12 resultados para proof-of-concept
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
This work presents a packet manipulation tool developed to realize tests in industrial devices that implements TCP/IP-based communication protocols. The tool was developed in Python programming language, as a Scapy extension. This tool, named IndPM- Industrial Packet Manipulator, can realize vulnerability tests in devices of industrial networks, industrial protocol compliance tests, receive server replies and utilize the Python interpreter to build tests. The Modbus/TCP protocol was implemented as proof-of-concept. The DNP3 over TCP protocol was also implemented but tests could not be realized because of the lack of resources. The IndPM results with Modbus/TCP protocol show some implementation faults in a Programmable Logic Controller communication module frequently utilized in automation companies
It bet on the next generation of computers as architecture with multiple processors and/or multicore processors. In this sense there are challenges related to features interconnection, operating frequency, the area on chip, power dissipation, performance and programmability. The mechanism of interconnection and communication it was considered ideal for this type of architecture are the networks-on-chip, due its scalability, reusability and intrinsic parallelism. The networks-on-chip communication is accomplished by transmitting packets that carry data and instructions that represent requests and responses between the processing elements interconnected by the network. The transmission of packets is accomplished as in a pipeline between the routers in the network, from source to destination of the communication, even allowing simultaneous communications between pairs of different sources and destinations. From this fact, it is proposed to transform the entire infrastructure communication of network-on-chip, using the routing mechanisms, arbitration and storage, in a parallel processing system for high performance. In this proposal, the packages are formed by instructions and data that represent the applications, which are executed on routers as well as they are transmitted, using the pipeline and parallel communication transmissions. In contrast, traditional processors are not used, but only single cores that control the access to memory. An implementation of this idea is called IPNoSys (Integrated Processing NoC System), which has an own programming model and a routing algorithm that guarantees the execution of all instructions in the packets, preventing situations of deadlock, livelock and starvation. This architecture provides mechanisms for input and output, interruption and operating system support. As proof of concept was developed a programming environment and a simulator for this architecture in SystemC, which allows configuration of various parameters and to obtain several results to evaluate it
The use of middleware technology in various types of systems, in order to abstract low-level details related to the distribution of application logic, is increasingly common. Among several systems that can be benefited from using these components, we highlight the distributed systems, where it is necessary to allow communications between software components located on different physical machines. An important issue related to the communication between distributed components is the provision of mechanisms for managing the quality of service. This work presents a metamodel for modeling middlewares based on components in order to provide to an application the abstraction of a communication between components involved in a data stream, regardless their location. Another feature of the metamodel is the possibility of self-adaptation related to the communication mechanism, either by updating the values of its configuration parameters, or by its replacement by another mechanism, in case of the restrictions of quality of service specified are not being guaranteed. In this respect, it is planned the monitoring of the communication state (application of techniques like feedback control loop), analyzing performance metrics related. The paradigm of Model Driven Development was used to generate the implementation of a middleware that will serve as proof of concept of the metamodel, and the configuration and reconfiguration policies related to the dynamic adaptation processes. In this sense was defined the metamodel associated to the process of a communication configuration. The MDD application also corresponds to the definition of the following transformations: the architectural model of the middleware in Java code, and the configuration model to XML
The process for choosing the best components to build systems has become increasingly complex. It becomes more critical if it was need to consider many combinations of components in the context of an architectural configuration. These circumstances occur, mainly, when we have to deal with systems involving critical requirements, such as the timing constraints in distributed multimedia systems, the network bandwidth in mobile applications or even the reliability in real-time systems. This work proposes a process of dynamic selection of architectural configurations based on non-functional requirements criteria of the system, which can be used during a dynamic adaptation. This proposal uses the MAUT theory (Multi-Attribute Utility Theory) for decision making from a finite set of possibilities, which involve multiple criteria to be analyzed. Additionally, it was proposed a metamodel which can be used to describe the application s requirements in terms of the non-functional requirements criteria and their expected values, to express them in order to make the selection of the desired configuration. As a proof of concept, it was implemented a module that performs the dynamic choice of configurations, the MoSAC. This module was implemented using a component-based development approach (CBD), performing a selection of architectural configurations based on the proposed selection process involving multiple criteria. This work also presents a case study where an application was developed in the context of Digital TV to evaluate the time spent on the module to return a valid configuration to be used in a middleware with autoadaptative features, the middleware AdaptTV
