13 resultados para outcrop

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The present work develops a methodology to establish a 3D digital static models petroleum reservoir analogue using LIDAR and GEORADAR technologies. Therefore, this work introduce The methodolgy as a new paradigm in the outcrop study, to purpose a consistent way to integrate plani-altimetric data, geophysics data, and remote sensing products, allowing 2D interpretation validation in contrast with 3D, complexes depositional geometry visualization, including in environmental immersive virtual reality. For that reason, it exposes the relevant questions of the theory of two technologies, and developed a case study using TerraSIRch SIR System-3000 made for Geophysical Survey Systems, and HDS3000 Leica Geosystems, using the two technologies, integrating them GOCAD software. The studied outcrop is plain to the view, and it s located at southeast Bacia do Parnaíba, in the Parque Nacional da Serra das Confusões. The methodology embraces every steps of the building process shows a 3D digital static models petroleum reservoir analogue, provide depositional geometry data, in several scales for Simulation petroleum reservoir


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Northeastern Brazil is mainly formed by crystalline terrains (around 60% in area). Moreover, this region presents a semi-arid climate so that it is periodically subject to drought seasons. Furthermore, ground water quality extracted fromwells usually presents poor quality because of their high salinity contents. Nevertheless, ground water is still a very important source of water for human and animal consumption in this region. Well sitting in hard rocks terrains in Northeastern Brazil offers a mean success index of aboul 60%, given that a successful siting is defined by a well producing at least 0.5 m³/h. This low index reveals lack of knowledga about the true conditions of storage and percolation of ground water in crystalline rocks. Two models for structures storing and producing ground water in crystalline rocks in Northeastem Brazil have been proposed in the literature. The first model,tradnionally used for well sitting since the sixties are controlled by faults or fractures zones. This model is commonly referred, in Brazilian hydrogeological literature, as the "creek-crack" model (riacho-fenda in Portuguese). Sites appearing to present dense drainage network are preferred for water well siting - particularly at points where the drainages cross-cul each other. Field follow up work is usually based only on geological criteria. The second model is the "eluvio-alluvial through" (calha eluvio-aluvionar in Portuguese); it is also described in the literature but it is not yet incorporated in well sitting practice. This model is based on the hypothesis that reclilinear drainages can also be controlled by the folietion of the rock. Eventually, depending upon the degree of weathering, a through-shaped structure filled with sediments (alluvium and regolith) can be developed which can store and water can be produced from. Using severalfield case studies, this Thesis presents a thorough analysis ofthe two above cited models and proposes a new model. The analysis is based on an integrated methodological approach using geophysics and structural geology. Both land (Resitiviy and Ground Penetrating Radar- GPR) and aerogeophysical (magnetics and frequency domain eletromagnetics) surveys were used. Slructural analysis emphasized neolectonic aspects; in general, itwas found that fractures in the E-W direction are relatively open, as compared to fracturas inthe N-S direction, probably because E-W fractures were opened by the neotectonic stress regime in Northeastern Brazil, which is controlled by E-W compression and N-S extension. The riacho-fenda model is valid where drainages are controlled by fractures. The degree of fracturing and associated weathering dictale the hydrogeological potential of the structure. Field work in structural analogues reveals that subvertical fractures show consistent directions both in outcrop and aerophotograph scales. Geophysical surveys reveal subvertical conductive anomalies associated to the fracture network controlling the drainage; one of the borders of the conductive anomaly usually coincide wih the drainage. An aspect of particular importance to the validation of fracture control are the possible presence of relalively deep conductive anomalies wihoul continuation or propagalion to the surface. The conductive nature of lhe anomaly is due to the presence of wealhered rock and sedirnenls (alluvium and/or regolilh) storing ground waler which occur associated to the fracture network. Magnetic surveys are not very sensisnive to these structures.lf soil or covering sedirnents are resislive (> 100 Ohm.m), GPR can ba used to image precisely lhe fracture network. A major limialion of riacho-fenda model, revealed by GPR images, is associated to the fact thal subhorizontal fractures do play a very important role in connecting the fracture network, besides connect shallow recharge zones to relalively deep subvertical frecture zones. Iffractures play just a secondary control on the drainage, however, r/acho-fenda model may have a very limiled validny; in these cases, large