23 resultados para gramática do português

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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In line with the model of grammar competition (Kroch, 1989; 2001), according to which the change in the syntactic domains is a process that develops via competition between different grammars, we describe and analyze the superficial constructions V2 / V3 in matrices / roots sentences of brazilian personal letters of the 19th and 20th centuries. The corpus, composed by 154 personal letters of Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Norte, is divided into three century halves: (i) latter half of the 19th century; (ii) first half of the 20th century; and (iii) latter half of the 20th century. Our focus was the observation of the nature of preverbal constituents in superficial constructions V2 (verb in second position in the sentence) and V3 (verb in third position in the sentence), with a special attention on the position of the subject. Based on the various diachronical studies about the Portuguese ordination standards (Ambar (1992); Ribeiro (1995, 2001); Paixão de Sousa (2004); Paiva (2011), Coelho and Martins (2009, 2012)), our study sought to realize what are empirical ordination standards that involve superficial constructions V2 / V3 and how these patterns structure syntactically within a formal theoretical perspective (Chomsky, 1981; 1986), more specifically, in accordance with studies of Antonelli (2011), and Costa & Galves (2002). The survey results show that the data from the second half of the 19th century – unlike the first and second half of the 20th century data – have a greater balance in relation to the syntactic nature of preverbal constituent (contiguous or not), so that, in this period, the occurrence of orders with the subject in a preverbal position arrives at, at most, 52% (231/444 data); while in the 48% (213/444 data) remaining, the preverbal constituents are represented by a non-subject constituent, almost always an adverbial adjunct. Seen the results, we advocate that the brazilian personal letters of the 19th century have ordination patterns associated with a V2 system and an SV system, configuring, therefore, a possible competition process between different grammars that instantiate or a V2 system or an SV system. In other words, the brazilian letters of the 19th century instantiate a competition between the grammar of Classic Portuguese (a V2 system) and the grammars of Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese (an SV system). Therefore, that period is subject to the completion of two distinct parametric markings: (i) verb moved to the Fin core (grammar of Classic Portuguese) and (ii) verb moved to the T core (grammar of Brazilian Portuguese /European Portuguese). On the other hand, in the personal letters of the 20th century (first and second halves), there is a clear increase in ordenation patterns associated with the SV system, which shows more stable.


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The purpose of this work is to analyze the use of the indicative mood, instead of the subjunctive prescribed by the normative grammar, in complement clauses introduced by the conjunction que in Brazilian Portuguese. Contexts of use of the subjunctive according to grammatical prescription, and contexts of fluctuation on the use of that verbal mood were analyzed, in an attempt to investigate what interferes on the choice of the mood by the user of the language. This study is based on North-American Functional Linguistics theoretical perspective, oriented to analyzing language in use, in the light of the principles of grammaticalization and markedness. The results obtained support that the contexts that favor the indicative over the subjunctive are those composed by a complement clause functioning as a direct object the unmarked clause of all complement clauses and by a verb on the main sentence that belongs to the semantic field of low certainty, corresponding to the epistemic sub-mode the unmarked category of the deontic sub-mode. The results indicate that pragmatics and semantics factors influence the language user on the choice of the verbal mood. This research also presents comparative data on the use of the indicative mood in place of the subjunctive in Brazilian Portuguese and Canadian French, aiming to providing suggestions on language teaching


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This work consists of a cognitive-functional approach of relativization strategies of Brazilian Portuguese (BP), this is, standard relatives (with preposition or without it) and non-standard relatives (copiadora and the deletion pattern), and it emphasizes the last one. We investigate the use of the relative construction strategies in spoken and written texts produced by speakers from different school levels in a specific situation: a face-to-face interviewing. Our database is the corpora Discurso & Gramática: a língua falada e escrita na cidade do Natal e a língua falada e escrita na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. We contrast the use of the standard relative to the deletion pattern in prepositional context, by considering cognitive, social and interactional motivations for the use of the deletion pattern instead of the standard one. Our research leads us to verify that the deletion pattern is fixing as the preferred relativization strategy in prepositional contexts, and, in this way, it brings out a grammaticalization process in working. For this reason, we propose to take this relative construction as a common way to structure a relative clause, in the same way we take the standard pattern. Finally, we discuss the treatment of questions related to the processes of teaching and learning of Portuguese language and some suggestions are given in terms of class activities. We expect that the development of this research may give both support for the Portuguese teachers and suggestions to improve the teaching and learning process of Portuguese language, contributing in special to the treatment of the syntax of complex clauses.


