61 resultados para professores educadoras - educação infantil relações de poder conflitos estabelecidos e outsiders.

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This work is located at the shield of research that defends the use of Mathematics History, based on the utilization of historical artifacts at teaching activities, at Mathematics classrooms, and at graduation courses for teachers of Elementary School and of the first grades of High School. The general objective is to examine the possibility of the use of historical artifacts, at teaching activities, at graduation courses for teachers of Elementary School and of the first grades of High School. Artifact, at this work, is comprehended as objects, documents, monuments, images and other kinds of materials that make sense to the Human actions at the past and that represent what have been said and done at the Human history. At the construction of the theoretical-methodological way of the research we have based ourselves upon the ideas of the authors that are engaged at the teachers formation; at researchers adherents to the use of Mathematics History (MH) as a methodological resource, and at studies accomplished that elucidate the role of the artifacts at the history and as a mediatory element of learning. We defend the thesis that the utilization of historical artifacts at teaching activities enables the increasing of the knowledge, the development of competencies and essential abilities to the teacher acting, as well as interact at different areas of the knowledge, that provides a conception of formation where the teacher improves his learning, learning-doing and learning-being. We have adopted a qualitative research approach with a theoretical and pratic study disposition about the elements that contribute to the teachers works at the classroom, emphasizing the role of the Mathematics history at the teacher s formation and as a pedagogical resource at the mathematics classroom; the knowledge, the competencies and abilities of the historical artifacts as an integrative link between the different areas of the knowledge. As result, we emphasize that the proposition of using the MH, through learning activities, at the course of teacher graduation is relevant, because it allows the investigation of ideas that originate the knowledge generated at every social context, considering the contribution of the social and cultural, political and economical aspects at this construction, making easy the dialog among the areas and inside of each one The historical artifact represents a research source that can be deciphered, comprehended, questioned, extracting from it information about knowledge of the past, trace and vestiges of the culture when it was created, consisting of a testimony of a period. These aspects grant to it consideration to be explored as a mediatory element of the learning. The artifacts incorporated at teaching activities of the graduation courses for teachers promote changes on the view about the Mathematics teaching, in view of to privilege the active participation of the student at the construction of his knowledge, at the reflection about the action that has been accomplished, promoting stimulus so the teachers can create their own artifacts, and offer, either, traces linking the Mathematics with others knowledge areas.


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This study aims to contribute with the professional development of the Trainers of childhood education teachers of the City Department of Education of Natal/RN, through a formation in context, trying to understand the teaching knowledge required in the practice of these professionals. The focus of the research is in teaching knowledge understood as the ideas, beliefs, conceptions, reasons, arguments, speeches that the trainers builds during his life (ALTET, 2001; PIMENTA, 2002; TARDIF, 2001; 2002). The study inserts itself in the qualitative approach of the educational research and the chosen methodology has characteristics of an inquiryaction. In the process, the following instruments had been used: questionnaires, press conferences, personal documents. The relevance of the present research is in achieving reflections concerning the role of the trainers of teachers, who needs to be seen as a mediator in the formation of teachers, in view of the fact that he interferes and is determinative in such a way in the formative process as in its results. The findings demonstrate that: a) the identity of the trainer is in a development process, what it is resembled to the effective situation of that, symbolically, the trainer exists, however, his attributions still are not enough clear; b) the teaching knowledge of the formation in the childhood education are related, among others points, primordially, to the function / role of the childhood education, child and teacher s point of view of this stage of the basic education; c) the Trainers teaching knowledge, concerning the teaching performance, ratifies the multiplicity of knowledge that the trainer must has, beyond the necessary complementarities and conciliation between the administrative and pedagogical aspects in the exercise of the function; d) the Trainers have knowledge that are according to the speech, consisting as declarative knowledge; e) there is a conflict between the teaching knowledge of the Trainers and the actions that are part of real life, generating contradictions between the formative saying and making


