38 resultados para hiper-religiosidade

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Le Poète Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935), l un des artistes les plus controversés du XXème siècle, se déclarait comme un chrétien gnostique. Malgré cela, il ne s est aligné sur aucune institution et/ou doctrine établie. Mais, il a eu dans la dimension religieuse sa thématique préférée. La proposition de ce travail est de comprendre la religiosité chez Pessoa par le moyen de la lecture d images suscitées à partir de la lecture de son oeuvre, et ainsi, mettre en évidence dans sa vaste production, des significations poétiques qui peuvent être associées à des signes de religiosité, soit dans son contenu manifeste, soit dans le contenu latent de son oeuvre. Ceci, en comprenant que Pessoa, dans tous ses personnages créés par l intermédiaire de l hétéronymie, a fait usage dans son écriture du langage symbolique des univers religieux les plus distincts pour composer sa propre forme de religiosité. Il apparaît que celle-ci est pluriforme et a peut-être com objectif de contrarier les limites sociales établies pour l exercice de la foi


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At this research we attempted to understand what feeds and supports the faith and popular religiosity at Pedro s Cave in Ribeirao do Largo, located in Bahia State. For this we studied the visitation ritual at Pedro s Cave on June 29th and tried to identify the importance of this ritual in the construction and reconstruction of believer s faith. Moreover, we endeavored to understand which factors led Pedro Afonso Nascimento, a cowhand whose lift was taken in a violent manner, to the roll of popular saints and how it was built around his tomb a sanctuary of constant visitation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The approach that undertakes this work revolves around the emergence of iconic structures on reflecting about the meaning of different methods of image representation through which the contemporaneity reveals itself. At baseline, three aspects are considered looking for an analytical ontology of the act of representation and imagery: the transition of representation in the oral culture of societies for writing, from these to typography, and finally the creation of a representation device. Resorted to, therefore, the argument by some genealogy reference points that technological instances such as writing, printing and photography, the evolution of this process, correspond, in itself, a consequent shift technique, for each representation precedent. In the area of the image, the most salient aspect of this change in foward process is the emergence of hyper-reality: the instances of hyper-realistic representation. In the Western context, the 'simulation of the world' - essential idea of mimesis is the work of an autonomous an conventional system. It should be noted, then the fact that under unreflective of the post-industrial societies, the mass-media image is coating with natural or fake code including - according to Baudrillard - tends to replace the real world in the "perpetuation of a large chain of simulacra." Hence in modern times, in the postindustrial society, during the crisis of the representation regimen and perception, centered in the referent. In this limit, new settings are established by aesthetic representations of imagery in contemporary culture: establishing spaces of simulation [Jean Baudrillard] the spectacle [Guy Debord] and hypermodernity [Gilles Lipovetsky] in which they operate. In these assemblages, saps the emergence of Hyper-reality Representation Instances - as seen in this study aesthetic events to configure itineraries of a new sensibility. It is the nature of this practice sign-iconic, ingrained in the creation of current artistic expression, which this research engaged in peering: the hyper-realistic setting, taking empirical support central to contemporary imagery production, diverse formats of analog representation.


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Si les études sur les groupes noirs ruraux connaissent un essor dans l´Antropologie brésilienne contemporaine, au Nordeste, et spécialement au Rio Grande do Norte, ce genre de recherches restent rares. Ce travail a comme principal objectif de faire une description ethnographique des communautés du Pêga, do Arrojado e do Engenho Novo, dans la commune de Portalegre/RN, désignées comme des descendants africains et dont les membres se reconnaissent comme appartenant a une "grande famille". Ainsi, nous voulons analyser les processus d´élaboration d´une identité collective et comprendre le rôle des relations de parenté dans la vie cotidienne, festive et religieuse de Portalegre. En effet, nous pouvons observer que les "parents" développent des stratégies économiques et affirment leur alterité, reprennant des traits culturels et religieux qui leur sont propres pour se présenter comme un groupe doté d´une grande cohésion face a la société environnante. Nous utilisons la méthode ethnographique et la technique de l´observation participante, alliée à l´analyse des sources historiques primaires dans le but de décrire ces pratiques et stratégies. Nous pensons que la participation des membres du groupe à la production agricole, spécialement dans la confection de la farine de manioc, la construction des relations sociales au quotidien et l´organisation de la danse de São Gonçalo représentent autant d´occasions où la mémoire du groupe se fortifie, l´identité collective se cristallise et où la sociabilité se trouve consolidée. Nous analysons ces pratiques collectives et ces moments festifs comme des moyens de réaffirmation d´une identité locale centrée sur les relations de parenté


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CAVIGNAC, J. A. . Os filhos de Tereza: narrativas e religiosidade na Boa Vista dos Negros/RN. Tomo, São Cristovão, SE, n. 11, p. 77-102, jul./dez. 2007. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 16 mar. 2015.