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Based on studies on the structure of copulates sentences in Brazilian Portuguese (PB), according to grammar theory, it s analyzed on this dissertation, the complex copulate sentences what, in the PB, initiated by the formation é ruim que in the PB, bringing the hypothesis that they can have one predicacional reading (PRED) and other especificacional reading (ESP). It s revealed what, though they are similar slightly, that makes the different that are triggered is structural configuration of sentence and the form as come emerged the its constituents: that of PRED interpretation, that we defined as Common Copulate Sentence (or SCC), it s checked that the constituent ruim, and only it, is predicate of a Small Clause, and appears in the structure on even position wherein is pronounced, not passing by the method of movement, from where introduce wide predication on all subject, that is the CP built-in; those sentences é ruim que understanding ESP, that denominate of Negative Copulate Sentence (or SCN), whereas the fixed expression contradict or right what is asserted in built-in, it s perceived what the ruim is a part of this fixed expression, and surely crystallized, which appears in structure per movement, germinated as adjunct of Inflexional Phrase (IP) and being elevation to specifier to FocP (or SpecFocP), where acquires discursive interpretation of focus. Besides the mode as the ruim or the fixed expression emerge in that sentences, the relation between the copula and main verb likewise contribute to distinguish the sentences: 1) regarding flexion of mode, when is a SCC, the copula must be in the mode indicative, and the main verb, in the subjunctive; when is a SCN, copula and main verb must be always on indicative; 2) regarding flexion of temp, both the copula as main verb of the SCC can be flexed, whereas at the SCN, the main verb can vary in present, past and future, but the copula should appear, necessarily, in third persona of present of indicative, what confirms our hypothesis that there is an fixed expression at the copulate sentences with é ruim que ESP. Other two evidences are pointed as characteristics that distinguish the sentence with é ruim que PRED of sentence with é ruim que ESP: 1) in semantics, the constituent ruim equals not good, that has appreciation, when the reading will PRED; already the pair é ruim equals not, at the ESP; 2) in prosody, there discrete sound elevation the ruim on the other constituents of SCC, PRED, while there is accentuated acoustic elevation on the ruim of SCN, ESP. Our search it is grounded in authors as Zanfeliz (2000), Modesto (2001), Mioto (2003), Kato & Ribeiro (2006), Lobo (2006), Quarezemin (2006, 2009, 2011, 2012) e Resenes (2009), researchers that devoted their attention on studies the formation and organization of the constituents of cleaved sentences and focalization of constituent, basing itself in approach generative of linguistic


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This work analyzes deverbal nominalizations with the sufix dor in Brazilian Portuguese, under the perspective of Cognitive Linguistics, more specifically, the Construction Grammar. The aim is to determine the general features of interpretation that characterize this deverbal construction and its use in formal writing. Based on the cognitive assumption that grammatical structure is motivated, explained, and determined by the structure of cognitive patterns, created from our experience in the world, and by the communicative function of language, the dor deverbal is treated as a polysemic grammatical construction. In the composition of V+dor, the relation rootsuffix is focused, through a characterization of the syntactic-semantic nature of the verb and the values of the suffix. Among the different values conventionally related to the XDOR construction, the agentive is considered as the prototypical sense. The relation between the other values and the prototype is explained by cognitive abilities and discourse motivations. The deverbal construction X-DOR is also interpreted as a valency noun that, like an action nominal, retains the argument structure of the deriving predicate. It is also intended to demonstrate the textual function of this deverbal construction, as a device of information condensing and anaphoric recovery. The data were taken from Veja magazine and the approach is qualitative (explicative), with quantitative support