portions oflhe drainage do nol coincide wilh frectures and mosl oflhewells localed in lhe drainage surrounding would resull dry. Usually, a secondary conlrol on lhe drainage by Ihefraclure networkcan be revealed only wilh detailed geophysical survey. The calha elClv1o-aluvlonarmodel is valid where drainages are conlrolled by folialion. The degree 01 wealhering 01 lhe lolialion planes dictales lhe hydrogeological polenlial 01 lhe slruclure. Outcrop analysis reveals Ihal lolialion and drainage direclions are parallel and Ihal no Iraclures, orfraclures wilh diflerent directions 01 lhe drainage direclion occur. Geophysical surveys reveal conduclive anomalies in a slab lorm associaled 10 lhe Ihrough 01 lhe wealhered rock and sedimenls (alluvium and/or regolith). Magnelic surveys can ofler a very good conlrol on lolialion direclion. An importanl aspect 10 validale lolialion conlrol are lhe presence 01 conductive anomalies showing shallow and deep portions area which are linked. Illhere is an exlensive soil cover, r/acho-fenda and calha eIClv1o-aluv/onar conlrols can be easily misinlerpreled in lhe absence 01 geophysical conlrol. Certainly, Ihis lacl could explain at leasl a part of lhe failure index in well sitting. The model wealhering sack (bolsllo de Intempertsmo in Portuguese) is proposed to explain cases where a very inlensive wealhering occur over lhe crystalline rock so Ihal a secondary inlerslilial porosity is crealed. The waler is Ihen stored in lhe porous of lhe regolilh in a similar mannerlo sedimentary rocks. A possible example ofthis model was delecled by using land geophysical survey where a relalivelyvery deep isolaled conduclive anomaly, in a slab form, was delected. Iflhis structure does store ground waler, certainly Ihere must be a link 01 lhe deep slructure wilh lhe surface in orderlo provide walerfeeding. This model mighl explain anomalous waler yields as greal as 50 m³/h Ihalsomelimescan occur in crystalline rocks in Northeaslern Brazil


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This thesis aims to advance in the geological knowledge of the region comprising the Piancó-Alto Brígida (TPAB) and Alto pajeú (TAP) terranes, in the Transversal Zone Domain (Borborema Province, NE Brazil), with the main objective of understanding the geodynamic evolution and the structural framework of these units. To reach this objective, and besides field work and interpretation of traditional aerial photographs, other tools were employed like of remote sensing products (Landsat 7 ETM+, aeroradiometrics, aeromagnetics and topographical images), lithogeochemical (whole rock) analyses and geochronological dating (U-Pb in zircon), besides integration with literature data. In the area, several precambrian geological units outcrop, represented in the TAP by the paleoproterozoic Serra Talhada and Afogados da Ingazeira complexes, Riacho Gravatá Complex (metavolcano-sedimentary sequence of Stenian-Tonian age) and Cariris Velhos orthogneisses (of Tonian age). The TPAB comprises the Santana do Garrote (lower unit) and Serra do Olho d'Água (upper unit) formations of the Cachoeirinha Group (Neoproterozoic III), besides the Piancó orthogneisses and Bom Jesus paragneisses; the latter correspond to an older (basement ?) block and a possible high grade equivalent of the Cachoeirinha Group (or Seridó Group ?), respectively. Several Brasiliano-age plutons occur in both terranes.The aeromagnetic data show the continuity, at depth, of the main shear zones mapped in the region. The Patos, Pernambuco, Boqueirão dos Cochos, Serra do Caboclo, Afogados da Ingazeira/Jabitacá and Congo-Cruzeiro do Nordeste shear zones reach depths greater than to 6-16 km. The aeromagnetic signature of other shear zones, like the Juru one, suggests that these structures correspond to shallower crustal features. The satellite images (Landsat 7 ETM+) and aerogamaspectrometric images discriminate different geological units, contributing to the mapping of the structural framework of the region. The Serra do Caboclo Shear Zone was characterized as the boundary/suture between the TPAB and TAP. This structure is an outstanding, pervasive feature that separates contrasting geological units, such as the Neoproterozoic III Cachoeirinha Group in the TPAB and the Riacho Gravatá Complex and the Cariris Velhos metaplutonics, of Stenian-Tonian age, in the TAP. Occupying different blocks, these units are not found in authoctonous relations, like unconformities and intrusive contacts. Concerning the Cariris Velhos (ca. 1,0 Ga old) event is recorded by radiometric ages of the Riacho Gravatá Complex metavolcanics and intrusive augen and orthogneisses, all of them displaying geochemical affinities of arc or collisional settings. A structural signature of this event was not recorded in the region, possibly due to its low grade/low strain style, obliterated by the overprinting of younger, higher grade/high strain Brasiliano-age fabrics.The first tectonic event (D1) observed in the Cariris Velhos lithotypes presents contractional kinematics with transport to the NW. Neoproterozoic III geochronologic dates, obtained in late-D1 granitoids, imply a Brasiliano age (ca. 610-600 Ma) for this deformation event. The second tectonic event (D2) characterized in the region corresponds to the Brasiliano transcurrent kinematics of the outstanding shear zones and associated granitoid plutons. The geochronological (U-Pb in zircon) data obtained during this thesis also confirms the occurrence of the Cariris Velhos magmatic suite in the TAP, as well as the Neoproterozoic III age to the Cachoeirinha Group in the TPAB. The TAP (Riacho Gravatá Complex, augen and orthogneisses) is interpreted as a continental arc possibly accreted to a microcontinent during the Cariris Velhos (Stenian-Tonian) event. Later on, this terrane collided with the TPAB at the beginning of the Brasiliano orogeny (D1 contractional deformation), and both domins were reworked by the transcurrent shear deformation of the D2 event


