45 resultados para psicologia histórico-cultural

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The central issue of this dissertation is to investigate the labor activity of beach hawker, in order to identify the main professional competencies mobilized in this activity, traversed by both the precariousness of the means of labor exercise, as for complex and structured routines. In the town of Natal (RN) the beaches serve as workplace for thousands of informal workers, who use various professional skills, translated into the ability to mobilize and articulate knowledge, skills and behaviors to solve problems in concrete work situations. This research therefore had as main objective to investigate the work of beach hawkers, trying to identify the core competencies mobilized for facing demands and obstacles in such a context. The beach of Ponta Negra (Natal-RN) was chosen as field of observation, in which a group of hawkers took part as voluntary subjects. Methodologically, quantitative and qualitative methods of production and analysis of data were combined in three stages. In the quantitative phase an occupational questionnaire was applied to a sample of 60 subjects, generating a set of data analyzed with quantitative univariate and multidimensional descriptive statistical tools, complemented by inferential statistical analysis. The results of this phase indicate a predominance of men sellers with salary varying in a range from one to two minimum wage Brazilian salary, age and education quite heterogeneous, extended working hours and the choice of only this activity and this beach throughout the year. Concurrently with this step of analysis, unsystematic observations of the activity of vendors were held and then driven to the technique of Instruction Impersonator with four chosen subjects. This phase had a clinicalinterpretive analysis, rooted in historical-cultural Vygotskian psychological perspective and in the french approach of skills and abilities. The main results point to several strategies for overcoming obstacles, use of technics anchored in everyday work experience and practical knowledge, building rules of conduct and collective mobilization of diverse professional skills similar to those found in formal work, such as business and time management, use of communicative tools, flexibility in problem solving, creativity and teamwork competence. We conclude that informality investigated in context can not be seen exclusively as a synonym of precariousness. It also covers skills and knowledge in a complex culture that situates informal labor in a complementary way with respect to formal work. This conclusion, therefore, contributes to overcome the notion of antinomy between formal and informal labor activity, since they both can be considered as a way to achieve job satisfaction, and even a personal representation of well done job, which is an important psychological generator of identity and social place.


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Considering that urban interventions, planned and executed recently at Natal, RN, should put Ribeira - one of the town centers - in the new limits of the expanded center of the city, this work examines the use of this new accessibility for the benefit of the development of an infrastructure to support a type of tourism currently seen as an alternative to diversification into areas dominated by entertainment tourism (the case of Natal). A local with city's traditional cultural facilities and holder of a set built that is a synthesis of the images of the neighborhood, it fears that this increase in the potential for movement and flows of use stimulate speculation and deployment of a bulk type of activity incompatible with the preservation the architectural heritage. Important economy for the city, tourism has been showing a factor propellant processing urban related changes in accessibility. It is argued that cultural tourism, often used in plans and projects of revitalization across the country, may be factor for sustainable development and conserve the assets, and contributes to the process of revitalization of the historic cultural center as Ribeira. Intended to illustrate the need to consider other information that might help in the revitalization of the neighborhood, this research presents the offer cultural tourism of Ribeira and identifies and maps certain physical attributes that, combined with functional attributes, can stimulate or inhibit the diversity and vitality in the region


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The intention of this study was to identify the school conception (conceptions) in the discourse of poor children. There were inquired two groups of subjects: the first was composed of children that inserted precociously themselves into the work market and must to go to school because they take part in one of the governmental programs, called, minimum income programs. The second will be composed of children that live in the poorest district in Natal/RN city. And don´t have obligatoriness to go to school. Thus, thematics like precocious work, minimum income program, capitalism, neoliberalism was aproached in our discussion. We also intended to make a illustrate with Pinochio Adventures fable, because its conception school is similar like real official discourse school from everybody. In cited narrative, the character Gepeto didn t know what s a truth child but knows that exist a place in city where his maledoll Pinochio would be one the school. Thus, this institution was destine by the justice and politics from Gepetos s city how children right. Pinochio, in the book s end, to be transformed himself in a truth child because learned in school responsible and goodness behaviors. To uphold our inquiry we used the Content Analysis and socio-historical perspectives. The result showed that the children know that exist differents schools: yours and other, to rich class. Their school is admited like good, it is a study place, it isn´t disorders place; and also make propotional to social ascencion. The children s discourses is similar to capitalism s discourse


