7 resultados para granodiorite

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The Brasiliano Cycle in the Seridó Belt (NE Brazil) is regarded mostly as a crustal reworking event, characterized by transcurrent or transpressional shear zones which operated under high temperature and low pressure conditions. In the eastern domain of this belt- the so-called São José de Campestre Massif (SJCM), a transtensional deformation regime is evidenced by extensional components or structures associated to the strikeslip shear zones. The emplacement of the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano granitoids is strongly controled by these discontinuities. Located in the southern border of the SJCM, the Remígio-Pocinhos shear zone (RPSZ) displays, in its northern half, top to the SW extensional movement which progressively grade, towards its southern half, to a dextral strike-slip kinematics, defining a negative semi-flower structure. This shear zone is overprinted upon allocthonous metasediments of the Seridó Group and an older gneiss-migmatite complex, both of which containing metamorphic parageneses from high amphibolite to granulite facies (the latter restricted to the strike-slip zone), defining the peak conditions of deformation. Several granitoid plutons are found along this structure, emplaced coeval with the shearing event. Individually, such bodies do not exceed 30 km2 in outcropping area and are essentially parallel to the trend of the shear zone. Petrographic, textural and geochemical data allow to recognize five different granitoid suites along the RPSZ: porphyritic granites (Serra da Boa Vista and Jandaíra), alkaline granites (Serra do Algodão and Serra do Boqueirão) and medium to coarse-grained granites (Olivedos) as major plutons, while microgranite and aluminous leucogranite sheets occur as minor intrusions. The porphyritic granites are surrounded by metasediments and present sigmoidal or en cornue shapes parallel to the trend of the RPSZ, corroborating the dextral kinematics. Basic to intermediate igneous enclaves are commonly associated to these bodies, frequently displaying mingling textures with the host granitoids. Compositionally these plutons are made up by titanite-biotite monzogranites bearing amphibole and magnetite; they are peraluminous and show affinities to the monzonitic, subalkaline series. Peraluminous, ilmenite-bearing biotite monzogranites and titanite-biotite monzogranites correspond, respectivally, to the Olivedos pluton and the microgranites. The Olivedos body is hosted by metasediments, while the microgranites intrude the gneiss-migmatite complex. Being highly evolved rocks, samples from these granites plot in the crustal melt fields in discrimination diagrams. Nevertheless, their subtle alignment also looks consistent with a monzonitic, subalkaline affinity. These chemical parameters make them closer to the I-type granites. Alkaline, clearly syntectonic granites are also recognized along the RPSZ. The Serra do Algodão and Serra do Boqueirão bodies display elongated shapes parallel to the mylonite belt which runs between the northern, extensional domain and the southern strike-slip zone. The Serra do Algodão pluton shows a characteristic isoclinal fold shape structure. Compositionally they encompass aegirine-augite alkali-feldspar granites and quartz-bearing alkaline syenite bearing garnet (andradite) and magnetite plus ilmenite as opaque phases. These rocks vary from meta to peraluminous, being correlated to the A-type granites. Aluminous leucogranites bearing biotite + muscovite ± sillimanite ± garnet (S-type granites) are frequent but not volumetrically important along the RPSZ. These sheet-like bodies may be folded or boudinaged, representing partial melts extracted from the metasediments during the shear zone development. Whole-rock Rb-Sr isotope studies point to a minimum 554��10 Ma age for the crystalization of the porphyritic granites. The alkaline granites and the Olivedos granite produced ca. 530 Ma isochrons which look too young; such values probably represent the closure of the Rb-Sr radiometric clock after crystallization and deformation of the plutons, at least 575 Ma ago (Souza et al. 1998). The porphyritic and the alkaline granites crystallized under high oxygen fugacity conditions, as shown by the presence of both magnetite and hematite in these rocks. The presence of ilmenite in the Olivedos pluton suggests less oxidizing conditions. Amphibole and amphibole-plagioclase thermobarometers point to minimum conditions, around 750°C and 6 Kbars, for the crystallization of the porphyritic granites. The zirconium geothermometer indicates higher temperatures, in the order of 800°C, for the porphyritic granites, and 