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This thesis deals with the sedimentological/stratigraphic and structural evolution of the sedimentary rocks that occur in the NW continental border of the Potiguar Basin. These rocks are well exposed along coastal cliffs between the localities of Lagoa do Mato and Icapuí, Ceará State (NE Brazil). The sedimentological/stratigraphic study involved, at the outcrop scale, detailed facies descriptions, profile mapping of the vertical succession of different beds, and columnar sections displaying inferred lateral relationships. The approach was complemented by granulometric and petrographic analyses, including the characterization of heavy mineral assemblages. The data set allowed to recognize two kinds of lithological units, a carbonate one of very restricted occurrence at the base of the cliffs, and three younger, distinct siliciclastic units, that predominate along the cliffs, in vertical and lateral extent. The carbonate rocks were correlated to the late Cretaceous Jandaíra Formation, which is covered by the siliciclastic Barreiras Formation. The Barreiras Formation occurs in two distinct structural settings, the usual one with nondeformed, subhorizontal strata, or as tilted beds, affected by strong deformation. Two lithofacies were recognized, vertically arranged or in fault contacts. The lower facies is characterized by silty-argillaceous sandstones with low-angle cross bedding; the upper facies comprises medium to coarse grained sandstones, with conglomeratic layers. The Tibau Formation (medium to coarse-grained sandstones with argillite intercalations) occurs at the NW side of the studied area, laterally interlayered with the Barreiras Formation. Eolic sediments correlated to the Potengi Formation overly the former units, either displaying an angular unconformity, or simply an erosional contact (stratigraphic unconformity). Outstanding structural features, identified in the Barreiras Formation, led to characterize a neocenozoic stress field, which generated faults and folds and/or reactivated older structures in the subjacent late cretaceous (to paleogene, in the offshore basin) section. The structures recognized in the Barreiras Formation comprise two distinct assemblages, namely a main extensional deformation between the localities of Ponta Grossa and Redonda, and a contractional style (succeeded by oblique extensional structures) at Vila Nova. In the first case, the structural assemblage is dominated by N-S (N±20°Az) steep to gently-dipping extensional faults, displaying a domino-style or listric geometry with associated roll-over structures. This deformation pattern is explained by an E-W/WNW extension, contemporaneous with deposition of the upper facies of the Barreiras Formation, during the time interval Miocene to Pleistocene. Strong rotation of blocks and faults generated low-angle distensional faults and, locally, subvertical bedding, allowing to estimate very high strain states, with extension estimates varying between 40% up to 200%. Numerous detachment zones, parallel to bedding, help to acommodate this intense deformation. The detachment surfaces and a large number of faults display mesoscopic features analoguous to the ones of ductile shear zones, with development of S-C fabrics, shear bands, sigmoidal clasts and others, pointing to a hydroplastic deformation regime in these cases. Local occurrences of the Jandaíra limestone are controled by extensional faults that exhume the pre-Barreiras section, including an earlier event with N-S extension. Finally, WNWtrending extensional shear zones and faults are compatible with the Holocene stress field along the present continental margin. In the Vila Nova region, close to Icapuí, gentle normal folds with fold hinges shallowly pluging to SSW affect the lower facies of the Barreiras Formation, displaying an incipient dissolution cleavage associated with an extension lineation at high rake (a S>L fabric). Deposition of the upper facies siliciclastics is controlled by pull-apart graben structures, bordered by N-NE-trending sinistral-normal shear zones and faults, characterizing an structural inversion. Microstructures are compatible with tectonic deformation of the sedimentary pile, burried at shallow depths. The observed features point to high pore fluid pressures during deformation of the sediments, producing hydroplastic structures through mechanisms of granular flow. Such structures are overprinted by microfractures and microfaults (an essentially brittle regime), tracking the change to microfracturing and