6 resultados para dancing

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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In order to question a sociology as it considers appropriate the body dimensions, which contributes in a mean singular in relation to body, not only as a matter, but mainly as a producer of knowledge, our research shows a reflection on corporality as the production of knowledge and to understand different perspectives and social logic here in contemporaneity, whose rationality seems to be placed in question through a performance expressed, a lot of 'breaks', including the space, which the dancer break appropriates of a reversed form and not more than linear. Our problem is the possibility of a greater understanding of this young body with dance the break, is not only 'breaking' his body, but fluent in their own body fragments, producing probably a break in relation to a dominant power established, by creating a kind of 'social resistance' to provide another sense for his life, out of the senses by the dominant of a social field. This is the area of production of knowledge, of the 'body' that cries keep our eyes, the challenge of dive in the depth of gestures, beyond the physical structure, restoring in a strong political constitution and cultural in so far as this body faces. The body as spectacular becomes 'cause and effect' of communication, this body is not only individual, it is not expression only for itself; when the young dance outside their walls individuals, makes it relational, turning to relate with the other, with the space, time and the world. The methodological point of view, to study this corporality in element break, the body as language of senses, we considered withdrawals in the field, observations of movements of the universe of break creative dance, performance and analysis of "attitudes" (expression peculiar world hip hop ), as well as my experience with dancing in the street interventions through 'urban' and our own attitudes to the object of research which challenges us academically and, it all, existentially


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This is an ethnographic and comparative study of the Maracatus Solar (2006) and Reis de Paus (1960), whose aim was to verify what is ancient and traditional in the new maracatu practiced by the guild Solar and conversely, what is new or modern in the old maracatu ritualized by guild Reis de Paus. It is worth noting that through this case study it is also intended to ethnographically observe and better understand the processes of ruptures and continuities between modernization and tradition, and the relationship between the global and the local. The communication system, the dancing, the music, the costumes and the loas (letters) were analyzed using the technique of participant observation as well as secondary materials such as newspapers, blogs and magazines. The interviews were open, non-directive, but recorded to facilitate understanding the speech of revelers. The research has shown that all the symbolic elements of aesthetic expression of the maracatu are permeated by clashes of historical contexts and of political representation, which, in another instance, also enunciates a fight of micro-community resistance regarding the renewal process and the social development that plague modern megalopolis. It is In this interim, between modernity and tradition that today it can be spoken about the existence of hybrid identity in the maracatu regarding a context mediated by the overall above mentioned values and customs specific of the new generations. However, one can not deny that the forms of negotiations with modernity also require the establishment of a link with the specific singularity of a popular culture that is not excluded, but also should not get invaded by the idea of authenticity. Therefore, performing this study was above all an opportunity to understand also the community life in the city outskirts, understanding society, culture and everyday social relations maintained between humans that produce and make it all happen. The Solar and Reis de Paus do not join in opposition between themselves nor by their similarity. What is most striking among them is the renewal of a tradition that reinvents itself in the form of popular representation across the street parade


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This dissertation is about an Education which is made concrete through orality and gestuality of the elderly joking masters of the territory of Mato Grande/RN and proposes a reflection about the exchange between these two knowledges and school education. Thus, it presents the following objectives: identifying the joking elderly in the region; recording their life experiences related to the jokes of the tradition and the way they realize such references at present; besides investigating and recording educative practices which consider the elderly s jokes at the present education. The investigation is supported by the metaphor in the making of a quilt as a methodological resource in the actions of measurement, choice of patches, sewing and binding off. The mapping of the territory of Mato Grande/RN has enabled the identification of seventeen joking elderly people. It considers and records their experiences with the popular amusements and from them, it discusses the ways through which the oral tradition in Mato Grande may be recognized in four categories/actions, namely, narrating, singing, dancing and getting old, which are analyzed under the studies by authors like Benjamin, Zumthor, Almeida, Porpino, among others. Finally, it also focuses the relation between the elderly, the knowledge of the tradition and the systemized education. It describes and articulates educative actions able to connect the knowledge by the joking elderly people and the knowledges taught at school, possibilities of concretization of a rebinding of knowledges which might bring orality and writing, the new and the old, science and tradition close to each other


