10 resultados para pescarias esportivas

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The elaboration of profiles with characteristics that can be parameters in the different categories of sports modalities and the investment in scientific studies have revealed a significant importance in the development of new generations of athletes. Based in the exposed, the purpose of this study was to identify and compare the somatotype characteristics, physical qualities and genetic markers of Brazilian male volleyball players in the 14-17 category playing at different levels (international, national and regional). We used a scale, stadiometer, pachymeter, and adipometer to evaluate somatotype, attack and block reach test, medicine ball toss, 30-meter agility test , the AAHPER -30 test to evaluate basic physical qualities and the dermatoglyphic method to identify genetic markers. The results show the superiority of the national team over the other squads in the somatotype component (ectomorphy), and in the level of basic physical qualities. We found no significant difference in genetic markers among the teams studied. We conclude that Brazilian volleyball players at different performance levels have characteristics peculiar to the sport, with height and physical qualities being significantly different among these teams. The results confirm de necessity of knowing the athletes specific characteristics when dealing with high performance teams using nutrition, medicine, physiology and genetics specific knowledges to achieve a better sportive development


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O sedentarismo é cada vez mais acentuado entre os adolescentes em todo o mundo. Objetivou-se neste estudo analisar o estado nutricional e a aptidão física de escolares norte-rio-grandenses. Participaram 2065 sujeitos, selecionados aleatoriamente (Masc = 1066, Fem = 999) (Natal n=1158; Mossoró n= 312; Lajes n= 231), divididos em três grupos etários pelos estágios maturacionais: 10 a 12 anos, 13 a 14 anos e _ 15 anos. Foi avaliada a composição corporal (IMC, dobras cutâneas tríceps e subescapular); o hábito alimentar (questionário de prevalência do consumo por grupo alimentar); o índice de atividade física (questionário Baeck) e o nível de aptidão física (testes do salto em distância, flexibilidade, resistência abdominal e cardiovascular). Utilizando-se a estatística descritiva, testes de médias pela análise dos intervalos de confiança, o teste de Kruskall-Wallis, teste t, o Qui2 e o coeficiente de contingência. Encontraram-se diferenças significativas com p < 0001 na distribuição do índice de massa corporal (n = 1701); Região Leste Potiguar (RLP) com excesso de peso e obesidade de 16,8 % e 15,2 %, a Região Oeste 16,3% e 9,6 % e a Região Central 10,4 % e 3,9 %, com as escolas privadas contribuindo significativamente na prevalência dessas variáveis nas RLP e ROP com p < 0,003 e p < 0,001 respectivamente. O hábito alimentar demonstrou que 98,3% dos sujeitos consomem alimentos do grupo das massas 98,3%; cereais 97,7%; laticínios 94,7%; frutas 92,3%; gorduras 88,3% e as hortaliças 61,6%, não havendo diferenças significativas no consumo alimentar entre o tipo de escolas e gênero (n = 300). No índice de atividade física habitual há diferenças entre esses respectivos extratos: 2,65±0,78 e 2,81±0,80 (p < 0,014) e 2,89±0,82 e 2,57±0,78 (p < 0,001), com as práticas de atividades esportivas, programas de exercícios físicos e lazer ativo mais significativo em escolas privadas 2,85 ± 1,06 e 3,37±1,26 (p < 0,001) em prol do sexo masculino com 3,47±1,24 e 2,75±1,03 (p <0,001). Resistência abdominal ( =19) e força de membros inferiores ( =128,5 cm) foram classificadas como muito fraco , a flexibilidade ( =26,9 cm) razoável e resistência geral ( =1439 m) como bom . Conclui-se que o hábito alimentar e o baixo índice de atividade física habitual influenciam negativamente os índices da aptidão física relacionada à saúde dos escolares, com menor incidência em instituições privadas em função das práticas esportivas. Este estudo apresenta relação de interface multidisciplinar, tendo o seu conteúdo uma aplicação nos campos da Medicina, Nutrição e Educação Física