frictional shear mechanisms accompanying progressive dewatering and sediment lithification. Correlation of the structures observed at the surface with those present at depth was tested through geophysical data (Ground Penetrating Radar, seismics and a magnetic map). EW and NE-trending lineaments are observed in the magnetic map. The seismic sections display several examples of positive flower structures which affect the base of the cretaceous sediments; at higher stratigraphic levels, normal components/slips are compatible with the negative structural inversion characterized at the surface. Such correlations assisted in proposing a structural model compatible with the regional tectonic framework. The strong neogenepleistocene deformation is necessarily propagated in the subsurface, affecting the late cretaceous section (Açu and Jandaíra formations), wich host the hydrocarbon reservoirs in this portion of the Potiguar Basin. The proposed structural model is related to the dextral transcurrent/transform deformation along the Equatorial Margin, associated with transpressive terminations of E-W fault zones, or at their intersections with NE-trending lineaments, such as the Ponta Grossa-Fazenda Belém one (the LPGFB, itself controlled by a Brasiliano-age strike-slip shear zone). In a first step (and possibly during the late Cretaceous to Paleogene), this lineament was activated under a sinistral transpressional regime (antithetic to the main dextral deformation in the E-W zones), giving way to the folds in the lower facies of the Barreiras Formation, as well as the positive flower structures mapped through the seismic sections, at depth. This stage was succeeded (or was penecontemporaneous) by the extensional structures related to a (also sinistral) transtensional movement stage, associated to volcanism (Macau, Messejana) and thermal doming processes during the Neogene-Pleistocene time interval. This structural model has direct implications to hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation activities at this sector of the Potiguar Basin and its offshore continuation. The structure of the reservoirs at depth (Açu Formation sandstones of the post-rift section) may be controlled (or at least, strongly influenced) by the deformation geometry and kinematics characterized at the surface. In addition, the deformation event recognized in the Barreiras Formation has an age close to the one postulated for the oil maturation and migration in the basin, between the Oligocene to the Miocene. In this way, the described structural cenario represents a valid model to understand the conditions of hydrocarbon transport and acummulation through space openings, trap formation and destruction. This model is potentially applicable to the NW region of the Potiguar Basin and other sectors with a similar structural setting, along the brazilian Equatorial Atlantic Margin


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The study of Brazilian sedimentary basins concentrates on their rift phase, whereas the Post-rift phase has been considered a tectonic quiescent period. The post-rift sequence of the Potiguar Basin, in the far northeastern Brazil, was once considered little deformed, however several studies have shown how that it was affected by major fault systems. The purpose of this thesis is to characterize the post-rift tectonic. The specific objectives are: to characterize the Neogene and Quaternary sedimentary units that outcrop of the Potiguar Basin; to show how the NW-SEtrending Afonso Bezerra Faults System deformed outcrop rocks in the Basin; to describe soft-sediment deformation in gravels of the Quaternary Alluvial Deposits from Açu River. Facies analyses, grain-size studies, luminescence dating, remote sensing, structural mapping, shallow geophysics (georadar), paleostress and petrography were carried out. The structural mapping and the georadar sections indicated that the Carnaubais and Afonso Bezerra fault systems formed fractures, silicified and non-silicified faults or deformation bands, affecting mainly the Açu, Jandaíra and Barreiras formations. The petrographic data indicate that the strong silicification resulted in a sealant character of the faults. Paleostress analysis indicates that two stress fields affected the Basin: the first presented N-S-trending compression, occurred from the Neocretaceous to the Miocene; the second stress field presents E-W-trending compression, acts from the Miocene to the present. It was verified once the Afonso Bezerra System Faults was reactivated in periods post-Campanian and affects all post-rift lithostratigraphic units of Potiguar Basin, including Quaternary sedimentary covers. The study about soft-sediment deformation structures indicates that they are similar in morphology and size to modern examples of seismically-induced deformation strutures in coarse sediments. TL and OSL ages indicate that sediment deposition and associated soft-sediment deformation occurred at least six times from ~352 Ka to ~9 Ka. Finally these studies demonstrate how recent is tectonics in the Basin Potiguar