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The present study aimed to investigate the overview of teachers in continuing education program who work in kindergarten, about the continuing education developed by the Paideia/UFRN through the Course of Specialization in Art Teaching and Physical Education in Childhood, having as key focus, the knowing / doing related to physical education in Childhood. From this general goal, it was elected some specific objectives as: to know the interests and expectations that motivated the teachers to participate of that referred training; the evaluation by teachers on regard of the continuing education proposed: boosters factors for possible changes in teaching activities regarding the practice of teaching physical education in kindergarten. The methodology took the principles and techniques of qualitative research strategy and the characteristics of descriptive and interpretive strategy. The locus of this research was the Course of Specialization in Art Education and Physical Education in childhood, having as the citizens of this research twenty three teachers taking that specialization course. For building and systematization of the data, we used the following tools and procedures: a questionnaire, a semi structured interview and documents analysis. The data was constructed based on the technique of content analysis, focusing the reflections and speech of the teachers about the creation of new meanings and senses for the knowing / doing in Physical Education. It was found, among other results, the need and quest for improvement of teacher education, in order to improve educational practice. It was also evident that the situations of dialogues (interactions with peers, with their professors and other professionals in the related area or not) were mentioned by most teachers in the course as a relevant moment of redefinition of knowledge. In relation to Physical Education, it was found that participation in the course of specialization provided the recognition of teaching practice of physical education as part of the curriculum and the importance of inclusion of its specificities in their educational planning. From these elaborations, we come to the conclusion that knowing the perspectives of the teachers about continuing education can contribute to the theoretical and methodological discussions in teachers education and the creation of new actions - projects and programs of continuing education constructing increasingly ways towards a successful teacher formation, able to provide new forms of acting in the educational context


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A partir da abordagem investigativa da multirreferencialidade, com base em Jacques Ardono, e tendo como lentes tericas os conceitos de cultura e de gnero, discutidos respectivamente por Victor Hell, Stuart Hall, Alfredo Veiga-Neto, e Joan Scott, Guacira Lopes Louro, Dagmar Meyer, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as implicaes da presena de homens docentes na Educação Infantil, problematizando as relações de gnero a partir de um amlgama de atravessamentos sociais, histricos e culturais. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com dois homens que exercem a funo de educador infantil na rede pblica de ensino do Municpio de Natal/RN/Brasil. A anlise das entrevistas possibilitou a organizao dos dados em quatro focos de discusso. O primeiro deles refere-se s figuras masculinas (re)produzidas no cotidiano da Educação Infantil, cujas representaes discursivas constroem o homem como perigoso, poderoso e respeitado, ajudando a perpetuar os vnculos histrica e culturalmente estabelecidos entre a figura masculina e as imagens de autoridade, liderana, comando, ao mesmo tempo em que refora o suposto carter natural das relações entre a figura feminina e o cuidado infantil. O segundo foco de discusso trata da polarizao entre os elementos do binmio masculino/feminino, ativado constantemente nas relações que se estabelecem entre homens e mulheres no cotidiano da Educação Infantil, tornando as instituies desta etapa de ensino um local de concretizao dos mais diversos significados de gnero. O terceiro foco de discusso problematiza a necessidade de afirmao da heterossexualidade dos educadores infantis entrevistados, destacando-se a associao (geralmente feita por gestores, por colegas de trabalho e pelas famlias das crianas) entre a heterossexualidade masculina e o adequado exerccio da funo docente. O quarto e ltimo foco de discusso trata das lacunas da formao inicial e continuada de educadores infantis, enfatizando que, de modo geral, os cursos que formam professores para atuar em instituies de Educação Infantil tendem a desconsiderar a insero profissional de homens nessa etapa de ensino. Assim, a Dissertao que ora apresentamos tem como escopo a desnaturalizao de esteretipos de gnero no cotidiano da Educação Infantil, entendendo que este tambm um contexto muito profcuo para o exerccio de resistncia s imagens cultural e historicamente associadas a homens e mulheres.


