45 resultados para listening

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Hierarchical structure with nested nonlocal dependencies is a key feature of human language and can be identified theoretically in most pieces of tonal music. However, previous studies have argued against the perception of such structures in music. Here, we show processing of nonlocal dependencies in music. We presented chorales by J. S. Bach and modified versions inwhich the hierarchical structure was rendered irregular whereas the local structure was kept intact. Brain electric responses differed between regular and irregular hierarchical structures, in both musicians and nonmusicians. This finding indicates that, when listening to music, humans apply cognitive processes that are capable of dealing with longdistance dependencies resulting from hierarchically organized syntactic structures. Our results reveal that a brain mechanism fundamental for syntactic processing is engaged during the perception of music, indicating that processing of hierarchical structure with nested nonlocal dependencies is not just a key component of human language, but a multidomain capacity of human cognition.


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Objetivou-se compreender a humanização do atendimento à criança na Atenção Básica na visão dos profissionais. Estudo qualitativo, realizado em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família de Natal-RN, Brasil. Dezesseis profissionais responderam a um formulário contendo questões referentes ao atendimento à criança, à humanização e às práticas realizadas para humanizar o atendimento. Os dados foram categorizados por temas e analisados a partir dos princípios da Política Nacional de Humanização. Para os profissionais, humanizar o atendimento envolve acolher, escutar, aconselhar sobre o que está sendo realizado com a criança, valorizar a família, e tornar o sujeito ativo no atendimento, mesmo que de forma incipiente. A maioria dos profissionais descreveu atendimento que valorizava parte dos princípios da política de humanização, mesmo com dificuldades para implementá-los na rotina. Requer, portanto, estímulos e atualização dos profissionais para uma postura autocrítica sobre o atendimento


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The actor is an actor during all the phases of creation and development of his character. (S) He goes beyond the moment of interpreting. In this sense, in her (his) daily life, the actor may use her (his) potential to extract from reality the necessary elements for the work of creation. This is a theoretical research which focus on the concept of presence in the actor s work, stretching the concept beyond the scene, encompassing different components such as the body, the word, the silence, the technique and the acting as the actor s stance in regards to his own reality. The objective of such stance is to integrate him (her) self in the environment, balancing his (hers) inner life with the outside life flow. To reach this objective, the research drew theoretical resources from the concept of presence in the actor s work according to BROOK, BARBA, GROTOWSKI and MNOUCHKINE and the studies on reception theory in ISER, 1996; GUMBRECHT, 2010. Thus, the dialogue between reader and actor high lights both as receivers in this work. A practical description of a street theater Kamchàtka show, featured by the Kamchàtka Company is used as an example of the research on the presence. The elements localized in this show are: play, listening, word, silence, meaning, relationship with here and now and the effects of the said presence


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This qualitative research aimed to understand the educational activities carried out in Family Health Units, of the municipality of Mossoró-RN. It was used symbolic cartography to organize and present data from reality. It started on the approach of Health Education and knowledge transformation practice, aiming at the development of autonomy and responsibility of individuals and healthcare, publicized by the appreciation of the interpersonal relations area established in services, such as educational emancipator practices contexts. Individual and collective interviews were realized, conducted with health professionals and users of ESF, about themes, activities, membership, the difficulties, the potential and the design of health education that permeate everyday Family Health Strategy. From what was apprehended, thematic maps were done with the analysis of educational practices of professionals belonging to the Family‟s Health. Links are built with the wires of conceptions of education reflected on themes and activities of family health teams. The storylines are rebinded by voices about the difficulties and the potential of educational processes for emancipator postures. For users, health education means proper care and information on disease prevention. Professionals understand that it is all information that is given to users, about health, social well-being, economic and general condition of human being as a way of preventing and treating disease. Mark printed on voices denote that activities and themes worked don‟t motivate users enough for their participation, being that physicians and dentists also get excluded themselves from educational practices. Elderly groups are those who get most involved with the activities. The size of the contained area and its seclusion from community make harder the access of users, as well as diminishing the quality of educational actions and links users-professionals. Therefore, the searching for medicines, medical consultations and wish to be well served are trademarks of voices from the users that interconnect with enlightening information and guidelines offered by professionals to users. It brings out practices that need to incorporate the social, the subjective and act with practices of prevention and health promotion, on the basis of lifestyles. The dialogical model, which needs to be approached since planning phase of health education actions could arouse interest of involved groups; promoting a relationship of dialogue and listening; discussing the local reality; stimulating practical methodological dialetics; promoting processes of deconstruction of concepts, values and attitudes, as more necessary than construction, using multiple languages. The defended thesis denotes paths to other studies aimed at understanding a dialogical template committed to exchanges of knowledge, and discover strategies that encourage formation of critical consciousness and the discovery of how is the training of new generations of healthcare professionals to belong to the project of society, in its technical, scientific, pedagogical, ethical, political and humanistic dimensions