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The aim of this work was to describe the methodological procedures that were mandatory to develop a 3D digital imaging of the external and internal geometry of the analogue outcrops from reservoirs and to build a Virtual Outcrop Model (VOM). The imaging process of the external geometry was acquired by using the Laser Scanner, the Geodesic GPS and the Total Station procedures. On the other hand, the imaging of the internal geometry was evaluated by GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar).The produced VOMs were adapted with much more detailed data with addition of the geological data and the gamma ray and permeability profiles. As a model for the use of the methodological procedures used on this work, the adapted VOM, two outcrops, located at the east part of the Parnaiba Basin, were selected. On the first one, rocks from the aeolian deposit of the Piaui Formation (Neo-carboniferous) and tidal flat deposits from the Pedra de Fogo Formation (Permian), which arises in a large outcrops located between Floriano and Teresina (Piauí), are present. The second area, located at the National Park of Sete Cidades, also at the Piauí, presents rocks from the Cabeças Formation deposited in fluvial-deltaic systems during the Late Devonian. From the data of the adapted VOMs it was possible to identify lines, surfaces and 3D geometry, and therefore, quantify the geometry of interest. Among the found parameterization values, a table containing the thickness and width, obtained in canal and lobes deposits at the outcrop Paredão and Biblioteca were the more relevant ones. In fact, this table can be used as an input for stochastic simulation of reservoirs. An example of the direct use of such table and their predicted radargrams was the identification of the bounding surface at the aeolian sites from the Piauí Formation. In spite of such radargrams supply only bi-dimensional data, the acquired lines followed of a mesh profile were used to add a third dimension to the imaging of the internal geometry. This phenomenon appears to be valid for all studied outcrops. As a conclusion, the tool here presented can became a new methodology in which the advantages of the digital imaging acquired from the Laser Scanner (precision, accuracy and speed of acquisition) were combined with the Total Station procedure (precision) using the classical digital photomosaic technique


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This MSc dissertation presents the results of a research carried out in a 500 km2 area in the Nísia Floresta county. The main goal of the research was to evaluate fault influence on hidrology features of aquifers and lakes, mainly in the Barreiras Group and in the Bonfim lake cluster respectively. The Precambrian crystalline basement is made of Caicó Complex rocks. They are capped by cretaceous sedimentary rocks and by cenozoic sedimentary rocks. Only the latter outcrop in the study area, wheareas the former are described in boreholes. Faults cut across all stratigraphic units and their main trends are NW, NE and E-W, which have been generated by E-W compression. Subordinate N-S trending faults also take place and have been generated by N-S oriented compression. Fault controlled hydrologic features are observed throughout the study area. There are sudden changes in saturated thicknesses of the Barreiras Aquifer due to vertical displacement of the Barreiras Group. The most important underground water source of the Bonfim Lake is related to abrupt thickness changes of the aquifer. In addition, the main faults control the underground drainage network and, probably, change in direction of equipotential surfaces seen on the potenciometric map. Regarding the surface hydrologic features, faults also control river and stream channels, as well as lake origin and shapes. The Bonfim Lake, in particular, has its peculiar shape, which follows NW and NE lineaments, and origin related to faulting and probably underground carstics processes


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This study has as a main objective to make a detailed stratigraphic analysis of the Aptian-Albian interval in the east part of Araripe Basin, NE of Brazil which correspond, litostratigraphically, to Rio Da Batateira, Crato, Ipubi and Romualdo formations. The stratigraphic analysis was based on three different stages, the 1D, 2D and 3D analysis; these ones were adapted to the sequence stratigraphy concepts in order to create a chronostratigraphic framework for the study area within the basin. The database used in the present study contains field and well information, wells that belong to Santana Project, carried out by the Ministério de Minas e Energia- DNPM- CPRM from 1977 to 1978. The analysis 1D, which was done separately for each well and outcrop allowed the recognition of 13 sedimentary facies, mainly divided based on predominant litologies and sedimentary structures. Such facies are lithologically represented by pebble, sandstones, claystones, margas and evaporates; these facies are associated in order to characterize different depositional systems, that integrate from the continental environment (fluvial system and lacustre), paralic system (delta system and lagunar) to the marine environment (shelfenvironment). The first one, the fluvial system was divided into two subtypes: meandering fluvial system, characterized by fill channel and floodplain deposits; the facies of this