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This work is the result of a set of experiences and reflections on teaching in kindergarten and, in particular, the issues raised by first experiences as a teacher and how these issues were being gradually answered from the experience in a school . Guided by these experiences and studies of Oliveira-Formosinho (2002) on the training of kindergarten teachers in the school context, among others as: Barreto, Kuhlmann Jr. (1998), Vasconcelos et. al. (2000); Nvoa (1992, 1995), Moita (1995), Freire (1996), Tardif (2002, 2009) Kramer (2005) and Hargreaves, Fullan (2000), built as study questions: what situations become in the context of professional training at an institution of early childhood education? Which subjects who took part? How involved? From this perspective the goal of our work is a: to investigate, from the perspective of teachers a public kindergarten, situations of professional interaction that become the context of teacher education. The research took the principles of qualitative approach and an intrinsic case study (STAKE, 1998), whose locus was a Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education, so defined by their peculiarities for training faculty in the context of practice. We built the data with a group of nine teachers CMEI this by conducting a questionnaire, interviews and document analysis. Data analysis, guided by the principles of content analysis, allowed to note that beyond the initial training and personnel, the school context contributes to its fundamental training for teachers of kindergarten, whereas their specificities. We conclude by confirming that systematic and unsystematic in situations developed in the school routine, interaction with peers and other members of the school, the teachers take ownership of specific knowledge specific to teaching in kindergarten


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O cuidado criana envolve a identificao e o atendimento s necessidades de modo a oferecer-lhe ateno como pessoa em contnuo processo de crescimento e desenvolvimento. Contudo, o cuidado oferecido criana que convive em instituio escolar est permeado por conflitos que fragilizam a relao famlia-escola, no sendo estimulada a articulao desses atores no que refere ao cuidar da criana. Diante dessa problemtica, objetivou-se analisar a construo de um pacto do cuidar entre mes e educadoras de crianas que frequentam um Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, tendo como mtodo a pesquisa-ao. Envolveu doze mes e oito educadoras de uma instituio de educação infantil de Cidade Nova, no municpio de Natal, no perodo de abril a novembro de 2013. Os dados foram coletados atravs de entrevista grupo focal, observao participante, seminrios e dirio de campo. Os resultados foram analisados seguindo o direcionamento da anlise temtica freireana. Na etapa do diagnstico situacional, que investigou a realidade vivenciada pelas participantes do estudo, percebeu-se que as educadoras no se sentem preparadas para lidar com aspectos de sade-doena da criana e recusam as aes de cuidado como desempenho de suas funes, interpretada como uma atitude que ultrapassa sua competncia profissional. Os pais, por sua vez, apresentaram dificuldade de entendimento e clareza da sua funo e relao com a instituio e executam as aes de sade sem associ-lo promoo e preveno, alm de realizarem com conhecimento emprico. Vista a necessidade de mudana das aes de sade prestadas criana, decidiu-se conjuntamente, atravs de uma roda de conversa, realizar capacitaes sobre higiene e limpeza, medidas caseiras no cuidado criana e primeiros socorros. Na etapa de implementao da ao coletiva as participantes consideraram as atividades teis no cuidado prestado criana e perceberam a importncia do cuidado compartilhado para o desenvolvimento infantil. Com o desenvolvimento das capacitaes, as participantes sentiram a necessidade de sistematizar as atividades prestadas criana nos problemas de sade e, para tanto, foram construdos, conjuntamente, protocolos e procedimentos operacionais padro para a formalizar as aes. Na etapa de avaliao dos encontros, constatou-se que h expectativas positivas para a continuidade do cuidado em comunho entre pais e educadores, pois foram construdas novas percepes em relao ao cuidado da criana. Percebeu-se mudana considervel nas mes assduas ao estudo quanto ao cuidado e interesse, no entanto tornaram-se evidentes as fragilidades no processo de trabalho do CMEI, pois emergiram a dificuldade existente nos membros que compe a instituio de educação infantil de articular o cuidado educação. Como principal dificuldade, elenca-se o alto ndice de mes faltosas e a dificuldade de articular com outros profissionais de sade para as atividades. Considera-se que o pacto de cuidar no foi implantado integralmente, pois partilhar cuidados sugere o encontro de pais e educadores que podem ter aspectos divergentes sobre necessidades infantis e desenvolvimento, o que requer constante negociao entre as partes. Nesse sentido, constitui-se em um processo contnuo de aperfeioamento entre famlia e instituio de educação infantil