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O desenvolvimento do esporte paraolímpico nacional e internacional tem estimulado maior participação das pessoas com deficiência em praticar atividades desportivas, exigindo dos atletas incrementos na intensidade e freqüência nos treinamentos e competições, o que impulsiona, ainda mais, os índices de lesões esportivas traumato-ortopédicas. Objetivamos neste estudo descritivo analisar as lesões traumato-ortopédicas mais frequentes nos atletas paraolímpicos, sua localização nos segmentos corporais, correlacionando-as com as modalidades esportivas praticadas pelos integrantes das Seleções Brasileiras Paraolímpicas. O presente estudo foi realizado com 82 atletas paraolímpicos da Seleção Brasileira de Atletismo, Halterofilismo, Natação e Tênis de mesa, de ambos os sexos, com deficiências motoras, visual e intelectual, participantes dos Campeonatos Mundiais, no ano de 2002, sendo os mesmos selecionados de forma não probabilística intencional os quais atenderam os critérios de inclusão e exclusão estabelecidos para o estudo. Para a avaliação clínica das lesões traumato-ortopédicas foram utilizados como instrumentos de medida o Prontuário do Departamento Médico do Comitê Paraolímpico Brasileiro (técnica da observação através da história clinica esportiva do atleta / anamnese e exame físico), entrevistas com os atletas e exames complementares das lesões traumato-ortopédicas quando necessárias. Os resultados do estudo com os atletas paraolímpicos revelaram prevalência de lesões no atletismo (MMII = 64,9%, coluna = 19,3% e MMSS = 15,8%); halterofilismo (coluna = 54,5%, MMSS = 36,4% e MMII = 9,1%); natação (MMSS = 44,4%, coluna = 38,9 e MMII = 16,7%) e tênis de mesa (MMSS = 56%, coluna36% e MMII = 8%), com predomínios das lesões músculotendineas em todos os esportes pesquisados. Os resultados apresentados nos permitem concluir que em todos os esportes pesquisados os atletas paraolímpicos apresentaram um predomínio das lesões músculo-tendíneas, tendo como localização no atletismo, lesões nos membros inferiores, no halterofilismo na coluna vertebral e membros superiores, na natação e no tênis de mesa, nos membros superiores e coluna vertebral


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Barra do Camaratuba belongs to Mataraca city, nearby the boarder between Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte states. It was the chosen community to develop this research, objectifying to study the set of practical of the cultural manifestations and the implications of the local tourist activity, considering the cultural dynamics. We tried to reconstruct stories from the narratives of the oldest inhabitants, natives, among others that they had lived, some how, individual and collective experiences related to the popular tricks and the traditional parties, considering what they speak and imagine about their experiences and its culture. The Lapinha, the Pastoril, the viola s songs, the Balls of Concertina, the João Redondo, the Ox of Kings, the wheel of Coconut were common practical perceivable through the communitarian bonds. Among these manifestations, the only one that resisted for a longer time was the wheel coconut. The São Pedro s fest is another popular manifestation that appears on the current scene like the padroeiro party, while others cultural practical compose the spectacle s scenery. These questions cover many of the narratives of the interviewed ones in the interlaced thing between memory, tourism and tradition. Therefore, we tried to build our research from the memory, participant observation, orality, techniques of the life history, personal depositions, among others basic methods for the reconstruction of a collective memory . Speaking about the past of Barra do Camaratuba is to live again the parties, the blood relations, the terço , the work in the roçados , in the flour house, the fishing, the leisure and the habits of the daily life. In this community, there is the presence of conflicts of social and cultural order, caused for the hegemonic classes that sponsor the parties. In the padroeiro party we perceive that the mercantile logic has started, very recently, to transform the religious factor into an excuse to put into motion the local economy. This way, a community originated from artisan fishers and agriculturists, having the fishing practical as a way of subsistence and the tricks as a reference, they had started to compose a new social picture with the arrival of the others and with the presumption and recent tourist development. We perceive social, environmental and cultural impact transformations, exemplified by a non planned activity or a predatory tourism. The changes will always be pointed and compared with other passing in a sphere of relations lived by the natives, local players and fishers


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This essay presents and discusses knowledge obtained through tradition taken as knowledge built along generations, transmitted from mouth to mouth and everyday experiences result of a non-scientific knowledge based on observation and hints given by more experient generations. The referred icon used to develop such a discussion in this essay is fishing. We point out the knoledge which enables the fishermen, among other dominions, to: find out the fish and other animals feeding habits; find their way through by astral influence during night navigation and learn the tide flowing based on the moon cycle. On what comes to fishing knowledge, the research was organized based on a bibliographic study about several ways of fishing in the Northern, Northeastern, Southern and Southestern regions of Brazil. In the Northern and Northeastern regions, the field research was also focused. Having interviews, photographs and films as reference, this part of the research was divided into two parts: the first one situated in the Amazonian Region in na area called Baixo-Tocantins, in the State of Pará where we worked with fishermen in the small towns of Abaetetuba and Igarapé-Miri; and the second one was held in the Northeastern region of Brazil, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, where we worked with fishermen on the Piató Lake, in the small city of Assú. We tarted discussing based on a descriptive study of the fishing techniques used, aiming to identify them as an ordered activity, differed and classified by knoledge obtained through the years, based on the relationship between man and Nature. Creativity, stimulated by human curiosity, is also discussed and shown as a result of various fishing journeys. The myths, as a component of the fishing world, especially those which describe the relationship between men and waters, also have an outstanding place. At last, two fishing techniques belonging to the research field reference, are also described and analysed under the focus of construction and systematization of the knowledge related to fishing. The theory approach is based on reflection upon the tradition knowledge discussed by Almeida (2001), Balandier (1997), Câmara Cascudo (1957, 2000, 2002) and Claude Lévi-Strauss (1976, 1987 and 1991). The essay is an exercise of knowledge production which defends the "relink" of knowledge, as Edgar Morin suggests when dealing with the sciences of complexity