780°C for the Olivedos pluton. Such values agree with the thermobarometric data optained for the country rocks (5,7 Kbar and 765°C; Souza et al. 1998). The geochemical and isotope data set point to a lower crustal source for the porphyritic and the alkaline granites. Granulite facies quartz diorite to tonalite gneisses, belonging or akin to the gneiss-migmatite complex, probably dominate in the source regions. In the case of the alkaline rocks, subordinate contributions of mantle material may be present either as a mixing magma or as a previously added component to the source region. Tonalite to granodiorite gneisses, with some metasedimentary contribution, may be envisaged for the Olivedos granite. The diversity of granitoid rocks along the RPSZ is explained by its lithospheric dimension, allowing magma extraction at different levels, from the middle to lower crust down to the mantle. The presence of basic to intermediate enclaves, associated to the porphyritic granites, confirm the participation of mantle components in the magma extraction system along the RPSZ. This mega-structure is part of the network of Brasiliano-age shear zones, activated by continental collision and terrane welding processes at the end of the Neoproterozoic


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The of Serrinha plutonic suite, northeastern portion of the Borborema Province (NE Brazil), is characterized by a voluminous and diversified magmatism of Neoproterozoic age, intrusive in the Archean to Paleoproterozoic gneissic-migmatitic basement of the São José de Campestre massif. Field relations and petrographic and geochemical data allowed us to individualize different lithologic types among this plutonic suite, which is represented by intermediate to mafic enclaves, porphyritic diorites, porphyritic granitoids, porphyritic granodiorites, microporphyritic granites and dykes/sheets of microgranite. The intermediate-to-mafic enclaves occur associated with porphyritic granitoids, showing mixture textures. The porphyrytic diorites occur as isolated bodies, generally associated with intermediate-to-mafic enclaves and locally as enclaves within porphyritic granites. The granodiorites represent mixing between an intermediate to mafic magma with an acidic one. The micropophyritic granites occur as isolated small bodies, generally deformed, while the microgranite dykes/sheets crosscut all the previous granitoids. A U-Pb zircon age of 576 + 3 Ma was obtained for the Serrinha granite. This age is interpreted as age of the peak of the regional ductile deformational event (D3) and of the associated the E-W Rio Jacu shear zone, which control the emplacement of the Neoproterozoic syntectonic plutons. The porphyrytic granitoids show monzogranitic composition, transitional between peraluminous and metaluminous types, typically of the high potassium subalkaline-calc-alkaline series. The intermediate-to-mafic enclaves present vary from quartz diorite to tonalite/granodiorite, with metaluminous, shoshonitic affinity. The diorites are generally quartz-monzodiorite in composition, with metaluminous, subalkaline affinity. They display coarse-grained, inequigranular, porphyrytic texture, with predominance of plagioclase phenocrystals immersed in a matrix composed of biotite and pyroxenes. The microporphyrytic granites are essentially monzogranites of fine- to medium-grained texture, whereas microgranite dikes/sheets varying from monzogranites to syenogranites, with fine to media texture, equigranular. The diversified magmatism occurring at a relatively small surface associated with shear zones, suggests lithospheric dimensions for such structures, with magma extractions from different depths within the lower crust and upper mantle. The geological, geochemical and geochronological characteristics of the Serrinha plutonic suite suggest a pos-collisional geodynamic context for the Neoproterozoic magmatism. Thermobarometric data show emplacement conditions in the range 5-6 kbar (AlTamphibole) and 730-740°C (plagioclase-amphibole) for the porphyrytic granitoids (Serrinha body) and the intermediate-to-mafic enclaves