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The seaweed Gracilaria domingensis is a common species in the coast of Rio Grande do Norte. This species lives in the intertidal zone, where colour strains (red, green and brown) co-occur during the whole year. Seaweeds that live in this region are exposed to daily changes and to the rhythm of the tide. During the low tide they are exposed to dissection, hiper-or hipo-osmotic shock, high temperatures and high irradiance. The aim of this study was to analyze whether the pigment and protein content of the colour strains of G. domingensis is affected by some environmental parameters in a temporal scale. The seaweeds were collected during 10 months in the seashore of Rio do Fogo (RN). The total soluble proteins and the phycobiliprotein were extracted in phosphate buffer and the carotenoids were analyzed by a standardized method through HPLC-UV. The pigments analysis showed that phycoerithrin is the most abundant pigment in the three strains. This pigment was strongly correlated with nitrogen and the photosynthetically active radiation. Chlorophyll presented higher concentrations than carotenoids during the whole, but the ratio carotenoid/chlorophyll-a was modified by incident radiation. The most abundant carotenoid was ß-carotene and zeaxanthin, which had higher concentrations in the higher radiation months. The concentration increase of zeaxanthin in this period indicated a photoprotective response of the seaweed. The three strains presented a pigment profile that indicates different radiation tolerance profile. Our results pointed that the green strain is better adapted to high irradiance levels than the red and brown strains


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The aim of this study was to follow the daily routine of elderly individuals residing at the Vila Vicentina Júlia Freire (VVJF) nursing home in João Pessoa, Brazil, observing and analyzing as much as possible, the way in which they live in a group and how they deal, through personal experiences, with their own body image and with that of others. The results were obtained from information considered relevant, according to the perspectives of the residents themselves, contained in narratives of their history and related to their quality of life. Our interest lays in how they coped with changes in their bodies at old age and adapted to the challenges of this new phase. To obtain this information, with significant expressions, we used the Narrative Interview (NI) as a research tool in order to redeem their life experience and develop an understanding of their impressions about the life experience at the current nursing home. We selected, among the housed, ten subjects - actors - to appear as a sample of the group together. The design of our sample had a hybrid model, combining two types: random sample (probability) and an intentional sample (not probability). After recording transcripts and ensuring that all the subjects showed common interests that were relevant to the group, we chose three categories for analysis as follows: a. the elderly as seen by themselves and by others; b. religiosity as a moral factor; c. intimacy and relationships. Our choice was based on the importance of the theme as a multidisciplinary topic in the quality of life of populations. The subjects, chosen as spokespersons for the VVJF, spoke, among other things, about the way in which they viewed the world, their own body and how they experienced the environment and their fellow residents, in an attitude of reflection and criticism that confirms the lucidity of an old age conditioned to an elderly institution. The method allowed us to investigate our subjects from a multidisciplinary point of view. We suggest other studies in assorted areas of the human sciences, having as principle, man at the center of all our scientific questionings. The paradigm that the elder is, necessarily, unhappy in his sheltered has been, in this job, broken through the testimonies collected, establishing multiple perspectives of the analyzed subjects by their respective narrative records. Involving the participation of researchers with major in Administration, Communication and Law, this study filled, in this aspect, the requirements of the multidisciplinarity of the Program of Pos-Graduation in Health Science


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This ethnographic work studies the experiences of patients admitted in public (PUH) and private (PRH) hospitals in the Brazilian northeastern region. 28 adult patients of different clinics participated in the study. Data were analyzed by the patient path method, consisting in a combination of complemented and articulated techniques free observation, participating observation, ethnographic interview and patient testimonials collected prospectively during the patients admissions, from their arrival and until their discharge. The analysis was carried out according to the Thematic Categories Analysis Technique and the data were interpreted pursuant to medical anthropology, healthcare humanization and healthcare promotion theoretical references. The ethical principles of Resolution 196/96 were followed. The human hospital, as revealed by the patient, highlights the significance of subjectivity. 225 (54.7%) out of 411 mentioned concepts were collected in a public hospital (PUH) and 186 (45.3%) in a private institution (PRH). The results show that the patient at the PUH and PRH ethnoevaluates different aspects of the healthcare professionals´ human and technical competence, the hospital´s functioning structure, the access to and the ethics in the financial management, and develops overcoming strategies for his stay at the hospital. This ethnoevaluation is mediated by different factors, namely: social and economic status, personality, religiosity, ironic speech, somber diagnosis and satisfied needs, prior hospital experiences and the conditions under which the interview was carried out. A pedagogic proposal for the hospital humanization must include structural, managerial and organizational changes of the offered services and use active methodologies aimed to the political resolution of problematic situations at work and the inclusion of affective and subjective factors, and become as well a tool for the collective learning. This study shows the importance for the user´s ethnoevaluation to be incorporated into the hospital management and care as a guideline in the decision making and clinical action, thus promoting practices that shall lead to a decent and humanized care. The multidisciplinary nature of this study allowed a wide understanding of the user´s perspective as a socially critical ethnoevaluator