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The objective of this study was to understand the relationship between people with disabilities and their labor. Senses and meanings related to work were specifically identified; also describing the impediments of concrete activities, as well the strategies developed for overcoming them. This objective is inspired on the social historic cultural theoretical perspective as well as on the activity's theory. The research has been made possible through the interview of 16 workers from a IES, it categorizes as a multi-method sequential and transversal study of qualitative orientation, making use the technics of narrative interviews and photographic creation. The results indicate that work was described as a necessity, a source of pleasure, recognition and socialization; with emphasis on the importance of working in pairs in order to accomplish good quality work. Senses were obtained from each participant, identified by the way that each of them expressed themselves. Impediments were more deeply related to the physical conditions of the work environment than to the person's disabilities. Conclusion points out that the access to work, acts as a social inclusion tool for peoples with disabilities, and showing that, the laws regarding quota reservations fulfill their objective.


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Considering that urban interventions, planned and executed recently at Natal, RN, should put Ribeira - one of the town centers - in the new limits of the expanded center of the city, this work examines the use of this new accessibility for the benefit of the development of an infrastructure to support a type of tourism currently seen as an alternative to diversification into areas dominated by entertainment tourism (the case of Natal). A local with city's traditional cultural facilities and holder of a set built that is a synthesis of the images of the neighborhood, it fears that this increase in the potential for movement and flows of use stimulate speculation and deployment of a bulk type of activity incompatible with the preservation the architectural heritage. Important economy for the city, tourism has been showing a factor propellant processing urban related changes in accessibility. It is argued that cultural tourism, often used in plans and projects of revitalization across the country, may be factor for sustainable development and conserve the assets, and contributes to the process of revitalization of the historic cultural center as Ribeira. Intended to illustrate the need to consider other information that might help in the revitalization of the neighborhood, this research presents the offer cultural tourism of Ribeira and identifies and maps certain physical attributes that, combined with functional attributes, can stimulate or inhibit the diversity and vitality in the region


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In this present work, the conditions of displacements and the behaviors of the users are evaluated, face to the physical adequacies in accessibility in the inserted area in the central quadrilateral of the Quarter of Cidade Alta, in the City of Natal/RN, space clipping established by its great meaning historical and cultural. For this reason such area was a target of an integrated actions plan during the years of 1993 and 1998, with the implantation of part of the Project CIDADE SEM BARREIRAS (City without Barriers) and, later, the implementation of the Project CIDADE PARA TODOS's proposals (City for All), having as supports the constant Brazilian norms inserted into the NB9050/1994 and in the Municipal law number 4.090/92, effective ones in the period of the interventions. Considering that the carried through actions at the time were directed to the elimination of the architectural barriers to guarantee the right to go and to come, the research received a human universe formed by all the people in situation of displacement in the central area of the interventions in the quarter of the Cidade Alta, independently of their locomotive or sensorial conditions, emphasizing the aspects most excellent how much to the accessibility of the sidewalk, as promotional of mobility, integration and urban organization, as well as of the public squares of that one quadrilateral, conceived, originally, as spaces of aggregation and social inclusion. The work appealed to the direct comment and the gotten results had been collated with the ex port facto law and technique norms, of the year of 2004, and with the legal devices contained in the Federal Decree number 5.296/2004, as way to certify the levels of efficiency of these adaptations in that it says respect to the current conditions of demanded accessibility and urban mobility


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This work has as objective to rise stages of the human beings dignity evolution and its superposing with the entirety and the men s activities development, until its elevation as a constitutional principle and its evolution as a judicial decisions vector, being important to register that conviction ethics or convenience ethics imposes the existence of the constitutional principle. Human beings dignity principle deals about a historic and cultural, politic and social and economical construction, whose sloping is violently imposed to the production resources, which drives the present work through a trial of clarifying and aggregating all those nuances of the men s stages until they find out, welcome and construct the human beings dignity in all its subjective and objective aspects. The adopted research method was based in historic enrolment of the appearance among people since the bases of the word dignity until the acceptation of this value in the Brazilian society. This research searched dignity s doctrinaire valuation at the juridical point of view and the way of appreciation of this value, in its condition of constitutional principle, by the Brazilian Judicial Power. The work concludes that man and Law s evolution, in this moment, exposes, necessarily, an ethical posture in favor of dignity


