18 resultados para língua e cultura estrangeira

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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La presencia de personas extranjeras radicadas en la província de Rio Grande del Norte trae a la escuela el desafio de recibir alumnos hablantes de otros idiomas. En esa perspectiva, el estudio tiene como objetivo investigar la practica pedagógica desarrollada por una profesora de Pipa - RN, con destaque en la enseñanza de Portugués para niños inmigrantes en la Enseñanza Fundamental. Esa temática se hace relevante al proponer posibles alternativas para el desarrollo de una acción docente reflexiva y mediatizadora de la enseñanza de una língua segunda. Para la concretización de este trabajo disertativo, se há realizado un estudio de caso de tipo etnográfico y de naturaleza qualitativa en una institución privada de la playa de Pipa - RN, en el período de noviembre de 2007 a agosto de 2008. Se há utilizado como procedimientos, la observación participante, la entrevista semiestruturada gravadaen áudio, la análise documental, el registro en diário de campo y el registro fotográfico. Se há elegido como referencial teórico las discusiones de Almeida Filho (1992, 1997, 2002, 2005), Cunha (1999, 2002), Freire (1996, 2004), Moita Lopes (1996), Vygotsky (1998), Wachowicz (1995) y Zabala (1998). La análise revela que, aunque la profesora observada no tenga conocimientos específicos sobre la enseñanza de PL2 en la escuela regular, su acción educativa há demonstrado avanzos, especialmente, al considerar los aprendizes como sujetos del processo de enseñanza aprendizaje, entre ellos los niños extranjeros; contemplar la identidad y las diferencias culturales y linguísticas de estos educandos; incluyese el aspecto lúdico en la preparación de las actividades; articular vínculos sociales, afectivos y cognitivos, entre otros aspectos destacados. Sin embargo, evidenciase la necesidad de una formación pedagógica específica para el trabajo con niños inmigrantes, a través de la interlocución entre los currículuns de los cursos de Filología y Pedagogia de las Universidades brasileñas, a partir del cual estudios y debates podran ser fomentados en la busqueda por uma enseñanza de PL2 verdaderamente comunicativo y democrático.


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Pour beaucoup de chercheurs, il y a une crise à l école et dans l enseignement/apprentissage des langues qui est provoquée par un enseignement cloisonné et décontextualisé de la réalité. Dans ce type d enseignement/apprentissage, le livre scolaire a une présence si hégémonique qu il est la source quasi exclusive du discours pédagogique et on ne fait que très rarement usage des langages du quotidien des apprenants. Le langage télévisuel est un de ces langages qui pourraient être utilisé pour ciliter enseignement/apprentissage d une langue vivante, variée et en situation, car il permet l exploration de tous les composants de la compétence de communication. En même temps, ce langage pourrait servir à sensibiliser les apprenants à une éducation aux médias. Le journal télévisé peut favoriser un enseignement/apprentissage intégré de la langue maternelle et de la langue étrangère, grâce à son format, similaire dans plusieurs cultures, et à son importance en tant que reflet des valeurs socioculturels des sociétés. Ces qualités sont très favorables pour stimuler le transfert des compétences entre la langue maternelle et la langue étrangère, pour qu on puisse enseigner et apprendre une langue, et connaître une culture. Le journal télévisé est vu comme une source d information et son analyse en classe peut contribuer à la formation d un apprenent/citoyen actualisé, critique et conscient des problèmes et des répresentations des sociétés


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This research deals with the insertion of the portfolio as a resource to the development of the reflective action in training teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Its goal is to characterize linguistic marks that show the reflective process in learning narratives collected in portfolios following the considerations of the ideational metafunction of the Systemic-Functional Grammar (SFG) by Halliday (1994). Within the scope of analysis offered by SFG, the system of transitivity was chosen attempting to observe and study the lexicogrammatical choices made by participants to produce their learning narratives. The corpus was composed of twenty-six learning narratives produced by thirteen participants into two distinct modules, designated here as "First Assessment" and "Final Assessment. The analysis were performed using procedures related to Corpus Linguistics, with the aid of the computer resource WordSmith Tools 5.0 (Scott, 1999). The results seems to indicate that preservice teachers, when asked to reflect on activities written on the classroom, use in their narratives a significant majority of mental processes instead of material processes that are common in narratives from other nature. Meanwhile, the use of a portfolio in teacher training in EFL, can be considered as a trigger reflection tool, which allows future teachers' effective monitoring of all their learning process


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The purpose of this research is to approach the English literary text from the point of view of the culture and the heterogeneity of discourse in its role as a source of elements that facilitate the teaching/learning process of English as a foreign language. Several instances of discourse heterogeneity are analyzed through cultural references in the original texts of the following English novels: Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855), published in 1847; The Mill on the Floss, by George Eliot (1819-1890), published in 1860 and Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens (1812-1870), published between 1860 and 1861. Theoretical support was sought in Kramsch, Bakhtin, Maingueneau, Authier-Revuz, Widdowson and Larsen-Freeman. Activities in English are proposed in the end whereby it can be seen that the questions at issue can be used extensively in the classroom.


