2 resultados para students, social and economic profile
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
O objetivo deste estudo foi relacionar dor de dente com condição socioeconômica, acesso aos serviços de saúde bucal e estilo de vida em adolescentes do município de Sobral, Ceará, desenvolvido com delineamento transversal analítico, com amostra composta por 688 indivíduos. A prevalência de dor de dente no grupo pesquisado foi de 31,8%. Para avaliar a relação entre as variáveis independentes e a dor de dente, realizou-se teste de associação pelo qui-quadrado, estimando-se a razão de prevalências por meio da regressão de Poisson. Os fatores que mais demonstraram relação com a dor de dente foram severidade da cárie, motivo do atendimento odontológico relacionado com urgência, frequência ao dentista e recebimento de escova na escola. Observou-se que a alta prevalência de dor de dente em adolescentes está diretamente relacionada às condições de acesso, assim como às características das ações desenvolvidas pelos serviços de saúde. Assim como há necessidade da implantação de serviços vinculados à promoção de saúde, pautados pela equidade e integralidade, é necessária a implantação de serviços de urgência que não simplesmente intervenham na dor de forma mutiladora, mas a encarem como mecanismo de estímulo ao desenvolvimento de procedimentos de prevenção das doenças bucais.
On the beginnings of the XXI century the brazilian universities was claimed by the Government and by the society to rebuild your ways of selecting students. Many questions are behind this theme, that goes since the concernings of the higher education institutions about select and graduate students, and now also students from disadvantaged sectors of the society; but also about personal issues, like concerns of the everyday of millions of youngs that integrates the brazilian society and that need to decide about your professional future after the finish of the Basic Education. The present thesis has as objective analyse the processes of the transition between the Basic Education and Higher Education on the point of view of students that achieved a place on the public university. This study was accomplished on the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte [UFRN on the original language], that implemented an Access and Social Inclusion Policy (PAIS [on the original language]) on the year of 2003, and since than a series of social actions had been developed. Among the main, we highlight the Inclusion Score action, an adicional score [on the entrance selection exam] for graduated students from public schools, which considers social and economic criteria and the academic development of these candidates on your Basic Education. Through quizzes and interviews with the graduated university students from public network, we could know the social, economic and academic profile of the students that entered on the UFRN by the time of the development of your PAIS, your schools and university trajectories, revealing some of the dilemmas, strategies, difficulties and personal cost of those that try to remain on the educational system besides the adversity conditions of schooling. For the theory foundation, we use authors like Bourdieu (1992, 1996, 2003); Coulon (1993, 2008); Ramalho (2004, 2007, 2008, 2010); Ramalho, et al (2011); Charlot (2001, 2003, 2005); Zago (2011); Nogueira, Romanelli e Zago (2011), among others, that contributed for a better analysis and understanding of thought and actions of the students in your own formative trajectories. Although we know that the educational inequalities are many, we found that the UFRN policy brought and is bringing many significant results, on the perspective of contribute with the increase of access for graduated students from the public network, and with the inclusion of these on the university