4 resultados para dispositions affectives

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This research, whose theme is related to climacteric, aims to know the social representation of menopause developed by the nurses working for Estratégia Saúde da Família (Family Health Strategy) in João Pessoa PB, as well as identifying its structure and verifying the way it interferes with the assistance and educational practices to the climacterial user. In the theoretical level, it is based on a model that articulates the social representations theory, the central nucleus complementary theory and the central concepts of Pierre Bourdieu s praxiology: habitus, cultural capital, social field and symbolic power. A hundred and forty-seven female nurses who work for Estratégia Saúde da Família (Family Health Strategy) in João Pessoa (PB) took part in this research, and the data collection period was from February 2008 to March 2009. As to the methods and techniques, we used the method to determine the central nucleus based on the free association of words, a questionnaire to identify certain regularities that constitute the nurses habitus, and the semi-structured interview to explore opinions and attitudes when facing assistance situations and educational practices and to collect other relevant information. The data analysis was developed, when referring to the free associations, with the help of the EVOC software, which is a group of articulated programs which carry out the statistical analysis of the evocations and the identification of the possible elements of both the central nucleus and the peripheral system of the social representation. As to the questionnaire, we used the descriptive statistical analysis and the analysis of correlation between the variables. The interviews were submitted to a categorical analysis of the content. The EVOC result indicated that the cognition hormone was the only element of the central nucleus of the social representation of menopause. Due to its symbolic value and structuring power, this central nucleus ensures the strict and, at the same time, flexible character of the representational content. The analysis of the social advancement, of some fundamental features of the group habitus, as well as the analysis of its insertion in the health field and of the attitudinal opinions and dispositions concerning the assistance given to the climacterial user, and the analysis of the pedagogical dimension of this assistance, all these analyses lead to the conclusion that the nurses who took part in this research share a social representation of the menopause resulting from the association of different technical and scientific knowledge. These derive from the biomedical pattern as well as from hegemonic values which disqualify old age and overvalue youth, from pedagogical conceptions arising from patterns that are presently regarded as authoritative and old-fashioned and from cultural references (responsible for the semantic variations concerning the central nucleus) which are specific to the subgroups the nurses belong to. This research enables the creation of opportunities for discussion between active nurses working for Estratégia Saúde da Família, and the nurses who are teachers at institutions of higher education, aiming at linking theory to practice, so that they can find ways of thinking about the climacteric and working, in a more comprehensive way, with users who are experiencing this stage of life


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The thesis, entitled, Pedagogical/comunication knowledge, research/formation: Reflections on the formative experiences of teachers online , developed dialogues on the pedagogical/communication knowledge, research-formation and the formative experiences of teachers online, for the purpose of understanding how pedagogical/communication knowledge is establishing/established from the formative experience of teachers online. For this reason we began with the following question: how does pedagogical/communication knowledge become estabilishing/established beginning with the formative experience of teachers online? The methodological approach for the selected research was research/formation, based on Ethnoresearch of critical formation. This became a rich route for reflections on pedagogical/communication knowledge and formative experiences, making a contribution for formation and autoformation of the teacher/researcher and the teachers online. This provided moments of formation, of reflection-in-action and on the action, potentialized/structured the process of comprehending, analyzing, interpreting, reflecting on the formative experiences and contributing for reflections on pedagogical/communication knowledge of the teacher online. The theoretical referential dialogue was based on concepts such as: education online, interactivity Silva (2002), Santos (2005), Moran (2003), teaching, Veiga (2005), Pimenta (2002), Freire (2005), Tardif (2002), teaching online Sacramento (2006), teaching knowledge Tardif (2002), Charlot (2000), Porlán (1997), García (1992), Freire (2005), Ethnoresearch-formation Macedo (2000), formation Macedo (2010), Josso (2010). The discoveries revealed that the pedagogical/communication knowledged becomes establishing/established beginning with formative experience of the teachers online, from the emergency of a collective communicative dialogue, structuring and potentialized by the experiences of the context online, from the didactic pedagogical/communicational organization online, of the research, of the relation created by the expertise and the presents itself along the itinerary of the family , the school, academic and professional. From this we can conclude that of knowledge and plural experiences, which became broken down because they are parts that relate themselves with other parts, which become united in one whole, the singular/plural, the local/global, the text and the context, agregating principles a pedagogical- communication perspective that orients :the dialogue, the interactivity, the hypertextuality, themultivocallity, formative dispositions, formative experiences all of wich makes for the possibilities for researdh and the training of professors and teachers who accept their point of departure and enddind points as pedagogy and experience