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The general aim of this work is to verify the occurence of variant forms of negation in spoken English with the purpose of making a comparative study between the English and the Portuguese languages. As for Portuguese, we used as a matter of reference a study already made on negation. As for English, we analized a corpus of the North American English variant organized by a university in the United States. This study is based on the North American Functional Linguistics theoretical perspective, which considers relevant the study of language used in real situations of communicative interaction. The data analisys proved that there is at least one form of negative variant in spoken English which is not allowed by prescriptive grammar. This phenomenon turns out to be similar to Portuguese, which includes three variant strategies. According to the data obtained, it was possible to verify that the variant strategy used in English, from a contrastive point of view, corresponds to a negative strategy ruled by Portuguese prescriptive grammar. Finally, we discussed about the different conceptions of language, grammar and teaching, giving suggestions to colaborate to a productive and reflexive teaching of first or second language


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Rogram relying on sociological interface between Economic Sociology, Sociology of Moral Theory of Socialization and Social Stratification, this dissertation research makes use of theoretical contributions Luic Boltanski, Charles Taylor, Axel Honneth, Pierre Bourdieu and Bernard Lahire to problematize the generally about the physical and symbolic production and social reproduction of the type of "economic ethics" predominant in the new petite bourgeoisie Brazilian. In other words, the goal is to explain and analyze the objective conditions (economic needs and moral grammar) and intersubjective (modes of socialization and social networks) and update the social genesis and contextual transcontextual beliefs, biases, inclinations and cultural regularities observed the economic behavior of individual profiles for the fractions of the urban petty bourgeoisie and commercial upward Natal / RN. With regard to methodological strategies adopted in data collection will be conducted qualitative interviews (semistructured) and ethnographic notes. In turn, the analytical treatment of the collected empirical content is based on the approach dispositionalist (Pierre Bourdieu, Loïc Wacquant and Bernard Lahire) that emphasizes the study of the past embedded agents and the different contexts of incorporation / activation / inhibition of "provisions" individual cultural


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Pour beaucoup de chercheurs, il y a une crise à l école et dans l enseignement/apprentissage des langues qui est provoquée par un enseignement cloisonné et décontextualisé de la réalité. Dans ce type d enseignement/apprentissage, le livre scolaire a une présence si hégémonique qu il est la source quasi exclusive du discours pédagogique et on ne fait que très rarement usage des langages du quotidien des apprenants. Le langage télévisuel est un de ces langages qui pourraient être utilisé pour ciliter enseignement/apprentissage d une langue vivante, variée et en situation, car il permet l exploration de tous les composants de la compétence de communication. En même temps, ce langage pourrait servir à sensibiliser les apprenants à une éducation aux médias. Le journal télévisé peut favoriser un enseignement/apprentissage intégré de la langue maternelle et de la langue étrangère, grâce à son format, similaire dans plusieurs cultures, et à son importance en tant que reflet des valeurs socioculturels des sociétés. Ces qualités sont très favorables pour stimuler le transfert des compétences entre la langue maternelle et la langue étrangère, pour qu on puisse enseigner et apprendre une langue, et connaître une culture. Le journal télévisé est vu comme une source d information et son analyse en classe peut contribuer à la formation d un apprenent/citoyen actualisé, critique et conscient des problèmes et des répresentations des sociétés