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Taking from starting point the contact with the experience of a dancing body language group at Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) II in Fortaleza-CE, aiming to investigate the relationship between what we denominate dancing-dispositive and the process of de-institutionalization of insanity. Based in the philosophy of difference and in the cartographic perspective, we used the concept of dispositive in order to make visible the lines that compose it and the way they tangle in the production of different ways of subjectivation through another form of expression using the body. We followed two fortnight groups of body language recording the conversations that took place in the beginning and in the end of the activities. We also recorded our informal talks with the workshopper, with the psychiatrist responsible for the course of formation of artists of CAPS and the choreographer who was part of the artistic formation of the workshopper aiming to elucidate the body, dance and art conceptions which guided such work. Finally, we interviewed some technicians and we participated of a meeting of the team aiming to understand how that activity was perceived. We observed that the use of certain conception of dance in the field of mental health is in consonance with the the Phychiatric Reform, since it provides another way of dealing with the body, different from that produced by the contention and by the discipline. Nevertheless, we understood that there is a risk that, in some moments, the group being more a place of normalization than one of experimenting other ways of relating with yourself and with the others. We also noted that the dancing-dispositive appears as an important analyzer of the connections established at CAPS, indicating a need of the service to be more opened to the production of new care and harboring strategies, breaking the mental health facility logic of incarceration of life which still persists in the quotidian of that institution


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Compartilho fragmentos da dissertação que trata de uma Educação que se concretiza na oralidade e na gestualidade dos velhos mestres brincantes do território do Mato Grande/RN e propõe uma reflexão sobre o trânsito entre esses saberes e a educação escolar. Assim, assume os seguintes objetivos: identificar os velhos mestres brincantes da região do Mato Grande, registrar suas experiências de vida relacionadas às brincadeiras da tradição e o modo como os mesmos percebem essas referências na atualidade, investigar e registrar práticas educativas que considerem as brincadeiras dos velhos na educação atual. Assim realiza um mapeamento do território do Mato Grande/RN a partir do qual identifica dezessete velhos brincantes. Considera e registra suas experiências com os folguedos populares e a partir desses registros passa a discutir os modos pelos quais a tradição oral do Mato Grande pode ser reconhecida a partir das ações: narrar, cantar e dançar. Por último, lança um olhar para a relação entre o velho, o conhecimento da tradição e a educação sistematizada


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This dissertation seeks to reflect about the relations between danced movement and body space (Kinesphere), and their contributions to the expansion of the expressive possibilities of the subject on dancing. According to Rudolf Laban there is no space that is empty, because it is always being modified and signified at every moment by the movement. Space exists because we interact with it, at the same time movement occours configuring a signifcant space that is incessantly transformed. In this sense, space, body and movement appear in this research as interconnected and interdependent. For this discussion we have as main interlocutor the studies of Rudolf Laban. The nature of this research is qualitative and descriptive. This is a context that embraces the phenomenon of dance and as such it is based on a dimension that doesn't deal with mensurability, but with the art scene, fruitful in its infinite openness to the creation of multiple significances for what has been lived. We also propose to present a report about the practical study developed in the discipline Coreologia in the licentiate course of Dance in UFRN, as well as the analysis of the interviews applied to students of this curricular component. The questions were developed in a way that lead to a reflection about the experience of those interviewed in this discipline, thus generating material for us to discuss how the students perceive dance based on the relational study between space and movement. We realize that this study may favor an understanding of the relations that the experienced movement in the act of the dance weaves along the spatiality that receives and fills our bodies, resignifying the vision of a space which is restrict to the mere place were the body moves and occupies. It also favors the reflections concerning the body that moves and creates spatiality when dancing, thereby bringing to the Performing Arts a chance to think and to experience on the expansion of the expressive gesture in dance and beyond it, led by the recognition of the principles that organize human movement pointed by Laban. It also contributes on the formation of the students in licentiate courses of Dance by questioning the ways to appropriate the contents worked in a graduation discipline as regards to the availability of the body for dance. This dissertation is divided in three parts, called Impulsos. In the First Impulso: “Primeiros Gestos Textuais”, we find an introduction to concepts and ideas of body, movement and space that permeates all the work. In the Second Impulso: "Nós", the triad body-space-motion is discussed using the metaphorical image of a knot that binds these three concepts. The third and final Impulso: "Enlaces" deal with impressions and discoveries lived during the experimentation of the principles of inter-actions studied here, in the lessons of the already mentioned discipline