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The measurement of patient satisfaction can provide information about the success of the care provider in reaching the values and meeting the expectations of the patient. The purpose of this study was to translate into the Portuguese language and to culturally customize to the Brazilian population the instrument to measure patient satisfaction with physical therapy elaborated by Goldstein et al. The study sample was made up of 279 patients who were undergoing physical therapy treatment at 39 different private clinics in a middle-sized town in northeastern Brazil. For the translation of the survey instrument, the back-translation technique was employed, in association with the bilingual method. The reliability and validity of the Brazilian version of the instrument were both assessed. Reliability analysis, carried out with the computation of Cronbach alpha coefficients, showed that the measures obtained with the instrument have a high degree of internal consistency. The aspects dealing with the patient therapist relationship are the most important predictors of satisfaction, followed by those dealing with courtesy, privacy, and practical aspects such as efficiency of the facility in the patient admissions process, setting up of appointments, and waiting time in waiting room. Items dealing with aspects such as location of the facility and availability of parking facilities may underestimate the reliability of the instrument. This study translated, culturally customized, and validated an instrument to measure patient satisfaction with physical therapy originally developed in English. By so doing, this study has made this instrument available to the Brazilian society, and it has rendered it a useful parameter that can be utilized in our country in the field of physical therapy


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Ce travail s agit du processus d´affirmation de l´identité Fulni-ô et de la mobilisation ethnique du groupe qui sont organisées et maintenues en bénéfice de leurs droits; ceux-ci consistent en la reconnaissance comme indiens devant la société et leurs droits sur le territoire. Le groupe est situé dans la municipalité d´Águas Belas, localisé entre l´ agreste et le sertão de l´état du Pernambuco. Ce sont, en moyenne, 3.676 indiens qui présentent comme signes d´identification ethnique: le Yathê, langue spécifique du groupe qui continue à être utilisée au quotidien; l´Ouricuri, terme qui désigne le rituel qui a lieu pendant le printemps et pendant des périodes spécifiques de l´année; le Toré, danse commune aux indiens du Nordeste. La mémoire et la matière culturelle sont les signes de mobilisation ethnique sélectionnés par les Fulni-ô pour favoriser l´affirmation de leur identité et la protection de leurs droits. Cet aspect sera traité tout au long de ce travail. La mobilisation ethnique est permanente, les Fulni-ô ne cessent d´utiliser des moyens qui peuvent les aider à vivifier leur identité et à protéger l´intégrité de leur territoire. Au travers de la mémoire ou grâce à l´utilisation de signes et de symboles ethniques (comme la langue, le rituel religieux et le Toré) ils consolident l´idée qu´ils sont indiens en même temps qu´ils établissent et défendent leurs frontières ethniques et physiques


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Cette étude vise à identifier, décrire et comprendre, le discours idéologique de la méthode Reflets-Brésil. L'étude, a été subventionnée en partie par une analyze des recommandations brésiliennes, et européennes, sur l'enseignement des langues étrangères, et pour la reflexion sur le matériel d'enseignement des langues étrangères, proposées respectivement par Alain Choppin et Christian Puren, et d'autre part, trouvé appui théorique, de la proposition de John B. Thompson en ce qui concerne les concepts de la culture et l'idéologie. La recherche a été de nature qualitative, sur la base des idées de Norman Fairclough sur l'analyse critique du discours, et a été organisé autour de l'hypothèse que la méthode Reflets-Brésil, tandis que un produit de la industrie europeane du livre, adaptée pour le public brésilien, traduit le discours idéologique, malgré les recommandations brésilien en matière d'éducation et le développement des manuels scolaires. Dans l'étude, il a été conclu par la véracité de l'hypothèse. La méthode Méthode Reflets-Brésil, non seulement peut être comprise comme un véhicule idéologique, mais ne prévoit pas dans sa proposition pour l'enseignement des langues étrangères, un espace de réflexion qui peuvent conduire à une reconstruction de discours critique et / ou pratiques liées à l'enseignement du français comme langue étrangère