This work proposes a model based approach for pointcut management in the presence of evolution in aspect oriented systems. The proposed approach, called conceptual visions based pointcuts, is motivated by the observation of the shortcomings in traditional approaches pointcuts definition, which generally refer directly to software structure and/or behavior, thereby creating a strong coupling between pointcut definition and the base code. This coupling causes the problem known as pointcut fragility problem and hinders the evolution of aspect-oriented systems. This problem occurs when all the pointcuts of each aspect should be reviewed due to any software changes/evolution, to ensure that they remain valid even after the changes made in the software. Our approach is focused on the pointcuts definition based on a conceptual model, which has definitions of the system's structure in a more abstract level. The conceptual model consists of classifications (called conceptual views) on entities of the business model elements based on common characteristics, and relationships between these views. Thus the pointcuts definitions are created based on the conceptual model rather than directly referencing the base model. Moreover, the conceptual model contains a set of relationships that allows it to be automatically verified if the classifications in the conceptual model remain valid even after a software change. To this end, all the development using the conceptual views based pointcuts approach is supported by a conceptual framework called CrossMDA2 and a development process based on MDA, both also proposed in this work. As proof of concept, we present two versions of a case study, setting up a scenario of evolution that shows how the use of conceptual visions based pointcuts helps detecting and minimizing the pointcuts fragility. For the proposal evaluation the Goal/Question/Metric (GQM) technique is used together with metrics for efficiency analysis in the pointcuts definition
Web services are software accessible via the Internet that provide functionality to be used by applications. Today, it is natural to reuse third-party services to compose new services. This process of composition can occur in two styles, called orchestration and choreography. A choreography represents a collaboration between services which know their partners in the composition, to achieve the service s desired functionality. On the other hand, an orchestration have a central process (the orchestrator) that coordinates all application operations. Our work is placed in this latter context, by proposing an abstract model for running service orchestrations. For this purpose, a graph reduction machine will be defined for the implementation of service orchestrations specified in a variant of the PEWS composition language. Moreover, a prototype of this machine (in Java) is built as a proof of concept
Self-adaptive software system is able to change its structure and/or behavior at runtime due to changes in their requirements, environment or components. One way to archieve self-adaptation is the use a sequence of actions (known as adaptation plans) which are typically defined at design time. This is the approach adopted by Cosmos - a Framework to support the configuration and management of resources in distributed environments. In order to deal with the variability inherent of self-adaptive systems, such as, the appearance of new components that allow the establishment of configurations that were not envisioned at development time, this dissertation aims to give Cosmos the capability of generating adaptation plans of runtime. In this way, it was necessary to perform a reengineering of the Cosmos Framework in order to allow its integration with a mechanism for the dynamic generation of adaptation plans. In this context, our work has been focused on conducting a reengineering of Cosmos. Among the changes made to in the Cosmos, we can highlight: changes in the metamodel used to represent components and applications, which has been redefined based on an architectural description language. These changes were propagated to the implementation of a new Cosmos prototype, which was then used for developing a case study application for purpose of proof of concept. Another effort undertaken was to make Cosmos more attractive by integrating it with another platform, in the case of this dissertation, the OSGi platform, which is well-known and accepted by the industry
Due to the constantly increasing use of wireless networks in domestic, business and industrial environments, new challenges have emerged. The prototyping of new protocols in these environments is typically restricted to simulation environments, where there is the need of double implementation, one in the simulation environment where an initial proof of concept is performed and the other one in a real environment. Also, if real environments are used, it is not trivial to create a testbed for high density wireless networks given the need to use various real equipment as well as attenuators and power reducers to try to reduce the physical space required to create these laboratories. In this context, LVWNet (Linux Virtual Wireless Network) project was originally designed to create completely virtual testbeds for IEEE 802.11 networks on the Linux operating system. This paper aims to extend the current project LVWNet, adding to it the features like the ability to interact with real wireless hardware, provides a initial mobility ability using the positioning of the nodes in a space coordinates environment based on meters, with loss calculations due to attenuation in free space, enables some scalability increase by creating an own protocol that allows the communication between nodes without an intermediate host and dynamic registration of nodes, allowing new nodes to be inserted into in already in operation network
Graph Reduction Machines, are a traditional technique for implementing functional programming languages. They allow to run programs by transforming graphs by the successive application of reduction rules. Web service composition enables the creation of new web services from existing ones. BPEL is a workflow-based language for creating web service compositions. It is also the industrial and academic standard for this kind of languages. As it is designed to compose web services, the use of BPEL in a scenario where multiple technologies need to be used is problematic: when operations other than web services need to be performed to implement the business logic of a company, part of the work is done on an ad hoc basis. To allow heterogeneous operations to be part of the same workflow, may help to improve the implementation of business processes in a principled way. This work uses a simple variation of the BPEL language for creating compositions containing not only web service operations but also big data tasks or user-defined operations. We define an extensible graph reduction machine that allows the evaluation of BPEL programs and implement this machine as proof of concept. We present some experimental results.
Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) are a key component in Ubiquitous Computing Systems and have many applications in different knowledge domains. Programming for such networks is very hard and requires developers to know the available sensor platforms specificities, increasing the learning curve for developing WSAN applications. In this work, an MDA (Model-Driven Architecture) approach for WSAN applications development called ArchWiSeN is proposed. The goal of such approach is to facilitate the development task by providing: (i) A WSAN domain-specific language, (ii) a methodology for WSAN application development; and (iii) an MDA infrastructure composed of several software artifacts (PIM, PSMs and transformations). ArchWiSeN allows the direct contribution of domain experts in the WSAN application development without the need of specialized knowledge on WSAN platforms and, at the same time, allows network experts to manage the application requirements without the need for specific knowledge of the application domain. Furthermore, this approach also aims to enable developers to express and validate functional and non-functional requirements of the application, incorporate services offered by WSAN middleware platforms and promote reuse of the developed software artifacts. In this sense, this Thesis proposes an approach that includes all WSAN development stages for current and emerging scenarios through the proposed MDA infrastructure. An evaluation of the proposal was performed by: (i) a proof of concept encompassing three different scenarios performed with the usage of the MDA infrastructure to describe the WSAN development process using the application engineering process, (ii) a controlled experiment to assess the use of the proposed approach compared to traditional method of WSAN application development, (iii) the analysis of ArchWiSeN support of middleware services to ensure that WSAN applications using such services can achieve their requirements ; and (iv) systematic analysis of ArchWiSeN in terms of desired characteristics for MDA tool when compared with other existing MDA tools for WSAN.
This work aims to present how the reconfigurable microstrip antennas and frequency selective surfaces can be used to operate at communication systems that require changing their operation frequency according to system requirements or environmental conditions. The main purpose is to present a reconfigurable circular microstrip antenna using a parasitic ring and a reconfigurable dipole frequency selective surface. Thereupon there are shown fundamental topics like microstrip antennas, PIN diodes and the fundamental theory of reconfigurable antennas and frequency selective surfaces. There are shown the simulations and measurements of the fabricated prototypes and it is done an analysis of some parameters like the bandwidth and radiation pattern, for the antennas, and the transmission characteristics, for the frequency selective surface. Copper strips were used in place of the diodes for proof of the reconfigurability concept
This thesis presents ⇡SOD-M (Policy-based Service Oriented Development Methodology), a methodology for modeling reliable service-based applications using policies. It proposes a model driven method with: (i) a set of meta-models for representing non-functional constraints associated to service-based applications, starting from an use case model until a service composition model; (ii) a platform providing guidelines for expressing the composition and the policies; (iii) model-to-model and model-to-text transformation rules for semi-automatizing the implementation of reliable service-based applications; and (iv) an environment that implements these meta-models and rules, and enables the application of ⇡SOD-M. This thesis also presents a classification and nomenclature for non-functional requirements for developing service-oriented applications. Our approach is intended to add value to the development of service-oriented applications that have quality requirements needs. This work uses concepts from the service-oriented development, non-functional requirements design and model-driven delevopment areas to propose a solution that minimizes the problem of reliable service modeling. Some examples are developed as proof of concepts