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La investigación fue realizada con profesores de los años iniciales de la enseñanza básica, alumnos de la carrera de Pedagogía Licenciatura Plena del PROBÁSICA de Ceará-Mirim (RN). Tuvo como objetivo general el estudio de lo proceso de apropiación de esa habilidad, segundo las siguientes perspectivas teóricas: históricocultural, de L.S. Vygotsky, teoría de la actividad, de A.N. Leontiev, y la teoría de la asimilación por etapas mentales, de P. Ya Galperin. La metodología se desarrolló organizándose en tres etapas: el diagnóstico inicial, con el análisis del nivel de desarrollo de la habilidad de los profesores; el proceso formativo, con la orientación del aprendizaje, el control y la evaluación del desarrollo; y el diagnóstico final, con el análisis del nivel alcanzado en la experiencia. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: un cuestionario, para la caracterización de los sujetos de la investigación, el planeamiento de enseñanza de los profesores y el diario de clase, donde se registraba lo que ocurrió en cada orientación y realización del proceso formativo. Los resultados referentes a los niveles iniciales del desarrollo de la habilidad han revelado un grado de espontaneidad en el planeamiento de enseñanza de los conceptos. Durante el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, los profesores han expresado sus dificultades, pero también las posibilidades de mudanza para que alcanzaran un nuevo nivel de desarrollo. Para el análisis del nivel inicial y del desarrollo de las habilidades de los profesores para planificar situaciones de enseñanza con la definición y con la identificación, fueron utilizados los siguientes elementos: el dominio del concepto, el dominio de esos procedimientos lógicos y las categorías del planeamiento (objetivos, contenidos, estrategias de enseñanza, control y evaluación). En cada etapa surgieron obstáculos, pero también aspectos que han revelado la posibilidad para aprender una nueva forma de planear, con apropiación de nuevos fundamentos teóricos. La práctica docente se constituyó en un elemento que facilitó la comprensión y la apropiación de las habilidades de planear situaciones de enseñanza de conceptos mediante la definición y la identificación


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Cette étude a été faite à partir d une expérience d alphabétisation chez des jeunes et des adultes dans deux groupes du "Projet Réduction de l analphabétisme" realisé par l Université Fédérale du Rio Grande do Norte, le bureau du Ministere de l Éducation et la Préfecture Municipale de Natal-RN. Nous avons choisi la méthode qualitative de recherche, en utilisant l observation de la dynamique en salle de classe, considérant les acteurs sociaux comme étant le sujet actif du processus historique, culturel et politique. Nous avons voulu colaborer dans ce theme en proposant un référenciel théorique et pratique, en visant le dynamisme de la salle de classe, à travers la vision de I alphabétisation centrée sur les utilisations sociales de la lecture et de l écrit; la conception dialogique de Paulo Freire, basée sur la propre culture de l élève et sur sa valorisation en tant que sujet actif de l apprentissage ; la proposition pédagogique de Célestin Freinet dans son aspect de la dynamisation de la salle de classe renforçant le principe de la libre expression, de la colaboration, de l activité et le respect du rytme individuel, pour le succes scolaire. Nous avons rappelé que Célestin Freinet e Paulo Freire ont contribué dans la conscientisation individuelle, sociale, culturelle, politique, de l éleve par le processus scolaire. Nous avons séparé l intérêt et la participation de celles qui alphabétisent et des élêves dans ce processus éducatif. Nous avons constaté tout au long du travail des changements dans la posture de celles qui alphabétisent, surpassant les pratiques centrées dans le formalisme, et le verbalisme fruits de l Éducation traditionnelle. A vançant dans le sens de l Abordage Constructiviste de la connaissance, garantissant un climat de sécurité, de dynamisme et de respect en salle de classe