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L'histoire culturelle de l'éducation de l'enfant dans le Piauí, de l'année de 1730 à l'année de 1859, je mange écriture dans ce travail de thèse, est motivé dans l'analyse sócio-histórica de la forme scolaire à la lumière des théorisations des historiens Gui Vincent, Bernard Lahire et Daniel Thin, avec l'objectif de refléter concernant le passage d'instauration de la socialisation des enfants dans les écoles publiques, religieuses, particulières et domestiques. La recherche concernente à la thématique éducation de l'enfant dans leurs conceptions politiques et culturelles levou-em à définir, je mange objet d'étude, les manières d'instruire les enfants dans l'(s) école (s) et dans la (s) famille (s). La thèse du travail ici défendu est de que l'éducation destinée aux enfants dans le Piauí, dans la période de 1730 à 1859, était soumise aux acquisitions des habilités de lecture et d'écriture, principalement, analogue à leurs conceptions politiques et culturelles. La judicieuse recherche de corpus documentaire (licences, avertissements, troupeaux, lettres, correspondances, consultations, métiers, règlements, régiments, rapports, lois, dispositions, cartes scolaires, cartes d'inscriptions) pour l'écriture de la thèse il se procède nous quantités formulaires et digitales du Portugal, Brésil, Pará, Maranhão et Piauí. L'analyse de l'ensemble des sources nous a permis de comprendre que la socialisation scolaire de l'enfant dans le Piauí n'a pas maintenu le mêmes façons pendant cette longue période qui a été de 129 ans, malgré des récurrences, celui-là a acquis des formes et des sens divers qui variaient comme les circonstances politiques et culturelles, les exigences du commerce, les espaces et les sujets qui l'ont vécue intensément


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The study presents the possibility of interpretation of axiological values of tourism as a practice conceived on a human being or Dasein as being-in-the-world of tourism. The value, as an object of Axiology, was considered the predictor of the human being conduct in the phenomenon reflecting this same value in tourism. The aim was to comprehend and interpret through the way of being of Dasein in tourism, which axiological values are chosen to the practice of tourism and the intentional feelings directed to these values. A phenomenological hermeneutics research with exploratory characteristics was accomplished in order to survey the values. Ten episodic interviews were conducted from the hermeneutic situation - constituted by fore-having, fore-sight and fore-conception of each Dasein interviewed, by adopting a sympathetic conduct and sympathy of Max Scheler and the use of emotional intuition to capture the intentional feelings, interpreted afterwards by the analysis of a Martin Heidegger's phenomenology in Being and Time. The results showed that, even without categorisation, the totality of the living experiences, the way of being of positive values outnumber the negatives ones in the existence of each Dasein, leading them to the Learning, which are comprising: experiences to provide self-knowledge, historical-cultural values, and memory as part of the learning experiences, hospitality as a way of openness and socio-cultural exchange, solidarity and peace. Intentional feelings directed at the values for the choice for practicing tourism were: love, happiness, pleasure, respect and trust. Four evidences were found concerning the use of sentimental perspective and intentional feeling of Scheler and regarding the logic of the heart of Pascal used by this author. The sociocultural interrelationships and exchanges form the basis for developing tourism as phenomenon. Therefore the character being-with or Mitsein is prevalent in tourism activities. Despite the learning was the purpose of the experiences, the ultimate goal was the improvement and personal enrichment of Dasein´s humanity development. The study also showed the hermeneutic phenomenological seeing opens the access of the living experiences of values, without making arbitrarily judgment and achieve "to the thing themselves", which, by the overlapping of categories, dispositions and intentional feelings, form the evaluative experiences and are possible to access through the fundamental ontology of Heidegger. The study contributes to broaden the vision concerning to the totality of tourism and the practitioners Dasein of it. As possibilities for deepening studies, was pointed out: the total person of Scheler; the care or Sorge as a form of love in Heidegger; happiness and pleasure in the practice of tourism and human flourishing or eudaimonia.