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The constitution of being a teacher of Portuguese occurs in a dynamic process involving various factors, such as the requirements of regulatory documents, the context of teacher formation, and the configuration of current society, per se. This study is aimed at reflecting on the initial formation of teachers of Portuguese and on official documents that face this formation, raising the following questions: (1) what does it mean to be a Portuguese teacher? (2) what is the vision of the subjects (teachers and students) involved with the formation of teaching the Portuguese Language? (3) how do these individuals deal with official documents? and (4) how do these subjects discourses relate? To understand the context of the formative processes and the knowledge inherent in them, first we take the studies of Garcia (1999) and Tardif (2002) as a theoretical framework, and to understand and interpret the utterances of the interviewees, we were grounded in the writing of Bakhtin (2003), for whom the object of the Humanities, the sciences of man, is the text, since man is, by nature, an expressive being. We situate this study in the framework of qualitative research. It is a multiple case study that focuses on two contexts: formation of teachers of Portuguese at the University of Minho, Portugal, and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The data that make up the research corpus come from documents elaborated by the Ministries of Education of Portugal and Brazil and were adopted by the two teacher formation institutions cited, from individual interviews involving eight trainer teachers (four from each university), and from two group-interviews (one in each institution), done with students in training. Our analysis is divided into three stages: first, document analysis; second, analysis of the discourse of the teachers in both contexts studied; and, third, analysis of the speech of the students in training. It is noteworthy that our purpose in this research was not to come out with a definition like being a teacher of Portuguese is X, but we are interested, above all, in discussing the issues surrounding initial formation, seeking different points of view, and hearing voices coming from different social positions for better understanding our object of study. Our analysis reveals that the initial formation of teachers of Portuguese, both in Portugal and Brazil, occurs in a complex way, under the influence of various factors, including: (a) difficulties in having the individuals involved adapt to the demands of regulatory agencies; (b) students and teachers adequacy to the organizational model of the post-secondary institution; (c) teachers difficulties to deal with the learning problems of students who have limited schooling basis and come from distinct socioeconomic realities; (d) a search for the establishment of methodologies for teaching and learning the Portuguese Language more adequate to reality; and (e) a search for a definition of professional knowledge needed for the teaching practice


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Through the examination of official indicators, it can be observed that writing is pointed out as one of the main problems concerning formal basic education. However, this teaching-learning object is one of the central objectives at school, having an essential role in different curricular components as well as in the interaction demands required by society. Such paradox indicates, therefore, the relevance of investigations which analyze the intrinsic elements of child development as written text producer. Hence, the main purpose of this research consists of analyzing the treatment given to the types of discourse and the teaching situations in which the written text are produced, concerning Portuguese language didactic material collections approved by Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD 2010) the Brazilian program of didactic book and worked at elementary school. Such materials correspond to the collections adopted in municipal education system schools from Natal, RN which were below the official education indicator IDEB 2009. Thus, the questions that guide this work are: 1. During writing production lessons, is the diversity of types of discourse effectively worked on didactic collections? 2. Which are the types of discourse and the social spheres prioritized when teaching writing production? 3. How is the situation addressed in the production of the written text should be produced? For this research, we retook the authors Bakhtin, Bunzen, Faraco, Freire, Rodrigues, Rojo, Schneuwly e Dolz and we made a list of all types of discourse and spheres contemplated in the propositions of the writing production in didactical books, concerning the eight collections which compounds the first moment of analysis. Then, we verified how the situation of production is oriented by examining two didactic collections if and how they express the elements referring to the social-historical, functional and linguistic-discursive context of the text to be produced. The data obtained indicate: lack of diversification of types of discourse in the collection that compounds the Aggregate Sample of the research; the conception of a diversity based on the didactic of visiting; the recognition of all canonical and hegemonic types of text as one of the privileged objects of study; the centralization on the standard variety of the language and the devaluation of the representative types of cultural diversity; the shortage of productions which retrace to written language related to different technologies of communication and information; and the little emphasis on the types of discourse related to public language practices. As for the situations of production, it is observed the predominance of the school as a producer of dialogic relationships, whose propositions present, for example, text addressees, enunciative positions, support and contexts of restricted circulation, especially at school. Two divergent situations are observed among the collections: the lack of a work in which the situation of production is under the perspective of the types of discourse as object of teaching-learning; the concept of the types of discourse as object of reflection, presenting a differentiated didactic orientation towards the situation of production. This research contributes, therefore, with a mapping of the existence and the treatment of the types of discourse on propositions of writing production in didactic books; with the critical analysis of the approach of written activities, considering the elements of the historical-social, functional and linguistic-discursive context; thus, through teaching, research and public policies, use and selection of didactic material for the area