system are associated vertically according to the textural thinning upward cycles (dirting-up trend pattern in well logs). Lacustrine environment is mainly related with the lithotypes of the Crato Formation, it shows a good distribution within the basin, been composed by green claystone deposits and calcareous laminated. Deltaic System represented by prodelta and delta front deposits which coarsening upward tendency. Lagunar system is characterised by the presence of anhydrite and gypsum deposits besides the black claystone deposits with vegetal fragments which do not contain a fauna typically marine. The marine platform system is composed by successions of black and gray claystone with fossiliferous fauna of Dinoflagellates (Spiniferites Mantell, Subtilisphaera Jain e Subtilisphaera Millipied genre) typical of this kind of depositional system. The sedimentary facies described are vertically arranged in cycles with progradational patterns which form textural coersening upward cycles and retrogradational, represented by textural thinning dowward cycles. Based in these cycles, in their stack pattern and the vertical change between these patterns, the systems tracks and the depositional sequences were recognized. The Low System Track (LST) and High System Track (HST) are composed by cycles with progradational stack pattern, whereas the Trangessive System Track (TST) is composed by retrogradational stack pattern cycles. The 2D stratigraphic analysis was done through the carrying out of two stratigraphic sections. For the selection of the datum the deepest maximum flooding surface was chosen, inside the Sequence 1, the execution of these sections allowed to understand the behaviour of six depositional systems along the study area, which were interpreted as cycles of second order or supercycles (cycles between 3 and 10 Ma), according to the Vail, et al (1977) classification. The Sequence 1, the oldest of the six identified is composed by the low, transgressive and high systems tracks. The first two system tracks are formed exclusively by fluvial deposits of the Rio da Batateira Formation whereas the third one includes deltaic and lacustrine deposits of the Crato Formation. The sequences 2 and 3 are formed by the transgressive systems tracks (lake spreading phase) and the highstand system track (lake backward phase). The TST of these sequences are formed by lacustrine deposits whereas HST contains deltaic deposits, indicating high rates of sedimentary supply at the time of it s deposition. The sequence 4 is composed by LST, TST and HST, The TST4 shows a significant fall of the lake base level, this track was developed in conditions of low relation between the creation rate of space of accommodation and the sedimentary influx. The TST4 marks the third phase of expansion of the lacustrine system in the section after the basin´s rift, the lacustrine system established in the previous track starts a backward phase in conditions that the sedimentary supply rate exceeds the creation rate of space accommodation. The sequence 5 was developed in two different phases, the first one is related with the latest expansion stage of the lake, (TST5), the basal track of this sequence. In this phase the base level of the lake rose considerably. The second phase (related to the TST5) indicates the end of the lacustrine domain in the Araripe Basin and the change to lagunar system ant tidal flat, with great portions in the supratidal. These systems were formed by restricted lagoons, with shallow level of water and with intermittent connections with the sea. This, was the phase when the Araripe Basin recorded the most several arid conditions of the whole interval studied, Aptian Albian, conditions that allow the formation of evaporitic deposits. The sequence 6 began its deposition after a significant fall of the sea (LST6). The sequence 6 is without any doubtlessly, the sequence that has deposits that prove the effective entrance of the sea into the Araripe Basin. The TST6, end of this sequence, represents the moment which the sea reaches its maximum level during the Aptian Albian time. The stratigraphic analysis of the Aptian Albian interval made possible the understanding that the main control in the development of the depositional sequences recognized in the Araripe Basin were the variations of the local base level, which are controlled itself by the climate changes


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In the current work are presented the results about the study of digital mapping of analogs referents the fluvial oil reservoirs in the Açu Formation. With the regional recognizing in the south corner of Potiguar Basin was selected a area of 150 Km square in the west of Assu city. In this area was chosen the outcrops for the digital mapping and from the data fields and remote sensors were done the depositional architectural for the fluvial deposits, which it was named coarse meandering fluvial systems. In the deposits were individualized 3 (three) fluvial cycles, which they was separated by bounding surface of fifth order. Such cycles are preferentially sandy, with fining-upward sequence finished in flood plain deposits. Inner of the sandy levels of the filling channels were characterized least cycles, normaly incomplete, constituted