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El objetivo que nortea este estudio fue el de pesquisar las relaciones entre la propuesta pedaggica de una institucin pblica de educacin infantil y las practicas docentes. Para el alcance de este objetivo asumimos el abordaje cualitativo de investigacin y optamos por la metodologa de estudio de caso, siendo emprico una escuela pblica de la municipalidad de Caic. Fueron adoptados como procedimientos, la anlisis documental, la entrevista semi-estructurada y la observacin no-participante. Los fundamentos tericos que sirvieron de marco a nuestras interpretaciones se encuentran en las concepciones contemporneas acerca del nio, de la niez y de su educacin, como sobre los procesos de aprendizaje, desarrollo y currculo para educacin infantil, como tambin la legislatura en vigor, los documentos oficiales y propuestas curriculares de referencia en la actualidad. A partir de ese marco, el nio est concebido como sujeto concreto, marcado por contingencias biolgicas propias de la especie humana y, al mismo tiempo, contingencias histrico-culturales. Capaz de aprender y desarrollarse en condiciones de interaccin y mediacin por medio de la apropiacin y produccin de cultura. La niez est comprometida como tiempo y condicin de ser nio, marcada por especificidades frente a otras fases evolutivas. Esas concepciones histricas imponen una educacin infantil con funcin de educar-cuidar, mediadora de cultura para los nios, implicando intencionalidad y sistematicidad de las intervenciones institucionales. De este modo emerge la necesidad como principio cientfico y exigencia legal de la elaboracin y implementacin de propuestas pedaggicas/curriculares, comprendidas como construcciones colectivas que involucran tanto los principios como proposiciones didcticas que instrumentalizan las prcticas de los educadores de nios, con el objetivo de garantizar la calidad del atendimiento. De esos fundamentos y basado en los principios de anlisis de contenido, procedemos a la interpretacin de datos construidos a partir de la anlisis del documento-propuesta, del habla de los sujetos y de los registros de observaciones realizadas en dos salas de clase. La recomposicin de la historia de la propuesta de la institucin revel, en principio, que su elaboracin se hace sin una participacin efectiva y equitativa de todos los profesionales. Sobre las relaciones entre el contenido en el documento y la prctica de los profesores, esa nos llev a la definicin de Categoras frente a lo que se revel ms significativo en el conjunto de datos: 1) Concepciones que fundamentan la propuesta pedaggica y la prctica docente y 2) Elementos de organizacin didctica; y subcategoras: 1.1) Nio; 1.2) Funcin de la Educacin Infantil; 1.3) Aprendizaje y desarrollo; 2.1) Contenidos y actividades; 2.2) Relacin Escuela-familia. Del entrecruzamiento de los datos alrededor de esa categorizacin, emergieron relaciones de encuentros y, de manera ms significativa, de desencuentros. Esas constataciones nos llevan a las condiciones de formacin y actuacin de los educadores infantiles e indican la necesidad que esas sean viabilizadas, en los contextos de las instituciones formas de participacin efectiva de los profesionales responsables, sobretodo los profesores, en la elaboracin e implementacin de propuestas pedaggicas para instituciones de educacin infantil. Prcticas que pueden convertirse en modos de actualizacin permanente y de efectivacin de las propuestas, como tambin de formacin continuada de los profesores. Por consecuencia, de posibilidades de mejora de la calidad de la educacin de los nios


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L'objectif de cette tude est de comprendre la relation entre les situations didactiques faisant appel aux connaissances historiques et la construction de l'identit personnelle pour les enfants dans l'ducation de la petite enfance. Sa question centrale se demande si les connaissances sont offrent des contributions la construction de l'identit personnelle par les enfants de la petite enfance. Se distingue, lui aussi, entend contribuer largir le dbat sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des thmes historiques dans l'ducation des enfants, et permettre un dialogue avec d'autres enseignants dans cette tape de l'ducation. Ont t analyss par des principes thoriques et mthodologiques de qualit et a assum les orientations mthodologiques de la recherche collaborative. Il a t constat que la systmatisation des situations didactiques impliquant la connaissance historique dans l'ducation de la petite enfance contribue la construction de l'identit personnelle de l'enfant. Ceci, pour prendre possession de ces connaissances, ils recueillent des renseignements qui permet le plus large ventail de relations, afin de comparer les pratiques culturelles de son temps avec des pratiques d'autres moments. Ainsi oriente, l'enfant cherche raconter son histoire avec le thme historique laquelle elle a eu accs, d'organiser et de construire des rponses des explications sur leur environnement et de lui-mme. Tout cela montre la ralisation que le processus d'internalisation des connaissances historiques de l'enfant est construit comme un sujet et, par consquent, cette connaissance peut tre conu comme un mdiateur dans la formation de l'identit personnelle