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This paper deals with sport as a possibility of disclosing the sensible, and defends the idea that being a sportsperson equals living an aesthetic and educative experience in which one can interacts with the sensible by the athletic body s reverberation of sensations in the dimension of the experienced. We try to answer, in our work, basically three questions: what moves the athlete when practicing a sport? Which are the meanings and motivations for the practice of sports? At what measure the athlete s experience gains an educational character? Sport is debated in this work as an extension of the living, as long as it tries to understand the meanings inherent to sport itself as well as to the sportive experience as a kind of education. In support of our argument, we give a theoretic and philosophical approach to our thesis, based on thinkers like Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Walter Benjamin, Marcel Mauss and Friedrich Schiller. For this purpose, we get support on the phenomenology of the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Our reference is the living world of the athlete and his experience as a field of the sensible. Our point of departure is the analysis of the narratives of sport experiences, including five aesthetic elements; time and space of the body in the sports courts; the look on the sportive context; the contact with the adversary; victory and defeat; the technical gesture. Besides it, we worked out an aesthetic evaluation of the movies Olympia and Invictus , what let us discuss three thematic categories: sensibility, emotions and the play paradox. Subsequently, we point sport as an optimizer of the sensible education, present on the body s processes, like the body in movement. It was also made clear along this paper that we tried to accomplish an analysis on sports centered in the athlete s body as an outfit of the senses to things related to the sensible, whose aesthetic experience overpasses any deterministic conception that should sum up the sportive world to mercantilization, discipline practices and mechanicism. This approach franchises gateways to a Physical Education which, containing sports as one of its support, let pupils enjoy the pleasure of constructing common objectives, incorporating the capacity of replicating, re-making and playing as a field of possibilities offered by an education characterized as being moving, sensible and fitful to a body in movement


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The sportive television spectacle shows up like a media phenomenon which evidence performances and techniques that further on the community realized in the quotidian sportive practices into a show and play mixer, that more and more, sensibility the viewers. In this scenery , this research is about the relation between sportive television spectacle and viewer by the aesthetics perspective, and discussed the sport in the Physical Education context with the focus in the contributions to teaching in the school. The research, to the methodological view, uses the discuss analysis and realizes a qualitative study in two interdependent moments. In the first, analysis the dada collated in the Education, sport and television workshop. In the second, turns about TV images of sportive television spectacle to appreciated, to support a discuss of these phenomenon s aesthetics elements, looking for the relation established between the sportive television spectacle and viewer. The analysis s emphasis is in the sensations by sportive television spectacle, as well in the aesthetic elements problems promoted by this experience, from the two basics concepts, to know: the aesthetic and the synaesthetic perception. The analysis s corpus is composed by Esporte Espetacular TV program. Identify, in the sportive television spectacle appreciation, four big discuss axis of great importance between sportive television spectacle and viewer understanding: the relation space and time, the belonging feeling, the language interlacing, and beauty models. Understand in the analysis that, in the sportive TV scenery, occurs a construction image that seduces and involves the viewer through the aesthetics elements. From that discuss axis reflect about teaching sport in the school, main concern to the materialization a sport model only. Aims unfolding about space and time construction yet, and about the multiplicity language for to work in the school. Positions that no absolute rules, but that check the TV sport by the seduction promoted in the viewers through the aesthetics elements transmit


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Les initiatives du gouvernement ayant pour finalité une réorganisation de la structure urbaine de la ville au début du XXème siècle reflètent le désir vécu par les membres de l'élite locale d'encadrer Natal dans les moules des grands centres urbains de la même période. Les élites désiraient transformer Natal dans une ville moderne. Dans ce but, le gouvernement s'est engagé dans la reformulation de quelques espaces physiques de la ville. Néanmoins, il fallait aussi d autres que les transformations urbaines, la ville devrait passer par des réformes sociales. De cette façon, ces groupes ont créées des nouvelles institutions et espaces de sociabilité qui affirmeraient la capitale de l'État comme une ville moderne. Les institutions formelles avaient un rôle imortant dans la construction de cette nouvelle ville convoitée par l'élite locale. Ainsi, à travers celles-ci, se diffusaient des nouvelles pratiques sociales qui seraient reflétées dans les espaces urbains. Dans des places tels, des cafés, des clubs et associations sportives, l'élite se distinguait du populaire. Dans ces places, leurs pratiques étaient légitimées, en contrepoint avec les pratiques populaires. C était dans les clubs et par les activités pratiquées par leurs membres que les idéals de l'élite circulaient, c était par là que l'élite se formait et se transformait. De cette façon, les aspirations d'un groupe social reflétaient dans l'organisation sociale des espaces de la ville