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A practical approach to estimate rock thermal conductivities is to use rock models based just on the observed or expected rock mineral content. In this study, we evaluate the performances of the Krischer and Esdorn (KE), Hashin and Shtrikman (HS), classic Maxwell (CM), Maxwell-Wiener (MW), and geometric mean (GM) models in reproducing the measures of thermal conductivity of crystalline rocks.We used 1,105 samples of igneous and metamorphic rocks collected in outcroppings of the Borborema Province, Northeastern Brazil. Both thermal conductivity and petrographic modal analysis (percent volumes of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, and sum of mafic minerals) were done. We divided the rocks into two groups: (a) igneous and ortho-derived (or meta-igneous) rocks and (b) metasedimentary rocks. The group of igneous and ortho-derived rocks (939 samples) covers most the lithologies de_ned in the Streckeisen diagram, with higher concentrations in the fields of granite, granodiorite, and tonalite. In the group of metasedimentary rocks (166 samples), it were sampled representative lithologies, usually of low to medium metamorphic grade. We treat the problem of reproducing the measured values of rock conductivity as an inverse problem where, besides the conductivity measurements, the volume fractions of the constituent minerals are known and the effective conductivities of the constituent minerals and model parameters are unknown. The key idea was to identify the model (and its associated estimates of effective mineral conductivities and parameters) that better reproduces the measures of rock conductivity. We evaluate the model performances by the quantity  that is equal to the percentage of number of rock samples which estimated conductivities honor the measured conductivities within the tolerance of 15%. In general, for all models, the performances were quite inferior for the metasedimentary rocks (34% <  < 65%) as compared with the igneous and ortho-derived rocks (51% <  < 70%). For igneous and ortho-derived rocks, all model performances were very similar ( = 70%), except the GM-model that presented a poor performance (51% <  < 65%); the KE and HS-models ( = 70%) were slightly superior than the CM and MW-models ( = 67%). The quartz content is the dominant factor in explaining the rock conductivity for igneous and ortho-derived rocks; in particular, using the MW-model the solution is in practice vi UFRN/CCET– Dissertação de mestrado the series association of the quartz content. On the other hand, for metasedimentary rocks, model performances were different and the performance of the KEmodel ( = 65%) was quite superior than the HS ( = 53%), CM (34% <  < 42%), MW ( = 40%), and GM (35% <  < 42%). The estimated effective mineral conductivities are stable for perturbations both in the rock conductivity measures and in the quartz volume fraction. The fact that the metasedimentary rocks are richer in platy-minerals explains partially the poor model performances, because both the high thermal anisotropy of biotite (one of the most common platy-mineral) and the difficulty in obtaining polished surfaces for measurement coupling when platyminerals are present. Independently of the rock type, both very low and very high values of rock conductivities are hardly explained by rock models based just on rock mineral content.


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The Bom Jardim de Goiás Pluton (PBJG) is a semi-circular body, located in the central portion of the Tocantins Province, intrusive into orthogneisses and metassupracrustals of the Arenópolis Magmatic Arc. These metasupracrustals present a low to moderate dipping banding or schistosity, have a low to moderate angle of banding / foliation, defined by mica, andalusite and sillimanite and cordierite, which characterize an amphibolite facies metamorphism. This structure is crosscut by the emplacement of the PBJG rocks. The abrupt nature of the contacts and the absence of ductile structures indicate that the intrusion took place in a relatively cold crust. Under petrographic grounds, the pluton consists mainly of monzodiorites, tonalite and granodiorite, following the low to medium-K calk-alkaline alkaline trend. Rocks of the PBJG have hornblende and biotite as the main mafic phases, besides subordinate clinopyroxene, titanite, epidote and opaque. Late dikes of leucogranite contain only mineral biotite as relevant accessory mineral. One U-Pb zircon dating of a monzodiorite yielded an age of 550 ± 12 Ma (MSWD = 1.06). Whole-rock and mineral chemistry suggest that the studied rocks are calc-alkaline, having evolved by fractional crystallization of Ca- and Fe-Mg minerals under high oxygen fugacity. Using the amphibole-plagioclase geothermometer and the Al-in amphibole geobarometer, we calculate temperatures and pressures of, respectively, 692-791 °C e 2.4-5.0 kbar for the intrusion of the PBJG, which is corroborated by previous metamorphic assemblages in the country rocks. The geological, geochemical and geochronological features of PBJG demonstrate their post-tectonic or post-collisional nature, with emplacement into an already uplifted and relatively cool crust at the end of brasiliano orogeny in this portion of the Tocantins Province.