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This body of work aims to describe and analyze the behavior of the Aí specificity marker of indefinite Noun Phrases (NP), one of the many functions this linguistic item is developing in contemporary Brazilian Portuguese. From the Functional Linguistic theory perspective, the North American declivity, this project intends to outline the possible grammaticalization trajectory taken by the Aí specificity marker. It will be followed from its function as a spatial deitic up to its integration of indefinite NP, and the action of the fundamental principles of the theory, such as iconicity and informativity, will be observed on the use of this item. Following this, Aí specificity marker behavior will be described in respect to various linguistic and social factors: type of text where the occurrence is encountered, language modality in which the latter is produced, syntactic function developed by the NP specified by Aí , the existence or lack of material intervening between Aí and the NP nuclear noun, informational status of the NP adjugated to Aí , and finally, sex, education and age of the speaker. The occurrence of conversational implicatures will also be verified (GRICE, 1982) within the contexts of Aí specificity marker use. Reflections on the teaching of grammar will be made, as well as on the possibility and validity of working with noun phrase specificity markers in elementary and high school Portuguese language classes. The data used in this research project stem from Corpus Discurso & Gramática A língua falada e escrita na cidade do Natal (FURTADO DA CUNHA, 1998), and from Corpus Discurso & Gramática A língua falada e escrita na cidade do Rio de Janeiro (VOTRE; OLIVEIRA, 1995)


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Based on North American Functional Linguistic Theory, our proposal is to describe and analyze the use of verb CHEGAR in verbal periphrasis such as [CHEGAR (E) + V2], where CHEGAR does not demonstrate a significance linked to physical movement. In linguistic literature, such periphrasis has been attributed several functions, related to aspectualization, emphasis of negative segments, and construction of mental spaces, among others. This study considers that the function of verb CHEGAR in the periphrasis in question is to indicate a global aspect, emphasizing a range of semantic-pragmatic nuances such as the sudden, instantaneous, or even abrupt character of the events refered to by the principal verb of the construction (V2), and/or the taking of initiative (sudden) by the agent (in the syntactic role of periphrastic subject), and/or subjective evaluations which go from surprise to frustration. Our objectives are the following: i) to describe and analyze the semanticpragmatic, morphosyntactic and social relationships which characterize the use of CHEGAR in verbal periphrases like [CHEGAR (E) + V2] and in coordinated/juxtaposed speech in which CHEGAR is the principal verb of the first utterance and is an elocution verb and the principal verb of the second; ii) identify, based on this description and analysis, synchrony proof in the grammaticalization of CHEGAR as an auxiliary verb in the periphrasis refered to. There was observed to be a strong similarity between coordinate/juxtaposed and periphrastic constructions. Such similarities strengthen the hypothesis that the use of CHEGAR as a lexical verb in coordinate/juxtaposed structures is the origin of the use of CHEGAR in the periphrastic structure, since the many properties encountered with higher frequency in lexical use are also just as frequently used as auxiliaries. Nevertheless, between the two constructions being studied, sufficient difference can be observed to see that CHEGAR, in the periphrasis [CHEGAR (E) V2], is behaving like an auxiliary verb, and shows typical properties of these types of verbs: i) in 100% of occurrences, it does not have a complement;ii) it has a co-referential subject in 100% of cases; iii) it does not appear with intervening material between it and V2. Besides this, CHEGAR, in periphrases, is predominant in nonneutral evaluation contexts, denoted by V2. Inspired by the results obtained, we propose strategies for the discussion of the [CHEGAR (E) V2] periphrases in both elementary and high schools.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as crenças de professores das séries iniciais do nível fundamental da cidade de Caicó-RN sobre o ensino de gramática. A partir da aplicação de um questionário, analisam-se as crenças manifestadas no discurso de 20 docentes da rede municipal de ensino do referido município. As questões formuladas visaram investigar as crenças dos informantes sobre o que é ensinar gramática e que dificuldades encontram para realizar o ensino dos conteúdos gramaticais, considerando aspectos teóricos e práticos, entre eles: a construção da concepção sobre ensino de gramática, a participação em projetos de formação continuada na especificidade de ensino de língua, a influência dessa formação sobre o seu fazer pedagógico, e a realização do planejamento de ensino de conteúdos gramaticais. Para fundamentar a reflexão, buscou-se apoio em autores como Abrahão; Barcelos (2006); Antunes (2009; 2007); Neves (2004a; 2004b; 2007; 2010) Silva (2004; 2007), Travaglia (2001; 2004); entre outros, a partir dos quais são abordados os conceitos de língua, linguagem e gramática, relacionando-os ao desenvolvimento da competência linguística/comunicativa no ensino de língua portuguesa. Os dados analisados revelam que a influência das crenças sobre o ensino de gramática no fazer pedagógico do professor se relaciona com sua formação acadêmica, desde a escolha do referencial teórico adotado pelos professores das disciplinas relacionadas ao tema até a metodologia utilizada para trabalhar os conteúdos, considerando as experiências pessoais concretizadas ao longo de sua vida. Além disso, percebeu-se que existe uma forte convergência entre crenças, conhecimentos e experiências práticas. O trabalho conclui-se com uma reflexão sobre as implicações que uma postura reflexiva pode ter no atual panorama de ensino de língua, em geral, e de gramática, em particular.