by braided sandy bodies and bounding surfaces of fourth order. In the mapped area was chosen a outcrop with great exposition, where it was possible to see tipical deposits of filling channel and was in this outcrop that was done the digital mapping. In this outcrop was used diverse technics and tools, which they integrated sedimentological, altimetric (GPS, Total Station), LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), digital photomosaic of high resolution and of the inner geometries (Ground Penetration Radar) data sets. For the integrating, interpretation and visualization of data was used software GoCAD®. The final product of the outcrop digital mapping was the photorealistic model of part of the cliff (or slope) because the observed reflectors in the radargrams were absents. A part of bar oblique accretion was modeled according to GPR gride of 200x200 meters in the alluvial Assu river probable recent analog. With the data of inner geometries was developed the three-dimentional sedimentary architectural, where it was possible characterize sand sheet deposits and many hierarchy of braided channels. At last, simulations of sedimentary geometries and architectures of the Potiguar Basin Fluvial Reservoirs were done with PetBool software, in order to understand the capacity of this program in simulations with a lot of numbers of conditioning wells. In total, 45 simulations was acquired, where the time and the channel numbers increase in relation of the conditioning wells quantity. The deformation of the meanders was detected from the change of simulated dominion dimensions. The presence of this problem was because the relationship between the simulated dominion and the width of the meander


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A complex depositional history, related to Atlantic rifting, demonstrates the geological evolution during the late Jurassic and early Neocomian periods in the Araripe Basin NE Brazil. Based on outcrop, seismic and remote sensing data, a new model of the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the section that covers the stages Dom João, Rio da Serra and Aratu (Brejo Santo, Missão Velha and Abaiara formations) is presented in this paper. In the stratigraphic section studied, ten sedimentary facies genetically linked to nine architectural elements were described, representing depositional systems associated with fluvial, aeolian and deltaic environments. Based on the relationship between the rates of creation of accommodation space and sediment influx (A / S) it was possible to associate these depositional systems with High and Low accommodation system tracks. These system tracks represent two tectono-sequences, separated by regional unconformities. The Tectono-sequence I, which includes lithotypes from the Brejo Santo Formation and is related to the pre-rift stage, is bounded at the base by the Paleozoic unconformity. This unit represents only a High Accommodation System Track, composed by a succession of pelitic levels interbedded with sandstones and limestones, from a large fluvial floodplain origin, developed under arid climatic conditions. The Tectono-sequence II, separated from the underlying unit by an erosional unconformity, is related to the rift stage, and is composed by the Missão Velha and Abaiara Formation lithotypes. Changes in depositional style that reflect variations in the A / S ratio, and the presence of hydroplastic deformation bands, make it possible to divide this tectonosequence into two internal sequences. Sequence IIA, which includes the lower portion of the Missão Velha Formation and sequence IIB, is composed by the upper section of the Missão Velha and Abaiara Formations The Sequence IIA below, composed only by the Low Accommodation System Track, includes crossbedding sandstones interbedded with massive mudstones, which are interpreted as deposits of sandy gravel beds wandering rivers. Sequence IIB, above, is more complex, showing a basal Low Accommodation System Track and a High Accommodation System Track at the top, separated by an expansion surface. The lower System Track, related to the upper portion of the Missão Velha Formation, is composed by a series of amalgamated channels, separated by erosion surfaces, interpreted as deposits of a belt of braided channels. The High Accommodation System Track, correlated with the Abaiara Unit, is marked by a significant increase in the A / S, resulting in the progradation of a system of braided river deltas with aeolic influence. Regarding tectonic evolution, the stratigraphic study indicates that the Tectonosequence Rift in the Araripe basin was developed in two phases: first characterized by a beginning of rifting, related to Sequence IIA, followed by a phase of syndepositional deformation, represented by sequence IIB. The first phase was not influenced by the development of large faults, but was influenced by a sharp and continuous decrease of accommodation space that permitted a change in depositional patterns, establishing a new depositional architecture. In turn, the stage of syndepositional deformation allowed for the generation of enough accommodation space for the preservation of fluvial-lacustrine deposits and conditioned the progradation of a braided river-dominated delta system.