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In current upbringing production, children are often conceived as rightful subjects, and concrete and singular people, marked by specificities that schools must respect, mainly their personal wholeness, their care and attention needs, as well as their abilities to learn and produce culture. In the educational practices frame, routine is considered to have a definitive roll in time, space and activities structuring, as with actions and relations of subjects involved. In that perspective, this research aims to analyze routines of zero to two years old children in the upbringing context, relating to their childish specificities. Anchored in the qualitative approach, a Case Study was developed, according the procedures of daily routine observation and semi-structured interviews with six nursery teachers of CMEI Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil, Natal-RN, the research field. The data analysis was based in Speech Analysis principles. The teachers utterances regarding routine and it s roll in the frame revealed significances related to control/regulation of actions theirs and students aiming to streamline tasks; learning relative to routine itself, time and school practices. Thus, prospects of discipline and exercise of power of teachers over students surges, reducing their possibilities to participate. These conceptions reflect the daily routine of the kids and their teachers. By analyzing the methods of routine operation in the time/space/activities frame of CMEI, it was possible to perceive its homogenization of actions and rhythms, not only of the group s children, but the whole institution, which creates, many times, a controlling character that contains/prevents children s initiative. However, it was also possible to observe that in routine recesses, when it s relaxed, and other spaces, times and actions are provided, kids have the opportunity to experience and create different ways of action and relation with time, materials, other kids and teachers, being, as such, respected their specificities. We highlight the importance of reflections regarding routine in upbringing context, as to comprehend it s functions and the need for it s construction to take a multiple character that respects the plurality of situations and singularities of children as persons


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This research aimed to understand the place that the child s play in the childish education of Vitoria da Conquista s public system. We understand the childish education institution like a space that should respect the child as a person in a peculiar condition of development. We adopted the social-historical approach understood from Vygotsky and Leontiev, with the social theory of construction of knowledge and its dialogue with authors like Piaget e Brougre. The child s play was seen like result of social relations with great influence in the childish development. The research was accomplished in 04 public day care centers, amongst 18 existent ones in the city. While subjects of investigation participated 09 educators that works with children with ages between 03 and 04 years old and the children of their respective class-room. The procedures used were the participative observation and the interview with the educators, as a procedure of composition of research corpus, focusing the child s play activity, particularly in the way that it is expressed in the childish education. From of corpus constitution we used the thematic content analysis. We clustered the appearance of child s play in the childish education in three thematic nucleuses to detailed analysis: 1. mediated by the educator; 2. proposed by the educator; and 3. started by the children. The results show that, despite of the limitations that configure the day care centers routine, the child s play appears in the childish education. We hope, through the comprehension of the place occupied by the child s play in the childish education, contributes to the execution of the public politics, above all in the educational scope, to children with ages between zero and six years old, fomenting the discussion of the educator practice, its limitations and possibilities