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Since the publication of the report "To Err is Human" by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) , which estimated that between 44.000 to 98.000 Americans die annually as a result of errors in health care, patient safety spent gaining prominence, emerging studies assess the safety culture by measuring the safety climate. In this context, the aim of this study was to identify safety culture perceived by nursing professionals working in the intensive care unit of a maternity school in Natal/RN through the Security Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ). This was a descriptive study, cross-sectional and quantitative approach undertaken in the Intensive Care Unit Maternal and Neonatal a maternity school in Natal/RN. The project was submitted to and approved by Brazil Platform Zip/UFRN under number 309 540 and CAAE 16489713.7.0000.5537. It was used to collect data two instruments: a questionnaire in order to collect socio-demographic data of the subjects and the Questionário Atitudes de Segurança , a cultural adaptation to Portuguese of the instrument of the World Health Organization titled Safety Attitudes Questionnaire - (SAQ ) Short Form 2006. The collected data were analyzed quantitatively by the organization in electronic databases in Microsoft Excel 2010 spreadsheet and exported to statistical software for free access to be coded, tabulated and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study included a total of 50 nurses, 31 and 19 of the NICU Maternal ICU, predominantly female, mean age 35 years, median time of 10 years training and working in maternity, mostly, less than 05 anos. As a result, two articles were produced. The first refers to the first two domains of the instrument entitled "climate of teamwork" and "climate security" . The scores of the two areas were slightly higher in Maternal ICU compared to the NICU, but no sector has reached the ideal minimum score of 75: in the first domain Maternal ICU had an average of 74.77, with medians of 75 and 100, while Neonatal ICU reached an average of 69.61 with median also 75 and 100, while the second field means were 69.35 and 66.01 for Maternal and Neonatal ICUs respectively, with a median of 100 in the two sectors. The second article relates to the field "Perception Management Unit and Hospital", which 9 assessed the perception of management units and motherhood by professionals. In general, the items of the domain in question also obtained scores below the ideal minimum: 63.68 to 51.02 and maternal ICU for neonatal, featuring a clear separation between the management and the professionals who work in direct care. These findings indicate a warning sign for the institution and point to the need to implement actions aimed at patient safety


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Teaching and learning representations have been more and more investigated in the Brazilian applied linguistics field, as it allows the understanding of the teachers representations and how they conceive the learning process. This practice facilitates the planning of actions to improve the educational system. This study aims at identifying, interpreting and discussing some representations related to the identity and professional view of English as a foreign language teachers in different school contexts of Natal-RN. The theoretical and methodological foundation for this research is Halliday s Systemic- Functional Linguistics (1994; HALLIDAY; MATHIESSEN, 2004; EGGINS, 1994, among others). Our goal was to reveal the teachers representations embedded in their language, mainly through the ideational metafunction, as language is the tool we use to express ourselves about the external world (events, qualities, things, etc) and the internal world (thoughts, beliefs, feelings, etc). The research corpus is made of 21 teacher narratives, generated from a questionnaire sent to the teachers, who were divided in two groups: Group 1 (public schools teachers) and Group 2 (private schools and English course teachers). Most of the participants seemed to be satisfied with their professional choice. Many of them see the job as a challenge and an opportunity to transmit knowledge. All of them affirmed that the English teacher is a professional, for different reasons; however, the low professional appreciation was a recurrent aspect among the studied narratives. When asked about where they work, the private school teachers seemed to be more satisfied with the teaching-learning process than the ones from the public schools. We believe that the data analyzed in this study is important to show how some English teachers from Natal-RN see their profession. The results might be used in continuing education courses as food-for-thought in group discussions, as it is extremely important to emphasize and stimulate this practice


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Research about teacher education, carried out in the area of Applied Linguistics (AL), reveals the importance of reflective practices in the professional development of teachers. With the aim of contributing to this area, we present this case study conducted at a technical school in Natal, RN. The corpus of the study is formed mainly from the teacher‟s discourse, generated during a stimulated recall session and the instruments used to collect the data: an initial questionnaire, a video recording of a class and the text transcript of the stimulated recall session. The central objective is to understand the way in which the reflection-on-action (SCHÖN, 1983, 1987) can contribute to raise the awareness of an English as a Foreign Language teacher (EFL) about her actions in the classroom. With this proposal, we begin our discussion presenting the origins, the presuppositions and characteristics of the concept of reflection according to Schön (1983, 1987), and supported by other authors (PERRENOUD, 2002; GÓMEZ, 1995; IMBERNÓN, 2009, among others); of critical reflection (LISTON e ZEICHNER, 1993; PIMENTA, 2002; DUTRA e MELLO, 2004, among others); and of the process of critical reflection (SMYTH, 1992). To evidence the reflections that emerge in the teacher‟s discourse, we found support in the theories and methods of Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG), which was initially proposed by Halliday (1985, 1994), Halliday and Hasan (1989), Halliday and Matthiessen (2004) and followers, such as, Eggins (1994), Thompson (1996), among others. We focus mainly on the subsystem of Attitude, an integral component of the system of discourse resources, Appraisal, presented by Martin (2000), Martin and Rose (2003, 2007), Martin and White (2005). The results reveal that the actions of the teacher in the classroom reflect not only her professional experiences, but also her values and concepts about teaching/learning languages. The results also show the teacher‟s awareness of the need for changes in her practices. Faced with these findings, we believe that this study reveals important concepts that can direct teacher educators to rethink new ways of approaching teacher training courses. In addition, it also reveals the importance of discourse analysis based on a systemic functional approach.