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This research aims at studying the formation of internal consultants in organizational setting in the joint resolution of problems, around the conversion of knowledge. The objective of research is to understand and explain the meanings attributed by Petrobras internal consultants to their practice and training for the conversion process of tacit knowledge into explicit, around the joint resolution of their problems with their collaborators. It has directed the next question: what the meanings assigned by the consultants of Unidade de Negócios Rio Grande do Norte e Ceara (UN-RNCE) in Knowledge Management (KM), for their interventionist and formative practices in problem solving, as well as conversion of tacit knowledge in explicit? This paper has assumed that there is a dual logic integrated into its daily practices: solving troubles and converting knowledge. The thesis has considered the daily practices of these consultants are characterized as epistemic spaces and permanent education through the conversion of knowledge. It has adopted the principles of multi-referential approach as foundations, regarding the translation of a variety of angles, perspectives and prospects which allow the interpretation and understanding of complex issues that are part of conversion of knowledge. The understanding and explanation of the senses are based on the methodology of the comprehensive interview; taking ownership is the sensitive listening for comprehensive interpretation of oral discourses of ten consultants, in addition to the autoscopy that putting into practice, thus, the stance of the researcher as an intellectual craftsman. Furthermore, it has assessed that the limits and possibilities for training and learning in the conversion of knowledge arise, on one hand from a predominantly driven training culture by the paradigm of technical rationality and one the other hand, from a set of relationship to knowledge and relation to know , revealed in the search for training in other dimensions. There are tensions between the local and global demands located in a situation marked by a systemic organization of knowledge. However, the context is perceived by researchers as impregnated by the discontinuity, unpredictability and uncertainty; mobilizing a number of elements necessary for the mediation in training practices of these consultants. Finally, it has set an instrumental and technological support, restricting the formation and undermining the position of the consultancy as nuclear function in Knowledge Management


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The present work, based on the methodological principles of the Comprehensive Discourse Analysis, aimed, through the speech of twelve newly arrived students at the Pedagogy course of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, to understand the moment students start university. It also aimed to analyze the relationship between the schools they were coming from and university entrance as well as the relationship between university and their new students. In the first part of the work, which focused on school knowledge, a comprehensive listening of the speeches of the students led primarily to a distinction, established by the students, between public and private schools, a distinction especially based on the view of superiority of private schools against public ones. The abovementioned interpretation is found in the discussion of the structural duality of Brazilian education which, historically, offers different pedagogical appliances among students of more priviledged social classes and those who come from lower levels of society. The overcome of this duality, aspired by the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, was stopped by the advent of a new economic model neoliberalism, which reinforced the differences between public and private when it prioritized the market on the economic, political and social relations, including educational projects. Impoverishment of public institutions and pauperization of the work of professors affected also the relationship between teachers and studens at the current institution. This is how the teacher becomes the greatest villain at the public management system. All of these references concerning differences in the quality of teaching at public and private schools, expressed by the students interviewed, however, were centered in the preparation for the entrance exam, called vestibular, thus showing a view that the relationship between the student and the school he came from is of a propedeutic kind and even so, reduced to a preparation for an entrance exam. In the second part of the work, which analyzed the relationship between newly arrived students and their university, it was noticed that the latter represents a whole new world. This world is seen as the change at the student´s social statute for now he is grown, takes more responsibilities and is socially respected. This change of attitude established by society and the discovery of a new world which requires more independence from the students, creates in them feelings of pride and fear and they feel insecure when it comes to making decision in the campus because now their decisions deliver a greater load of responsibility. This is when students understand they need to develop autonomy, which is seen, in this work, as the capacity to make conscious decisions. Nevertheless students expressed an understanding of autonomy as something that comes as a gift for those who enter university and not as a process that is constructed from social experiences. For these students, the need to be autonomous refers to the relationships with their teachers and the search for information. This search, however, is also related, according to interviews, to public school financial cuts, which penalize university, and to the lack of employers