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The Bom Jardim de Goiás Pluton (PBJG) is a semi-circular body, located in the central portion of the Tocantins Province, intrusive into orthogneisses and metassupracrustals of the Arenópolis Magmatic Arc. These metasupracrustals present a low to moderate dipping banding or schistosity, have a low to moderate angle of banding / foliation, defined by mica, andalusite and sillimanite and cordierite, which characterize an amphibolite facies metamorphism. This structure is crosscut by the emplacement of the PBJG rocks. The abrupt nature of the contacts and the absence of ductile structures indicate that the intrusion took place in a relatively cold crust. Under petrographic grounds, the pluton consists mainly of monzodiorites, tonalite and granodiorite, following the low to medium-K calk-alkaline alkaline trend. Rocks of the PBJG have hornblende and biotite as the main mafic phases, besides subordinate clinopyroxene, titanite, epidote and opaque. Late dikes of leucogranite contain only mineral biotite as relevant accessory mineral. One U-Pb zircon dating of a monzodiorite yielded an age of 550 ± 12 Ma (MSWD = 1.06). Whole-rock and mineral chemistry suggest that the studied rocks are calc-alkaline, having evolved by fractional crystallization of Ca- and Fe-Mg minerals under high oxygen fugacity. Using the amphibole-plagioclase geothermometer and the Al-in amphibole geobarometer, we calculate temperatures and pressures of, respectively, 692-791 °C e 2.4-5.0 kbar for the intrusion of the PBJG, which is corroborated by previous metamorphic assemblages in the country rocks. The geological, geochemical and geochronological features of PBJG demonstrate their post-tectonic or post-collisional nature, with emplacement into an already uplifted and relatively cool crust at the end of brasiliano orogeny in this portion of the Tocantins Province.


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The Serra do Caramuru and Tapuio stocks, located in the extreme NE of Rio Piranhas-Seridó Domain (RN), are representative of the Ediacaran-Cambrian magmatism, an important magmatic feature of the Brasilian / Panafrican orogeny of the Borborema Province. These bodies are lithologically similar, intrusive in paleoproterozoic gneiss embasement, being separated by a thin belt of mylonitic orthogneiss. The field relations show a magmatic stratigraphy initiated by dioritic facies that coexists with the porphyritic granitic and equigranular granitic I facies, and less frequently with equigranular granitic II facies. These rocks are crosscut by late granitic dykes and sheets with NE-SW / NNE-SSW orientation. The dioritic facies (diorite, quartz diorite, quartz monzodiorites, tonalite and granodiorite) is leucocratic to melanocratic, rich in biotite and hornblende. The granitic facies are hololeucocratic to leucocratic, and have biotite ± hornblende. Petrographic and geochemical (whole rock) data, especially from Serra do Caramuru pluton, suggest fractionation of zircon, apatite, clinopyroxene (in diorites), opaque minerals, titanite, biotite, hornblende, allanite, plagioclase, microcline and garnet (in dykes). The behavior of trace elements such as Zr, La and Yb indicates that the dioritic magma does not constitute the parental magma for the granitic facies. On the other hand, the granitic facies seems to be cogenetic to each other, displaying differentiation trends and very similar rare earth elements (REE) spectra [12.3≤(La/Yb)N≤190.8; Eu/Eu*=0.30-0.68]. Field relationships and REE patterns [6.96≤(La/Yb)N≤277.8; Eu/Eu*=0.18-0.58] demonstrate that the granitic dykes and sheets are not cogenetically related to the Serra do Caramuru magmatism. The dioritic facies is metaluminous (A/CNK = 0.88-0.74) and shoshonitic, whereas the granitic ones are metaluminous to peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.08-0.93) and high potassium calc-alkaline. Dykes and sheets are strictly peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.01-1.04). Binary diagrams relating compatible and incompatible trace elements and microtextures indicate the fractional crystallization as the dominant mechanism of magmatic evolution of the various facies. The Serra do Caramuru and Tapuio stocks have well preserved magmatic fabric, do not show metamorphic minerals and are structurally isotropic, showing crosscutting contact with the ductile fabric of the basement. These observations lead to interpretate a stage of relative tectonic stability, consistent with the orogenic relaxation period of the Brasiliano / Pan-African orogeny. Chemical plots involving oxides and trace elements indicate late to post-collisional emplacement. In this context, the assumed better mechanism to describe the stocks emplacement within an extensional T Riedel joint, with ENE-WSW extensional vector. The U-Pb zircon age of 553 ± 10 Ma allows correlating the Serra do Caramuru magmatism to the group of post-collisional bodies, equigranular high potassium calc-alkaline granites of the NE of Rio Piranhas-Seridó Domain.