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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A sobrevida das pessoas com AIDS tem aumentado com o uso das terapias com antiretrovirais (TARV), esses, entretanto, possuem efeitos colaterais que interferem no padrão morfofuncional e hematológico, o que pode levar a alterações na qualidade de vida (QV). Este estudo quase-experimental objetivou avaliar parâmetros antropométricos, funcionais, hematológicos e de QV em pessoas com HIV/AIDS submetidas a um programa de exercícios de 16 semanas. Os participantes tinham idade entre 35 e 51 anos (n=15), eram registrados no Núcleo de atendimento do Hospital Giselda Trigueiro em Natal/Rio Grande do Norte e apresentaram CD4350cel/mm3, lipodistrofia e estavam em TARV. Foram avaliados o índice de massa corpórea (IMC), a relação cintura-quadril (RCQ), o percentual de gordura (%G), a força escapular e manual, a contagem de CD4, carga viral e QV, antes e após a intervenção. Essa foi realizada com exercícios de aquecimento e utilizou como base os exercícios resistidos, realizados 3x/semana, com 1h e intensidade de 60 a 75% de 1RM. Observaram-se modificações significativas no %G (p=0,031), força escapular (p=0,007) e preensão manual (p=0,039). Houve aumento no CD4 e a carga viral manteve-se indetectável. Nos domínios da QV, houve mudança significativa no do meio ambiente (p=0,021), espiritualidade, religiosidade e crenças pessoais (p=0,032) e na percepção da qualidade de vida e saúde geral (p=0,005). Os resultados sugerem que os exercícios resistidos para essa população constituem agente terapêutico coadjuvante no controle dos efeitos colaterais advindos da TARV, promovendo modificações na composição corporal, aumento da capacidade funcional e dos níveis de CD4, mantendo estável a carga viral e melhorando a QV. Sugerimos novos estudos com maior tempo de intervenção e com o acompanhamento de equipes multidisciplinares, o que poderá promover melhorias mais significativas na qualidade de vida e efetuar maior controle nas variáveis intervenientes


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The study aims to discuss women in the priesthood pentecostalism evangelical. The role of women as agents of leadership in the religious sphere allows the discussion about the possibility of the universe as a religious area of significant changes with regard to a reduction in gender differences in the present. The participation of women as agents of leadership of churches Pentecostals is interpreted as a new option for women beyond the domestic space, however, want to clarify the existence and occurrence of on-imposed limitations and inserted in the hierarchy of female power of religious denominations, noting are fruits of a structure hierarquizante not thought of women, but from the male universe.


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The issues surrounding the religious have been given greater importance in scientific discussions and the media. Discussions on religion and religiosity have become widespread as a means for construction of social representations, both as individual levels, in addition, in the collectivity. This work deals with the construction of the order of Jesus, missionaries and settlers of the projects that marked the presence of the Jesuit missionaries, from colonization to the religious restructuring imposed after the expulsion of the Jesuit Order in Sergipe. Expulsion is what happened in the midst of political and administrative changes made by the Portuguese government in the mid-eighteenth century, which had representation at the Marquis of Pombal its creator. Understanding the religious and social restructuring, designed here in the practices and representations of popular and official. This restructuring has had on the religious brotherhoods, religious orders and other representations, an important symbolic presence in the spaces sociorreligiosos linked to Catholic practices in Sergipe. Representation such that officially came into the vicars pasted their legal representatives, in the maintenance of religious practices in the boroughs and cities Sergipe


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This paper develops an analysis of virtual chains religious imagetic. The profusion of images that accompanies us is an irrefutable fact today. The imagetic and virtual join the religion. The approach of the old with the new makes possible the emergence of this new religious practice. Therefore, the study sought to characterize the context in which the virtual chains religious develop. From this perspective, emphasizes religion and cyberculture in order to explain how from that link, it originates an element that exemplifies the current society imagery. This study of the chains takes place from the perspective of the receiver. The image is considered as language, while in communicating becomes capable of imitation


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Cette thèse est une étude ethnographique sur un temple populaire, connue comme As Covinhas, situé dans Rodolfo Fernandes, une municipalité de Rio Grande do Norte. L'objectif de cette étude est d'analyser la formation et la dynamique de l'espace des rapports sociaux et symboliques que les établir et les promouvoir comme référence religieuse de la région où il se trouve. Dans cette intention, est exploré trois dimensions: de les pratiques, quand c‟est activités permit rituellement la (re)produisant de les significations que mis la dévotion aux Meninas das Covinhas em marche ; de les conflits, que suggérant la qualité polyphonique du sanctuaire, quand les différentes sujects impliquées dans ce lieu mettre em relation les sens et les intérêts qui recueillent souvent ; et les changements, qui aboutissent à des degrés divers des perceptions, des disposions et des opérations des sujects qui vivant le sanctuaire dans la pratique, afin de le maintenir dans le processus constant de l'invention