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This work was developed in the course of Pedagogy, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Aims to understand the process of identity construction of teachers and educators in initial training. We started from the idea that such process was made by a complex and interdependent movement, once it was an inventive phenomenon wrought by individuals who are authors and actors of the story of their "real life" (KAUFMANN). This identity is rooted in the trajectories and social biographical experiences (FERREIRA), relationships with the constructed and accumulated knowledge in this route (CHARLOT) and in the developing of a sense of cultural belonging institutionally constructed (Luckmann, Berger). Then, the training involves relationships with knowledge in several instances, considering the effects, in one hand, the historic-social production and, in another hand, from the positions of subject and their biographical itinerary, existential and formative. We used the methodology of the Comprehensive Interview (KAUFMANN; SILVA), associated with a network of theoretical references, empirical and very analytical and interpretive activity. She researcher also relied on the "sensitive listening" (BARBIER), empathic attitude of "listening / seeing" the subject, and the notion of "intellectual artisan" (MILLS). The individual interviews were supplemented by the Focus Group. The approach was multi-referential (ARDOINO; MACEDO), with the intertwining of different perspectives, allowing a more complex configuration and less reductionist. In the analysis and interpretation we located the starting point, genesis of identity whose dynamics is not rigidly determined, but localized in space-time that precedes entry into the initial training. It is the time of concerns, questions and reflections about what you want to be in the future professional life. In sequence, we saw the route, multifaceted process whose the direction is the increasing involvement of individuals with their training. This training is engendered by the relations with the curricular, extracurricular and discursive knowledge, as simultaneous dynamics of self training and socio training. The self training of the individuals, understanding the critical, ethic and authority reading of their own experiences, is also seen as an exercise of shared responsibility, it assumes that the relationship with others meanings and professor mediation. The socio training refers to the collective subject and turns to the historical production and diversified knowledge, and comprehension of the various training instances. Self training and socio training are both objects of negotiation, because they are provocative of new designs, and cultural and identity maps, mobilizing the senses towards new meanings of themselves and the professional reality. It is in this interdependence between what is historically produced and the experiences of the subjects, who we located the arrival, considering it as a radically incomplete process of the professional identity and the building itself.


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The health transition experienced in Brazilian health care model requires a metamorphosis in human and society, placing new demands on health and education. The Faculty of Science, Culture and Extension of Rio Grande do Norte (Facex), aware of their responsibilities to the Health System, which brings the principle of comprehensiveness as its structural axis, dared to implement a course of nursing in complex thinking and Experiential Pedagogy Humanescente with curriculum inter / transdisciplinary. For deployment of proprosta was not enough to reform thinking of educators, there was a need corporalizar new teaching practices that are aimed at the integral formation of human beings. In this context, emerged the workshop on Human Education autopoietic, self-forming area of the educator, where he developed an Action Research Existential (PA-E) which enabled experience, describe and analyze how the human autopoietic educators could contribute to the practice educational humanescente transdisciplinary curriculum project. Were worked out in meetings, knowledge necessary to practice the transdisciplinary 1st Meeting - learn to create; 2nd Meeting - learn to recognize the laws of nature with emphasis on complexity theory, 3rd Meeting - learn to organize, 4th meeting - namely autoestruturar themselves; 5th Meeting - know how to choose, 6th Meeting - knowing innovate 7th Meeting - namely exchange. Next an autobiographical perspective, we chose the metaphorical possibility to narrate the ways and strategies covered by the author and apprentice in the company of the Little Prince de Saint-Exupery, in search of a sensible pedagogical practice complex, which promotes re-enchant transdisicplinar education. The route involved five methodological connections: a literature review which relate to training for care in undergraduate nursing: the study of learning processes that drive the formation humanopoiética, emphasizing the relationship that involves the complexity and embodiment in the educational process transdisciplinary, highlighting the analysis of what is to learn from the findings of biosciences and recent cognitive theories of Maturana and Varela, the description of the interdisciplinary curriculum of the nursing course of Facex and Training Workshop, Human autopoietic, with emphasis on Experiential Education Humanescente; the report of seven meetings of the Workshops (cocoon), recording the experiences and listening to educators (luminescent butterflies), the final reflections with learning opportunized. Experientiality lived through, the expressions and words, educators say the influence of workshops for their teaching practices, highlighting it as a space for selforganizing, creating, learning and enchantment, and can identify the workshop as a place of transformation necessary for deployment an interdisciplinary curriculum. The knowledge emerging from the study indicate the need for permanent spaces of self, in which the educator learns from its body, between cognitive processes and vital, and in the experiences of their formative process the opportunity to act on the dimensions of knowing and being