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The Serra do Caramuru and Tapuio stocks, located in the extreme NE of Rio Piranhas-Seridó Domain (RN), are representative of the Ediacaran-Cambrian magmatism, an important magmatic feature of the Brasilian / Panafrican orogeny of the Borborema Province. These bodies are lithologically similar, intrusive in paleoproterozoic gneiss embasement, being separated by a thin belt of mylonitic orthogneiss. The field relations show a magmatic stratigraphy initiated by dioritic facies that coexists with the porphyritic granitic and equigranular granitic I facies, and less frequently with equigranular granitic II facies. These rocks are crosscut by late granitic dykes and sheets with NE-SW / NNE-SSW orientation. The dioritic facies (diorite, quartz diorite, quartz monzodiorites, tonalite and granodiorite) is leucocratic to melanocratic, rich in biotite and hornblende. The granitic facies are hololeucocratic to leucocratic, and have biotite ± hornblende. Petrographic and geochemical (whole rock) data, especially from Serra do Caramuru pluton, suggest fractionation of zircon, apatite, clinopyroxene (in diorites), opaque minerals, titanite, biotite, hornblende, allanite, plagioclase, microcline and garnet (in dykes). The behavior of trace elements such as Zr, La and Yb indicates that the dioritic magma does not constitute the parental magma for the granitic facies. On the other hand, the granitic facies seems to be cogenetic to each other, displaying differentiation trends and very similar rare earth elements (REE) spectra [12.3≤(La/Yb)N≤190.8; Eu/Eu*=0.30-0.68]. Field relationships and REE patterns [6.96≤(La/Yb)N≤277.8; Eu/Eu*=0.18-0.58] demonstrate that the granitic dykes and sheets are not cogenetically related to the Serra do Caramuru magmatism. The dioritic facies is metaluminous (A/CNK = 0.88-0.74) and shoshonitic, whereas the granitic ones are metaluminous to peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.08-0.93) and high potassium calc-alkaline. Dykes and sheets are strictly peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.01-1.04). Binary diagrams relating compatible and incompatible trace elements and microtextures indicate the fractional crystallization as the dominant mechanism of magmatic evolution of the various facies. The Serra do Caramuru and Tapuio stocks have well preserved magmatic fabric, do not show metamorphic minerals and are structurally isotropic, showing crosscutting contact with the ductile fabric of the basement. These observations lead to interpretate a stage of relative tectonic stability, consistent with the orogenic relaxation period of the Brasiliano / Pan-African orogeny. Chemical plots involving oxides and trace elements indicate late to post-collisional emplacement. In this context, the assumed better mechanism to describe the stocks emplacement within an extensional T Riedel joint, with ENE-WSW extensional vector. The U-Pb zircon age of 553 ± 10 Ma allows correlating the Serra do Caramuru magmatism to the group of post-collisional bodies, equigranular high potassium calc-alkaline granites of the NE of Rio Piranhas-Seridó Domain.