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Currently one of the major concerns in sports is to identify, select, discover and reveal talents in soccer. As principal reasons is perceived the search direct or indirect for resources for players, clubs, media, sports brands and their sponsors. However, high salaries are an exception and not a rule, because the majority of professional players in Brazil receives 1 minimum salary per month. It is also known that on professional clubs, daily, arriving several players to try to be a professional soccer player, however, the majority of clubs - almost all does not present methodological, systematic and analytical aspects to select promising players. The selective processes ("sieves" or "big sieves") developed by technical observers ( olheiros") summarized in the observation of the sportive performance of a big group of players in a period of few minutes given to each player. In this period the target behavior is the ability with the ball. If promising players are identified on that selection, they are referred to the club for a new observation, which will be conducted by the responsible coach of base category in question. It is understood by base categories, the amateur categories (not professional), to serve as a "base" for the formation of the cast of professional clubs. What are sub-13 (under 13 years), sub-15 (under 15 years), sub-17 (under 17 years) and sub-20 (under 20 years). The absence of common criterias and performance indicators of these professionals may hamper the evaluation of promising players, and be a costly activity for the club. This study proposes to identify, characterize and categorize the criterias and methods of behavioral evaluation, used by coaches of base categories of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) to evaluate the sportive performance of young soccer players, with the purpose of to compare the criterias of evaluation of sportive performance of young soccer players, used by coaches with different time of experience in function. The proposal had 2 pilot studies, the first (June and July, 2007) were interviewed 29 coaches, 17 of category sub-13 and 12 of category sub-17. The data were tabulated and organized into spreadsheets in order to describe, and developed a set of descriptors of behavior. And the second (May and June, 2008), with revisions made based on observations, analysis and descriptions found in the first, were interviewed 14 technical of category sub-15. After the results found in pilots, it was possible to outline the study in question, which had 46 coaches base categories of the RN. And from the results show that the characteristic of greatest importance, according to the interviewees was the behavior, the 2nd most important characteristic considered was the motivation, the 3rd was the ability and the 4th was the physical condition and the last was the affiliation. And by analyzing the results to the methods of evaluation of sportive performance used by coaches, it was noted clearly that most uses only the observation to select young soccer players. Therefore, needs a systematization to the selection of soccer players, since there is complexity in the verification of characteristics and aspects involved with purpose to avoid wrong evaluations and selections and the results negligible


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T he socio - economy of the coastal municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte semiarid coast was analyzed th r ou g h by the actors, ant hropogenic implications, fishing environment and composition of its fish fauna, as well as the trend of product ion landed by the artisanal fleet with the aim of identifying the sustainability and management. In this study, were used participatory methodologies, monthly data of rainfall between September 2001 and December 2010; landings of the artisanal fleet during January 2001 to December 2010; and socioeconomic (IBGE, 2002/2010), (IDEMA, 2011/2012), (MPA, 2010; 2012), UNDP and MS (2013). Based on these data, we performed analysis of variance were performed using the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process (HAP) and s tatistical models of multiple regression and time series. It was identified that the occupation of the coastal and marine zone through salt industry, tourism, shrimp farming, oil and gas and wind energy reconfigured the environment and attracted new actors . Rainfall influenced the catches, of which 35% occur in the rainy season, 40% in the dry season and 25% independent. Production increased 55%, in the period analyzed , being landed in 31 ports spread over 11 municipalities, cap tured in environments mangrov e/ estuarine (23%), coastal (46%) and oceanic (31%). Despite market up 41 species, were commercialized in the region production concentrated in eight, mainly landed in Macau and Caiçara North, by vessels of small and medium - sized (motorized and sailboats) . Highlights included three species ( Hirundichthys affins , Coryphaena hippurus and Opisthonema oglinum ), which together accounted for 63.3% of the whole volume. It was found that the motorized vessels tripled in number while sailboats reduced by half. Landin gs by different types of vessels tend to increase over time, while the small sailboats vessels, decrease. The introduction of more new motorized vessels and sailboats also tend to increase production. The study concluded that GDP and HDI of coastal countie s increased however inequality persisted. The potential of artisanal fishing is in the stage “ unfavorable ” of development and the trend in fish production is to grow over time and with the entry of more vessels. However, it is urgent that the state actions to promote and enhance planning to restore fish stocks in a sustainable and profitable fisheries standards. Therefore, it is recommend the strategic use of natural resources in a sustainable development perspective.