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This paper focalizes the initial teacher socialization in the Infantile Education from the acknowledgement about that as a phase of a professional life cycle on distinguish of other steps in the teachers carrier. It is based on the studies of sociological and anthropological mark with the comprehension that the professional reality is equally constructed by daily practices of social interactions in the work environment. It aims understanding how the initial process of professional culture building of beginners in the infantile education occurs under a view toward to the organizational and dynamics aspects of the teacher activity (events, interactions, practices, wisdoms, tensions and dilemmas). This investigation assuming the orientations of an ethnographic type approach has been developed in a Municipal Center of Infantile Education (Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil) in the city of Natal, with daycare and pre-school. The participant subjects are four female teachers with less than five years in Infantile Education career. It has used a participant observation and a semi-structured interview in the data building that had interpreted through a content analysis and sources triangulation. It delineates three dimensions to the professional culture scenarios: the personal and formative profile of the subjects, the school daily and the teacher work management. The multiform character of the finds evidences that the professional culture of the novice teachers has been constituted from the confrontation with different situations of unpredictably in their emotions, routines and pedagogical and administrative difficulties, simultaneously to the dilemmas of child care and educate. The solitude feeling has been generating from the institutional and scholar organization, which offers no material and pedagogical conditions to the peers collaboration and discussion. Finally it means that teaching in the Infantile Education must been based on an expanding network relations, been indispensable to the beginners the support and orientation related to doubts, wistfulness and expectations as means of socializing and redefining their teaching practice


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The overall objective of this research is to identify and analyze social representations of (the) teachers(the) Ranciere the Initial Training Program for Teachers in Office in Early Childhood Education - PROINFANTIL - UFRN/MEC on the teaching work, seeking to identify their constituent elements and understand the dynamics of your organization. We assume that these teachers work fundamentally, in the institutions of Early Childhood Education, with knowledge of common sense and related cultural inherent to be/do professor in the design of education guardian/giving handouts to ensure the physical integrity of children, causing a rift between the caring and educating. From this general objective, we elected as specific objectives: identify the social, economic and cultural backgrounds of these (the) teachers (sa); identify what is teaching work for them (the) as well as identify which the psychosocial implications driven by RS on teaching work that point to tensions between the training and the exercise teacher as activity profissional.Como theoretical foundation we opted for Social Representations Theory of Moscovici (2003), Jodelet (2001); Specificities of the teaching Work in Early Childhood Education: Kramer (2002; 2006); OliveiraFormosinho (2007); Zilma de Oliveira (2007), Teacher Training: Ramalho, Nunez and Galthier (2003) and Tardif and Lessard (2008), content Analysis: Bardin (2004). As methodological procedure, we chose the Central Nucleus theory, developed by Jean Claude Abric (2000). Contributed to the scope of this objective the 171 teachers (the) that concluded the Proinfantil NBs to participate of TALP with justifications. The corpus arising from evocations around the words suggested by Carlos Chagas Foundation: give classrooms, teacher, pupil and added the word Child Education, were subjected to a treatment with the aid of the EVOC software (2000), identifying the central nucleus. The results indicate the words more evoked and significant: Planning, child care, educating, and play. Indicating that for these (the) teachers (the) the teaching work in Early Childhood Education must have a systematic pedagogical to educate children. These words correspond to the specificity of being/doing teaching in Early Childhood Education. However, the data shows that it is a job with different characteristics of the teaching work in other stages of education


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The theory contemporary in the field of early children education, as well the legal discourse and official texts valid in our country point to the need for systematization of proposals pedagogic / curriculum in institutions, built and carried out by subjects that act as factor of assurance care quality. Quest us about what knowledge are required to teachers in developing a proposed curriculum for children education. Defined as an object of study, the knowledge teachers necessary for the development of a proposed curriculum for children education. As goals, assume: investigate teachers knowledge necessary for the development of a proposed curriculum in a Public Institution for children education and contribute to the (new) meaning on the part of teachers, knowledge needed to build a proposed curriculum for children education. Assuming the principles of the paradigm of qualitative research, we have developed a research institution of a children education Network Public Hall of Cear-Mirim-RN, which serves children of four and five years old (preschool) with the participation of 17 teachers and two supervisory (teachers) that institution - subject of our research. Therefore, we have adopted the principles of action research, according to which the knowledge gained through research should build so shared / dialogue in the relationship between researcher and participants, what is the implementation of an effective action formative. As the search procedures developed observations no-teaching participants in the meetings and activities of the classroom; semi-structured interviews (individual and collective) with teachers and supervisors; analysis of school documents and participant observation in the seminars of studies reflective. The latter is implemented as key moments of speech and thought, and finally to (new) meaning of knowledge, the subject of the research-action. For these knowledge, the systematization of the register built was developed based on the principles of analysis of Content that guided us to the definition of two categories 1) knowledge teachers concerning conceptions of curriculum / proposed curriculum and 2) knowledge teachers concerning specifics of children education. From these were built subs representing thematings more specific and significant, among the many that emerged in the analysis: 1.1) Definitions of curriculum and curriculum proposal; 1.2) The subjects makers / implementing a curriculum / proposed curriculum; 1.3) elements constituting a curriculum / proposed curriculum for children education and 2.1) Functions of children education and conception of child; 2.2) The space of the play in the organization of routine. Under the intervention could significant advances with regard to (new) meaning of such knowledge from the subjects, with major disruptions to their original designs. These are presented and reflected in this work. In front of this movement, transformation, made the need for a permanent work in the context of the institution of in-service training, or mediated by pedagogical coordinator or other to assume this role with teachers, in order to provide the development and effectiveness of proposed curriculum consistent and contextualized in practice effective with the children concrete envisage the service to their specificities and a quality education