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By means of the Pastoral one an Education celebrated in the body and the laugh, visible is unmasked by means of cançonetas and of the licentious gesticulations of the jokers of this idleness. For such, we support ourselves in the phenomenological of Merleau-Ponty, the tradition and transmission of the verbal as it is conceived by Paul Zumthor, as well as in the phenomenology of the memory of the jokers and in the studies of cultural history and the philosophy of the body. The objective research to argue the body and the laugh as learning of the culture, as well as carrying through the production of a cartography of the potiguar pastoral ones, in the direction to argue the elements of the licentious gesticulations for the look and of cançonetas for hearing. The research is of phenomenological nature and when appealing the Phenomenology as an attitude, recognizes our look on the phenomenon, what if we show for while searching citizens and we assume the reduction and the lived world as methodological boarding to think the searched phenomenon. As he was evidenced in this study, one searched to dimensional the reach of a reflection centered in the body and the laugh through the listening of cançonetas of the Pastoral one and the vision through the licentious gestures; a reflection centered in the body of the joker of Pastoral


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This work makes a documental analise about the relationship between families of Down syndrome students and professionals of who teach them, in order to improve the process of developing teaching-learning, in an inclusive perspective. For this, we use a qualitative approach, because we believe that the object of research is not a passive and neutral knowledge, since it has meanings and relationships whose can be better interpreted and understood by the researcher in a real and active situation. For the development of this research, a bibliographical review was made about the subject, and a case studied in two regular education schools, both of them at the city of Natal/RN, one public and another one particular. We work on these educational institutions with professionals and parents of Down syndrome students. As an instrument of building information we used a semi-structured interview and to analise the results a qualitative method. Crossing the stages, we noticed: the pedagogical coordinators who made up both analyzed schools showed interest about doing an effective work with parents, regardless of Educational Policy Project of each school, predict or not the participation on educational undertaken process; On teachers discourses, reporting the relationship with the family, we realize that one of those teachers try to keep a good relationship with parents, permeated by learning exchanges, guidance and knowledge, in relation to another one, even existing an apparent openness to dialogue, when parents have any suggestions or criticism, that attitude is not always well coming. From the parents interviews, we can emphasize, first of all, that both of them recognize the benefits of inclusion, with regard to socialization - in general from the coexistence with pairs and the process of teaching and learning, as shown in a consistent way. Regarding school meetings with teachers, the studied parents agree about importance of such appointments and try to attend them, besides the other events organized by the school, beyond keeping individual touch with the teacher, when necessary. They are always present, looking for get envolved in everything that happens at school, in order to know better what is being done, listening and may suggest alternatives to improving the educational process. We perceive, from the study undertaken, that although the school inclusion is not an easy process to be built, is something that could be achieved. For this, is necessary that professionals of education and families recognize their functions in the educational process and act jointly on this direction


