin levels. For the unwashed residue, the peak activity was reached with 40% of initial moisture content, 1% of nitrogen supplementation without phosphorus addition after 30 hours of process. These conditions led to 16 U/g of PG activity and 82% of viscosity reduction. The calculated models reached similar values to the experimental ones in the same process conditions: 15.55 U/g of PG and 79.57% of viscosity eduction. Similarly, the greatest enzyme production for washed residue was reached with 40% initial moisture content, 1% nitrogen supplementation without phosphorus addition after 22 hours of cultivation. In this condition it was obtained polygalacturonase activity of 9.84 U/g and viscosity reduction of 81.36%. These values are close to experimental values that were of 10.1 U/g and 81%, respectively. The conditions that led to the best PG activity results was the agitated one and the best extraction condition was obtained with 100 minutes of solvent/medium contact and RZ of 5 (mL/g)
Biosurfactants are molecules produced by microorganisms mainly bacteria as Pseudomonas and Bacillus. Among the biosurfactants, rhamnolipids play an important role due to their tensoactive as well as emulsifying properties. Besides can be produced in a well consolidated way the production costs of biosurfactants are quite expansive mainly if downstream processing is goning to be considered. Actually, attention has been given to identification of biosurfactants as well as optimization of its fermentative processes including downstream ones. This work deals with the development of strategies to recovery and purification of rhamnolipids produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa P029-GVIIA using sugar-cane molasses as substrate. Broth free of cells was used in order to investigate the best strategies to recovery and purification produced by this system. Between the studied acids (HCl and H2SO4) for the acid precipitation step, HCl was the best one as has been showed by the experimental design 24. Extraction has been carried out using petroleum ether and quantification has been done using the thioglycolic acid method. Adsorption studies were carried out with activated carbon in a batch mode using a 24 experimental design as well as combined with an hydrophobic resin Streamline Phenyl aiming to separate the produced biosurfactant. Biosurfactant partial identification was carried out using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Experiments in batch mode showed that adsorption has been controlled mainly by pH and temperature. It was observed a reduction of 41.4% for the liquid phase and the solid phase it was possible to adsorb up to 15 mg of rhamnolipd/g of activated carbon. The kinetics of adsorption has been well fitted to a pseudo-first order reaction with velocity constant (k1) of 1.93 x 10-2 min-1. Experiments in packed bed ranging concentration on eluent (acetone) has been shown the highest recovery factor of 98% when pure acetone has been used. The combined effect if using activated carbon with an hydrophobic resin Streamline Phenyl has been shown successful for the rhamnolipids purification. It has been possible to purify a fraction of the crude broth with 98% of purity when the eluted of activated carbon packed bed was used with pure acetone
Carciniculture in Brazil occupies world-wide prominence due to shrimp culture, and the state of Rio Grande do Norte has presented the best results in the culture of the Litopenaeus vannamei in the last decade. This species has been shown to adapt easily to different environments and is between the five most cultivated penaeids of the world. The ponds are usually constructed in areas close to water courses and estuaries. Stock density and substrate ponds can pollute environment, causing losses in the growth and survival of the shrimps, being considered stress factors. Shrimps in inadequate densities and substrates can result reduced productivity of the farm; and favor diseases. So, it is important to verify how these variables influence the development of the animals in the culture farms. Our objective was to study the influence of the type of substrate and the stock density on the behavior and haemocyte count of the L. vannamei. Individually marked juvenile shrimps were kept in aquaria with 30 L of seawater and continuous aeration, in 12L-12D photoperiod. They were observed through Ad libitum and focal sampling instantaneous methods during thirty days, five times per week, six times per day (8:00 to 18:00) in windows of 15 minutes every two hours. The marking of carapace permitted quantifying molting and the feeding was supplied three times a day. Two experiments were carried out: the first one tested animals in the three different substrates (fine sand, smaller rocks-SPP and biggest rocks-SGR) with 33 shrimp/m2. In the second one, the animals were tested in three stock densities (26, 52 and 66 shrimp/m2) in fine sand substrate. At the end of experiment, biometry (first and second ones) and haemocyte count (second one) were made. The behavior of the L. vannamei seems to have been influenced by substrate and stocking density. In low granulometry of the substrate; the exploratory behavior became more frequent and inactivity of the shrimps was reduced. Burrowing was registered in sand substrate, specially in the initial period of the day. Cleaning was gradually higher along the day, presenting the biggest levels as the dark phase approached. The ingestion of feeding was more frequent in low density, and the animals were bigger and heavier at the end of the experiment. In the fine sand condition, the animals presented better growth, probably associated with the burrowing. The molting was equivalent in all types of substrate, but it was more frequent in high densities. Mortality of the shrimps was more frequent in high densities, and cannibalism and diseases were also registered in that condition. The clinical signals were similar to the ones of infectious mionecrosis (IMNV), generally associated with environment and physical stress. The haemocyte count was low for the hematologic standards of the penaeid, which we attributed for greater dilution of haemolymph in the postmolting phase. Smaller shrimps presented lower levels of haemocytes in relation to the bigger animals, count was also low in 26 shrimp/m2 density. The study demonstrates that stocking density and the granulometry of the substrate can affect the welfare, the health and the behavior of the L. vannamei. The sand substrate and low stocking density can be important tools in the management systems of shrimp production