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This investigation proposes to analyze the teaching practice in the Child Education, considering the childhood and the Child Education conceptions declared by the teachers. It was opted as methodological approach the qualitative conception of research, marking a critical perspective of the subjects, and their relations in the educational processes. It was privileged as instruments of construction of the data, the observation of the practices of the teachers developed in the ordinary day, the semistructured interviews, and the documental analysis to complement information, through the developing report of the students, done by the teachers in the end of the teaching year. This way, from the understanding of the childhood in a social perspective, and historically constructed, considering the concrete children insertion in the social reality and the child as a whole subject and by rights, it was developed the interpretative analysis of the data. The investigated reality showed that the childhood conceptions linked to the comprehension of child and child development, declared by the teachers, subjects of the research, have been associated, in some aspects, to the present thought of thinking and acting in relation to the small child, evidencing, consequently, several limitations of pedagogical order, and the demanding evidence of a bigger development of the teachers about the question.


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This production is a reflection about the practices/experiences involving the teaching of the dance developed by the teachers in the Ncleo de Educação Infantil (NEI/UFRN), with the children from 2 to 7 years old, having as objectives: describe and interpret the lived experiences with the dance focusing on the meaning of the dance and organization of the pedagogic job, identify blanks in the pedagogic practices of dance and appoint possible perspectives to the teaching of dance on the infant education. The way from the investigation has begun with the following question: Who do the teachers understand the dance and live it on the Ncleo de Educação Infantil? The research of phenomenological orientation toke as methodological reference the qualitative approach from the placed phenomenon type, this one has as beginning the interest on the phenomenon by the way as it happens on the lived experience from where comes the knowledge with we can present about the world, trying to interpret it, understand it on its essence/existence. The interviews showed that the researched subjects give to the dance different meanings and consequently present variations on the manner to organize the work around this knowledge. The most of the teachers recognizes the dance as a culture expression, being a priority on the school the job with the folkloric dances. They recognize too the dance as knowledge/content coming from the Arts and Physical Education areas and its relation with the knowledge from others areas on the pedagogic action. There were found different process on the way to conduct the job with the dance in relates from experiences done with dance at NEI and, therefore, of teach/learn this knowledge. Its perceptible that exists a systematic work with the objective of develop the dance and its various educative possibilities, starting from the research about its origins, the exploration of the movement, the contextualization until the artistic practice. Those possibilities are reinforced on the school s curricular propose. Some experiences have as a priority the free expression, the dance s vision without context or the reproduction of movements as stand manners of teaching dance, situations like those observed on the investigation as products from the blanks on the academic formation from the teachers with must be fixed. The interpretation of the experiences with dance, described by the teachers from NEI, connected with the theoretical referential from the investigation, allowed to appoint three perspectives to the work with dance in the infant education, having as main interlocutors Merleau-Ponty and Rudolf Laban: the dance as the body s language; the dance and its movement factors; imitate, improvise and play: manners of draw ways to dance. On those process are emphasized the dance on the scholar context, the elements that constitute this language and the forms of appropriate from it supported in a ludicrous, poetic and educative vision, having as focus the children s education on its peculiarities and possibilities