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The research Cecília Meireles and the Pedagogical Lyric in Children My Love (1924) consists in a critical analysis, a cultural and historical approach to the pedagogical intentionalities and to the social and educational functionalities expressed in the childish literary work of the poetess and educator Cecília Meireles (1901-1964), in Brazil, during the first decades of XX century. The author s conceptions of the literary art, the philosophical and educational foundations, the Christian and liberal ideologies and values pertinent to her work for children and the relations between her texts and the ideals of the Brazilian intellectuals to effect changes in the every day life based on the child formation and on the teaching feminization process were examined in the work. This paper shows a content analysis with the intention of offering signification to the work Children My Love (1924) according to the investigation of specific categories: child, motherhood and schooling; through the exploration of synonymous and bipolar key-words found in Cecília s documents: child/adult, teacher/mother; school/home, ignorance/intelligence. The research intends to understand how the author articulates, in her informal pedagogical action in Children s Literature, science, literary and Christian faith knowledge, in order to expand her social and educational ideal concentrated in children, guided by the maternal hand and aimed at constructing a New Man, New Civilization and a New Social Order


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This collaborative research is a qualitative approach, from historical and cultural perspective, made about a teacher of third grade of basic education in the area of history, in the municipality of Caicó / RN. It has as objective to investigate, in a collaborative action, if the design process of teaching and learning the discipline of history based on the relationship before / after allows the development of critical reflective thinking of the teacher in school practices. The theoretical and methodological approaches are supported in the postulates of Vygotsky (1998), Rubinstein (1973) and Linblinskaia (1979), among others, whose understanding has led us to reflect if the teacher develops the reflective critical-thinking in history discipline classes. The complexity of the study led us to an analysis exercise, using different methodological procedures, such as: bibliographic review of the literature, considering also the literature of the history area, interviews, observation in the classroom, video recordings and reflective sessions, enabling clarify the construction and reconstruction of thought that the teacher had been developing during the process of teaching and learning. The test results point to a dichotomy between theory and practice, and also to a certain fragility in the position of professor in teaching and learning the discipline of history, at the third grade of basic education. The teacher recognizes that she requires a theoretical deepening with more intensity, as a process of continuous training to improve the practice of teaching in history school, though, stating in her speech that her teaching practice is based on critical reflection. However, she presents serious limitations in classroom practices. We conclude that, although she has shown willing to work on a critical perspective of reality, showed also poor change at school practices, starting to reflect about her own actions, pointing her limits and the changes needed that didn t become reality yet. It s necessary a formative process for her. The study therefore showed that even with the sessions and reflective of deepening theoretical studies, the teacher does not change its profile, while maintaining its traditional vision in any pedagogical action. This research recommends the formation of school groups for further studies and discussion on the practices of education in history area from a reflective-critical thought perspective as a mean of personal and professional development


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Due to lack of work on the history of Baptist schools in the Northeast region of Brazil, it is important to understand through a historical reconstruction of the Baptist Protestant education. We embarked on this venture as a chance to understand the presence of Protestant schools, and his ideas on Brazilian soil. Our goal is to promote a reflection which has the axial dimension of the Baptists Protestant education, in time, we will place the debate between 1902-1942. The temporal boundaries of 1902-1942 was because 1902 was when he started the American Baptist College of Recife in 1942 and that ends the cycle of managing directors of Americans. Understand the functionality of time a school is justified when we realize that the history of education is the story of a work of self and formation within a framework that has the school as the main support that can enable a reading of reality. We also intend to examine the school culture brought to Brazil by American missionaries and their applicability in the Brazilian cultural-historical context. And just to demonstrate the hypothesis that the educational contribution of Baptists added to the participation of other Protestants promoted advances in Brazilian society. Possibly taking for granted that the Baptists were in possession of the democratic ideals of religious freedom, taken by many representatives and religious version of the republican regime. In addition to promoting a model in Brazil to make different methodological schools, based on the ideals of new school and ethics of the Bible. Our proposed research aims at understanding how North American missionaries settled in Brazil and what were the purposes of adding to the efforts of evangelization to formal education, binomial that justified the establishment of schools. A vision of saving men for evangelization and education of the Devil attack victims over the ethics of Christ