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This work aims to understand the teaching of English at the Federal Institute of considering the recommendations of official and technical documents for the integrated secondary school and the perspective of the English teachers settled in one of the campuses of the Institute. It is also an objective of this research to infer as to what extent the perspective of teachers is articulated to the documental recommendations. For this purpose, several official and technical documents (LÜDKE; ANDRÉ, 1986), such as the PCNEMs (BRAZIL, 2000), the OCNEMs (BRAZIL, 2006) and the Political-Pedagogical Project of the Institute (IFRN, in press) were gathered, and a questionnaire was submitted to six teachers of English from one of the campuses of the institution. The theoretical references of the research include, among others, Bakhtin (1997; 1999), Widdowson (1991), Almeida Filho (2011; 2004), Celani (1988; 2009), Hutchinson and Waters (1987) and Dudley-Evans and St. John (1998). The results show that the teaching of English according to the documents predicts the instrumental use of the foreign language, but suggests the development of competences and skills as contextualized social practices, aimed at the education of the student as a professional-citizen. The perspective of teachers, in turn, points to a concern that the teaching of English serves as a tool for improving student life through the instrumental use of language as a means of accessing information and professional training. This finding reveals that the articulation between the documental recommendations and perspective of teachers does not go beyond what refers to the instrumental language teaching, since teachers do not show, when reporting their practices, the teaching of language as social practice, as mentioned in the legal texts


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Our research has arisen from the interest of aligning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom practice to current discussions in the ambit of learning and teaching Foreign Languages (FLs). Because of the need to integrate the linguistic development to the development of notions clung to the practice of citizenship, we have adopted a cultural perspective. We have noticed jokes as a fertile ground for discussing cultural aspects in classroom. Considering such factors, our research question is: how to explore cultural aspects in jokes for the elaboration of EFL activities which aim for the development of intercultural competence and interaction? Therefore, our general goal is to explore cultural aspects in jokes for the elaboration of EFL teaching and learning activities and our specific goals are: (I) to study official suggestions (LDB, 1996; PCNEM, 2000; PCN+EM, 2002; OCEM, 2006) regarding culture at foreign languages teaching and learning, (II) to select 05 (five) jokes and analyze them focusing on their cultural aspects, (III) to identify possible interpretations for jokes; (IV) to elaborate EFL activities which grant a privilege to jokes cultural aspects. This investigation is descriptive and documental and relies on qualitative paradigm (CHIZZOTTI, 2010; FLICK, 2009; CHAROUX, 2006; BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 1994; 1992). The corpus is constituted by jokes taken from Internet sites and by official documents (LDB, 1996; PCNEM, 1998; PCN+EM, 2000; OCEM, 2006). For the elaboration of activities we have chosen a weaker version of Content-based instruction (CBI), in which contents are cultural aspects in jokes and we have undertaken a reflection on methods, approaches and perspectives, among which there are notions about post-method and CBI, which talk to EFL learning and teaching. For theoretical support we have some discussions about FL methods and approaches (BELL, 2003; KUMARAVADIVELU, 2003; WESCHE; SKEHAN, 2002; PRABHU, 1990), a cultural perspective (KRAMSCH, 1998, 1996, 1993; BYRAM; FENG, 2004), some works in Linguistics about jokes (POSSENTI, 2010, 1998; CHIARO, 1992); notions about implicit (MAINGUENEAU, 2004, 1996; CHARAUDEAU; MAINGUENEAU, 2012) and about ambiguity (KEMPSON, 1977; CHARAUDEAU; MAINGUENEAU, 2012; TRASK, 2011), having the adoption of such categories emerged from the analyzes of some jokes