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This essay aims at investigating the writing proposals of Portuguese textbooks (LDP Livros Didáticos de Português) for Middle School (EF Ensino Fundamental), from 6th to 9th grade, from the 70s to 2009. It aims to check, though the discourse reported in the Portuguese Textbook, the control directed to the practice of the teacher and the student to do in the teaching situations. Theoretically, we search for contributions that come from the Discourse Analysis of French filiation, so we can analyze the ideological constructions present in the discourse of the ―LDP‖ more specific lly the control directed to the te cher nd student the users of the book, in writing activities. It started from a corpus of 63 textbooks whereof the following steps were performed: a) mapping of the writing proposals contemplated in the ―LDP‖ of high school; b cutting in the selection of propos l ccording to the rese rch go ls intended (writing proposals of narrative texts). After mapping the writing proposals presented in the ―LDP‖ bout the criteri mentioned bove we re d the writing propos ls to ch rt the quantity of proposals of textual writing productions in each textbook (which usually follows a pattern : 12 chapters and, at the end, the writing proposal. Nevertheless, some books present 2 (two) or more writing proposals at the end of each chapter). We did a cutting in the corpus initi lly constituted 63 ―LDP‖ nd we selected 12 writing proposals of narrative texts presented in the ―LDPs‖ to present wh t we intend to n lyze. Then, we separated these proposals into two groups: 1) activities which present ―instruction guide‖ to be followed by the student; 2) writing activities that allow the student write with no need to follow a text pattern, i.e., which encourage authorship. By means of analyses, it was possible to demonstrate that, in the Basic School, generally, the writing practices concentrate, primarily, on copying activities, reproduction, rewriting and, in more advanced levels, in activities that which start from preset models, asking the students to produce text with similar themes, following the suggested structure. It is about ideals that are supposed to be followed and imitated by the students, depriving them to assume their authorship. In order to insert the student in the world of writing it s necess ry to go beyond the model of c nonic l texts pr ctice th t puts the students f r from the possibility to be ― uthors‖. In contr st to this tendency, we face, nowadays, proposals that prioritize the authorship, the creation of a style


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This work aims at under the cognitive-functional perspective describing, inside the vast domain of the linguistic prefabs, the structure and the functioning of the Idiomatic Verb Phrases (SVIs), produced by speakers of the Portuguese from Brazil, located in Natal (RN). From the functionalist presupposition that the language is used essentially to assist to communicative demands, it is observed that its morphologic-syntactic structure is conditioned to the inherent pragmatic vicissitudes to the verbal interaction of subjects, socially heterogeneous and historically established. It is focalized, in the composition of SVIs, the relationships VT + OD (transitive verb + direct object), characterizing the syntactic-semantic nature of the verb and of the respective verbal complement. Those verb combinations + complement can be interpreted as lexical structures, reflexes of the idiomaticity inherent to conventional constructions already systematized in the users' of the language cultural repertoire. It is sought, still, to glimpse the cognitive and discursive motivations pertinent to that linguistic phenomenon. In the investigative process, are analyzed exclusive data of speech collected in Corpus Discurso & Gramática a lingua falada e escrita na cidade do Natal, organized by Furtado da Cunha (1998). The adopted methodological procedures configure as methods of empiric analysis and use of the intuition, being emphasized the qualitative approach (explanatory) of the data with quantitative support of statistical indicators. It shows, finally, a grating of didactic suggestions on SVIs, for Portuguese's classes, as subsidies to the educational practice in the Medium Teaching and in the course of Letters.