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The present study had the purpose of examining the disabled children s way of playing on everyday situations in the CMEIs (acronym in Portuguese for City s Early Childhood Education Center ) of Natal/RN, by watching and listening to three children and their teachers, trying to understand how the games existent in these contexts involve the different subjects of the learning process, and which contributions emerge for a valuable pedagogic work, capable of providing the children s inclusion in the Early Childhood Education. This qualitative investigation was built as a case study, collecting data through watching and interviews. Throughout the observations, it was indispensable to look into the different contexts of the school routine, to capture and analyze events that could answer to what was being studied. The accessibility conditions of the school spaces were also observed. The interviews made possible to extract from the subjects what they think and how they perceive themselves when playing. The acquired data were analyzed having as counterparts contemporary studies and theories about playing, childhood and school inclusion, and published documents from the Education and Culture Department that treat of this theme as the guiding axis of the pedagogic proposes aimed to the Early Childhood Education. The revelations of the research show that is necessary to put effort on the disabled children s playing inside the context of the Early Childhood Education, regarding the accomplishment of accessibility laws that treat of school spaces and providing of equipment and resources that respect those children s characteristics, as well as providing opportunities for initial and continued training for the teachers, under the perspective of inclusive education and playing


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This work has its genesis in the life of a teacher. It contemplates the report of a great story that expresses the political will of anonymous people who sought/seek to overcome challenges and prejudices, a joint effort to make real the right to literacy. The reported story was developed in the Pedagogic Clinic Teacher Heitor Carrilho, Natal-RN which, concerned about the sentence of 'unable to learn the written language' attributed to children and young public school students, decided to invest in overcoming prejudices and fight against school failure of these underprivileged. The problem that motivated the study was thus set up: What particularities characterize a pedagogical practice which aims to teach literacy to children and youth from public schools, considered not capable of learning the written language? What theoretical and methodological procedures are shown as a boost to literacy in the development of a pedagogical practice systematically targeted to reflect the perspective of educating those students in public schools? Aiming to answer these questions, we conducted a qualitative research having as methodology, Life Stories and Research/Formation. For the construction of the data, it was decided to use the participative observation, semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Guided by the principles of content analysis the data analysis was built, from which emerged two categories: theoretical and methodological procedures aligned to the major axes of literacy and Procedures of the specific theoretical and methodological fundamentals of literacy. As subsets of the transverse procedures others were seized: didactic-pedagogic procedures; social affective procedures. Regarding these ones, the research shows the importance of the teacher to build a relationship of listening to the students and their families in order to organize the pedagogical work, looking at multiple dimensions of the subject: the intellect, the creative, the affective, moral, noting that between the methodology and didactics or as part of it, the links built represent great opportunities to promote literacy. Regarding the specific procedures, others were built: procedures that emphasize oral communication, procedures that favor writing and procedures that privilege reading. Under these procedures, the results of research show that you can only promote literacy if the teacher provides the students effective conditions of understanding the principles of alphabetical notation from the use of various kinds of texts, leading them to comprehend and use them in different contexts. Therefore, instructors must meet the learners' prior knowledge, their language, and the learning real needs that will bring new challenges consistent with their possibilities. The research confirms the importance of the Educational Support extra school. However, it is essential to emphasize that it is a function of the school to promote literacy for all students in the early years of schooling. It is recorded, however, that for the implementation of this desire, we must break the school model characterized by a rigid tradition, in which there is only room for those who learn the content taught in a minimum time. Unfortunately, despite the discourse of inclusion and ensuring the right to education, the school remains exclusive and selective separating the school learning of interpersonal relations and social integration and performance. On the one hand, research showed the difficulties of conducting studies and/or strategies that address the particularities of children and young people believed not capable of learning. On the other hand, the political commitment and motivation have increased the perception that it is possible to mitigate the existing deficits in the educational context, beginning with the everyday teaching practice, in which new knowledge can be learned, methodologies can be improved and, despite everything, the educational success can be built


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The purpose of this study is to analyze the strategies used by families living in at-risk-and-vulnerable situations registered with the Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) ( Family Health Strategy ) as they face their daily problems. This is an investigation of a qualitative nature, using interview as the main tool for an empirical approach. Ten women from the Panatis location in northern Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, whose families live in precarious social-economical situations were interviewed. The interviews occurred between the months of April and June, 2007. The reports revealed that a mixture of improvisations and creativity was used as strategies for overcoming the privations and necessities of daily life. We also reached the conclusion that these families sought solutions for their problems through religiosity and a gift reciprocity system as resources for obtaining personal recognition and support in adversity. The results, in addition, point to ESF as one of the strategies used by these families in the search for attention and care. From this perspective, ESF has proven to be a place for listening and the construction of ties that are consolidated through home visits, organized groups, in parties and outings that are promoted in the community, reestablishing contact and support among people and signaling a way out of abandonment and isolation. Holders of knowledge constructed through life experiences, the participants of the study led us to induce and infer the need to amplify space that will allow them to express meanings, values and experiences, and consider that becoming ill is a process that incorporates dimensions of life that go beyond the physical. As health professionals, we need to be aware of the multiple and creative abilities used in the daily lives of these families, so that we can, along with them, reinvent a new way of dealing with health