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The study investigated the possibility of organizing a didactics unit for formation of hability of identifying and explaining the popular traditional games in the process of licensed formation in physical education. Had basic premised, the thesis formulated by Piorte Yakovleviche Galperin that the fundamental condition that mode determines the student s way of thinking and the theoretical structures thought. Is given by the method of organization activity that form the basis of guiding skills assimilates from this assumption the study defended the thesis that the contents of popular traditional games can be organizeds according the systemic functional-structural focus. As a method to plan a didactics unit that contributes to development of theoretical thought and the professional development of graduates in physical education. In this sense the general goal was studied and develop a training proposal of ability to identify and explain the popular traditional games for physical education teachers oriented to contribute to the development of theoretical thought. In the construction process of the thesis in a first moment was determined the invariant conceptual of popular traditional games from the method of analysis of activity, after was organized the content of popular traditional games according to the structural-functional systems revealing the essential properties elements and levels of relationship.These procedures provided to the construction elements of the concept popular traditional games, and was the basis for planning a didactical unit to the formation of ability to study. These strategies enable to build a set of prepositions to argue, as a result of the increases in the knowledge of the professional formation in physical education. The study was introduced the fallowing contributions; formulated a teaching proposal to develop the ability to identify popular traditional games, as a cultural and historical contribution and the development of an individual, in initial formation of physical education teacher, attuned to the demands of training and use of knowledge that requires this level of education, defined and organized the knowledge of popular traditional games , this enables a teaching able to raise the cognitive abilities and the theoretical concept of personality of graduated in physical education


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The study investigated the possibility of organizing a didactics unit for formation of hability of identifying and explaining the popular traditional games in the process of licensed formation in physical education. Had basic premised, the thesis formulated by Piorte Yakovleviche Galperin that the fundamental condition that mode determines the student s way of thinking and the theoretical structures thought. Is given by the method of organization activity that form the basis of guiding skills assimilates from this assumption the study defended the thesis that the contents of popular traditional games can be organizeds according the systemic functional-structural focus. As a method to plan a didactics unit that contributes to development of theoretical thought and the professional development of graduates in physical education. In this sense the general goal was studied and develop a training proposal of ability to identify and explain the popular traditional games for physical education teachers oriented to contribute to the development of theoretical thought. In the construction process of the thesis in a first moment was determined the invariant conceptual of popular traditional games from the method of analysis of activity, after was organized the content of popular traditional games according to the structural-functional systems revealing the essential properties elements and levels of relationship.These procedures provided to the construction elements of the concept popular traditional games, and was the basis for planning a didactical unit to the formation of ability to study. These strategies enable to build a set of prepositions to argue, as a result of the increases in the knowledge of the professional formation in physical education. The study was introduced the fallowing contributions; formulated a teaching proposal to develop the ability to identify popular traditional games, as a cultural and historical contribution and the development of an individual, in initial formation of physical education teacher, attuned to the demands of training and use of knowledge that requires this level of education, defined and organized the knowledge of popular traditional games , this enables a teaching able to raise the cognitive abilities and the theoretical concept of personality of graduated in physical education


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This research focuses on inclusive in childhood education. Its purpose was to investigate and analyze the conceptions and expectations of teachers of childhood education, childhood education center form Natal/RN, on the inclusion students with disabilities, school and pedagogical practices developed and implications for students learning. Theoric base of the cultural historic perspective, the search took by qualitative analysis of numbers form the case study method. It was used methodological procedures: documentary analysis, participant observation, field journal and semi structures interview.Three teachers participated in the survey of that school had student with disabilities in their classrooms. These teachers were called: Rapunzel, Snow white e Pretty. The teacher s nouns involved the refered kind of education. The data obtained from the observation indicated the regular school of childhood education provides educational practices that promote the participation and participation and development of students with disabilities, live situation that may create barriers to learning and to the development of these children. The analysing data of interview from Bardin content analysis (1994) was based in Cunha s studies (2001) Brun (2006, 2008), Mantoam (2006, 2008), Palacios, Paniagua (2007), among others. The dada showed that correlation and divergence of perceptions and expectations about the issues surrounding inclusion in childhood education. The results shaved that teaching strategies, affective ties, sensitivity and own routine of childhood education are factors that can promote inclusive proposal, but also needs a greater fulfillment individual differences of each child in order to their potentiality. The study also shaved that the negative of pedagogic support to teacher, the ignorance of them as guidelines and strategies that include the student s diversity, the importance having positive conceptions about the learning and development of student with severe learning disabilities and the need for a pedagogic training and of a collective work at school which everybody collaborates : parents, direction, coordination getting inclusive school. Believe that this study pointed relevant issues to be focus new research, since the theme is still lacking in study, therefore emphasize, the importance of conducting research that continuous this job