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It is presented an integrated geophysical investigation of the spatial distribution of faults and deformation bands (DB´s) in a faulted siliciclastic reservoir analogue, located in Tucano Basin, Bahia State, northeastern Brazil. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and permeability measurements allowed the analysis of the influence of DB´s in the rock permeability and porosity. GPR data were processed using a suitable flow parametrization in order to highlight discontinuities in sedimentary layers. The obtained images allowed the subsurface detection of DB´s presenting displacements greater that 10 cm. A good correlation was verified between DB´s detected by GPR and those observed in surface, the latter identified using conventional structural methods. After some adaptations in the minipermeameter in order to increase measurement precision, two approaches to measure permeabilities were tested: in situ and in collected cores. The former approach provided better results than the latter and consisted of scratching the outcrop surface, followed by direct measurements on outcrop rocks. The measured permeability profiles allowed to characterize the spatial transition from DB´s to undeformed rock; variation of up to three orders of magnitude were detected. The permeability profiles also presented quasi-periodic patterns, associated with textural and granulometric changes, possibly associated to depositional cycles. Integrated interpretation of the geological, geophysical and core data, provided the subsurface identification of an increase in the DB´s number associated with a sedimentary layer presenting granulometric decrease at depths greater than 8 m. An associated sharp decrease in permeability was also measured in cores from boreholes. The obtained results reveal that radagrams, besides providing high resolution images, allowing the detection of small structures (> 10 cm), also presented a correlation with the permeability data. In this way, GPR data may be used to build upscaling laws, bridging the gap between outcrop and seismic data sets, which may result in better models for faulted reservoirs


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In this study, the methodological procedures involved in digital imaging of collapsed paleocaves in tufa using GPR are presented. These carbonate deposits occur in the Quixeré region, Ceará State (NE Brazil), on the western border of the Potiguar Basin. Collapsed paleocaves are exposed along a state road, which were selected to this study. We chose a portion of the called Quixeré outcrop for making a photomosaic and caring out a GPR test section to compare and parameterize the karst geometries on the geophysical line. The results were satisfactory and led to the adoption of criteria for the interpretation of others GPR sections acquired in the region of the Quixeré outcrop. Two grids of GPR lines were acquired; the first one was wider and more spaced and guided the location of the second grid, denser and located in the southern part of the outcrop. The radargrams of the second grid reveal satisfactorily the collapsed paleocaves geometries. For each grid has been developed a digital solid model of the Quixeré outcrop. The first model allows the recognition of the general distribution and location of collapsed paleocaves in tufa deposits, while the second more detailed digital model provides not only the 3D individualization of the major paleocaves, but also the estimation of their respective volumes. The digital solid models are presented here as a new frontier in the study of analog outcrops to reservoirs (for groundwater and hydrocarbon), in which the volumetric parameterization and characterization of geological bodies become essential for composing the databases, which together with petrophysical properties information, are used in more realistic computer simulations for sedimentary reservoirs.


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Deformation bands are structures, developed in porous sandstones, that has small offsets and they are not shown on seismic section. The deformation bands of the pre and synrift sandstones of Araripe Basin were studied in outcrop, macroscopic and microscopic scales. The hierarchical, cinematic and spatial-geometric characteristics, and also the deformational mechanisms acting during its structural evolution were established too. In general, the mesoscopic scale observation allowed to discriminate deformation bands as singles or clusters in three main sets: NNE-SSW dextral; NE-SW normal (sometimes with strike-slip offset); and E-W sinistral; further a bed-parallel deformation bands as a local set. The microscopic characterization allowed to recognize the shearing and cataclastic character of such structures. Through the multi-scale study done in this work we verified that deformation bands analyzed were preferentially developed when sandstones under advanced stage of lithification. We also infer that the geometrical-spatial complexity of these bands, together with the presence of cataclastic matrix, can difficult the migration of fluids in reservoir rocks, resulting on their compartmentalization. Therefore, the study of deformation bands can aid researches about the structural evolution of sedimentary basin, as well as collaborate to understand the hydrodynamic behavior of reservoirs compartmented by these deformational structures