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The Community Therapy (CT) is in a practice of therapeutic effect and may also be considered as a technology takes care of the therapeutic procedure group, whose purpose is to promote health, prevent illness, developed within primary care in mental health. In this study we sought to understand the social representations of health professionals who work with the Community Therapy, on use of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in the city of Joao Pessoa. This is a field research with a qualitative view Moscovician Theory of Social Representations, held with seven professionals of the FHS, therapists of Community Health District II. The empirical data were obtained by carrying out two thematic therapies in April 2009, which were wheeled CT. It was used as a technique for analyzing the collective subject discourse, and the data presented through graphs, charts, maps, pictures and graphics and arranged in three stages: Subjects of the study, characterizing the study participants; Social Representations of Therapist Community presenting and discussing the social representations of therapists community studied on CT, and Consequences of Community Therapy at the Family Health Strategy, discussing the meanings attributed by the study participants about changes in FHS. Meanings were attributed to the CT by the therapists studied originated from the speeches, songs, drawings and constructed, and that presented by schematic illustration show the relation between the representations: life, listening, faith / light, change, transformation. The web, symbol of CT, appeared on the images constructed by the representatives of the study and represents the formation of bonds that allows the construction of social support networks that strengthen relationships among community. In the study, proved by professionals who have the meanings about the changes in the work process from the introduction of CT, and shown that the change took place within a more welcoming attitude on the part of professionals, the relationship between Team members had no significant changes, explained by the low compliance of team members to the CT in relation to the user front, the bond was strengthened, and this involved strengthening the role of the therapist community. It is recognized, thereby transforming the character of CT in building links with users, requiring, however, that the team is viewed as offering therapeutic services, not the professional therapist. Therefore, the CT for being a new phenomenon in health services and community belonging, it fits like a novelty which affects the construction of a representation dispute. Still, can contribute to the reorganization of mental health care in line with the new model of mental health care advocated by the Psychiatric Reform.


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Study of qualitative approach using the oral history methodology, in modality oral history of life, which aimed to: tell the stories of lives of users of psychotropic drugs for prolonged period of time, in Family Health Unit Santarém (FHU Santarém), Natal-RN-Brazil; identify possible causes which influence and trigger, respectively, use of psychotropic for prolonged period of time; search for greater knowledge about this problem of public health; contribute with the planning and development of nursing cares, to users of psychotropic drugs for prolonged period of time, as well as in Mental Health Care, integrally, in perspective of Family Health Strategy (FHS). It was used as a baseline survey, the coverage area of family health team, from FHU Santarém, which belongs to Health District North II, from Municipal Health Secretariat, in Natal-RN-BR. Eight employees who use psychotropic drugs for prolonged period of time were interviewed. They volunteered to narrate their life stories, which were analyzed by using the thematic modality, since the study is focused on the question of the use of psychotropic drugs for prolonged period of time. The thematic axis crisis, prejudice and care, defined by the categorization of common elements, found through successive and careful readings of narratives, were used to analyze these stories of lives. The study found that users of psychotropic drugs for prolonged period of time are affected by mental health crisis, feeling need to be heard, as well as the existence of social prejudice towards people with mental disorders, and non-completion of development of managed care, by the family health team, and particularly, the nursing care to people suffering from mental disorders and users of psychotropic drugs for prolonged period of time. It is proposed that, in the search of development and planning of nursing care to users of psychotropic drugs for prolonged period of time, and in mental health care, integrally, in FHS, the nurse can think and make a drawing about manners of performing nursing care to this clientele through the use of consultation of nursing, conducting home visits, collective construction of spaces for listening and socialization, which can be used as possible paths for the construction of such care