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This work aims at analyzing the activities presented in the book On Stage for junior high school students, which was selected by IFRN, as well as checking out the students interest for play activities. We have come from the point that playing activities can contribute to the increasing of motivation for the teaching of English (BROUGERE, 1999; WRIGHT, BETTERIDGE, BUCKBY, 2006; LANGRAN e PURCELL, 1994). At first place, our research is a document analysis and in second place, it is an action research. We have proposed two questionnaires for the participants of this work, all of them are High school students at IFRN-Campus Zona Norte, in order to check out their interests and the degree of motivation for the English learning before and after the carrying out of play activities. The obtained data also showed that the students became more motivated and interested in the classes after working with play activities, and most of the students agreed with the inclusion of these activities in the selected course book. The result of our work proved the benefits of play activities according to researches available in the literature about this subject. From the results acquired in the present work, we suggest that play activities should be included in English course books, even when they are addressed to High School teaching in order to help increasing the motivation for the learning of a foreign language


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The focus of this research is the teaching of the Latin language. Due to the fact that its teaching has been facing a growing crisis in the last four decades, which currently persists, we ponder about external and internal causes of its decline, aiming at pointing out an alternative that enable us to find a way out of this situation. So, our research questions mainly concern how the teaching of Latin is viewed amongst the academic society, also investigating if it has kept up with the development of the scientific reflection about human language and the new approaches on language teaching. Furthermore, we analyse the contribution that the study of Latin can provide to the academic formation of language teachers and try to identify the areas of knowledge that can contribute to a reshaping of its teaching. Based on these guidelines, we have established as the goals of this research: 1) to reflect about the current situation of the teaching of Latin and the causes of its decline; 2) to determine its social representation among teachers and students of the Language Courses, as a way of defining the role it fulfills in the academic formation of teachers; 3) to accomplish an exploratory study of some handbooks that show alternative proposals on how to teach Latin, in order to detect their adequacy to current times and to the goals of the academic study of languages; 4) to offer an alternative proposal on how to teach Latin that takes into account the principles of Applied Linguistics, considering the socio-historical and cultural aspects of the language, enabling it to meet the requirements set by modern times. This research is divided into two parts. The first part presents the theoretical framework. We map the studies about Latin teaching inside and outside Brazil and argue against the concept of Latin being a dead language, presenting arguments set on changing this view. Then we describe and comment the notions of literacy, genre and culture, which helped us understand the reasons for the decline of the teaching of Latin and to point out suitable ways to overcome the crisis. The second part is dedicated to reflecting on the literacy practices in Latin teaching. We began by examining the answers to the questionnaires given to students and teachers about the view of Latin in the Language Courses; then we reflect on the teaching-learning of Latin as an academic literacy practice followed by an analysis of the didactic material used in teaching Latin. Finally, we suggest an approach of the familiar letter genre in ancient Rome as a means of teaching Latin in a contextualized way


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Considering the following conditions: (1) the fluency demands of students in an undergraduate program in Languages and Literatures/English in the Amazon region; (2) the listening and speaking needs of pre-service teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL); (3) my continuing education as a professor of EFL and my academic literacy as a teacher-researcher and pre-service-teacher trainer, this study, which is based on Narrative Inquiry, reports on a teacher experience of working didactically with oral genres through podcasting an activity that emerged with the advent of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Through this process, I engage with some theorists who promote teaching as a process that is driven by a concept of language as social practice. Subsequently, I make use of the notions of context of culture and context of situation, derived from Systemic Functional Linguistics, as well as the concept of genre and register derived from the perspective of this theory. Based on these principles and beliefs, the Amazon region constitutes the register (situation) of the genres used in this study. These principles also provide, opportunities for building learning strategies appropriate to this local context, and also to teach listening and speaking skills from a task-based approach. During the experience, based on the reflective teacher-education model, the participants produced narratives about the process, which I then analyzed according to Ely, Vinz, Downing and Anzul (2001), who propose possibilities of composing meanings in Narrative Inquiry. Based on this perspective, I discuss the following topics, which were highly emphasized in the participants narratives: the lack of didactic activities using oral genres; the relevance of context within teacher education; and collaborative work as a strategy to overcome gaps in digital literacy, language fluency and teaching skills. The meanings I thereby compose point to a paradigm shift in English language teaching within this context. I also argue for a pedagogical practice that is engaged with historical and socio-cultural issues, and with the development of language skills, also one that promotes the implementation of ICTs at the very start of teacher training programs, adopting teaching and learning strategies that correspond to the demands of fluency in this particular context, and deficiencies imposed by geographical isolation